forked from CWX/CWX-mods
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,8 +8,29 @@ export declare class BotCallbacks {
protected botController: BotController;
protected httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil;
constructor(botController: BotController, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil);
* Handle singleplayer/settings/bot/limit
* @returns string
getBotLimit(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): string;
* Handle singleplayer/settings/bot/difficulty
* @returns string
getBotDifficulty(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): string;
* Handle client/game/bot/generate
* @returns IGetBodyResponseData
generateBots(url: string, info: IGenerateBotsRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IBotBase[]>;
* Handle singleplayer/settings/bot/maxCap
* @returns string
getBotCap(): string;
* Handle singleplayer/settings/bot/getBotBehaviours
* @returns string
getBotBehaviours(): string;
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { IEmptyRequestData } from "../models/eft/common/IEmptyRequestData";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { ISuit } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { IBuyClothingRequestData } from "../models/eft/customization/IBuyClothingRequestData";
import { IGetSuitsResponse } from "../models/eft/customization/IGetSuitsResponse";
import { IWearClothingRequestData } from "../models/eft/customization/IWearClothingRequestData";
import { IGetBodyResponseData } from "../models/eft/httpResponse/IGetBodyResponseData";
import { IItemEventRouterResponse } from "../models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterResponse";
@ -13,10 +14,15 @@ export declare class CustomizationCallbacks {
protected saveServer: SaveServer;
protected httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil;
constructor(customizationController: CustomizationController, saveServer: SaveServer, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil);
getSuits(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<{
_id: string;
suites: string[];
* Handles client/trading/customization/storage
* @returns
getSuits(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IGetSuitsResponse>;
* Handles client/trading/customization
* @returns ISuit[]
getTraderSuits(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<ISuit[]>;
wearClothing(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IWearClothingRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
buyClothing(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IBuyClothingRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
@ -12,15 +12,42 @@ import { ILanguageBase } from "../models/spt/server/ILocaleBase";
import { ISettingsBase } from "../models/spt/server/ISettingsBase";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { HttpResponseUtil } from "../utils/HttpResponseUtil";
* Handle client requests
export declare class DataCallbacks {
protected httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
constructor(httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer);
* Handles client/settings
* @returns ISettingsBase
getSettings(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<ISettingsBase>;
* Handles client/globals
* @returns IGlobals
getGlobals(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IGlobals>;
* Handles client/items
* @returns string
getTemplateItems(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): string;
* Handles client/handbook/templates
* @returns IHandbookBase
getTemplateHandbook(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IHandbookBase>;
* Handles client/customization
* @returns Record<string, ICustomizationItem
getTemplateSuits(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<Record<string, ICustomizationItem>>;
* Handles client/account/customization
* @returns string[]
getTemplateCharacter(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<string[]>;
getTemplateQuests(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IQuest[]>;
getHideoutSettings(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IHideoutSettingsBase>;
@ -28,6 +55,6 @@ export declare class DataCallbacks {
gethideoutProduction(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IHideoutProduction[]>;
getHideoutScavcase(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IHideoutScavCase[]>;
getLocalesLanguages(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<ILanguageBase[]>;
getLocalesMenu(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any>;
getLocalesMenu(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<string>;
getLocalesGlobal(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): string;
@ -26,15 +26,27 @@ export declare class DialogueCallbacks extends OnUpdate {
protected httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil;
protected dialogueController: DialogueController;
constructor(hashUtil: HashUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, dialogueController: DialogueController);
* Handles client/friend/list
* @returns IGetFriendListDataResponse
getFriendList(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IGetFriendListDataResponse>;
* Handles client/chatServer/list
* @returns
getChatServerList(url: string, info: IGetChatServerListRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any[]>;
getMailDialogList(url: string, info: IGetMailDialogListRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<DialogueInfo[]>;
getMailDialogView(url: string, info: IGetMailDialogViewRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IGetMailDialogViewResponseData>;
getMailDialogInfo(url: string, info: IGetMailDialogInfoRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any>;
getMailDialogInfo(url: string, info: IGetMailDialogInfoRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<DialogueInfo>;
removeDialog(url: string, info: IRemoveDialogRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any[]>;
pinDialog(url: string, info: IPinDialogRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any[]>;
unpinDialog(url: string, info: IPinDialogRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any[]>;
setRead(url: string, info: ISetDialogReadRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any[]>;
* Handles client/mail/dialog/getAllAttachments
* @returns IGetAllAttachmentsResponse
getAllAttachments(url: string, info: IGetAllAttachmentsRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IGetAllAttachmentsResponse>;
listOutbox(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any[]>;
listInbox(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any[]>;
@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ import { IEmptyRequestData } from "../models/eft/common/IEmptyRequestData";
import { ICheckVersionResponse } from "../models/eft/game/ICheckVersionResponse";
import { IGameConfigResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameConfigResponse";
import { IGameEmptyCrcRequestData } from "../models/eft/game/IGameEmptyCrcRequestData";
import { IGameKeepAliveResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameKeepAliveResponse";
import { IGameLogoutResponseData } from "../models/eft/game/IGameLogoutResponseData";
import { IGameStartResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameStartResponse";
import { IReportNicknameRequestData } from "../models/eft/game/IReportNicknameRequestData";
import { IServerDetails } from "../models/eft/game/IServerDetails";
import { IVersionValidateRequestData } from "../models/eft/game/IVersionValidateRequestData";
@ -15,13 +18,37 @@ declare class GameCallbacks {
protected watermark: Watermark;
protected gameController: GameController;
constructor(httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, watermark: Watermark, gameController: GameController);
* Handle client/game/version/validate
* @returns INullResponseData
versionValidate(url: string, info: IVersionValidateRequestData, sessionID: string): INullResponseData;
gameStart(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any>;
gameLogout(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any>;
* Handle client/game/start
* @returns IGameStartResponse
gameStart(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IGameStartResponse>;
* Handle client/game/logout
* @returns IGameLogoutResponseData
gameLogout(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IGameLogoutResponseData>;
* Handle client/game/config
* @returns IGameConfigResponse
getGameConfig(url: string, info: IGameEmptyCrcRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IGameConfigResponse>;
getServer(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IServerDetails[]>;
validateGameVersion(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<ICheckVersionResponse>;
gameKeepalive(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any>;
* Handle client/game/keepalive
* @returns IGameKeepAliveResponse
gameKeepalive(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IGameKeepAliveResponse>;
* Handle singleplayer/settings/version
* @returns string
getVersion(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): string;
reportNickname(url: string, info: IReportNicknameRequestData, sessionID: string): INullResponseData;
@ -21,7 +21,19 @@ export declare class HealthCallbacks {
* @returns empty response, no data sent back to client
syncHealth(url: string, info: ISyncHealthRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<string>;
* Handle Eat
* @returns IItemEventRouterResponse
offraidEat(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IOffraidEatRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
* Handle Heal
* @returns IItemEventRouterResponse
offraidHeal(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IOffraidHealRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
* Handle RestoreHealth
* @returns IItemEventRouterResponse
healthTreatment(pmcData: IPmcData, info: IHealthTreatmentRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
@ -19,14 +19,77 @@ export declare class HideoutCallbacks extends OnUpdate {
protected hideoutConfig: IHideoutConfig;
constructor(hideoutController: HideoutController, // TODO: delay needed
configServer: ConfigServer);
* Handle HideoutUpgrade
* @param pmcData
* @param body
* @param sessionID
* @returns
upgrade(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IHideoutUpgradeRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
* Handle HideoutUpgradeComplete
* @param pmcData
* @param body
* @param sessionID
* @returns
upgradeComplete(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IHideoutUpgradeCompleteRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
* Handle HideoutPutItemsInAreaSlots
* @param pmcData
* @param body
* @param sessionID
* @returns
putItemsInAreaSlots(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IHideoutPutItemInRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
* Handle HideoutTakeItemsFromAreaSlots
* @param pmcData
* @param body
* @param sessionID
* @returns
takeItemsFromAreaSlots(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IHideoutTakeItemOutRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
* Handle HideoutToggleArea
* @param pmcData
* @param body
* @param sessionID
* @returns
toggleArea(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IHideoutToggleAreaRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
* Handle HideoutSingleProductionStart
* @param pmcData
* @param body
* @param sessionID
* @returns
singleProductionStart(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IHideoutSingleProductionStartRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
* Handle HideoutScavCaseProductionStart
* @param pmcData
* @param body
* @param sessionID
* @returns
scavCaseProductionStart(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IHideoutScavCaseStartRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
* Handle HideoutContinuousProductionStart
* @param pmcData
* @param body
* @param sessionID
* @returns
continuousProductionStart(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IHideoutContinousProductionStartRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
* Handle HideoutTakeProduction
* @param pmcData
* @param body
* @param sessionID
* @returns
takeProduction(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IHideoutTakeProductionRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
onUpdate(timeSinceLastRun: number): boolean;
getRoute(): string;
@ -1,23 +1,49 @@
import { InraidController } from "../controllers/InraidController";
import { IEmptyRequestData } from "../models/eft/common/IEmptyRequestData";
import { INullResponseData } from "../models/eft/httpResponse/INullResponseData";
import { IRegisterPlayerRequestData } from "../models/eft/inRaid/IRegisterPlayerRequestData";
import { ISaveProgressRequestData } from "../models/eft/inRaid/ISaveProgressRequestData";
import { IAirdropConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IAirdropConfig";
import { IInRaidConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IInRaidConfig";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { HttpResponseUtil } from "../utils/HttpResponseUtil";
* Handle client requests
export declare class InraidCallbacks {
protected inraidController: InraidController;
protected httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected airdropConfig: IAirdropConfig;
protected inraidConfig: IInRaidConfig;
constructor(inraidController: InraidController, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(inraidController: InraidController, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil);
* Handle client/location/getLocalloot
* @param url
* @param info register player request
* @param sessionID Session id
* @returns Null http response
registerPlayer(url: string, info: IRegisterPlayerRequestData, sessionID: string): INullResponseData;
* Handle raid/profile/save
* @param url
* @param info Save progress request
* @param sessionID Session id
* @returns Null http response
saveProgress(url: string, info: ISaveProgressRequestData, sessionID: string): INullResponseData;
* Handle singleplayer/settings/raid/endstate
* @returns
getRaidEndState(): string;
getRaidMenuSettings(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): string;
getWeaponDurability(url: string, info: any, sessionID: string): string;
getAirdropConfig(url: string, info: any, sessionID: string): string;
