diff --git a/AssemblyRemapperGUI/Form1.Designer.cs b/AssemblyRemapperGUI/Form1.Designer.cs
index 61bad07..cf0df72 100644
--- a/AssemblyRemapperGUI/Form1.Designer.cs
+++ b/AssemblyRemapperGUI/Form1.Designer.cs
@@ -31,30 +31,9 @@ partial class AssemblyToolGUI
components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
bindingSource1 = new BindingSource(components);
TabPageRemapper = new TabPage();
+ RemapTreeView = new TreeView();
groupBox1 = new GroupBox();
ScoreButton = new Button();
- groupBox3 = new GroupBox();
- IsInterfaceUpDown = new DomainUpDown();
- NestedTypeParentName = new TextBox();
- BaseClassExcludeTextField = new TextBox();
- MethodCountEnabled = new CheckBox();
- NestedTypeCountUpDown = new NumericUpDown();
- BaseClassIncludeTextFIeld = new TextBox();
- FieldCountEnabled = new CheckBox();
- PropertyCountUpDown = new NumericUpDown();
- PropertyCountEnabled = new CheckBox();
- NestedTypeCountEnabled = new CheckBox();
- FieldCountUpDown = new NumericUpDown();
- MethodCountUpDown = new NumericUpDown();
- HasGenericParametersUpDown = new DomainUpDown();
- IsDerivedUpDown = new DomainUpDown();
- HasAttributeUpDown = new DomainUpDown();
- IsSealedUpDown = new DomainUpDown();
- IsNestedUpDown = new DomainUpDown();
- IsEnumUpDown = new DomainUpDown();
- IsAbstractUpDown = new DomainUpDown();
- IsPublicUpDown = new DomainUpDown();
- RemoveRemapButton = new Button();
Inclusions = new TabControl();
tabPage1 = new TabPage();
ExcludeMethodTextBox = new TextBox();
@@ -84,7 +63,6 @@ partial class AssemblyToolGUI
PropertiesExcludeBox = new ListBox();
PropertiesIncludeBox = new ListBox();
tabPage4 = new TabPage();
- groupBox6 = new GroupBox();
NestedTypesExcludeTextField = new TextBox();
NestedTypesIncludeTextField = new TextBox();
NestedTypesExcludeRemoveButton = new Button();
@@ -93,12 +71,31 @@ partial class AssemblyToolGUI
NestedTypesAddButton = new Button();
NestedTypesExcludeBox = new ListBox();
NestedTypesIncludeBox = new ListBox();
- AddRemapButton = new Button();
- groupBox2 = new GroupBox();
- ForceRenameCheckbox = new CheckBox();
- OriginalTypeName = new TextBox();
NewTypeName = new TextBox();
- RemapListView = new ListView();
+ ForceRenameCheckbox = new CheckBox();
+ PropertyCountEnabled = new CheckBox();
+ IsInterfaceUpDown = new DomainUpDown();
+ NestedTypeCountEnabled = new CheckBox();
+ PropertyCountUpDown = new NumericUpDown();
+ RemoveRemapButton = new Button();
+ FieldCountUpDown = new NumericUpDown();
+ IsPublicUpDown = new DomainUpDown();
+ FieldCountEnabled = new CheckBox();
+ NestedTypeParentName = new TextBox();
+ MethodCountUpDown = new NumericUpDown();
+ IsAbstractUpDown = new DomainUpDown();
+ BaseClassIncludeTextFIeld = new TextBox();
+ OriginalTypeName = new TextBox();
+ HasGenericParametersUpDown = new DomainUpDown();
+ IsEnumUpDown = new DomainUpDown();
+ NestedTypeCountUpDown = new NumericUpDown();
+ AddRemapButton = new Button();
+ IsDerivedUpDown = new DomainUpDown();
+ IsNestedUpDown = new DomainUpDown();
+ HasAttributeUpDown = new DomainUpDown();
+ BaseClassExcludeTextField = new TextBox();
+ MethodCountEnabled = new CheckBox();
+ IsSealedUpDown = new DomainUpDown();
TabControlMain = new TabControl();
menuStrip1 = new MenuStrip();
SettingsButton = new ToolStripMenuItem();
@@ -106,17 +103,15 @@ partial class AssemblyToolGUI
- groupBox3.SuspendLayout();
- ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)NestedTypeCountUpDown).BeginInit();
- ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)PropertyCountUpDown).BeginInit();
- ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)FieldCountUpDown).BeginInit();
- ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)MethodCountUpDown).BeginInit();
- groupBox2.SuspendLayout();
+ ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)PropertyCountUpDown).BeginInit();
+ ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)FieldCountUpDown).BeginInit();
+ ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)MethodCountUpDown).BeginInit();
+ ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)NestedTypeCountUpDown).BeginInit();
@@ -124,8 +119,8 @@ partial class AssemblyToolGUI
// TabPageRemapper
TabPageRemapper.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDarkDark;
+ TabPageRemapper.Controls.Add(RemapTreeView);
- TabPageRemapper.Controls.Add(RemapListView);
TabPageRemapper.Location = new Point(4, 34);
TabPageRemapper.Name = "TabPageRemapper";
TabPageRemapper.Padding = new Padding(3);
@@ -133,24 +128,52 @@ partial class AssemblyToolGUI
TabPageRemapper.TabIndex = 1;
TabPageRemapper.Text = "Remapper";
+ // RemapTreeView
+ //
+ RemapTreeView.Location = new Point(781, 20);
+ RemapTreeView.Name = "RemapTreeView";
+ RemapTreeView.Size = new Size(487, 890);
+ RemapTreeView.TabIndex = 1;
+ //
// groupBox1
- groupBox1.Controls.Add(groupBox3);
- groupBox1.Controls.Add(RemoveRemapButton);
+ groupBox1.Controls.Add(NewTypeName);
+ groupBox1.Controls.Add(ForceRenameCheckbox);
+ groupBox1.Controls.Add(PropertyCountEnabled);
+ groupBox1.Controls.Add(IsInterfaceUpDown);
+ groupBox1.Controls.Add(NestedTypeCountEnabled);
+ groupBox1.Controls.Add(PropertyCountUpDown);
+ groupBox1.Controls.Add(RemoveRemapButton);
+ groupBox1.Controls.Add(FieldCountUpDown);
+ groupBox1.Controls.Add(IsPublicUpDown);
+ groupBox1.Controls.Add(FieldCountEnabled);
+ groupBox1.Controls.Add(NestedTypeParentName);
+ groupBox1.Controls.Add(MethodCountUpDown);
+ groupBox1.Controls.Add(IsAbstractUpDown);
+ groupBox1.Controls.Add(BaseClassIncludeTextFIeld);
+ groupBox1.Controls.Add(OriginalTypeName);
+ groupBox1.Controls.Add(HasGenericParametersUpDown);
+ groupBox1.Controls.Add(IsEnumUpDown);
+ groupBox1.Controls.Add(NestedTypeCountUpDown);
- groupBox1.Controls.Add(groupBox2);
- groupBox1.Location = new Point(6, 11);
+ groupBox1.Controls.Add(IsDerivedUpDown);
+ groupBox1.Controls.Add(IsNestedUpDown);
+ groupBox1.Controls.Add(HasAttributeUpDown);
+ groupBox1.Controls.Add(BaseClassExcludeTextField);
+ groupBox1.Controls.Add(MethodCountEnabled);
+ groupBox1.Controls.Add(IsSealedUpDown);
+ groupBox1.Location = new Point(6, 6);
groupBox1.Name = "groupBox1";
- groupBox1.Size = new Size(769, 1058);
+ groupBox1.Size = new Size(769, 904);
groupBox1.TabIndex = 0;
groupBox1.TabStop = false;
groupBox1.Text = "Remap Editor";
// ScoreButton
- ScoreButton.Location = new Point(356, 914);
+ ScoreButton.Location = new Point(580, 145);
ScoreButton.Name = "ScoreButton";
ScoreButton.Size = new Size(168, 34);
ScoreButton.TabIndex = 5;
@@ -158,236 +181,6 @@ partial class AssemblyToolGUI
ScoreButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
ScoreButton.Click += ScoreButton_Click;
- // groupBox3
- //
- groupBox3.Controls.Add(IsInterfaceUpDown);
- groupBox3.Controls.Add(NestedTypeParentName);
- groupBox3.Controls.Add(BaseClassExcludeTextField);
- groupBox3.Controls.Add(MethodCountEnabled);
- groupBox3.Controls.Add(NestedTypeCountUpDown);
- groupBox3.Controls.Add(BaseClassIncludeTextFIeld);
- groupBox3.Controls.Add(FieldCountEnabled);
- groupBox3.Controls.Add(PropertyCountUpDown);
- groupBox3.Controls.Add(PropertyCountEnabled);
- groupBox3.Controls.Add(NestedTypeCountEnabled);
- groupBox3.Controls.Add(FieldCountUpDown);
- groupBox3.Controls.Add(MethodCountUpDown);
- groupBox3.Controls.Add(HasGenericParametersUpDown);
- groupBox3.Controls.Add(IsDerivedUpDown);
- groupBox3.Controls.Add(HasAttributeUpDown);
- groupBox3.Controls.Add(IsSealedUpDown);
- groupBox3.Controls.Add(IsNestedUpDown);
- groupBox3.Controls.Add(IsEnumUpDown);
- groupBox3.Controls.Add(IsAbstractUpDown);
- groupBox3.Controls.Add(IsPublicUpDown);
- groupBox3.Location = new Point(6, 124);
- groupBox3.Name = "groupBox3";
- groupBox3.Size = new Size(751, 323);
- groupBox3.TabIndex = 4;
- groupBox3.TabStop = false;
- groupBox3.Text = "General";
- //
- // IsInterfaceUpDown
- //
- IsInterfaceUpDown.Items.Add("False");
- IsInterfaceUpDown.Items.Add("True");
- IsInterfaceUpDown.Location = new Point(10, 106);
- IsInterfaceUpDown.Name = "IsInterfaceUpDown";
- IsInterfaceUpDown.Size = new Size(208, 31);
- IsInterfaceUpDown.Sorted = true;
