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using dnlib.DotNet;
using dnlib.DotNet.Emit;
2024-06-22 12:39:10 -04:00
using ReCodeIt.Utils;
using System.Diagnostics;
2024-11-02 21:30:02 -04:00
using ReCodeIt.ReMapper;
2024-06-22 12:39:10 -04:00
namespace ReCodeItLib.Remapper;
public static class Deobfuscator
public static void Deobfuscate(string assemblyPath, bool isLauncher = false)
2024-06-22 12:39:10 -04:00
2024-08-09 21:55:31 +01:00
var executablePath = Path.Combine(DataProvider.DataPath, "De4dot", "de4dot.exe");
2024-06-22 12:39:10 -04:00
string token;
ModuleContext modCtx = ModuleDef.CreateModuleContext();
ModuleDefMD module = ModuleDefMD.Load(assemblyPath, modCtx);
var potentialStringDelegates = new List<MethodDef>();
2024-06-22 12:39:10 -04:00
foreach (var type in module.GetTypes())
foreach (var method in type.Methods)
2024-06-22 12:39:10 -04:00
if (method.ReturnType.FullName != "System.String"
|| method.Parameters.Count != 1
|| method.Parameters[0].Type.FullName != "System.Int32"
|| method.Body == null
|| !method.IsStatic)
2024-06-22 12:39:10 -04:00
2024-06-22 12:39:10 -04:00
if (!method.Body.Instructions.Any(x =>
x.OpCode.Code == Code.Callvirt &&
((IMethodDefOrRef)x.Operand).FullName == "System.Object System.AppDomain::GetData(System.String)"))
2024-06-22 12:39:10 -04:00
2024-06-22 12:39:10 -04:00
2024-06-22 12:39:10 -04:00
if (potentialStringDelegates.Count != 1)
Logger.Log($"Expected to find 1 potential string delegate method; found {potentialStringDelegates.Count}. Candidates: {string.Join("\r\n", potentialStringDelegates.Select(x => x.FullName))}");
2024-06-22 12:39:10 -04:00
var methodDef = potentialStringDelegates[0];
MDToken deobfRid = methodDef.MDToken;
2024-06-22 12:39:10 -04:00
// Construct the token string (similar to Mono.Cecil's format)
token = $"0x{(deobfRid.Raw | deobfRid.Rid):x4}";
Console.WriteLine($"Deobfuscation token: {token}");
2024-06-22 12:39:10 -04:00
var cmd = isLauncher
2024-11-02 21:30:02 -04:00
? $"--un-name \"!^<>[a-z0-9]$&!^<>[a-z0-9]__.*$&![A-Z][A-Z]\\$<>.*$&^[a-zA-Z_<{{$][a-zA-Z_0-9<>{{}}$.`-]*$\" \"{assemblyPath}\" --strtok \"{token}\""
: $"--un-name \"!^<>[a-z0-9]$&!^<>[a-z0-9]__.*$&![A-Z][A-Z]\\$<>.*$&^[a-zA-Z_<{{$][a-zA-Z_0-9<>{{}}$.`-]*$\" \"{assemblyPath}\" --strtyp delegate --strtok \"{token}\"";
var process = Process.Start(executablePath, cmd);
2024-06-22 12:39:10 -04:00
var extName = isLauncher ? "-cleaned.exe" : "-cleaned.dll";
2024-06-22 12:39:10 -04:00
// Fixes "ResolutionScope is null" by rewriting the assembly
var cleanedDllPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyPath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assemblyPath) + extName);
2024-06-22 12:39:10 -04:00
ModuleDefMD assemblyRewrite = null;
2024-06-22 12:39:10 -04:00
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(cleanedDllPath)))
assemblyRewrite = ModuleDefMD.Load(memoryStream, modCtx);
2024-11-02 21:30:02 -04:00
if (isLauncher)
SPTPublicizer.PublicizeClasses(assemblyRewrite, true);
2024-11-02 21:30:02 -04:00
2024-06-22 12:39:10 -04:00
2024-06-22 12:39:10 -04:00