using Mono.Cecil;
namespace ReCodeItLib.AutoMapper;
/// Represents a match of a field name to obfuscated class
public sealed class MappingPair(
TypeDefinition type,
string name,
bool isInterface,
bool isStruct,
bool isPublic)
public TypeDefinition OriginalTypeDefinition { get; private set; } = type;
/// The type reference we want to change
public TypeDefinition NewTypeRef { get; set; }
/// Is this field an interface?
public bool IsInterface { get; set; } = isInterface;
/// Is this type a struct?
public bool IsStruct { get; set; } = isStruct;
/// Has this type been renamed? Use for checking for failures at the end
public bool HasBeenRenamed { get; set; } = false;
/// This is the name we want to change the assembly class to
public string Name { get; set; } = name;
/// Original name of the property or field type
public string OriginalPropOrFieldName { get; } = name;