* Handle singleplayer/settings/raid/menu
* @returns JSON as string
getRaidMenuSettings(): string;
* Handle singleplayer/settings/weapon/durability
* @returns
getWeaponDurability(): string;
* Handle singleplayer/airdrop/config
* @returns JSON as string
getAirdropConfig(): string;
@ -17,7 +17,15 @@ export declare class InsuranceCallbacks extends OnUpdate {
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected insuranceConfig: IInsuranceConfig;
constructor(insuranceController: InsuranceController, insuranceService: InsuranceService, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Handle client/insurance/items/list/cost
* @returns IGetInsuranceCostResponseData
getInsuranceCost(url: string, info: IGetInsuranceCostRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IGetInsuranceCostResponseData>;
* Handle Insure
* @returns IItemEventRouterResponse
insure(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IInsureRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
onUpdate(secondsSinceLastRun: number): boolean;
getRoute(): string;
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import { IInventorySwapRequestData } from "../models/eft/inventory/IInventorySwa
import { IInventoryTagRequestData } from "../models/eft/inventory/IInventoryTagRequestData";
import { IInventoryToggleRequestData } from "../models/eft/inventory/IInventoryToggleRequestData";
import { IInventoryTransferRequestData } from "../models/eft/inventory/IInventoryTransferRequestData";
import { IOpenRandomLootContainerRequestData } from "../models/eft/inventory/IOpenRandomLootContainerRequestData";
import { IItemEventRouterResponse } from "../models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterResponse";
export declare class InventoryCallbacks {
protected inventoryController: InventoryController;
@ -36,4 +37,5 @@ export declare class InventoryCallbacks {
createMapMarker(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IInventoryCreateMarkerRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
deleteMapMarker(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IInventoryDeleteMarkerRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
editMapMarker(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IInventoryEditMarkerRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
openRandomLootContainer(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IOpenRandomLootContainerRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { IGetBodyResponseData } from "../models/eft/httpResponse/IGetBodyResponseData";
import { Warning } from "../models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterBase";
import { IItemEventRouterRequest } from "../models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterRequest";
import { IItemEventRouterResponse } from "../models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterResponse";
import { ItemEventRouter } from "../routers/ItemEventRouter";
@ -8,4 +9,5 @@ export declare class ItemEventCallbacks {
protected itemEventRouter: ItemEventRouter;
constructor(httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, itemEventRouter: ItemEventRouter);
handleEvents(url: string, info: IItemEventRouterRequest, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IItemEventRouterResponse>;
protected getErrorCode(warnings: Warning[]): number;
@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ export declare class MatchCallbacks {
serverAvailable(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any> | IGetBodyResponseData<true>;
joinMatch(url: string, info: IJoinMatchRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IJoinMatchResult[]>;
getMetrics(url: string, info: any, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<string>;
* Handle client/match/group/status
* @returns
getGroupStatus(url: string, info: IGetGroupStatusRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any>;
createGroup(url: string, info: ICreateGroupRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any>;
deleteGroup(url: string, info: any, sessionID: string): INullResponseData;
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { IEmptyRequestData } from "../models/eft/common/IEmptyRequestData";
import { IGetBodyResponseData } from "../models/eft/httpResponse/IGetBodyResponseData";
import { INotifierChannel } from "../models/eft/notifier/INotifier";
import { ISelectProfileRequestData } from "../models/eft/notifier/ISelectProfileRequestData";
import { ISelectProfileResponse } from "../models/eft/notifier/ISelectProfileResponse";
import { HttpResponseUtil } from "../utils/HttpResponseUtil";
export declare class NotifierCallbacks {
protected httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper;
@ -19,6 +20,10 @@ export declare class NotifierCallbacks {
sendNotification(sessionID: string, req: any, resp: any, data: any): void;
getNotifier(url: string, info: any, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any[]>;
createNotifierChannel(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<INotifierChannel>;
selectProfile(url: string, info: ISelectProfileRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any>;
* Handle client/game/profile/select
* @returns ISelectProfileResponse
selectProfile(url: string, info: ISelectProfileRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<ISelectProfileResponse>;
notify(url: string, info: any, sessionID: string): string;
@ -21,6 +21,13 @@ export declare class QuestCallbacks {
acceptQuest(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IAcceptQuestRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
completeQuest(pmcData: IPmcData, body: ICompleteQuestRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
handoverQuest(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IHandoverQuestRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
* Handle client/quest/list
* @param url
* @param info
* @param sessionID
* @returns
listQuests(url: string, info: IListQuestsRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IQuest[]>;
activityPeriods(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IPmcDataRepeatableQuest[]>;
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ export declare class RagfairCallbacks extends OnLoadOnUpdate {
getRoute(): string;
search(url: string, info: ISearchRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IGetOffersResult>;
getMarketPrice(url: string, info: IGetMarketPriceRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IGetItemPriceResult>;
getItemPrices(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any>;
getItemPrices(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<Record<string, number>>;
addOffer(pmcData: IPmcData, info: IAddOfferRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
removeOffer(pmcData: IPmcData, info: IRemoveOfferRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
extendOffer(pmcData: IPmcData, info: IExtendOfferRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ export declare class TraderCallbacks extends OnLoadOnUpdate {
onUpdate(): boolean;
getRoute(): string;
getTraderSettings(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<ITraderBase[]>;
* Handle client/trading/api/getUserAssortPrice/trader
* @returns
getProfilePurchases(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<Record<string, IBarterScheme[][]>>;
getTrader(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<ITraderBase>;
getAssort(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<ITraderAssort>;
@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
import { WeatherController } from "../controllers/WeatherController";
import { IEmptyRequestData } from "../models/eft/common/IEmptyRequestData";
import { IGetBodyResponseData } from "../models/eft/httpResponse/IGetBodyResponseData";
import { IWeatherData } from "../models/eft/weather/IWeatherData";
import { HttpResponseUtil } from "../utils/HttpResponseUtil";
export declare class WeatherCallbacks {
protected httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil;
protected weatherController: WeatherController;
constructor(httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, weatherController: WeatherController);
getWeather(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<any>;
* Handle client/weather
* @returns IWeatherData
getWeather(url: string, info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetBodyResponseData<IWeatherData>;
@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
export declare enum ContextVariableType {
/** Logged in users session id */
/** Currently acive raid information */
/** Timestamp when client first connected */
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
import { ApplicationContext } from "../context/ApplicationContext";
import { BotGenerator } from "../generators/BotGenerator";
import { BotDifficultyHelper } from "../helpers/BotDifficultyHelper";
import { BotHelper } from "../helpers/BotHelper";
import { ProfileHelper } from "../helpers/ProfileHelper";
import { WeightedRandomHelper } from "../helpers/WeightedRandomHelper";
import { IGenerateBotsRequestData } from "../models/eft/bot/IGenerateBotsRequestData";
import { IBotBase } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { IBotCore } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotCore";
@ -10,24 +13,34 @@ import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { BotGenerationCacheService } from "../services/BotGenerationCacheService";
import { PmcAiService } from "../services/PmcAiService";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
export declare class BotController {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected botGenerator: BotGenerator;
protected botHelper: BotHelper;
protected pmcAiService: PmcAiService;
protected botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper;
protected botGenerationCacheService: BotGenerationCacheService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper;
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected applicationContext: ApplicationContext;
protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botGenerator: BotGenerator, botHelper: BotHelper, pmcAiService: PmcAiService, botGenerationCacheService: BotGenerationCacheService, configServer: ConfigServer, applicationContext: ApplicationContext);
static readonly pmcTypeLabel = "PMC";
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botGenerator: BotGenerator, botHelper: BotHelper, botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper, botGenerationCacheService: BotGenerationCacheService, localisationService: LocalisationService, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, configServer: ConfigServer, applicationContext: ApplicationContext, jsonUtil: JsonUtil);
* Return the number of bot loadout varieties to be generated
* @param type bot Type we want the loadout gen count for
* @returns
* @returns number of bots to generate
getBotPresetGenerationLimit(type: string): number;
* Get the core.json difficulty settings from database\bots
* @returns IBotCore
getBotCoreDifficulty(): IBotCore;
* Get bot difficulty settings
@ -37,7 +50,6 @@ export declare class BotController {
* @returns Difficulty object
getBotDifficulty(type: string, difficulty: string): Difficulty;
protected getPmcDifficultySettings(pmcType: "bear" | "usec", difficulty: string, usecType: string, bearType: string): Difficulty;
* Generate bot profiles and store in cache
* @param sessionId Session id
@ -51,4 +63,5 @@ export declare class BotController {
* @returns cap number
getBotCap(): number;
getPmcBotTypes(): Record<string, Record<string, Record<string, number>>>;
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ export declare class DialogueController {
* Get the content of a dialogue
* @param dialogueID Dialog id
* @param sessionID Session Id
* @returns
* @returns DialogueInfo
getDialogueInfo(dialogueID: string, sessionID: string): DialogueInfo;
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import { ApplicationContext } from "../context/ApplicationContext";
import { GameEventHelper } from "../helpers/GameEventHelper";
import { HttpServerHelper } from "../helpers/HttpServerHelper";
import { ProfileHelper } from "../helpers/ProfileHelper";
@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { LocaleService } from "../services/LocaleService";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { ProfileFixerService } from "../services/ProfileFixerService";
import { Watermark } from "../utils/Watermark";
export declare class GameController {
@ -24,14 +26,33 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected localeService: LocaleService;
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
protected profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected gameEventHelper: GameEventHelper;
protected applicationContext: ApplicationContext;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected httpConfig: IHttpConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, watermark: Watermark, httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper, localeService: LocaleService, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, gameEventHelper: GameEventHelper, configServer: ConfigServer);
gameStart(_url: string, _info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string): void;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, watermark: Watermark, httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper, localeService: LocaleService, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, localisationService: LocalisationService, gameEventHelper: GameEventHelper, applicationContext: ApplicationContext, configServer: ConfigServer);
gameStart(_url: string, _info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string, startTimeStampMS: number): void;
* Check if current date falls inside any of the seasons events pased in, if so, handle them
* @param seasonalEvents events to check for
protected checkForAndEnableSeasonalEvents(seasonalEvents: ISeasonalEvent[]): void;
* Make adjusted to server code based on the name of the event passed in
* @param globalConfig globals.json
* @param eventName Name of the event to enable. e.g. Christmas
protected updateGlobalEvents(globalConfig: Config, eventName: string): void;
* Read in data from seasonalEvents.json and add found equipment items to bots
* @param eventName Name of the event to read equipment in from config
protected addEventGearToScavs(eventName: string): void;
