using Comfort.Common; using EFT; using EFT.UI; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using System.Reflection; using CWX_DebuggingTool.Models; namespace CWX_DebuggingTool { public sealed class BotmonClass : MonoBehaviour { private GUIContent _guiContent; private GUIStyle _textStyle; private Player _player; private Dictionary> _zoneAndPlayers = new Dictionary>(); private Dictionary _playerRoleAndDiff = new Dictionary(); private List _zones; private GameWorld _gameWorld; private GameObject _mainCamera; private IBotGame _botGame; private Rect _rect; private string _content = ""; private Vector2 _guiSize; private float _distance; private BotmonClass() { } public BotMonitorMode Mode { get; set; } ~BotmonClass() { ConsoleScreen.Log("BotMonitor Disabled on game end"); } public void Awake() { // Get GameWorld Instance _gameWorld = Singleton.Instance; // Get BotGame Instance _botGame = Singleton.Instance; // Get Player from GameWorld _player = _gameWorld.MainPlayer; // Get Player Camera _mainCamera = GameObject.Find("FPS Camera"); // Make new rect to use for GUI _rect = new Rect(0, 60, 0, 0); // Get all BotZones _zones = LocationScene.GetAllObjects().ToList(); // Set up the Dictionary foreach (var botZone in _zones) { _zoneAndPlayers.Add(, new List()); } // Add existing Bots to list if (_gameWorld.AllAlivePlayersList.Count > 1) { foreach (var player in _gameWorld.AllAlivePlayersList) { if (player.IsYourPlayer) continue; _playerRoleAndDiff.Add(player.ProfileId, GetBotRoleAndDiffClass(player.Profile.Info)); var theirZone = player.AIData.BotOwner.BotsGroup.BotZone.NameZone; _zoneAndPlayers[theirZone].Add(player); } } // Sub to Event to get and add Bot when they spawn _botGame.BotsController.BotSpawner.OnBotCreated += owner => { var player = owner.GetPlayer; _zoneAndPlayers[owner.BotsGroup.BotZone.NameZone].Add(player); _playerRoleAndDiff.Add(player.ProfileId, GetBotRoleAndDiffClass(player.Profile.Info)); }; // Sub to event to get and remove Bot when they despawn _botGame.BotsController.BotSpawner.OnBotRemoved += owner => { var player = owner.GetPlayer; _zoneAndPlayers[owner.BotsGroup.BotZone.NameZone].Remove(player); _playerRoleAndDiff.Remove(player.ProfileId); }; } public BotRoleAndDiffClass GetBotRoleAndDiffClass(InfoClass info) { var settings = info.GetType().GetField("Settings", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(info); var role = settings.GetType().GetField("Role", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).GetValue(settings).ToString(); var diff = settings.GetType().GetField("BotDifficulty", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).GetValue(settings).ToString(); return new BotRoleAndDiffClass(string.IsNullOrEmpty(role) ? "" : role, string.IsNullOrEmpty(diff) ? "" : diff); } public float GetRotationToPlayer(Player player, Player bot) { var directionToTarget = player.CameraPosition.position - bot.Transform.position; directionToTarget.y = 0; var targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(directionToTarget, Vector3.up); var degreeOfRot = Quaternion.Angle(player.CameraPosition.rotation, targetRotation); return degreeOfRot; } public void OnGUI() { // set basics on GUI if (_textStyle == null) { _textStyle = new GUIStyle(; _textStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; _textStyle.fontSize = 14; _textStyle.margin = new RectOffset(3, 3, 3, 3); } // new GUI Content if (_guiContent == null) { _guiContent = new GUIContent(); } _content = string.Empty; if (Mode >= BotMonitorMode.DelayedSpawn) { _content += $"Alive & Loading = {_botGame.BotsController.BotSpawner.AliveAndLoadingBotsCount}\n"; _content += $"Delayed Bots = {_botGame.BotsController.BotSpawner.BotsDelayed}\n"; _content += $"All Bots With Delayed = {_botGame.BotsController.BotSpawner.AllBotsWithDelayed}\n"; } // If Mode Greater than or equal to Total show total if (Mode >= BotMonitorMode.Total) { _content += $"Total = {_gameWorld.AllAlivePlayersList.Count - 1}\n"; } // If Mode Greater than or equal to PerZoneTotal show total for each zone if (Mode >= BotMonitorMode.PerZoneTotal && _zoneAndPlayers != null) { foreach (var zone in _zoneAndPlayers) { if (_zoneAndPlayers[zone.Key].FindAll(x => x.HealthController.IsAlive).Count <= 0) continue; _content += $"{zone.Key} = {_zoneAndPlayers[zone.Key].FindAll(x => x.HealthController.IsAlive).Count}\n"; // If Mode Greater than or equal to FullList show Bots individually also if (Mode < BotMonitorMode.FullList) continue; foreach (var player in _zoneAndPlayers[zone.Key].Where(player => player.HealthController.IsAlive)) { // if (Mode == BotMonitorMode.Directions) // { // // get bot direction from player // _content += $"[{GetRotationToPlayer(_player, player)}]"; // } _distance = Vector3.Distance(player.Transform.position, _player.CameraPosition.position); _content += $"> [{_distance:n2}m] [{_playerRoleAndDiff.First(x => x.Key == player.ProfileId).Value.Role}] " + $"[{player.Profile.Side}] [{_playerRoleAndDiff.First(x => x.Key == player.ProfileId).Value.Difficulty}] {player.Profile.Nickname}\n"; } } } _guiContent.text = _content; _guiSize = _textStyle.CalcSize(_guiContent); _rect.x = Screen.width - _guiSize.x - 5f; _rect.width = _guiSize.x; _rect.height = _guiSize.y; GUI.Box(_rect, _guiContent, _textStyle); } } }