using System.Collections.Concurrent;

namespace ReCodeIt.Utils;

public static class Logger
    // This queue will hold the messages to then place them on the wait list
    private static readonly ConcurrentQueue<LogMessage> _messages = new();
    private static bool Running = true;
    private static bool IsTerminated;
    // This dictionary acts as a waitlist, we are going to wait _defaultWaitTimeMs before logging all the messages
    // coming from certain thread into the console, this way we can make sure they are grouped in relevance
    private static readonly Dictionary<int, HeldMessages> _heldMessages = new();
    // This is the timeout we will wait before logging a whole group of messages coming from a single thread
    private static readonly TimeSpan _defaultWaitTimeMs = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500);
    static Logger()
        if (File.Exists(_logPath))

        Task.Factory.StartNew(LogThread, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);

    private static void LogThread()
        while (Running || _heldMessages.Count > 0)
            // Check the message queue and add them to the waitlist
            // Check the waitlist messages and see if any are ready to be logged

        IsTerminated = true;

    private static void LogHeldMessages()
        var currentLogExecution = DateTime.Now;
        foreach (var heldMessagesKP in _heldMessages)
            var heldMessages = heldMessagesKP.Value;
            if (currentLogExecution - heldMessages.FirstInsertion > _defaultWaitTimeMs)
                while (heldMessages.Messages.TryDequeue(out var messageToLog))


    private static void CheckAndHoldMessages()
        var currentLogExecution = DateTime.Now;
        while (_messages.TryDequeue(out var messageToHold))
            if (!_heldMessages.TryGetValue(messageToHold.ThreadId, out var heldMessages))
                heldMessages = new HeldMessages
                    FirstInsertion = currentLogExecution,
                    ThreadID = messageToHold.ThreadId
                _heldMessages.Add(heldMessages.ThreadID, heldMessages);

    public static void Terminate()
        Running = false;

    public static bool IsRunning()
        return !IsTerminated;

    private const string _defaultFileName = "ReCodeIt.log";
    private static string _logPath => Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory, "Data", "Settings.jsonc");
    public static void ClearLog()
        if (File.Exists(_logPath))

    public static void Log(object message, ConsoleColor color = ConsoleColor.Gray, bool silent = false)
        _messages.Enqueue(new LogMessage {Message = message, Color = color, Silent = silent, ThreadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId});
    private static void LogInternal(LogMessage message)
        if (!message.Silent)
            Console.ForegroundColor = message.Color;


    private static void WriteToDisk(object message)
            using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(_logPath))
                sw.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} - {message}");
        catch (IOException ex)
            // Handle potential file writing errors gracefully
            Console.WriteLine($"Error logging: {ex.Message}");
    private class LogMessage
        public object Message { get; init; }
        public ConsoleColor Color { get; init; }
        public bool Silent { get; init; }
        public int ThreadId { get; init; }

    private class HeldMessages
        public int ThreadID { get; init; }
        public DateTime FirstInsertion { get; init; }
        public Queue<LogMessage> Messages { get; } = new(10);