* Set Khorovod(dancing tree) chance to 100% on all maps that support it
protected enableDancingTree(): void;
* Make non-trigger-spawned raiders spawn earlier + always
@ -40,5 +61,6 @@ export declare class GameController {
protected logProfileDetails(fullProfile: IAkiProfile): void;
getGameConfig(sessionID: string): IGameConfigResponse;
getServer(): IServerDetails[];
protected addPumpkinsToScavBackpacks(): void;
getValidGameVersion(): ICheckVersionResponse;
@ -23,12 +23,13 @@ import { EventOutputHolder } from "../routers/EventOutputHolder";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { SaveServer } from "../servers/SaveServer";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { PlayerService } from "../services/PlayerService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { HttpResponseUtil } from "../utils/HttpResponseUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
export declare class HideoutController {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected hashUtil: HashUtil;
@ -45,11 +46,12 @@ export declare class HideoutController {
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected scavCaseRewardGenerator: ScavCaseRewardGenerator;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil;
protected static nameBackendCountersCrafting: string;
protected hideoutConfig: IHideoutConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, randomUtil: RandomUtil, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, saveServer: SaveServer, playerService: PlayerService, presetHelper: PresetHelper, paymentHelper: PaymentHelper, eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, scavCaseRewardGenerator: ScavCaseRewardGenerator, configServer: ConfigServer, jsonUtil: JsonUtil);
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, randomUtil: RandomUtil, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, saveServer: SaveServer, playerService: PlayerService, presetHelper: PresetHelper, paymentHelper: PaymentHelper, eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, scavCaseRewardGenerator: ScavCaseRewardGenerator, localisationService: LocalisationService, configServer: ConfigServer, jsonUtil: JsonUtil);
upgrade(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IHideoutUpgradeRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
upgradeComplete(pmcData: IPmcData, body: HideoutUpgradeCompleteRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import { ProfileHelper } from "../helpers/ProfileHelper";
import { QuestHelper } from "../helpers/QuestHelper";
import { TraderHelper } from "../helpers/TraderHelper";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { Item } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { IRegisterPlayerRequestData } from "../models/eft/inRaid/IRegisterPlayerRequestData";
import { ISaveProgressRequestData } from "../models/eft/inRaid/ISaveProgressRequestData";
import { IAirdropConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IAirdropConfig";
@ -17,6 +18,9 @@ import { SaveServer } from "../servers/SaveServer";
import { InsuranceService } from "../services/InsuranceService";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
* Logic for handling In Raid callbacks
export declare class InraidController {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected saveServer: SaveServer;
@ -35,14 +39,42 @@ export declare class InraidController {
protected airdropConfig: IAirdropConfig;
protected inraidConfig: IInRaidConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, saveServer: SaveServer, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, questHelper: QuestHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, playerScavGenerator: PlayerScavGenerator, healthHelper: HealthHelper, traderHelper: TraderHelper, insuranceService: InsuranceService, inRaidHelper: InRaidHelper, configServer: ConfigServer);
addPlayer(sessionID: string, info: IRegisterPlayerRequestData): void;
saveProgress(offraidData: ISaveProgressRequestData, sessionID: string): void;
* Handle updating the profile post-pmc raid
* Save locationid to active profiles inraid object
* @param sessionID Session id
* @param info Register player request
addPlayer(sessionID: string, info: IRegisterPlayerRequestData): void;
* Save profile state to disk
* Handles pmc/pscav
* @param offraidData post-raid request data
* @param sessionID Session id
savePostRaidProgress(offraidData: ISaveProgressRequestData, sessionID: string): void;
* Handle updating player profile post-pmc raid
* @param sessionID session id
* @param offraidData post-raid data of raid
* @param offraidData post-raid data
protected savePmcProgress(sessionID: string, offraidData: ISaveProgressRequestData): void;
* Make changes to pmc profile after they left raid dead,
* alter bodypart hp, handle insurance, delete inventory items, remove carried quest items
* @param postRaidSaveRequest post-raid save request
* @param pmcData pmc profile
* @param insuranceEnabled is insurance enabled
* @param preRaidGear gear player had before raid
* @param sessionID Session id
* @returns Updated profile object
protected performPostRaidActionsWhenDead(postRaidSaveRequest: ISaveProgressRequestData, pmcData: IPmcData, insuranceEnabled: boolean, preRaidGear: Item[], sessionID: string): IPmcData;
* Adjust player characters bodypart hp if they left raid early
* @param postRaidSaveRequest post raid data
* @param pmcData player profile
protected updatePmcHealthPostRaid(postRaidSaveRequest: ISaveProgressRequestData, pmcData: IPmcData): void;
* Reduce body part hp to % of max
* @param pmcData profile to edit
@ -68,7 +100,31 @@ export declare class InraidController {
* @param isPlayerScav Was the player a pScav
protected markOrRemoveFoundInRaidItems(offraidData: ISaveProgressRequestData, pmcData: IPmcData, isPlayerScav: boolean): void;
* Update profile after player completes scav raid
* @param scavData Scav profile
* @param sessionID Session id
* @param offraidData Post-raid save request
* @param pmcData Pmc profile
* @param isDead Is player dead
protected handlePostRaidPlayerScavProcess(scavData: IPmcData, sessionID: string, offraidData: ISaveProgressRequestData, pmcData: IPmcData, isDead: boolean): void;
* Update profile with scav karma values based on in-raid actions
* @param pmcData Pmc profile
* @param offraidData Post-raid save request
* @param scavData Scav profile
* @param sessionID Session id
protected handlePostRaidPlayerScavKarmaChanges(pmcData: IPmcData, offraidData: ISaveProgressRequestData, scavData: IPmcData, sessionID: string): void;
* Get the inraid config from configs/inraid.json
* @returns InRaid Config
getInraidConfig(): IInRaidConfig;
* Get airdrop config from configs/airdrop.json
* @returns Airdrop config
getAirdropConfig(): IAirdropConfig;
@ -30,8 +30,7 @@ export declare class InsuranceController {
protected insuranceService: InsuranceService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected insuranceConfig: IInsuranceConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, randomUtil: RandomUtil, eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder, timeUtil: TimeUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, itemHelper: ItemHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper, paymentService: PaymentService, // TODO: delay required
insuranceService: InsuranceService, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, randomUtil: RandomUtil, eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder, timeUtil: TimeUtil, saveServer: SaveServer, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, itemHelper: ItemHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper, paymentService: PaymentService, insuranceService: InsuranceService, configServer: ConfigServer);
processReturn(): void;
insure(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IInsureRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
import { EventOutputHolder } from "../routers/EventOutputHolder";
import { InventoryHelper } from "../helpers/InventoryHelper";
import { PaymentHelper } from "../helpers/PaymentHelper";
import { PresetHelper } from "../helpers/PresetHelper";
import { ProfileHelper } from "../helpers/ProfileHelper";
import { WeightedRandomHelper } from "../helpers/WeightedRandomHelper";
import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IAddItemRequestData } from "../models/eft/inventory/IAddItemRequestData";
import { IInventoryBindRequestData } from "../models/eft/inventory/IInventoryBindRequestData";
@ -21,33 +21,46 @@ import { IInventorySwapRequestData } from "../models/eft/inventory/IInventorySwa
import { IInventoryTagRequestData } from "../models/eft/inventory/IInventoryTagRequestData";
import { IInventoryToggleRequestData } from "../models/eft/inventory/IInventoryToggleRequestData";
import { IInventoryTransferRequestData } from "../models/eft/inventory/IInventoryTransferRequestData";
import { IOpenRandomLootContainerRequestData } from "../models/eft/inventory/IOpenRandomLootContainerRequestData";
import { IItemEventRouterResponse } from "../models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterResponse";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { EventOutputHolder } from "../routers/EventOutputHolder";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { FenceService } from "../services/FenceService";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { RagfairOfferService } from "../services/RagfairOfferService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { HttpResponseUtil } from "../utils/HttpResponseUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
export declare class InventoryController {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected hashUtil: HashUtil;
protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected fenceService: FenceService;
protected presetHelper: PresetHelper;
protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper;
protected ragfairOfferService: RagfairOfferService;
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
protected weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper;
protected paymentHelper: PaymentHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, fenceService: FenceService, presetHelper: PresetHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, ragfairOfferService: RagfairOfferService, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, paymentHelper: PaymentHelper, eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder);
protected httpResponseUtil: HttpResponseUtil;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, fenceService: FenceService, presetHelper: PresetHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, ragfairOfferService: RagfairOfferService, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, paymentHelper: PaymentHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder, httpResponseUtil: HttpResponseUtil);
* Move Item
* change location of item with parentId and slotId
* transfers items from one profile to another if fromOwner/toOwner is set in the body.
* otherwise, move is contained within the same profile_f.
* @param pmcData Profile
* @param moveRequest Move request data
* @param sessionID Session id
* @returns IItemEventRouterResponse
moveItem(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IInventoryMoveRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
moveItem(pmcData: IPmcData, moveRequest: IInventoryMoveRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
* Remove Item from Profile
* Deep tree item deletion, also removes items from insurance list
@ -122,4 +135,12 @@ export declare class InventoryController {
createMapMarker(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IInventoryCreateMarkerRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
deleteMapMarker(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IInventoryDeleteMarkerRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
editMapMarker(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IInventoryEditMarkerRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
* Handle event fired when a container is unpacked (currently only the halloween pumpkin)
* @param pmcData Profile data
* @param body open loot container request data
* @param sessionID Session id
* @returns IItemEventRouterResponse
openRandomLootContainer(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IOpenRandomLootContainerRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import { LootItem } from "../models/spt/services/LootItem";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
@ -15,12 +16,13 @@ export declare class LocationController {
protected hashUtil: HashUtil;
protected logger: ILogger;
protected locationGenerator: LocationGenerator;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected lootGenerator: LootGenerator;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected airdropConfig: IAirdropConfig;
constructor(jsonUtil: JsonUtil, hashUtil: HashUtil, logger: ILogger, locationGenerator: LocationGenerator, lootGenerator: LootGenerator, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, timeUtil: TimeUtil, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(jsonUtil: JsonUtil, hashUtil: HashUtil, logger: ILogger, locationGenerator: LocationGenerator, localisationService: LocalisationService, lootGenerator: LootGenerator, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, timeUtil: TimeUtil, configServer: ConfigServer);
get(location: string): ILocationBase;
generate(name: string): ILocationBase;
generateAll(): ILocationsGenerateAllResponse;
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import { SaveServer } from "../servers/SaveServer";
import { BotGenerationCacheService } from "../services/BotGenerationCacheService";
import { BotLootCacheService } from "../services/BotLootCacheService";
import { MatchLocationService } from "../services/MatchLocationService";
import { PmcAiService } from "../services/PmcAiService";
import { ProfileSnapshotService } from "../services/ProfileSnapshotService";
export declare class MatchController {
protected logger: ILogger;
@ -30,13 +29,12 @@ export declare class MatchController {
protected botLootCacheService: BotLootCacheService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected profileSnapshotService: ProfileSnapshotService;
protected pmcAiService: PmcAiService;
protected botGenerationCacheService: BotGenerationCacheService;
protected applicationContext: ApplicationContext;
