using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace DumpLib.Helpers { public static class ReflectionHelper { /// /// Method to get FieldInfo of a field on the TarkovApplication Type for later use /// /// FieldInfo public static FieldInfo GetMainMenuControllerField() { try { return TypeHelper.GetTarkovApplicationType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic) .First(x => x.FieldType.GetMethods().Any(m => m.Name == "StopAfkMonitor")); } catch (Exception e) { Utils.LogError("GetMainMenuControllerField"); Utils.LogError(e); throw; } } /// /// Method to get the Instance of a Singleton(Type) passed in /// /// object (Type) /// object (Type) /// object public static object GetSingletonInstance(object singletonType) { try { return (singletonType as Type).GetProperty("Instance", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static) .GetGetMethod().Invoke(singletonType, null); } catch (Exception e) { Utils.LogError("GetSingletonInstance"); Utils.LogError(e); throw; } } /// /// Method to get BackendSession object from the instance passed in /// /// object (Type) /// object public static object GetBackendSession(object instance) { try { return TypeHelper.GetTarkovApplicationType().GetMethod("GetClientBackEndSession").Invoke(instance, null); } catch (Exception e) { Utils.LogError("GetBackendSession"); Utils.LogError(e); throw; } } /// /// Method to create a "combined" Type that takes a GenericType /// Example: ClientApplication + GInterface145 = ClientApplication(GInterface145) /// /// Object (Type) /// Object (Type) /// Type public static Type CreateGenericType(object firstType, object secondType) { try { return (firstType as Type).MakeGenericType(new Type[] { secondType as Type }); } catch (Exception e) { Utils.LogError("CreateGenericType1"); Utils.LogError(e); throw; } } public static Type CreateGenericType(object firstType, object secondType, object thirdType) { try { return (firstType as Type).MakeGenericType(new Type[] { secondType as Type, thirdType as Type }); } catch (Exception e) { Utils.LogError("CreateGenericType2"); Utils.LogError(e); throw; } } /// /// /// /// /// public static MethodInfo CreateDeserializerMethod(object type) { try { return MethodHelper.GetDeserializerMethodInfo().MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { type as Type }); } catch (Exception e) { Utils.LogError("CreateDeserializerMethod"); Utils.LogError(e); throw; } } public static MethodInfo CreateGenericMethod(MethodInfo method, object type) { try { return method.MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { type as Type }); } catch (Exception e) { Utils.LogError("CreateGenericMethod"); Utils.LogError(e); throw; } } /// /// /// /// public static object CreateBackendSessionAndTarkovApp(out object tarkovApp) { try { // To get to this point and keeping this generic // Get types required var singletonType = TypeHelper.GetSingletonType(); var clientApplicationType = TypeHelper.GetClientApplicationType(); var interfaceType = TypeHelper.GetInterfaceType(); // Create singleton var clientApplicationInterfaceType = CreateGenericType(clientApplicationType, interfaceType); var singletonClientApplicationInterfaceType = CreateGenericType(singletonType, clientApplicationInterfaceType); // Get singleton instance var singletonClientApplicationInterfaceInstance = ReflectionHelper.GetSingletonInstance(singletonClientApplicationInterfaceType); tarkovApp = singletonClientApplicationInterfaceInstance; return ReflectionHelper.GetBackendSession(singletonClientApplicationInterfaceInstance); } catch (Exception e) { Utils.LogError("CreateBackendSessionAndTarkovApp"); Utils.LogError(e); throw; } } /// /// /// /// public static object GetWaveSettings() { try { // combine List<> and WaveSettingsType var listWaveType = CreateGenericType(TypeHelper.GetListType(), TypeHelper.GetWaveSettingsType()); // combine with JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<>() and invoke with getCurrentDir + "\\DUMPDATA\\.replace("\\\\","\\") + "botReqData.json"; return CreateDeserializerMethod(listWaveType) .Invoke(null, new[] { File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(DataHelper.DumpDataPath, "botReqData.json")) }); } catch (Exception e) { Utils.LogError("GetWaveSettings"); Utils.LogError(e); throw; } } public static object GetLocationValuesFromSession() { try { var locationsProp = DataHelper.Session.GetType().GetProperty("LocationSettings").GetValue(DataHelper.Session); return locationsProp.GetType().GetField("locations").GetValue(locationsProp); } catch (Exception e) { Utils.LogError("GetLocationValuesFromSession"); Utils.LogError(e); throw; } } public static object CheckLocationID(string map) { try { var values = (IEnumerable)DataHelper.LocationValues.GetType().GetProperty("Values").GetValue(DataHelper.LocationValues); return values.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetType().GetField("Id").GetValue(x).ToString().ToLower().Contains(map.ToLower())); } catch (Exception e) { Utils.LogError("CheckLocationID"); Utils.LogError(e); throw; } } /// /// DONT USE ANYMORE, USE GETPROFILECOMPLETEDATA() /// public static object GetPlayerProfile() { try { var profile = DataHelper.Session.GetType().GetProperty("Profile").GetValue(DataHelper.Session); var converterMethod = CreateGenericMethod(MethodHelper.GetToUnparsedDataMethod(), TypeHelper.GetProfileType()); return converterMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { profile, Array.Empty() }); } catch (Exception e) { Utils.LogError("GetPlayerProfile"); Utils.LogError(e); throw; } } /// /// TODO: Rename as its not an actual shim /// /// /// public static object GetProfileShim() { try { var typeToUse = TypeHelper.GetProfileShimType(); var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(typeToUse, new object[] { DataHelper.Session.GetType().GetProperty("Profile").GetValue(DataHelper.Session), TypeHelper.GetProfileSearchControllerType().GetField("Instance").GetValue(null) }); return instance; } catch (Exception e) { Utils.LogError("GetProfileShim"); Utils.LogError(e); throw; } } public static object GetProfileCompleteData() { try { var completeData = ReflectionHelper.GetProfileShim(); var converterMethod = CreateGenericMethod(MethodHelper.GetToUnparsedDataMethod(), TypeHelper.GetProfileShimType()); return converterMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { completeData, Array.Empty() }); } catch (Exception e) { Utils.LogError("GetProfileCompleteData"); Utils.LogError(e); throw; } } } }