- IsInterfaceUpDown.TabIndex = 15;
- IsInterfaceUpDown.Text = "IsInterface";
- //
- // NestedTypeParentName
- //
- NestedTypeParentName.Location = new Point(10, 226);
- NestedTypeParentName.Name = "NestedTypeParentName";
- NestedTypeParentName.PlaceholderText = "Nested Type Parent Name";
- NestedTypeParentName.Size = new Size(208, 31);
- NestedTypeParentName.TabIndex = 0;
- //
- // BaseClassExcludeTextField
- //
- BaseClassExcludeTextField.Location = new Point(224, 263);
- BaseClassExcludeTextField.Name = "BaseClassExcludeTextField";
- BaseClassExcludeTextField.PlaceholderText = "Exclude Base Class";
- BaseClassExcludeTextField.Size = new Size(208, 31);
- BaseClassExcludeTextField.TabIndex = 1;
- //
- // MethodCountEnabled
- //
- MethodCountEnabled.AutoSize = true;
- MethodCountEnabled.Location = new Point(537, 30);
- MethodCountEnabled.Name = "MethodCountEnabled";
- MethodCountEnabled.Size = new Size(154, 29);
- MethodCountEnabled.TabIndex = 14;
- MethodCountEnabled.Text = "Method Count";
- MethodCountEnabled.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
- //
- // NestedTypeCountUpDown
- //
- NestedTypeCountUpDown.Location = new Point(474, 141);
- NestedTypeCountUpDown.Name = "NestedTypeCountUpDown";
- NestedTypeCountUpDown.Size = new Size(55, 31);
- NestedTypeCountUpDown.TabIndex = 4;
- //
- // BaseClassIncludeTextFIeld
- //
- BaseClassIncludeTextFIeld.Location = new Point(10, 263);
- BaseClassIncludeTextFIeld.Name = "BaseClassIncludeTextFIeld";
- BaseClassIncludeTextFIeld.PlaceholderText = "Include Base Class";
- BaseClassIncludeTextFIeld.Size = new Size(208, 31);
- BaseClassIncludeTextFIeld.TabIndex = 2;
- //
- // FieldCountEnabled
- //
- FieldCountEnabled.AutoSize = true;
- FieldCountEnabled.Location = new Point(537, 71);
- FieldCountEnabled.Name = "FieldCountEnabled";
- FieldCountEnabled.Size = new Size(128, 29);
- FieldCountEnabled.TabIndex = 13;
- FieldCountEnabled.Text = "Field Count";
- FieldCountEnabled.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
- //
- // PropertyCountUpDown
- //
- PropertyCountUpDown.Location = new Point(474, 104);
- PropertyCountUpDown.Name = "PropertyCountUpDown";
- PropertyCountUpDown.Size = new Size(55, 31);
- PropertyCountUpDown.TabIndex = 5;
- //
- // PropertyCountEnabled
- //
- PropertyCountEnabled.AutoSize = true;
- PropertyCountEnabled.Location = new Point(537, 106);
- PropertyCountEnabled.Name = "PropertyCountEnabled";
- PropertyCountEnabled.Size = new Size(159, 29);
- PropertyCountEnabled.TabIndex = 11;
- PropertyCountEnabled.Text = "Property Count";
- PropertyCountEnabled.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
- //
- // NestedTypeCountEnabled
- //
- NestedTypeCountEnabled.AutoSize = true;
- NestedTypeCountEnabled.Location = new Point(537, 141);
- NestedTypeCountEnabled.Name = "NestedTypeCountEnabled";
- NestedTypeCountEnabled.Size = new Size(189, 29);
- NestedTypeCountEnabled.TabIndex = 12;
- NestedTypeCountEnabled.Text = "Nested Type Count";
- NestedTypeCountEnabled.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
- //
- // FieldCountUpDown
- //
- FieldCountUpDown.Location = new Point(474, 67);
- FieldCountUpDown.Name = "FieldCountUpDown";
- FieldCountUpDown.Size = new Size(55, 31);
- FieldCountUpDown.TabIndex = 3;
- //
- // MethodCountUpDown
- //
- MethodCountUpDown.Location = new Point(474, 30);
- MethodCountUpDown.Name = "MethodCountUpDown";
- MethodCountUpDown.Size = new Size(55, 31);
- MethodCountUpDown.TabIndex = 6;
- //
- // HasGenericParametersUpDown
- //
- HasGenericParametersUpDown.Items.Add("False");
- HasGenericParametersUpDown.Items.Add("True");
- HasGenericParametersUpDown.Location = new Point(224, 108);
- HasGenericParametersUpDown.Name = "HasGenericParametersUpDown";
- HasGenericParametersUpDown.Size = new Size(208, 31);
- HasGenericParametersUpDown.Sorted = true;
- HasGenericParametersUpDown.TabIndex = 7;
- HasGenericParametersUpDown.Text = "HasGenericParameters";
- //
- // IsDerivedUpDown
- //
- IsDerivedUpDown.Items.Add("False");