protected matchConfig: IMatchConfig;
protected inraidConfig: IInRaidConfig;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, saveServer: SaveServer, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, matchLocationService: MatchLocationService, traderHelper: TraderHelper, botLootCacheService: BotLootCacheService, configServer: ConfigServer, profileSnapshotService: ProfileSnapshotService, pmcAiService: PmcAiService, botGenerationCacheService: BotGenerationCacheService, applicationContext: ApplicationContext);
constructor(logger: ILogger, saveServer: SaveServer, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, matchLocationService: MatchLocationService, traderHelper: TraderHelper, botLootCacheService: BotLootCacheService, configServer: ConfigServer, profileSnapshotService: ProfileSnapshotService, botGenerationCacheService: BotGenerationCacheService, applicationContext: ApplicationContext);
getEnabled(): boolean;
getProfile(info: IGetProfileRequestData): IPmcData[];
createGroup(sessionID: string, info: ICreateGroupRequestData): any;
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { RagfairServer } from "../servers/RagfairServer";
import { SaveServer } from "../servers/SaveServer";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { PaymentService } from "../services/PaymentService";
import { RagfairOfferService } from "../services/RagfairOfferService";
import { RagfairPriceService } from "../services/RagfairPriceService";
@ -62,9 +63,10 @@ export declare class RagfairController {
protected ragfairOfferService: RagfairOfferService;
protected ragfairRequiredItemsService: RagfairRequiredItemsService;
protected ragfairOfferGenerator: RagfairOfferGenerator;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, timeUtil: TimeUtil, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder, ragfairServer: RagfairServer, ragfairPriceService: RagfairPriceService, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, itemHelper: ItemHelper, saveServer: SaveServer, ragfairSellHelper: RagfairSellHelper, ragfairTaxHelper: RagfairTaxHelper, ragfairSortHelper: RagfairSortHelper, ragfairOfferHelper: RagfairOfferHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, paymentService: PaymentService, handbookHelper: HandbookHelper, paymentHelper: PaymentHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, traderHelper: TraderHelper, ragfairHelper: RagfairHelper, ragfairOfferService: RagfairOfferService, ragfairRequiredItemsService: RagfairRequiredItemsService, ragfairOfferGenerator: RagfairOfferGenerator, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, timeUtil: TimeUtil, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder, ragfairServer: RagfairServer, ragfairPriceService: RagfairPriceService, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, itemHelper: ItemHelper, saveServer: SaveServer, ragfairSellHelper: RagfairSellHelper, ragfairTaxHelper: RagfairTaxHelper, ragfairSortHelper: RagfairSortHelper, ragfairOfferHelper: RagfairOfferHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, paymentService: PaymentService, handbookHelper: HandbookHelper, paymentHelper: PaymentHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, traderHelper: TraderHelper, ragfairHelper: RagfairHelper, ragfairOfferService: RagfairOfferService, ragfairRequiredItemsService: RagfairRequiredItemsService, ragfairOfferGenerator: RagfairOfferGenerator, localisationService: LocalisationService, configServer: ConfigServer);
getOffers(sessionID: string, info: ISearchRequestData): IGetOffersResult;
* Get offers for the client based on type of search being performed
@ -103,7 +105,12 @@ export declare class RagfairController {
protected isLinkedSearch(info: ISearchRequestData): boolean;
protected isRequiredSearch(info: ISearchRequestData): boolean;
update(): void;
getItemPrice(info: IGetMarketPriceRequestData): IGetItemPriceResult;
* Called when creating an offer on flea, fills values in top right corner
* @param getPriceRequest
* @returns min/avg/max values for an item based on flea offers available
getItemMinAvgMaxFleaPriceValues(getPriceRequest: IGetMarketPriceRequestData): IGetItemPriceResult;
addPlayerOffer(pmcData: IPmcData, info: IAddOfferRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
createPlayerOffer(profile: IAkiProfile, requirements: Requirement[], items: Item[], sellInOnePiece: boolean, amountToSend: number): IRagfairOffer;
getAllFleaPrices(): Record<string, number>;
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import { EventOutputHolder } from "../routers/EventOutputHolder";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { ItemFilterService } from "../services/ItemFilterService";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { PaymentService } from "../services/PaymentService";
import { ProfileFixerService } from "../services/ProfileFixerService";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
@ -64,12 +65,13 @@ export declare class RepeatableQuestController {
protected profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService;
protected ragfairServerHelper: RagfairServerHelper;
protected eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected paymentService: PaymentService;
protected objectId: ObjectId;
protected itemFilterService: ItemFilterService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected questConfig: IQuestConfig;
constructor(timeUtil: TimeUtil, logger: ILogger, randomUtil: RandomUtil, mathUtil: MathUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, itemHelper: ItemHelper, presetHelper: PresetHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, ragfairServerHelper: RagfairServerHelper, eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder, paymentService: PaymentService, objectId: ObjectId, itemFilterService: ItemFilterService, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(timeUtil: TimeUtil, logger: ILogger, randomUtil: RandomUtil, mathUtil: MathUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, itemHelper: ItemHelper, presetHelper: PresetHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, ragfairServerHelper: RagfairServerHelper, eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder, localisationService: LocalisationService, paymentService: PaymentService, objectId: ObjectId, itemFilterService: ItemFilterService, configServer: ConfigServer);
* This is the method reached by the /client/repeatalbeQuests/activityPeriods endpoint
* Returns an array of objects in the format of repeatable quests to the client.
@ -1,11 +1,18 @@
import { WeatherGenerator } from "../generators/WeatherGenerator";
import { IWeatherData } from "../models/eft/weather/IWeatherData";
import { IWeatherConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IWeatherConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
export declare class WeatherController {
protected weatherGenerator: WeatherGenerator;
protected logger: ILogger;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected weatherConfig: IWeatherConfig;
constructor(weatherGenerator: WeatherGenerator, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(weatherGenerator: WeatherGenerator, logger: ILogger, configServer: ConfigServer);
generate(): IWeatherData;
* Get the current in-raid time (MUST HAVE PLAYER LOGGED INTO CLIENT TO WORK)
* @returns Date object
getCurrentInRaidTime(): Date;
@ -1,25 +1,21 @@
import { BotDifficultyHelper } from "../helpers/BotDifficultyHelper";
import { BotHelper } from "../helpers/BotHelper";
import { GameEventHelper } from "../helpers/GameEventHelper";
import { ProfileHelper } from "../helpers/ProfileHelper";
import { IGenerateBotsRequestData } from "../models/eft/bot/IGenerateBotsRequestData";
import { WeightedRandomHelper } from "../helpers/WeightedRandomHelper";
import { Health as PmcHealth, IBotBase, Skills } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { Health, IBotType, Inventory } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotType";
import { BotGenerationDetails } from "../models/spt/bots/BotGenerationDetails";
import { IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { BotEquipmentFilterService } from "../services/BotEquipmentFilterService";
import { PmcAiService } from "../services/PmcAiService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { BotInventoryGenerator } from "./BotInventoryGenerator";
declare namespace BotGenerator {
interface IRandomisedBotLevelResult {
level: number;
exp: number;
import { BotLevelGenerator } from "./BotLevelGenerator";
export declare class BotGenerator {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected hashUtil: HashUtil;
@ -28,13 +24,15 @@ export declare class BotGenerator {
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected botInventoryGenerator: BotInventoryGenerator;
protected botLevelGenerator: BotLevelGenerator;
protected botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService;
protected weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper;
protected botHelper: BotHelper;
protected botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper;
protected gameEventHelper: GameEventHelper;
protected pmcAiService: PmcAiService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botInventoryGenerator: BotInventoryGenerator, botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService, botHelper: BotHelper, gameEventHelper: GameEventHelper, pmcAiService: PmcAiService, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botInventoryGenerator: BotInventoryGenerator, botLevelGenerator: BotLevelGenerator, botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, botHelper: BotHelper, botDifficultyHelper: BotDifficultyHelper, gameEventHelper: GameEventHelper, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Generate a player scav bot object
* @param role e.g. assault / pmcbot
@ -44,12 +42,18 @@ export declare class BotGenerator {
generatePlayerScav(sessionId: string, role: string, difficulty: string, botTemplate: IBotType): IBotBase;
* Generate an array of bot objects for populate a raid with
* Generate an array of bot objects based on a condition for a raid with
* @param sessionId session id
* @param info request object
* @returns bot array
* @param botGenerationDetails details on how to generate the bots
* @returns Generated bots in array
generate(sessionId: string, info: IGenerateBotsRequestData): IBotBase[];
generateByCondition(sessionId: string, botGenerationDetails: BotGenerationDetails): IBotBase[];
* Get the PMCs wildSpawnType value
* @param role "usec" / "bear"
* @returns wildSpawnType value as string
protected getPmcRoleByDescription(role: string): string;
* Get a randomised PMC side based on bot config value 'isUsec'
* @returns pmc side as string
@ -64,26 +68,24 @@ export declare class BotGenerator {
* Create a IBotBase object with equipment/loot/exp etc
* @param sessionId Session id
* @param bot bots base file
* @param role botRole bot will use
* @param node Bot template from db/bots/x.json
* @param isPmc Is bot to be a PMC
* @param isPlayerScav is bot to be a p scav bot
* @param botJsonTemplate Bot template from db/bots/x.json
* @param botGenerationDetails details on how to generate the bot
* @returns IBotBase object
protected generateBot(sessionId: string, bot: IBotBase, role: string, node: IBotType, isPmc: boolean, isPlayerScav?: boolean): IBotBase;
protected generateBot(sessionId: string, bot: IBotBase, botJsonTemplate: IBotType, botGenerationDetails: BotGenerationDetails): IBotBase;
* Create a bot nickname
* @param botJsonTemplate x.json from database
* @param isPlayerScav Will bot be player scav
* @param botRole role of bot e.g. assault
* @returns Nickname for bot
protected generateBotNickname(botJsonTemplate: IBotType, isPlayerScav: boolean, botRole: string): string;
* Log the number of PMCs generated to the debug console
* @param output Generated bot array, ready to send to client
protected logPmcGeneratedCount(output: IBotBase[]): void;
* Return a randomised bot level and exp value
* @param role botRole being generated for
* @param min Min exp value
* @param max Max exp value
* @returns IRandomisedBotLevelResult object
protected generateRandomLevel(role: string, min: number, max: number): BotGenerator.IRandomisedBotLevelResult;
* Converts health object to the required format
* @param healthObj health object from bot json
@ -117,4 +119,3 @@ export declare class BotGenerator {
protected generateDogtag(bot: IBotBase): IBotBase;
export {};
@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
import { BotGeneratorHelper } from "../helpers/BotGeneratorHelper";
import { BotHelper } from "../helpers/BotHelper";
import { WeightedRandomHelper } from "../helpers/WeightedRandomHelper";
import { Inventory as PmcInventory } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { Chances, Generation, Inventory, Mods } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotType";
import { Chances, Generation, IBotType, Inventory, Mods } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotType";
import { EquipmentSlots } from "../models/enums/EquipmentSlots";
import { IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { IBotConfig, RandomisationDetails } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { BotLootGenerator } from "./BotLootGenerator";
@ -19,15 +21,81 @@ export declare class BotInventoryGenerator {
protected botWeaponGenerator: BotWeaponGenerator;
protected botLootGenerator: BotLootGenerator;
protected botGeneratorHelper: BotGeneratorHelper;
protected botHelper: BotHelper;
protected weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botWeaponGenerator: BotWeaponGenerator, botLootGenerator: BotLootGenerator, botGeneratorHelper: BotGeneratorHelper, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, configServer: ConfigServer);
generateInventory(sessionId: string, templateInventory: Inventory, equipmentChances: Chances, itemGenerationLimitsMinMax: Generation, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean): PmcInventory;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, botWeaponGenerator: BotWeaponGenerator, botLootGenerator: BotLootGenerator, botGeneratorHelper: BotGeneratorHelper, botHelper: BotHelper, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Add equipment/weapons/loot to bot
* @param sessionId Session id
* @param botJsonTemplate bot/x.json data from db
* @param botRole Role bot has (assault/pmcBot)
* @param isPmc Is bot being converted into a pmc
