using System.Reflection; using Newtonsoft.Json; using DumpLib.Helpers; using DumpLib.Models; namespace DumpLib { public static class DumpyTool { /// /// /// public static string DumpDataPath = (Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\DUMPDATA\\").Replace("\\\\", "\\"); public static SptConfigClass ConfigSettings = (SptConfigClass)GetSptConfig(); /// /// always start from 1 as their iterations are 1 to 6 /// public static int Iteration = 1; /// /// Method to create a "combined" Type that takes a GenericType /// Example: ClientApplication + GInterface145 = ClientApplication(GInterface145) /// /// Object (Type) /// Object (Type) /// Type public static Type CreateGenericType(object firstType, object secondType) { try { return (firstType as Type).MakeGenericType(new Type[] { secondType as Type }); } catch (Exception e) { UtilsHelper.LogError("CreateCombinedType"); UtilsHelper.LogError(e); throw; } } /// /// /// /// /// public static MethodInfo CreateDeserializerMethod(object type) { try { return ReflectionHelper.GetDeserializerMethodInfo().MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { type as Type }); } catch (Exception e) { UtilsHelper.LogError("CreateCombinedMethod"); UtilsHelper.LogError(e); throw; } } /// /// /// /// public static object CreateBackendSessionAndTarkovApp(out object tarkovApp) { try { // To get to this point and keeping this generic // Get types required var singletonType = ReflectionHelper.GetSingletonType(); var clientApplicationType = ReflectionHelper.GetClientApplicationType(); var interfaceType = ReflectionHelper.GetInterfaceType(); // Create singleton var clientApplicationInterfaceType = CreateGenericType(clientApplicationType, interfaceType); var singletonClientApplicationInterfaceType = CreateGenericType(singletonType, clientApplicationInterfaceType); // Get singleton instance var singletonClientApplicationInterfaceInstance = ReflectionHelper.GetSingletonInstance(singletonClientApplicationInterfaceType); tarkovApp = singletonClientApplicationInterfaceInstance; return ReflectionHelper.GetBackendSession(singletonClientApplicationInterfaceInstance); } catch (Exception e) { UtilsHelper.LogError("CreateBackendSession"); UtilsHelper.LogError(e); throw; } } /// /// /// /// public static object GetWaveSettings() { try { // combine List<> and WaveSettingsType var listWaveType = CreateGenericType(ReflectionHelper.GetListType(), ReflectionHelper.GetWaveSettingsType()); // combine with JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<>() and invoke with getCurrentDir + "\\DUMPDATA\\.replace("\\\\","\\") + "botReqData.json"; return CreateDeserializerMethod(listWaveType).Invoke(null, new[] { File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(DumpDataPath, "botReqData.json")) }); } catch (Exception e) { UtilsHelper.LogError("GetWaveSettings"); UtilsHelper.LogError(e); throw; } } /// /// /// /// public static object GetSptConfig() { try { return CreateDeserializerMethod(typeof(SptConfigClass)).Invoke(null, new[] { File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(DumpDataPath, "config.json")) }); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw; } } public static object GetRaidSettings() { try { return CreateDeserializerMethod(ReflectionHelper.GetLocalRaidSettingsType()).Invoke(null, new[] { File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(DumpDataPath, "raidSettings.json")) }); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw; } } public static bool GotBackend = false; public static object WaveSettings = null; public static object RaidSettings = null; public static object AppRaidSettings = null; public static FieldInfo MainMenuController = null; public static object Session = null; public static object TarkovApp = null; public static int ErrorCounter = 0; /// /// Method to run main menu Task, this will request data from BSG, map loot and bot data /// public static async Task StartDumpyTask() { if (!ConfigSettings.QuickDumpEnabled) { return; } await Task.Factory.StartNew(async delegate { UtilsHelper.LogInfo("[Dumpy] Starting Dumpy Loop"); while (true) { try { if (!GotBackend) { // get client backend session Session = CreateBackendSessionAndTarkovApp(out TarkovApp); // get field for MainMenuController MainMenuController = ReflectionHelper.GetMainMenuControllerField(); // get wave information from json WaveSettings = GetWaveSettings(); // get Raid Settings from json RaidSettings = GetRaidSettings(); // get Raid settings from tarkovApp AppRaidSettings = ReflectionHelper.GetRaidSettingsFromApp(TarkovApp); CheckVariableConditions(); GotBackend = true; } } catch (Exception e) { UtilsHelper.LogError("[Dumpy] Exception occured in StartDumpyTask::GotBackend"); UtilsHelper.LogError(e); if (ErrorCounter > 3) { UtilsHelper.LogError("[Dumpy] ErrorsCounter was above 3, exiting app!"); // use EFT method to close app ReflectionHelper.GetApplicationQuitMethod().Invoke(null, null); } ErrorCounter += 1; UtilsHelper.LogError("[Dumpy] Resetting backend and trying again"); ClearVariables(); } try { if (Iteration > 6) { // reset to 1 Iteration = 1; UtilsHelper.LogInfo($"[Dumpy] Restarting Loop in {ConfigSettings.SptTimings.AllIterationDelayMs}ms"); var controller = MainMenuController.GetValue(TarkovApp); if (controller != null) { controller.GetType().GetMethod("StopAfkMonitor").Invoke(controller, null); } await Task.Delay(ConfigSettings.SptTimings.AllIterationDelayMs); } else { UtilsHelper.LogInfo($"Map iteration number: {Iteration}"); foreach (var map in ConfigSettings.MapNames) { // theory is send a request SendRaidSettings before starting // Set location in the RaidSettings object UtilsHelper.LogInfo($"[Dumpy] Setting RaidSettings location to: {map}"); RaidSettings.GetType().GetField("location").SetValue(RaidSettings, map); // Call server with new map name UtilsHelper.LogInfo($"[Dumpy] Getting loot for {map}"); await (Task)Session.GetType().GetMethod("LocalRaidStarted") .Invoke(Session, new[] { RaidSettings }); // Call server with bot wave data UtilsHelper.LogInfo($"[Dumpy] Getting Bot Data"); await (Task)Session.GetType().GetMethod("LoadBots") .Invoke(Session, new[] { WaveSettings }); await Task.Delay(ConfigSettings.SptTimings.SingleIterationDelayMs); } Iteration++; } } catch (Exception e) { UtilsHelper.LogError("[Dumpy] Exception occured in StartDumpyTask::Iteration"); UtilsHelper.LogError(e); if (ErrorCounter > 3) { UtilsHelper.LogError("[Dumpy] ErrorsCounter was above 3, exiting app"); // use EFT method to close app ReflectionHelper.GetApplicationQuitMethod().Invoke(null, null); } ErrorCounter += 1; UtilsHelper.LogError("[Dumpy] Resetting backend and trying again"); ClearVariables(); } } }, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning); } private static void CheckVariableConditions() { UtilsHelper.LogInfo($"[Dumpy] CheckVariableConditions"); UtilsHelper.LogInfo($"[Dumpy] GotBackend- type: {GotBackend.GetType()} null?: {GotBackend == null}"); UtilsHelper.LogInfo($"[Dumpy] WaveSettings- type: {WaveSettings.GetType()} null?: {WaveSettings == null}"); UtilsHelper.LogInfo($"[Dumpy] MainMenuController- type: {MainMenuController.GetType()} null?: {MainMenuController == null}"); UtilsHelper.LogInfo($"[Dumpy] Session- type: {Session.GetType()} null?: {Session == null}"); UtilsHelper.LogInfo($"[Dumpy] TarkovApp- type: {TarkovApp.GetType()} null?: {TarkovApp == null}"); UtilsHelper.LogInfo($"[Dumpy] RaidSettings- type: {RaidSettings.GetType()} null?: {RaidSettings == null}"); UtilsHelper.LogInfo($"[Dumpy] CheckVariableConditions"); UtilsHelper.LogInfo($"[Dumpy] AppRaidSettings- type: {AppRaidSettings.GetType()} null?: {AppRaidSettings == null}"); UtilsHelper.LogInfo($"[Dumpy] CheckVariableConditions"); UtilsHelper.LogInfo($"[Dumpy] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } private static void ClearVariables() { GotBackend = false; WaveSettings = null; MainMenuController = null; Session = null; TarkovApp = null; RaidSettings = null; AppRaidSettings = null; } /// /// Method to log Requests and Responses /// /// object (Type) /// object (Type) public static void LogRequestResponse(object requestType, object responseText) { try { var uri = new Uri((string)requestType.GetType().GetMethod("get_MainURLFull").Invoke(requestType, null)); var path = (Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\HTTP_DATA\\").Replace("\\\\", "\\"); var file = uri.LocalPath.Replace("/", ".").Remove(0, 1); var time = DateTime.Now.ToString(ConfigSettings.DateTimeFormat); if (Directory.CreateDirectory(path).Exists) { var reqParams = requestType.GetType().GetField("Params").GetValue(requestType); if (Directory.CreateDirectory($@"{path}req.{file}").Exists) { if (reqParams != null) File.WriteAllText($@"{path}req.{file}\\req.{file}_{time}_{ConfigSettings.Name}.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(reqParams)); } if (Directory.CreateDirectory($@"{path}resp.{file}").Exists) File.WriteAllText($@"{path}resp.{file}\\resp.{file}_{time}_{ConfigSettings.Name}.json", (string)responseText); } } catch (Exception e) { UtilsHelper.LogError("[Dumpy] Exception occured at LogRequestResponse"); UtilsHelper.LogError(e); throw; } } } }