- IsDerivedUpDown.Items.Add("True");
- IsDerivedUpDown.Location = new Point(224, 71);
- IsDerivedUpDown.Name = "IsDerivedUpDown";
- IsDerivedUpDown.Size = new Size(208, 31);
- IsDerivedUpDown.Sorted = true;
- IsDerivedUpDown.TabIndex = 6;
- IsDerivedUpDown.Text = "IsDerived";
- //
- // HasAttributeUpDown
- //
- HasAttributeUpDown.Items.Add("False");
- HasAttributeUpDown.Items.Add("True");
- HasAttributeUpDown.Location = new Point(224, 30);
- HasAttributeUpDown.Name = "HasAttributeUpDown";
- HasAttributeUpDown.Size = new Size(208, 31);
- HasAttributeUpDown.Sorted = true;
- HasAttributeUpDown.TabIndex = 5;
- HasAttributeUpDown.Text = "HasAttribute";
- //
- // IsSealedUpDown
- //
- IsSealedUpDown.Items.Add("False");
- IsSealedUpDown.Items.Add("True");
- IsSealedUpDown.Location = new Point(10, 141);
- IsSealedUpDown.Name = "IsSealedUpDown";
- IsSealedUpDown.Size = new Size(208, 31);
- IsSealedUpDown.Sorted = true;
- IsSealedUpDown.TabIndex = 4;
- IsSealedUpDown.Text = "IsSealed";
- //
- // IsNestedUpDown
- //
- IsNestedUpDown.Items.Add("False");
- IsNestedUpDown.Items.Add("True");
- IsNestedUpDown.Location = new Point(224, 145);
- IsNestedUpDown.Name = "IsNestedUpDown";
- IsNestedUpDown.Size = new Size(208, 31);
- IsNestedUpDown.Sorted = true;
- IsNestedUpDown.TabIndex = 3;
- IsNestedUpDown.Text = "IsNested";
- //
- // IsEnumUpDown
- //
- IsEnumUpDown.Items.Add("False");
- IsEnumUpDown.Items.Add("True");
- IsEnumUpDown.Location = new Point(10, 178);
- IsEnumUpDown.Name = "IsEnumUpDown";
- IsEnumUpDown.Size = new Size(208, 31);
- IsEnumUpDown.Sorted = true;
- IsEnumUpDown.TabIndex = 2;
- IsEnumUpDown.Text = "IsEnum";
- //
- // IsAbstractUpDown
- //
- IsAbstractUpDown.Items.Add("False");
- IsAbstractUpDown.Items.Add("True");
- IsAbstractUpDown.Location = new Point(10, 67);
- IsAbstractUpDown.Name = "IsAbstractUpDown";
- IsAbstractUpDown.Size = new Size(208, 31);
- IsAbstractUpDown.Sorted = true;
- IsAbstractUpDown.TabIndex = 1;
- IsAbstractUpDown.Text = "IsAbstract";
- //
- // IsPublicUpDown
- //
- IsPublicUpDown.Items.Add("False");
- IsPublicUpDown.Items.Add("True");
- IsPublicUpDown.Location = new Point(10, 30);
- IsPublicUpDown.Name = "IsPublicUpDown";
- IsPublicUpDown.Size = new Size(208, 31);
- IsPublicUpDown.Sorted = true;
- IsPublicUpDown.TabIndex = 0;
- IsPublicUpDown.Text = "IsPublic";
- //
- // RemoveRemapButton
- //
- RemoveRemapButton.Location = new Point(182, 914);
- RemoveRemapButton.Name = "RemoveRemapButton";
- RemoveRemapButton.Size = new Size(168, 34);
- RemoveRemapButton.TabIndex = 2;
- RemoveRemapButton.Text = "Remove Remap";
- RemoveRemapButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
- RemoveRemapButton.Click += RemoveRemapButton_Click;
- //
// Inclusions
@@ -679,7 +472,6 @@ partial class AssemblyToolGUI
// tabPage4
tabPage4.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDarkDark;
- tabPage4.Controls.Add(groupBox6);
@@ -695,15 +487,6 @@ partial class AssemblyToolGUI
tabPage4.TabIndex = 3;
tabPage4.Text = "Other";
- // groupBox6
- //
- groupBox6.Location = new Point(6, 328);
- groupBox6.Name = "groupBox6";
- groupBox6.Size = new Size(737, 422);
- groupBox6.TabIndex = 28;
- groupBox6.TabStop = false;
- groupBox6.Text = "Other";
- //
// NestedTypesExcludeTextField
NestedTypesExcludeTextField.Location = new Point(381, 6);
@@ -778,9 +561,179 @@ partial class AssemblyToolGUI
NestedTypesIncludeBox.Size = new Size(353, 229);
NestedTypesIncludeBox.TabIndex = 20;
+ // NewTypeName
+ //
+ NewTypeName.Location = new Point(10, 30);
+ NewTypeName.Name = "NewTypeName";
+ NewTypeName.PlaceholderText = "New Type Name";
+ NewTypeName.Size = new Size(208, 31);
+ NewTypeName.TabIndex = 0;
+ //
+ // ForceRenameCheckbox
+ //
+ ForceRenameCheckbox.AutoSize = true;
+ ForceRenameCheckbox.Location = new Point(580, 30);
+ ForceRenameCheckbox.Name = "ForceRenameCheckbox";
+ ForceRenameCheckbox.Size = new Size(183, 29);
+ ForceRenameCheckbox.TabIndex = 2;
+ ForceRenameCheckbox.Text = "Use Force Rename";
+ ForceRenameCheckbox.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ //
+ // PropertyCountEnabled
+ //
+ PropertyCountEnabled.AutoSize = true;
+ PropertyCountEnabled.Location = new Point(287, 258);
+ PropertyCountEnabled.Name = "PropertyCountEnabled";
+ PropertyCountEnabled.Size = new Size(159, 29);
+ PropertyCountEnabled.TabIndex = 11;
+ PropertyCountEnabled.Text = "Property Count";
+ PropertyCountEnabled.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ //
+ // IsInterfaceUpDown
+ //
+ IsInterfaceUpDown.Items.Add("Disabled");
+ IsInterfaceUpDown.Items.Add("False");
+ IsInterfaceUpDown.Items.Add("True");
+ IsInterfaceUpDown.Location = new Point(10, 183);
+ IsInterfaceUpDown.Name = "IsInterfaceUpDown";
+ IsInterfaceUpDown.Size = new Size(208, 31);
+ IsInterfaceUpDown.Sorted = true;
+ IsInterfaceUpDown.TabIndex = 15;
+ IsInterfaceUpDown.Text = "IsInterface";
+ //
+ // NestedTypeCountEnabled
+ //
+ NestedTypeCountEnabled.AutoSize = true;
+ NestedTypeCountEnabled.Location = new Point(287, 293);
+ NestedTypeCountEnabled.Name = "NestedTypeCountEnabled";
+ NestedTypeCountEnabled.Size = new Size(189, 29);
+ NestedTypeCountEnabled.TabIndex = 12;
+ NestedTypeCountEnabled.Text = "Nested Type Count";
+ NestedTypeCountEnabled.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ //
+ // PropertyCountUpDown
+ //
+ PropertyCountUpDown.Location = new Point(224, 258);
+ PropertyCountUpDown.Name = "PropertyCountUpDown";
+ PropertyCountUpDown.Size = new Size(55, 31);
+ PropertyCountUpDown.TabIndex = 5;
+ //
+ // RemoveRemapButton
+ //
+ RemoveRemapButton.Location = new Point(580, 105);
+ RemoveRemapButton.Name = "RemoveRemapButton";
+ RemoveRemapButton.Size = new Size(168, 34);
+ RemoveRemapButton.TabIndex = 2;
+ RemoveRemapButton.Text = "Remove Remap";
+ RemoveRemapButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ RemoveRemapButton.Click += RemoveRemapButton_Click;
+ //
+ // FieldCountUpDown
+ //
+ FieldCountUpDown.Location = new Point(224, 220);
+ FieldCountUpDown.Name = "FieldCountUpDown";
+ FieldCountUpDown.Size = new Size(55, 31);
+ FieldCountUpDown.TabIndex = 3;
+ //
+ // IsPublicUpDown
+ //
+ IsPublicUpDown.Items.Add("Disabled");
+ IsPublicUpDown.Items.Add("False");
+ IsPublicUpDown.Items.Add("True");
+ IsPublicUpDown.Location = new Point(10, 107);
+ IsPublicUpDown.Name = "IsPublicUpDown";
+ IsPublicUpDown.Size = new Size(208, 31);
+ IsPublicUpDown.Sorted = true;
+ IsPublicUpDown.TabIndex = 0;
+ IsPublicUpDown.Text = "IsPublic";
+ //
+ // FieldCountEnabled
+ //
+ FieldCountEnabled.AutoSize = true;
+ FieldCountEnabled.Location = new Point(287, 223);
+ FieldCountEnabled.Name = "FieldCountEnabled";
+ FieldCountEnabled.Size = new Size(128, 29);
+ FieldCountEnabled.TabIndex = 13;
+ FieldCountEnabled.Text = "Field Count";
+ FieldCountEnabled.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ //
+ // NestedTypeParentName
+ //
+ NestedTypeParentName.Location = new Point(224, 106);
+ NestedTypeParentName.Name = "NestedTypeParentName";
+ NestedTypeParentName.PlaceholderText = "Nested Type Parent Name";
+ NestedTypeParentName.Size = new Size(208, 31);
+ NestedTypeParentName.TabIndex = 0;
+ //
+ // MethodCountUpDown
+ //
+ MethodCountUpDown.Location = new Point(224, 182);
+ MethodCountUpDown.Name = "MethodCountUpDown";
+ MethodCountUpDown.Size = new Size(55, 31);
+ MethodCountUpDown.TabIndex = 6;
+ //
+ // IsAbstractUpDown
+ //
+ IsAbstractUpDown.Items.Add("Disabled");
+ IsAbstractUpDown.Items.Add("False");
+ IsAbstractUpDown.Items.Add("True");
+ IsAbstractUpDown.Location = new Point(10, 144);
+ IsAbstractUpDown.Name = "IsAbstractUpDown";
+ IsAbstractUpDown.Size = new Size(208, 31);
+ IsAbstractUpDown.Sorted = true;
+ IsAbstractUpDown.TabIndex = 1;
+ IsAbstractUpDown.Text = "IsAbstract";
+ //
+ // BaseClassIncludeTextFIeld
+ //
+ BaseClassIncludeTextFIeld.Location = new Point(224, 67);
+ BaseClassIncludeTextFIeld.Name = "BaseClassIncludeTextFIeld";
+ BaseClassIncludeTextFIeld.PlaceholderText = "Include Base Class";
+ BaseClassIncludeTextFIeld.Size = new Size(208, 31);
+ BaseClassIncludeTextFIeld.TabIndex = 2;
+ //
+ // OriginalTypeName