* @param botLevel Level of bot being generated
* @returns PmcInventory object with equipment/weapons/loot
generateInventory(sessionId: string, botJsonTemplate: IBotType, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean, botLevel: number): PmcInventory;
* Create a pmcInventory object with all the base/generic items needed
* @returns PmcInventory object
protected generateInventoryBase(): PmcInventory;
* Add equipment to a bot
* @param templateInventory bot/x.json data from db
* @param equipmentChances Chances items will be added to bot
* @param botRole Role bot has (assault/pmcBot)
* @param botInventory Inventory to add equipment to
* @param botLevel Level of bot
protected generateAndAddEquipmentToBot(templateInventory: Inventory, equipmentChances: Chances, botRole: string, botInventory: PmcInventory, botLevel: number): void;
* Add a piece of equipment with mods to inventory from the provided pools
* @param equipmentSlot Slot to select an item for
* @param equipmentPool Possible items to choose from
* @param modPool Possible mods to apply to item chosen
* @param spawnChances Chances items will be chosen to be added
* @param botRole Role of bot e.g. assault
* @param inventory Inventory to add item into
* @param randomisationDetails settings from bot.json to adjust how item is generated
protected generateEquipment(equipmentSlot: string, equipmentPool: Record<string, number>, modPool: Mods, spawnChances: Chances, botRole: string, inventory: PmcInventory, randomisationDetails: RandomisationDetails): void;
* Work out what weapons bot should have equipped and add them to bot inventory
* @param templateInventory bot/x.json data from db
* @param equipmentChances Chances bot can have equipment equipped
* @param sessionId Session id
* @param botInventory Inventory to add weapons to
* @param botRole assault/pmcBot/bossTagilla etc
* @param isPmc Is the bot being generated as a pmc
* @param botLevel level of bot having weapon generated
* @param itemGenerationLimitsMinMax Limits for items the bot can have
protected generateAndAddWeaponsToBot(templateInventory: Inventory, equipmentChances: Chances, sessionId: string, botInventory: PmcInventory, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean, itemGenerationLimitsMinMax: Generation, botLevel: number): void;
* Calculate if the bot should have weapons in Primary/Secondary/Holster slots
* @param equipmentChances Chances bot has certain equipment
* @returns What slots bot should have weapons generated for
protected getDesiredWeaponsForBot(equipmentChances: Chances): {
slot: EquipmentSlots;
shouldSpawn: boolean;
* Add weapon + spare mags/ammo to bots inventory
* @param sessionId Session id
* @param weaponSlot Weapon slot being generated
* @param templateInventory bot/x.json data from db
* @param botInventory Inventory to add weapon+mags/ammo to
* @param equipmentChances Chances bot can have equipment equipped
* @param botRole assault/pmcBot/bossTagilla etc
* @param isPmc Is the bot being generated as a pmc
* @param itemGenerationLimitsMinMax
protected addWeaponAndMagazinesToInventory(sessionId: string, weaponSlot: {
slot: EquipmentSlots;
shouldSpawn: boolean;
}, templateInventory: Inventory, botInventory: PmcInventory, equipmentChances: Chances, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean, itemGenerationLimitsMinMax: Generation): void;
protected generateEquipment(equipmentSlot: string, equipmentPool: Record<string, number>, modPool: Mods, spawnChances: Chances, botRole: string, inventory: PmcInventory): void;
protected generateInventoryBase(): PmcInventory;
}, templateInventory: Inventory, botInventory: PmcInventory, equipmentChances: Chances, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean, itemGenerationLimitsMinMax: Generation, botLevel: number): void;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
import { MinMax } from "../models/common/MinMax";
import { IRandomisedBotLevelResult } from "../models/eft/bot/IRandomisedBotLevelResult";
import { ExpTable } from "../models/eft/common/IGlobals";
import { IBotBase } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { BotGenerationDetails } from "../models/spt/bots/BotGenerationDetails";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
export declare class BotLevelGenerator {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
constructor(logger: ILogger, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer);
* Return a randomised bot level and exp value
* @param levelDetails min and max of level for bot
* @param botGenerationDetails Deatils to help generate a bot
* @param bot being level is being generated for
* @returns IRandomisedBotLevelResult object
generateBotLevel(levelDetails: MinMax, botGenerationDetails: BotGenerationDetails, bot: IBotBase): IRandomisedBotLevelResult;
* Get the highest level a bot can be relative to the players level, but no futher than the max size from globals.exp_table
* @param playerLevel Players current level
* @param relativeDeltaMax max delta above player level to go
* @returns highest level possible for bot
protected getHighestRelativeBotLevel(playerLevel: number, relativeDeltaMax: number, levelDetails: MinMax, expTable: ExpTable[]): number;
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { BotLootCacheService } from "../services/BotLootCacheService";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { BotWeaponGenerator } from "./BotWeaponGenerator";
@ -23,10 +24,22 @@ export declare class BotLootGenerator {
protected botWeaponGenerator: BotWeaponGenerator;
protected botWeaponGeneratorHelper: BotWeaponGeneratorHelper;
protected botLootCacheService: BotLootCacheService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, handbookHelper: HandbookHelper, botGeneratorHelper: BotGeneratorHelper, botWeaponGenerator: BotWeaponGenerator, botWeaponGeneratorHelper: BotWeaponGeneratorHelper, botLootCacheService: BotLootCacheService, configServer: ConfigServer);
generateLoot(sessionId: string, templateInventory: Inventory, itemCounts: ItemMinMax, isPmc: boolean, botRole: string, botInventory: PmcInventory, equipmentChances: Chances): void;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, handbookHelper: HandbookHelper, botGeneratorHelper: BotGeneratorHelper, botWeaponGenerator: BotWeaponGenerator, botWeaponGeneratorHelper: BotWeaponGeneratorHelper, botLootCacheService: BotLootCacheService, localisationService: LocalisationService, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Add loot to bots containers
* @param sessionId Session id
* @param templateInventory x.json from database/bots
* @param itemCounts Liits on item types to be added as loot
* @param isPmc Will bot be a pmc
* @param botRole Role of bot, e.g. asssult
* @param botInventory Inventory to add loot to
* @param equipmentChances
* @param botLevel Level of bot
generateLoot(sessionId: string, templateInventory: Inventory, itemCounts: ItemMinMax, isPmc: boolean, botRole: string, botInventory: PmcInventory, equipmentChances: Chances, botLevel: number): void;
protected getRandomisedCount(min: number, max: number, nValue: number): number;
* Take random items from a pool and add to an inventory until totalItemCount or totalValueLimit is reached
@ -49,7 +62,7 @@ export declare class BotLootGenerator {
* @param botRole bots role, .e.g. pmcBot
* @param isPmc are we generating for a pmc
protected addLooseWeaponsToInventorySlot(sessionId: string, botInventory: PmcInventory, equipmentSlot: string, templateInventory: Inventory, modChances: ModsChances, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean): void;
protected addLooseWeaponsToInventorySlot(sessionId: string, botInventory: PmcInventory, equipmentSlot: string, templateInventory: Inventory, modChances: ModsChances, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean, botLevel: number): void;
* Get a random item from the pool parameter using the biasedRandomNumber system
* @param pool pool of items to pick an item from
@ -113,7 +126,7 @@ export declare class BotLootGenerator {
* If no limit found for a non pmc bot, fall back to defaults
* @param isPmc is the bot we want limits for a pmc
* @param botRole what role does the bot have
* @returns dictionary of tplIds and limit
* @returns Dictionary of tplIds and limit
protected getItemSpawnLimitsForBotType(isPmc: boolean, botRole: string): Record<string, number>;
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import { IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
@ -27,10 +28,11 @@ export declare class BotWeaponGenerator {
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected botWeaponGeneratorHelper: BotWeaponGeneratorHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected inventoryMagGenComponents: IInventoryMagGen[];
protected readonly modMagazineSlotId = "mod_magazine";
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(jsonUtil: JsonUtil, logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, itemHelper: ItemHelper, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, botGeneratorHelper: BotGeneratorHelper, randomUtil: RandomUtil, configServer: ConfigServer, botWeaponGeneratorHelper: BotWeaponGeneratorHelper, inventoryMagGenComponents: IInventoryMagGen[]);
constructor(jsonUtil: JsonUtil, logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, itemHelper: ItemHelper, weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, botGeneratorHelper: BotGeneratorHelper, randomUtil: RandomUtil, configServer: ConfigServer, botWeaponGeneratorHelper: BotWeaponGeneratorHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, inventoryMagGenComponents: IInventoryMagGen[]);
* Pick a random weapon based on weightings and generate a functional weapon
* @param equipmentSlot Primary/secondary/holster
@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ export declare class BotWeaponGenerator {
* @param isPmc Is weapon generated for a pmc
* @returns GenerateWeaponResult object
generateRandomWeapon(sessionId: string, equipmentSlot: string, botTemplateInventory: Inventory, weaponParentId: string, modChances: ModsChances, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean): GenerateWeaponResult;
generateRandomWeapon(sessionId: string, equipmentSlot: string, botTemplateInventory: Inventory, weaponParentId: string, modChances: ModsChances, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean, botLevel: number): GenerateWeaponResult;
* Get a random weighted weapon from a bots pool of weapons
* @param equipmentSlot Primary/secondary/holster
@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ export declare class BotWeaponGenerator {
* @param isPmc
* @returns GenerateWeaponResult object
generateWeaponByTpl(sessionId: string, weaponTpl: string, equipmentSlot: string, botTemplateInventory: Inventory, weaponParentId: string, modChances: ModsChances, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean): GenerateWeaponResult;
generateWeaponByTpl(sessionId: string, weaponTpl: string, equipmentSlot: string, botTemplateInventory: Inventory, weaponParentId: string, modChances: ModsChances, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean, botLevel: number): GenerateWeaponResult;
* Create array with weapon base as only element and
* add additional properties based on weapon type
@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
import { HandbookHelper } from "../helpers/HandbookHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { PaymentHelper } from "../helpers/PaymentHelper";
import { PresetHelper } from "../helpers/PresetHelper";
import { RagfairServerHelper } from "../helpers/RagfairServerHelper";
import { Item } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { ITemplateItem } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem";
import { IBarterScheme } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { IRagfairOffer } from "../models/eft/ragfair/IRagfairOffer";
import { IRagfairOffer, OfferRequirement } from "../models/eft/ragfair/IRagfairOffer";
import { IRagfairConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IRagfairConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { SaveServer } from "../servers/SaveServer";
import { FenceService } from "../services/FenceService";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { RagfairCategoriesService } from "../services/RagfairCategoriesService";
import { RagfairOfferService } from "../services/RagfairOfferService";
import { RagfairPriceService } from "../services/RagfairPriceService";
@ -27,18 +30,31 @@ export declare class RagfairOfferGenerator {
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected ragfairServerHelper: RagfairServerHelper;
protected handbookHelper: HandbookHelper;
protected saveServer: SaveServer;
protected presetHelper: PresetHelper;
protected ragfairAssortGenerator: RagfairAssortGenerator;
protected ragfairOfferService: RagfairOfferService;
protected ragfairPriceService: RagfairPriceService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected paymentHelper: PaymentHelper;
protected ragfairCategoriesService: RagfairCategoriesService;
protected fenceService: FenceService;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, ragfairServerHelper: RagfairServerHelper, saveServer: SaveServer, presetHelper: PresetHelper, ragfairAssortGenerator: RagfairAssortGenerator, ragfairOfferService: RagfairOfferService, ragfairPriceService: RagfairPriceService, ragfairCategoriesService: RagfairCategoriesService, fenceService: FenceService, itemHelper: ItemHelper, configServer: ConfigServer);
protected allowedFleaPriceItemsForBarter: {
tpl: string;
price: number;
constructor(logger: ILogger, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, ragfairServerHelper: RagfairServerHelper, handbookHelper: HandbookHelper, saveServer: SaveServer, presetHelper: PresetHelper, ragfairAssortGenerator: RagfairAssortGenerator, ragfairOfferService: RagfairOfferService, ragfairPriceService: RagfairPriceService, localisationService: LocalisationService, paymentHelper: PaymentHelper, ragfairCategoriesService: RagfairCategoriesService, fenceService: FenceService, itemHelper: ItemHelper, configServer: ConfigServer);
createOffer(userID: string, time: number, items: Item[], barterScheme: IBarterScheme[], loyalLevel: number, price: number, sellInOnePiece?: boolean): IRagfairOffer;
* Calculate the offer price that's listed on the flea listing
* @param offerRequirements barter requirements for offer
* @returns rouble cost of offer
