using ReCodeIt.Utils;
namespace ReCodeIt.Models;
public class CrossCompilerProjectModel
/// The path of the original assembly
/// (Required on creation)
public string OriginalAssemblyPath { get; set; }
/// Remapped output path
/// (Required on creation)
public string RemappedAssemblyPath { get; set; }
/// The path to the working directory vs project
/// (Required on creation)
public string VisualStudioSolutionPath { get; set; }
/// The path to the working directory vs project
public string VisualStudioSolutionDirectoryPath => Path.GetDirectoryName(VisualStudioSolutionPath)!;
/// The path the the cloned solution
public string VisualStudioClonedSolutionPath => Path.Combine(
SolutionName + ".sln");
public string VisualStudioClonedSolutionDirectory => Path.Combine(
public string ProjectDllName => SolutionName + ".dll";
public string OriginalAssemblyDllName => Path.GetFileName(OriginalAssemblyPath);
/// This is where the final dll is built to
/// (Required on creation)
public string BuildDirectory { get; set; }
/// Name of the solution
public string SolutionName { get; set; }
/// The ReCodeIt.json path
public string ReCodeItProjectPath { get; set; }
/// Remapped output hash
public string OriginalAssemblyHash { get; set; }
/// Remapped output hash
public string RemappedAssemblyHash { get; set; }
/// Key: Remapped name, value: old name
public Dictionary ChangedTypes { get; set; } = [];
/// Remap models used on this project
public List RemapModels { get; set; } = [];