# ReCodeIt ReCodeIt is a .net assembly remapper, it can take an assembly which has been de-obfuscated and remap classes to more usable names based on patterns. It ***requires*** a de-obfuscated dll to work. # Building - fork or clone the project to a local directory - Make sure you have [.net 8 sdk](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/8.0) installed or install it through the visual studio installer. - Open the solution in visual studio and build - Run the project from visual studio or the build folder. # Using - Start the application, go to the settings page and set the directories and options to your liking. I will provide further documentation down the line when the project is in a less chaotic state. For now using it works, there may be a GUI bug here or there. # Planned Features - Cross Mapping - The ability to code in a de-obfuscated state and then convert your code back to a state the original assembly understands once your done. This provide the ability to rename things to whatever you want and use them. - De-Obfuscation - Taking a obfuscated dll and de-obfuscating it