protected calculateOfferListingPrice(offerRequirements: OfferRequirement[]): number;
* Get avatar url from trader table in db
* @param isTrader Is user we're getting avatar for a trader
@ -87,20 +103,36 @@ export declare class RagfairOfferGenerator {
* @returns Item with conditions added
protected addMissingCondition(item: Item): Item;
protected getOfferRequirements(items: Item[]): {
count: number;
_tpl: string;
* Create a barter-based barter scheme, if not possible, fall back to making barter scheme currency based
* @param offerItems Items for sale in offer
* @returns barter scheme
protected createBarterRequirement(offerItems: Item[]): IBarterScheme[];
* Get an array of flea prices + item tpl, cached in generator class
* @returns array with tpl/price values
protected getFleaPricesAsArray(): {
tpl: string;
price: number;
* Create a random currency-based barter scheme for an array of items
* @param offerItems Items on offer
* @returns Barter scheme for offer
protected createCurrencyRequirement(offerItems: Item[]): IBarterScheme[];
* Create a flea offer and store it in the Ragfair server offers array
* @param userID owner of the offer
* @param time time offer is put up
* @param items items in the offer
* @param barterScheme
* @param loyalLevel
* @param barterScheme cost of item (currency or barter)
* @param loyalLevel Loyalty level needed to buy item
* @param price price of offer
* @param sellInOnePiece
* @returns
* @returns Ragfair offer
createFleaOffer(userID: string, time: number, items: Item[], barterScheme: IBarterScheme[], loyalLevel: number, price: number, sellInOnePiece?: boolean): IRagfairOffer;
@ -1,38 +1,54 @@
import { ApplicationContext } from "../context/ApplicationContext";
import { WeightedRandomHelper } from "../helpers/WeightedRandomHelper";
import { IWeatherData } from "../models/eft/weather/IWeatherData";
import { IWeather, IWeatherData } from "../models/eft/weather/IWeatherData";
import { WindDirection } from "../models/enums/WindDirection";
import { IWeatherConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IWeatherConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
export declare class WeatherGenerator {
protected weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper;
protected logger: ILogger;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected applicationContext: ApplicationContext;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected weatherConfig: IWeatherConfig;
constructor(weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, randomUtil: RandomUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, configServer: ConfigServer);
calculateTime(data: IWeatherData): IWeatherData;
constructor(weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, logger: ILogger, randomUtil: RandomUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, applicationContext: ApplicationContext, configServer: ConfigServer);
calculateGameTime(data: IWeatherData): IWeatherData;
* Get server uptime seconds multiplied by a multiplier and add to current time as seconds
* Format to BSGs requirements
* @param computedDate current date
* @param currentDate current date
* @returns formatted time
protected getAcceleratedTime(computedDate: Date): string;
protected getBsgFormattedInRaidTime(currentDate: Date): string;
* Get the current in-raid time
* @param currentDate (new Date())
* @returns Date object of current in-raid time
getInRaidTime(currentDate: Date): Date;
* Get current time formatted to fit BSGs requirement
* @param computedDate date to format into bsg style
* @param date date to format into bsg style
* @returns
protected getNormalTime(computedDate: Date): string;
protected getBSGFormattedTime(date: Date): string;
* Return randomised Weather data
* @param weatherData weather input data
* Return randomised Weather data with help of config/weather.json
* @returns Randomised weather data
generateWeather(weatherData: IWeatherData): IWeatherData;
protected getWeightedFog(): string;
generateWeather(): IWeather;
* Set IWeather date/time/timestamp values to now
* @param weather Object to update
protected setCurrentDateTime(weather: IWeather): void;
protected getWeightedWindDirection(): WindDirection;
protected getWeightedWindSpeed(): number;
protected getWeightedFog(): number;
protected getWeightedRain(): number;
protected getRandomFloat(node: string): number;
protected getRandomInt(node: string): number;
@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
import { BotWeaponGeneratorHelper } from "../../../helpers/BotWeaponGeneratorHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "../../../helpers/ItemHelper";
import { ILogger } from "../../../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { LocalisationService } from "../../../services/LocalisationService";
import { IInventoryMagGen } from "../IInventoryMagGen";
import { InventoryMagGen } from "../InventoryMagGen";
export declare class ExternalInventoryMagGen implements IInventoryMagGen {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected botWeaponGeneratorHelper: BotWeaponGeneratorHelper;
constructor(logger: ILogger, itemHelper: ItemHelper, botWeaponGeneratorHelper: BotWeaponGeneratorHelper);
constructor(logger: ILogger, itemHelper: ItemHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, botWeaponGeneratorHelper: BotWeaponGeneratorHelper);
getPriority(): number;
canHandleInventoryMagGen(inventoryMagGen: InventoryMagGen): boolean;
process(inventoryMagGen: InventoryMagGen): void;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
import { Difficulty } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotType";
import { IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { BotHelper } from "./BotHelper";
export declare class BotDifficultyHelper {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected botHelper: BotHelper;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, randomUtil: RandomUtil, localisationService: LocalisationService, botHelper: BotHelper, configServer: ConfigServer);
getPmcDifficultySettings(pmcType: "bear" | "usec", difficulty: string, usecType: string, bearType: string): Difficulty;
* Get difficulty settings for desired bot type, if not found use assault bot types
* @param type bot type to retreive difficulty of
* @param difficulty difficulty to get settings for (easy/normal etc)
* @returns Difficulty object
getBotDifficultySettings(type: string, difficulty: string): Difficulty;
* Get difficulty settings for a PMC
* @param type "usec" / "bear"
* @param difficulty what difficulty to retrieve
* @returns Difficulty object
protected getDifficultySettings(type: string, difficulty: string): Difficulty;
* Translate chosen value from pre-raid difficulty dropdown into bot difficulty value
* @param dropDownDifficulty Dropdown difficulty value to convert
* @returns bot difficulty
convertBotDifficultyDropdownToBotDifficulty(dropDownDifficulty: string): string;
* Choose a random difficulty from - easy/normal/hard/impossible
* @returns random difficulty
chooseRandomDifficulty(): string;
@ -8,9 +8,11 @@ import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { BotEquipmentFilterService } from "../services/BotEquipmentFilterService";
import { ItemFilterService } from "../services/ItemFilterService";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { BotHelper } from "./BotHelper";
import { BotWeaponGeneratorHelper } from "./BotWeaponGeneratorHelper";
import { ContainerHelper } from "./ContainerHelper";
import { InventoryHelper } from "./InventoryHelper";
@ -43,9 +45,11 @@ export declare class BotGeneratorHelper {
protected itemFilterService: ItemFilterService;
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
protected botWeaponGeneratorHelper: BotWeaponGeneratorHelper;
protected botHelper: BotHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, probabilityHelper: ProbabilityHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, durabilityLimitsHelper: DurabilityLimitsHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, containerHelper: ContainerHelper, botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService, itemFilterService: ItemFilterService, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, botWeaponGeneratorHelper: BotWeaponGeneratorHelper, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, hashUtil: HashUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, probabilityHelper: ProbabilityHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, durabilityLimitsHelper: DurabilityLimitsHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, containerHelper: ContainerHelper, botEquipmentFilterService: BotEquipmentFilterService, itemFilterService: ItemFilterService, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, botWeaponGeneratorHelper: BotWeaponGeneratorHelper, botHelper: BotHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Check mods are compatible and add to array
* @param equipment Equipment item to add mods to
@ -53,10 +57,13 @@ export declare class BotGeneratorHelper {
* @param parentId parentid of item to add mod to
* @param parentTemplate template objet of item to add mods to
* @param modSpawnChances dictionary of mod items and their chance to spawn for this bot type
* @param botRole the bot role being generated for
* @param forceSpawn should this mod be forced to spawn
* @returns Item + compatible mods as an array
generateModsForEquipment(equipment: Item[], modPool: Mods, parentId: string, parentTemplate: ITemplateItem, modSpawnChances: ModsChances): Item[];
generateModsForEquipment(equipment: Item[], modPool: Mods, parentId: string, parentTemplate: ITemplateItem, modSpawnChances: ModsChances, botRole: string, forceSpawn?: boolean): Item[];
* Add mods to a weapon using the provided mod pool
* @param sessionId session id
* @param weapon Weapon to add mods to
* @param modPool Pool of compatible mods to attach to weapon
@ -67,18 +74,18 @@ export declare class BotGeneratorHelper {
* @param botRole Role of bot weapon is generated for
* @returns Weapon + mods array
generateModsForWeapon(sessionId: string, weapon: Item[], modPool: Mods, weaponParentId: string, parentWeaponTemplate: ITemplateItem, modSpawnChances: ModsChances, ammoTpl: string, botRole: string): Item[];
generateModsForWeapon(sessionId: string, weapon: Item[], modPool: Mods, weaponParentId: string, parentWeaponTemplate: ITemplateItem, modSpawnChances: ModsChances, ammoTpl: string, botRole: string, botLevel: number): Item[];
* @param modSlot
* @param isRandomisableSlot
* @param modsParent
* @param botEquipBlacklist
* @param itemModPool
* @param modSlot Slot mod will fit into
* @param isRandomisableSlot Will generate a randomised mod pool if true
* @param modsParent Parent slot the item will be a part of
* @param botEquipBlacklist Blacklist to prevent mods from being picked
* @param itemModPool Pool of items to pick from
* @param weapon array with only weapon tpl in it, ready for mods to be added
* @param ammoTpl ammo tpl to use if slot requires a cartridge to be added (e.g. mod_magazine)
* @param parentTemplate
* @returns
* @param parentTemplate Parent item the mod will go into
* @returns ITemplateItem
protected chooseModToPutIntoSlot(modSlot: string, isRandomisableSlot: boolean, modsParent: Slot, botEquipBlacklist: EquipmentFilterDetails, itemModPool: Record<string, string[]>, weapon: Item[], ammoTpl: string, parentTemplate: ITemplateItem): [boolean, ITemplateItem];
@ -114,8 +121,10 @@ export declare class BotGeneratorHelper {
* Find all compatible mods for equipment item and add to modPool
* @param itemDetails item to find mods for
* @param modPool ModPool to add mods to
* @param equipmentBlacklist equipment not allowed to be used by the bot
* @param botEquipmentRole bot type to generate pool for (e.g. assault, pmcBot, pmc for usec/bear)
generateDynamicModPool(itemDetails: ITemplateItem, modPool: Mods): void;
generateDynamicModPool(itemDetails: ITemplateItem, modPool: Mods, equipmentBlacklist: EquipmentFilterDetails[], botEquipmentRole: string): void;
* Take a list of tpls and filter out blacklisted values using itemFilterService + botEquipmentBlacklist
* @param allowedMods base mods to filter
@ -153,7 +162,7 @@ export declare class BotGeneratorHelper {
* @param modTemplate Used to add additional properites in the upd object
* @returns Item object
protected createModItem(modId: string, modTpl: string, parentId: string, modSlot: string, modTemplate: ITemplateItem): Item;
protected createModItem(modId: string, modTpl: string, parentId: string, modSlot: string, modTemplate: ITemplateItem, botRole: string): Item;
* randomly choose if a mod should be spawned, 100% for required mods OR mod is ammo slot
* never return true for an item that has 0% spawn chance
@ -170,10 +179,10 @@ export declare class BotGeneratorHelper {
protected getAmmoContainers(): string[];
* Get the slot details for an item (chamber/cartridge/slot)
* Get a Slot property for an item (chamber/cartridge/slot)
* @param modSlot e.g patron_in_weapon
* @param parentTemplate item template
* @returns
* @returns Slot item
protected getModItemSlot(modSlot: string, parentTemplate: ITemplateItem): Slot;
@ -185,7 +194,6 @@ export declare class BotGeneratorHelper {
* @param modPool modPool which should include available cartrigdes
* @param parentId The CylinderMagazine's UID
* @param parentTemplate The CylinderMagazine's template
* @returns
protected fillCamora(items: Item[], modPool: Mods, parentId: string, parentTemplate: ITemplateItem): void;
@ -197,11 +205,11 @@ export declare class BotGeneratorHelper {
* Adds properties to an item
* e.g. Repairable / HasHinge / Foldable / MaxDurability
* @param itemTemplate
* @param botRole Used by weapons to randomise the durability values
* @param itemTemplate Item extra properties are being generated for
* @param botRole Used by weapons to randomise the durability values. Null for non-equipped items
* @returns Item Upd object with extra properties
generateExtraPropertiesForItem(itemTemplate: ITemplateItem, botRole?: any): {
generateExtraPropertiesForItem(itemTemplate: ITemplateItem, botRole?: string): {
upd?: Upd;
@ -220,21 +228,27 @@ export declare class BotGeneratorHelper {
protected generateArmorRepairableProperties(itemTemplate: ITemplateItem, botRole: string): Repairable;
* Get a random mod from an items compatible mods Filter array
* @param modTpl
* @param parentSlot
* @param modSlot
* @param items
* @param modTpl ????
