using CliFx; using CliFx.Attributes; using CliFx.Infrastructure; using ReCodeIt.Utils; using ReCodeItLib.Remapper; namespace ReCodeIt.Commands; [Command("DeObfuscate", Description = "Generates a de-obfuscated -cleaned dll in the folder your assembly is in")] public class DeObfuscate : ICommand { [CommandParameter(0, IsRequired = true, Description = "The absolute path to your obfuscated assembly file, folder must contain all references to be resolved.")] public string AssemblyPath { get; init; } public ValueTask ExecuteAsync(IConsole console) { DataProvider.LoadAppSettings(); DataProvider.IsCli = true; Logger.Log("Deobfuscating assembly..."); Deobfuscator.Deobfuscate(AssemblyPath); Logger.Log("Complete", ConsoleColor.Green); return default; } }