+ //
+ OriginalTypeName.Location = new Point(224, 30);
+ OriginalTypeName.Name = "OriginalTypeName";
+ OriginalTypeName.PlaceholderText = "Original Type Name";
+ OriginalTypeName.Size = new Size(208, 31);
+ OriginalTypeName.TabIndex = 1;
+ //
+ // HasGenericParametersUpDown
+ //
+ HasGenericParametersUpDown.Items.Add("Disabled");
+ HasGenericParametersUpDown.Items.Add("False");
+ HasGenericParametersUpDown.Items.Add("True");
+ HasGenericParametersUpDown.Location = new Point(10, 366);
+ HasGenericParametersUpDown.Name = "HasGenericParametersUpDown";
+ HasGenericParametersUpDown.Size = new Size(208, 31);
+ HasGenericParametersUpDown.Sorted = true;
+ HasGenericParametersUpDown.TabIndex = 7;
+ HasGenericParametersUpDown.Text = "HasGenericParameters";
+ //
+ // IsEnumUpDown
+ //
+ IsEnumUpDown.Items.Add("Disabled");
+ IsEnumUpDown.Items.Add("False");
+ IsEnumUpDown.Items.Add("True");
+ IsEnumUpDown.Location = new Point(10, 255);
+ IsEnumUpDown.Name = "IsEnumUpDown";
+ IsEnumUpDown.Size = new Size(208, 31);
+ IsEnumUpDown.Sorted = true;
+ IsEnumUpDown.TabIndex = 2;
+ IsEnumUpDown.Text = "IsEnum";
+ //
+ // NestedTypeCountUpDown
+ //
+ NestedTypeCountUpDown.Location = new Point(224, 296);
+ NestedTypeCountUpDown.Name = "NestedTypeCountUpDown";
+ NestedTypeCountUpDown.Size = new Size(55, 31);
+ NestedTypeCountUpDown.TabIndex = 4;
+ //
// AddRemapButton
- AddRemapButton.Location = new Point(8, 914);
+ AddRemapButton.Location = new Point(580, 64);
AddRemapButton.Name = "AddRemapButton";
AddRemapButton.Size = new Size(168, 34);
AddRemapButton.TabIndex = 4;
@@ -788,52 +741,71 @@ partial class AssemblyToolGUI
AddRemapButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
AddRemapButton.Click += AddRemapButton_Click;
- // groupBox2
+ // IsDerivedUpDown
- groupBox2.Controls.Add(ForceRenameCheckbox);
- groupBox2.Controls.Add(OriginalTypeName);
- groupBox2.Controls.Add(NewTypeName);
- groupBox2.Location = new Point(6, 30);
- groupBox2.Name = "groupBox2";
- groupBox2.Size = new Size(757, 79);
- groupBox2.TabIndex = 3;
- groupBox2.TabStop = false;
- groupBox2.Text = "Main settings";
+ IsDerivedUpDown.Items.Add("Disabled");
+ IsDerivedUpDown.Items.Add("False");
+ IsDerivedUpDown.Items.Add("True");
+ IsDerivedUpDown.Location = new Point(10, 329);
+ IsDerivedUpDown.Name = "IsDerivedUpDown";
+ IsDerivedUpDown.Size = new Size(208, 31);
+ IsDerivedUpDown.Sorted = true;
+ IsDerivedUpDown.TabIndex = 6;
+ IsDerivedUpDown.Text = "IsDerived";
- // ForceRenameCheckbox
+ // IsNestedUpDown
- ForceRenameCheckbox.AutoSize = true;
- ForceRenameCheckbox.Location = new Point(568, 32);
- ForceRenameCheckbox.Name = "ForceRenameCheckbox";
- ForceRenameCheckbox.Size = new Size(183, 29);
- ForceRenameCheckbox.TabIndex = 2;
- ForceRenameCheckbox.Text = "Use Force Rename";
- ForceRenameCheckbox.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ IsNestedUpDown.Items.Add("Disabled");
+ IsNestedUpDown.Items.Add("False");
+ IsNestedUpDown.Items.Add("True");
+ IsNestedUpDown.Location = new Point(10, 68);
+ IsNestedUpDown.Name = "IsNestedUpDown";
+ IsNestedUpDown.Size = new Size(208, 31);
+ IsNestedUpDown.Sorted = true;
+ IsNestedUpDown.TabIndex = 3;
+ IsNestedUpDown.Text = "IsNested";
- // OriginalTypeName
+ // HasAttributeUpDown
- OriginalTypeName.Location = new Point(288, 30);
- OriginalTypeName.Name = "OriginalTypeName";
- OriginalTypeName.PlaceholderText = "Original Type Name";
- OriginalTypeName.Size = new Size(250, 31);
- OriginalTypeName.TabIndex = 1;
+ HasAttributeUpDown.Items.Add("Disabled");
+ HasAttributeUpDown.Items.Add("False");
+ HasAttributeUpDown.Items.Add("True");
+ HasAttributeUpDown.Location = new Point(10, 292);
+ HasAttributeUpDown.Name = "HasAttributeUpDown";
+ HasAttributeUpDown.Size = new Size(208, 31);
+ HasAttributeUpDown.Sorted = true;
+ HasAttributeUpDown.TabIndex = 5;
+ HasAttributeUpDown.Text = "HasAttribute";
- // NewTypeName
+ // BaseClassExcludeTextField
- NewTypeName.Location = new Point(6, 30);
- NewTypeName.Name = "NewTypeName";
- NewTypeName.PlaceholderText = "New Type Name";