* @param parentSlot item mod will go into, used to get combatible items
* @param modSlot Slot to get mod to fill
* @param items items to ensure picked mod is compatible with
* @returns item tpl
protected getModTplFromItemDb(modTpl: string, parentSlot: Slot, modSlot: string, items: Item[]): string;
* Can an item be added to an item without issue
* @param items
* @param tplToCheck
* @param equipmentSlot
* @returns true if possible
* @param items items to check compatiblilities with
* @param tplToCheck tpl of the item to check for incompatibilities
* @param equipmentSlot Slot the item will be placed into
* @returns false if no incompatibilties
isItemIncompatibleWithCurrentItems(items: Item[], tplToCheck: string, equipmentSlot: string): boolean;
* Convert a bots role to the equipment role used in config/bot.json
* @param botRole Role to convert
* @returns Equipment role (e.g. pmc / assault / bossTagilla)
getBotEquipmentRole(botRole: string): string;
/** TODO - move into own class */
export declare class ExhaustableArray<T> {
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
import { Difficulty, IBotType } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotType";
import { IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { EquipmentFilters, IBotConfig, RandomisationDetails } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
export declare class BotHelper {
@ -10,46 +11,27 @@ export declare class BotHelper {
protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, randomUtil: RandomUtil, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Get difficulty settings for desired bot type, if not found use assault bot types
* @param type bot type to retreive difficulty of
* @param difficulty difficulty to get settings for (easy/normal etc)
* @returns Difficulty object
getBotDifficultySettings(type: string, difficulty: string): Difficulty;
constructor(logger: ILogger, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, randomUtil: RandomUtil, localisationService: LocalisationService, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Get a template object for the specified botRole from bots.types db
* @param role botRole to get template for
* @returns IBotType object
getBotTemplate(role: string): IBotType;
* Get difficulty settings for a PMC
* @param type "usec" / "bear"
* @param difficulty what difficulty to retrieve
* @returns Difficulty object
getPmcDifficultySettings(type: string, difficulty: string): Difficulty;
* Translate chosen value from pre-raid difficulty dropdown into bot difficulty value
* @param dropDownDifficulty Dropdown difficulty value to convert
* @returns bot difficulty
convertBotDifficultyDropdownToBotDifficulty(dropDownDifficulty: string): string;
* Choose a random difficulty from - easy/normal/hard/impossible
* @returns random difficulty
chooseRandomDifficulty(): string;
* Randomise the chance the PMC will attack their own side
* Look up value in bot.json/chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent
* @param difficultySettings pmc difficulty settings
randomisePmcHostility(difficultySettings: Difficulty): void;
* Is the passed in bot role a PMC (usec/bear/pmc)
* @param botRole bot role to check
* @returns true if is pmc
isBotPmc(botRole: string): boolean;
isBotBoss(botRole: string): boolean;
isBotFollower(botRole: string): boolean;
@ -77,4 +59,11 @@ export declare class BotHelper {
* @returns true if should be a pmc
shouldBotBePmc(botRole: string): boolean;
* Get randomisation settings for bot from config/bot.json
* @param botLevel level of bot
* @param botEquipConfig bot equipment json
* @returns RandomisationDetails
getBotRandomisationDetails(botLevel: number, botEquipConfig: EquipmentFilters): RandomisationDetails;
@ -15,4 +15,15 @@ export declare class GameEventHelper {
* @returns Record with event name + start/end date
getEventDetails(): ISeasonalEvent[];
* Is detection of seasonal events enabled (halloween / christmas)
* @returns true if seasonal events should be checked for
isAutomaticEventDetectionEnabled(): boolean;
* Get a dictionary of gear changes to apply to bots for a specific event e.g. Christmas/Halloween
* @param eventName Name of event to get gear changes for
* @returns bots with equipment changes
getEventBotGear(eventName: string): Record<string, Record<string, Record<string, number>>>;
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { EventOutputHolder } from "../routers/EventOutputHolder";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { PlayerService } from "../services/PlayerService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { HttpResponseUtil } from "../utils/HttpResponseUtil";
@ -29,13 +30,14 @@ export declare class HideoutHelper {
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper;
protected playerService: PlayerService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
static bitcoinFarm: string;
static waterCollector: string;
static bitcoin: string;
static expeditionaryFuelTank: string;
protected hideoutConfig: IHideoutConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, playerService: PlayerService, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, timeUtil: TimeUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, playerService: PlayerService, localisationService: LocalisationService, configServer: ConfigServer);
registerProduction(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IHideoutSingleProductionStartRequestData | IHideoutContinousProductionStartRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
* This convinience function intialies new Production Object
@ -5,11 +5,12 @@ import { IInventoryMergeRequestData } from "../models/eft/inventory/IInventoryMe
import { IInventoryMoveRequestData } from "../models/eft/inventory/IInventoryMoveRequestData";
import { IInventorySplitRequestData } from "../models/eft/inventory/IInventorySplitRequestData";
import { IItemEventRouterResponse } from "../models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterResponse";
import { IInventoryConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IInventoryConfig";
import { IInventoryConfig, RewardDetails } from "../models/spt/config/IInventoryConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { FenceService } from "../services/FenceService";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { HttpResponseUtil } from "../utils/HttpResponseUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
@ -38,9 +39,10 @@ export declare class InventoryHelper {
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected containerHelper: ContainerHelper;
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected inventoryConfig: IInventoryConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, hashUtil: HashUtil, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, fenceService: FenceService, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, paymentHelper: PaymentHelper, traderAssortHelper: TraderAssortHelper, dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, containerHelper: ContainerHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, hashUtil: HashUtil, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, fenceService: FenceService, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, paymentHelper: PaymentHelper, traderAssortHelper: TraderAssortHelper, dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, containerHelper: ContainerHelper, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, configServer: ConfigServer);
addItem(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IAddItemRequestData, output: IItemEventRouterResponse, sessionID: string, callback: any, foundInRaid?: boolean, addUpd?: any): IItemEventRouterResponse;
removeItem(pmcData: IPmcData, itemId: string, sessionID: string, output?: IItemEventRouterResponse): IItemEventRouterResponse;
removeItemByCount(pmcData: IPmcData, itemId: string, count: number, sessionID: string, output?: IItemEventRouterResponse): IItemEventRouterResponse;
@ -76,6 +78,12 @@ export declare class InventoryHelper {
* Internal helper function to handle cartridges in inventory if any of them exist.
protected handleCartridges(items: Item[], body: IInventoryMoveRequestData): void;
* Get details for how a random loot container should be handled, max rewards, possible reward tpls
* @param itemTpl Container being opened
* @returns Reward details
getRandomLootContainerRewardDetails(itemTpl: string): RewardDetails;
declare namespace InventoryHelper {
interface InventoryItemHash {
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { IStaticAmmoDetails } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ILootBase";
import { ITemplateItem } from "../models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { LocaleService } from "../services/LocaleService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { MathUtil } from "../utils/MathUtil";
@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ declare class ItemHelper {
protected objectId: ObjectId;
protected mathUtil: MathUtil;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, objectId: ObjectId, mathUtil: MathUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer);
protected localeService: LocaleService;
constructor(logger: ILogger, hashUtil: HashUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, objectId: ObjectId, mathUtil: MathUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, localeService: LocaleService);
* Checks if an id is a valid item. Valid meaning that it's an item that be stored in stash
* @param {string} tpl the template id / tpl
@ -212,6 +214,12 @@ declare class ItemHelper {
* @returns size of stack
getItemStackSize(item: Item): number;
* Get the name of an item from the locale file using the item tpl
* @param itemTpl Tpl of item to get name of
* @returns Name of item
getItemName(itemTpl: string): string;
declare namespace ItemHelper {
interface ItemSize {
@ -50,6 +50,12 @@ export declare class QuestHelper {
* @returns true if player level is greater than or equal to quest
doesPlayerLevelFulfilCondition(playerLevel: number, condition: AvailableForConditions): boolean;
* Get the quests found in both arrays (inner join)
* @param before Array of qeusts #1
* @param after Array of quests #2
* @returns Reduction of cartesian product between two quest arrays
getDeltaQuests(before: IQuest[], after: IQuest[]): IQuest[];
* Increase skill points of a skill on player profile
@ -66,38 +72,85 @@ export declare class QuestHelper {
* quest list in question.
