2024-06-16 03:43:00 -04:00

149 lines
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using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Collections.Generic;
using ReCodeIt.Models;
using ReCodeIt.Utils;
using ReCodeItLib.Utils;
namespace ReCodeIt.ReMapper;
internal static class RenameHelper
private static List<string> TokensToMatch => DataProvider.Settings.AutoMapper.TokensToMatch;
/// <summary>
/// Only used by the manual remapper, should probably be removed
/// </summary>
/// <param name="score"></param>
public static void RenameAll(ScoringModel score)
var types = DataProvider.ModuleDefinition.Types;
// Rename all fields and properties first
RenameAllFields(score.Definition.Name, score.ReMap.NewTypeName, types);
RenameAllProperties(score.Definition.Name, score.ReMap.NewTypeName, types);
score.Definition.Name = score.ProposedNewName;
Logger.Log($"{score.Definition.Name} Renamed.", ConsoleColor.Green);
/// <summary>
/// Only used by the manual remapper, should probably be removed
/// </summary>
/// <param name="score"></param>
public static void RenameAllDirect(RemapModel remap, TypeDefinition type)
var directRename = new ScoringModel();
directRename.Definition = type;
directRename.ReMap = remap;
/// <summary>
/// Rename all fields recursively, returns number of fields changed
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oldTypeName"></param>
/// <param name="newTypeName"></param>
/// <param name="typesToCheck"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static int RenameAllFields(
string oldTypeName,
string newTypeName,
Collection<TypeDefinition> typesToCheck,
int overAllCount = 0)
foreach (var type in typesToCheck)
var fields = type.Fields
.Where(field => field.Name.IsFieldOrPropNameInList(TokensToMatch));
if (!fields.Any()) { continue; }
int fieldCount = 0;
foreach (var field in fields)
if (field.FieldType.Name == oldTypeName)
var newFieldName = GetNewFieldName(newTypeName, field.IsPrivate, fieldCount);
// Dont need to do extra work
if (field.Name == newFieldName) { continue; }
Logger.Log($"Renaming original field type name: `{field.FieldType.Name}` with name `{field.Name}` to `{newFieldName}`", ConsoleColor.Green);
field.Name = newFieldName;
if (type.HasNestedTypes)
RenameAllFields(oldTypeName, newTypeName, type.NestedTypes, overAllCount);
return overAllCount;
/// <summary>
/// Rename all properties recursively, returns number of fields changed
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oldTypeName"></param>
/// <param name="newTypeName"></param>
/// <param name="typesToCheck"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static int RenameAllProperties(
string oldTypeName,
string newTypeName,
Collection<TypeDefinition> typesToCheck,
int overAllCount = 0)
foreach (var type in typesToCheck)
var properties = type.Properties
.Where(prop => prop.Name.IsFieldOrPropNameInList(TokensToMatch));
if (!properties.Any()) { continue; }
int propertyCount = 0;
foreach (var property in properties)
if (property.PropertyType.Name == oldTypeName)
var newPropertyName = GetNewPropertyName(newTypeName, propertyCount);
// Dont need to do extra work
if (property.Name == newPropertyName) { continue; }
Logger.Log($"Renaming original property type name: `{property.PropertyType.Name}` with name `{property.Name}` to `{newPropertyName}`", ConsoleColor.Green);
property.Name = newPropertyName;
if (type.HasNestedTypes)
RenameAllProperties(oldTypeName, newTypeName, type.NestedTypes, overAllCount);
return overAllCount;
public static string GetNewFieldName(string NewName, bool isPrivate, int fieldCount = 0)
var discard = isPrivate ? "_" : "";
string newFieldCount = fieldCount > 0 ? $"_{fieldCount}" : string.Empty;
return $"{discard}{char.ToLower(NewName[0])}{NewName[1..]}{newFieldCount}";
public static string GetNewPropertyName(string newName, int propertyCount = 0)
return propertyCount > 0 ? $"{newName}_{propertyCount}" : newName;