- NewTypeName.Size = new Size(250, 31);
- NewTypeName.TabIndex = 0;
+ BaseClassExcludeTextField.Location = new Point(224, 145);
+ BaseClassExcludeTextField.Name = "BaseClassExcludeTextField";
+ BaseClassExcludeTextField.PlaceholderText = "Exclude Base Class";
+ BaseClassExcludeTextField.Size = new Size(208, 31);
+ BaseClassExcludeTextField.TabIndex = 1;
- // RemapListView
+ // MethodCountEnabled
- RemapListView.BackColor = SystemColors.AppWorkspace;
- RemapListView.Location = new Point(781, 21);
- RemapListView.Name = "RemapListView";
- RemapListView.Size = new Size(899, 446);
- RemapListView.TabIndex = 0;
- RemapListView.UseCompatibleStateImageBehavior = false;
+ MethodCountEnabled.AutoSize = true;
+ MethodCountEnabled.Location = new Point(287, 188);
+ MethodCountEnabled.Name = "MethodCountEnabled";
+ MethodCountEnabled.Size = new Size(154, 29);
+ MethodCountEnabled.TabIndex = 14;
+ MethodCountEnabled.Text = "Method Count";
+ MethodCountEnabled.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ //
+ // IsSealedUpDown
+ //
+ IsSealedUpDown.Items.Add("Disabled");
+ IsSealedUpDown.Items.Add("False");
+ IsSealedUpDown.Items.Add("True");
+ IsSealedUpDown.Location = new Point(10, 218);
+ IsSealedUpDown.Name = "IsSealedUpDown";
+ IsSealedUpDown.Size = new Size(208, 31);
+ IsSealedUpDown.Sorted = true;
+ IsSealedUpDown.TabIndex = 4;
+ IsSealedUpDown.Text = "IsSealed";
// TabControlMain
@@ -850,7 +822,7 @@ partial class AssemblyToolGUI
menuStrip1.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] { SettingsButton });
menuStrip1.Location = new Point(0, 0);
menuStrip1.Name = "menuStrip1";
- menuStrip1.Size = new Size(1708, 33);
+ menuStrip1.Size = new Size(1297, 33);
menuStrip1.TabIndex = 7;
menuStrip1.Text = "menuStrip1";
@@ -865,7 +837,7 @@ partial class AssemblyToolGUI
AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(10F, 25F);
AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font;
BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDarkDark;
- ClientSize = new Size(1708, 1133);
+ ClientSize = new Size(1297, 998);
FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;
@@ -874,12 +846,7 @@ partial class AssemblyToolGUI
- groupBox3.ResumeLayout(false);
- groupBox3.PerformLayout();
- ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)NestedTypeCountUpDown).EndInit();
- ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)PropertyCountUpDown).EndInit();
- ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)FieldCountUpDown).EndInit();
- ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)MethodCountUpDown).EndInit();
+ groupBox1.PerformLayout();
@@ -889,8 +856,10 @@ partial class AssemblyToolGUI
- groupBox2.ResumeLayout(false);
- groupBox2.PerformLayout();
+ ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)PropertyCountUpDown).EndInit();
+ ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)FieldCountUpDown).EndInit();
+ ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)MethodCountUpDown).EndInit();
+ ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)NestedTypeCountUpDown).EndInit();
@@ -934,7 +903,6 @@ partial class AssemblyToolGUI
private ListBox PropertiesExcludeBox;
private ListBox PropertiesIncludeBox;
private TabPage tabPage4;
- private GroupBox groupBox6;
private NumericUpDown NestedTypeCountUpDown;
private TextBox BaseClassExcludeTextField;
private TextBox NestedTypeParentName;
@@ -947,8 +915,6 @@ partial class AssemblyToolGUI
private Button NestedTypesAddButton;
private ListBox NestedTypesExcludeBox;
private ListBox NestedTypesIncludeBox;
- private GroupBox groupBox3;
- private GroupBox groupBox2;
private CheckBox ForceRenameCheckbox;
private TextBox OriginalTypeName;
private TextBox NewTypeName;
@@ -973,4 +939,5 @@ partial class AssemblyToolGUI
private CheckBox PropertyCountEnabled;
private CheckBox NestedTypeCountEnabled;
private DomainUpDown IsInterfaceUpDown;
+ private TreeView RemapTreeView;
diff --git a/AssemblyRemapperGUI/Form1.cs b/AssemblyRemapperGUI/Form1.cs
index e24fb08..2fb74ee 100644
--- a/AssemblyRemapperGUI/Form1.cs
+++ b/AssemblyRemapperGUI/Form1.cs
@@ -23,14 +23,18 @@ namespace AssemblyRemapperGUI
private void AddRemapButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- MethodIncludeBox.Items.Add("TEST");
+ if (NewTypeName.Text == string.Empty)
+ {
+ MessageBox.Show("Please enter a new type name", "Invald data");
+ return;
+ }
var remap = new RemapModel
Succeeded = false,
FailureReason = EFailureReason.None,
NewTypeName = NewTypeName.Text,
- OriginalTypeName = OriginalTypeName.Text,
+ OriginalTypeName = OriginalTypeName.Text == string.Empty ? null : OriginalTypeName.Text,
UseForceRename = ForceRenameCheckbox.Checked,
SearchParams = new SearchParams
@@ -56,7 +60,7 @@ namespace AssemblyRemapperGUI
? null
: BaseClassExcludeTextField.Text,
- // Constructor
+ // Constructor - TODO
MethodCount = MethodCountEnabled.GetCount(MethodCountUpDown),
FieldCount = FieldCountEnabled.GetCount(FieldCountUpDown),
PropertyCount = PropertyCountEnabled.GetCount(PropertyCountUpDown),
@@ -71,10 +75,13 @@ namespace AssemblyRemapperGUI
ExcludeNestedTypes = [],
+ RemapTreeView.Nodes.Add(GUI.GenerateTreeNode(remap));
private void RemoveRemapButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ RemapTreeView.SelectedNode?.Remove();
private void ScoreButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
diff --git a/AssemblyRemapperGUI/Utils/GUI.cs b/AssemblyRemapperGUI/Utils/GUI.cs
index d476203..92164f4 100644
--- a/AssemblyRemapperGUI/Utils/GUI.cs
+++ b/AssemblyRemapperGUI/Utils/GUI.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-namespace RemapperGUI.Utils;
+using AssemblyRemapper.Models;
+namespace RemapperGUI.Utils;
internal static class GUI
@@ -30,4 +32,48 @@ internal static class GUI
return null;
+ ///
+ /// Generates a tree node to display on the GUI
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public static TreeNode GenerateTreeNode(RemapModel model)
+ {
+ var isPublic = model.SearchParams.IsPublic == null ? null : model.SearchParams.IsPublic;
+ var isAbstract = model.SearchParams.IsAbstract == null ? null : model.SearchParams.IsAbstract;
+ var isInterface = model.SearchParams.IsInterface == null ? null : model.SearchParams.IsInterface;
+ var isEnum = model.SearchParams.IsEnum == null ? null : model.SearchParams.IsEnum;
+ var isNested = model.SearchParams.IsNested == null ? null : model.SearchParams.IsNested;
+ var IsSealed = model.SearchParams.IsSealed == null ? null : model.SearchParams.IsSealed;
+ var HasAttribute = model.SearchParams.HasAttribute == null ? null : model.SearchParams.HasAttribute;
+ var IsDerived = model.SearchParams.IsDerived == null ? null : model.SearchParams.IsDerived;
+ var HasGenericParameters = model.SearchParams.HasGenericParameters == null ? null : model.SearchParams.HasGenericParameters;
+ var remapTreeItem = new TreeNode($"Remap: {model.NewTypeName}");
+ var forceRenameNode = new TreeNode($"Force Rename: {model.UseForceRename}");
+ var ispublicNode = new TreeNode($"IsPublic: {isPublic}");
+ var isAbstractNode = new TreeNode($"IsAbstract: {isAbstract}");
+ var isInterfaceNode = new TreeNode($"IsInterface: {isInterface}");
+ var IsEnumNode = new TreeNode($"IsEnum: {isEnum}");
+ var IsNestedNode = new TreeNode($"IsNested: {isNested}");
+ var IsSealedNode = new TreeNode($"IsSealed: {IsSealed}");
+ var HasAttrNode = new TreeNode($"HasAttribute: {HasAttribute}");
+ var IsDerivedNode = new TreeNode($"IsDerived: {IsDerived}");
+ var HasGenericsNode = new TreeNode($"HasGenericParameters: {HasGenericParameters}");
+ remapTreeItem.Nodes.Add(forceRenameNode);
+ remapTreeItem.Nodes.Add(ispublicNode);
+ remapTreeItem.Nodes.Add(isAbstractNode);
+ remapTreeItem.Nodes.Add(isInterfaceNode);
+ remapTreeItem.Nodes.Add(IsEnumNode);
+ remapTreeItem.Nodes.Add(IsNestedNode);
+ remapTreeItem.Nodes.Add(IsSealedNode);
+ remapTreeItem.Nodes.Add(HasAttrNode);
+ remapTreeItem.Nodes.Add(IsDerivedNode);
+ remapTreeItem.Nodes.Add(HasGenericsNode);
+ return remapTreeItem;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file