dumpQuests(quests: any): void;
loyaltyRequirementCheck(loyaltyRequirementProperties: AvailableForProps, profile: IPmcData): boolean;
protected processReward(reward: Reward): any[];
* Check if trader has sufficient loyalty to fullfill quest requirement
* @param questProperties Quest props
* @param profile Player profile
* @returns true if loyalty is high enough to fulfil quest requirement
traderStandingRequirementCheck(questProperties: AvailableForProps, profile: IPmcData): boolean;
protected processReward(reward: Reward): Reward[];
* Gets a flat list of reward items for the given quest at a specific state (e.g. Fail/Success)
* @param quest quest to get rewards for
* @param state Quest status that holds the items (Started, Success, Fail)
* @returns array of items with the correct maxStack
getQuestRewardItems(quest: IQuest, state: QuestStatus): Reward[];
* Add quest with new state value to pmc profile
* Update player profile with quest status (e.g. Fail/Success)
* @param pmcData profile to add quest to
* @param newState state the new quest should be in when added
* @param acceptedQuest Details of quest being added
addQuestToPMCData(pmcData: IPmcData, newState: QuestStatus, acceptedQuest: IAcceptQuestRequestData): void;
acceptedUnlocked(acceptedQuestId: string, sessionID: string): IQuest[];
failedUnlocked(failedQuestId: string, sessionID: string): IQuest[];
applyMoneyBoost(quest: IQuest, moneyBoost: number): IQuest;
changeItemStack(pmcData: IPmcData, id: string, value: number, sessionID: string, output: any): void;
* Get List of All Quests as an array
* TODO: what is going on here
* @param acceptedQuestId Quest to add to profile
* @param sessionID Session id
* @returns Array of quests in profile + quest passed in as param
acceptedUnlocked(acceptedQuestId: string, sessionID: string): IQuest[];
* TODO: what is going on here
* @param failedQuestId
* @param sessionID Session id
* @returns
failedUnlocked(failedQuestId: string, sessionID: string): IQuest[];
* Adjust quest money rewards by passed in multipler
* @param quest Quest to multiple money rewards
* @param multipler Value to adjust money rewards by
* @returns Updated quest
applyMoneyBoost(quest: IQuest, multipler: number): IQuest;
* Sets the item stack to new value, or delete the item if value <= 0
* // TODO maybe merge this function and the one from customization
* @param pmcData Profile
* @param itemId id of item to adjust stack size of
* @param newStackSize Stack size to adjust to
* @param sessionID Session id
* @param output ItemEvent router response
changeItemStack(pmcData: IPmcData, itemId: string, newStackSize: number, sessionID: string, output: IItemEventRouterResponse): void;
* Get List of All Quests from db
* @returns Array of IQuest objects
questValues(): IQuest[];
getQuestsFromDb(): IQuest[];
* Reest AvailableForStart conditions for quests
* @param quests queststo clean
* Get quests, strip all requirement conditions except level
* @param quests quests to process
* @returns quest array without conditions
protected cleanQuestList(quests: IQuest[]): IQuest[];
protected getQuestsWithOnlyLevelRequirementStartCondition(quests: IQuest[]): IQuest[];
* Reset AvailableForStart conditions on a quest
* Remove all quest conditions except for level requirement
* @param quest quest to clean
* @returns reset IQuest object
cleanQuestConditions(quest: IQuest): IQuest;
failQuest(pmcData: IPmcData, body: any, sessionID: string): any;
getQuestWithOnlyLevelRequirementStartCondition(quest: IQuest): IQuest;
* Fail a quest in a player profile
* @param pmcData Profile
* @param failRequest fail quest request data
* @param sessionID Session id
* @returns Item event router response
failQuest(pmcData: IPmcData, failRequest: any, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
* Get quest by id from database
* @param questId questid to look for
@ -105,7 +158,12 @@ export declare class QuestHelper {
* @returns IQuest object
getQuestFromDb(questId: string, pmcData: IPmcData): IQuest;
getQuestLocaleIdFromDb(messageId: string): string;
* Get the locale Id from locale db for a quest message
* @param questMessageId Quest mesage id to look up
* @returns Locale Id from locale db
getQuestLocaleIdFromDb(questMessageId: string): string;
* Alter a quests state + Add a record to tis status timers object
* @param pmcData Profile to update
@ -128,5 +186,10 @@ export declare class QuestHelper {
* @returns bonus in percent
protected getIntelCenterRewardBonus(pmcData: IPmcData): number;
getFindItemIdForQuestItem(itemTpl: string): string;
* Find quest with 'findItem' requirement that needs the item tpl be handed in
* @param itemTpl item tpl to look for
* @returns 'FindItem' condition id
getFindItemIdForQuestHandIn(itemTpl: string): string;
@ -44,10 +44,20 @@ export declare class RagfairServerHelper {
isPlayer(userID: string): boolean;
returnItems(sessionID: string, items: any[]): void;
calculateDynamicStackCount(tplId: string, isWeaponPreset: boolean): number;
* Choose a currency at random with bias
* @returns currency tpl
getDynamicOfferCurrency(): string;
getMemberType(userID: string): MemberCategory;
getNickname(userID: string): string;
getPresetItems(item: any): Item[];
getPresetItemsByTpl(item: Item): Item[];
* Generate new unique ids for the children while preserving hierarchy
* @param item base item
* @param preset
* @returns Item array with new IDs
reparentPresets(item: Item, preset: Item[]): Item[];
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export declare class RagfairSortHelper {
protected sortOffersByRating(a: IRagfairOffer, b: IRagfairOffer): number;
protected sortOffersByName(a: IRagfairOffer, b: IRagfairOffer): number;
* Order two offers by price value
* Order two offers by rouble price value
* @param a Offer a
* @param b Offer b
* @returns
@ -1,29 +1,31 @@
import { DependencyContainer } from "tsyringe";
import { IPostAkiLoadMod } from "../models/external/IPostAkiLoadMod";
import { IPostDBLoadMod } from "../models/external/IPostDBLoadMod";
import { IPreAkiLoadMod } from "../models/external/IPreAkiLoadMod";
import { ICoreConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ICoreConfig";
import { ModLoader } from "../models/spt/mod/IMod";
import { IModLoader } from "../models/spt/mod/IModLoader";
import { IPackageJsonData } from "../models/spt/mod/IPackageJsonData";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { ModCompilerService } from "../services/ModCompilerService";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { VFS } from "../utils/VFS";
import { BundleLoader } from "./BundleLoader";
import { IPostAkiLoadMod } from "../models/external/IPostAkiLoadMod";
import { IPreAkiLoadMod } from "../models/external/IPreAkiLoadMod";
import { IPostDBLoadMod } from "../models/external/IPostDBLoadMod";
export declare class PreAkiModLoader implements IModLoader {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected vfs: VFS;
protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil;
protected modCompilerService: ModCompilerService;
protected bundleLoader: BundleLoader;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected static container: DependencyContainer;
protected readonly basepath = "user/mods/";
protected imported: Record<string, ModLoader.IMod>;
protected akiConfig: ICoreConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, vfs: VFS, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, modCompilerService: ModCompilerService, bundleLoader: BundleLoader, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, vfs: VFS, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, modCompilerService: ModCompilerService, bundleLoader: BundleLoader, localisationService: LocalisationService, configServer: ConfigServer);
load(container: DependencyContainer): Promise<void>;
getBundles(local: boolean): string;
getBundle(key: string, local: boolean): void;
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ export interface IGenerateBotsRequestData {
conditions: Condition[];
export interface Condition {
/** e.g. assault/pmcBot/bossKilla */
Role: string;
Limit: number;
Difficulty: string;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
export interface IRandomisedBotLevelResult {
level: number;
exp: number;
@ -591,6 +591,7 @@ export interface HealPrice {
export interface ProfileHealthSettings {
BodyPartsSettings: BodyPartsSettings;
HealthFactorsSettings: HealthFactorsSettings;
DefaultStimulatorBuff: string;
export interface BodyPartsSettings {
Head: BodyPartsSetting;
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ export interface IBotType {
skills: Skills;
export interface Appearance {
body: string[];
feet: string[];
body: Record<string, number>;
feet: Record<string, number>;
hands: string[];
head: string[];
voice: string[];
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ export interface Props {
foodUseTime?: number;
foodEffectType?: string;
StimulatorBuffs?: string;
effects_health?: any;
effects_health?: IHealthEffect[] | Record<string, Record<string, number>>;
effects_damage?: any;
MaximumNumberOfUsage?: number;
knifeHitDelay?: number;
@ -366,6 +366,10 @@ export interface Props {
MinTimeToContactExplode?: number;
ExplosionEffectType?: string;
export interface IHealthEffect {
type: string;
value: number;
export interface Prefab {
path: string;
rcid: string;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
export interface IGetSuitsResponse {
_id: string;
suites: string[];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
export interface IGameKeepAliveResponse {
msg: string;
utc_time: number;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
export interface IGameLogoutResponseData {
status: string;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
export interface IGameStartResponse {
utc_time: number;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import { IInventoryBaseActionRequestData } from "./IInventoryBaseActionRequestData";
export interface IOpenRandomLootContainerRequestData extends IInventoryBaseActionRequestData {
Action: "OpenRandomLootContainer";
/** Container item opened */
item: string;
to: To[];
export interface To {
/** Player character (pmc/scav) id items will be sent to */
id: string;
@ -10,8 +10,9 @@ export interface IItemEventRouterBase {
export declare type TProfileChanges = Record<string, ProfileChange>;
export interface Warning {
index: number;
err: string;
errmsg: string;
code?: string;
data?: any;
export interface ProfileChange {
_id: string;
@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ import { BotAmount } from "../../enums/BotAmount";
import { BotDifficulty } from "../../enums/BotDifficulty";
export interface IStartOfflineRaidRequestData {
locationName: string;
/** Current time, not in-game time */
startTime: number;
dateTime: string;
/** CURR = am, past = pm */
dateTime: "CURR" | "PAST";
gameSettings: GameSettings;
export interface GameSettings {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
import { INotifierChannel } from "./INotifier";
export interface ISelectProfileResponse {
status: string;
notifier: INotifierChannel;
notifierServer: string;
@ -7,19 +7,19 @@ export interface IRagfairOffer {
requirements: OfferRequirement[];
root: string;
intId: number;
/** Handbook price */
itemsCost: number;
/** Rouble price */
requirementsCost: number;
sptRequirementsCostRouble: number;
startTime: number;
endTime: number;
sellInOnePiece: boolean;
name?: string;
shortName?: string;
loyaltyLevel: number;
buyRestrictionMax?: number;
buyRestrictionCurrent?: number;
locked: boolean;
unlimitedCount: boolean;
/** Rouble price */
summaryCost: number;
user: IRagfairOfferUser;
notAvailable: boolean;
@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ export interface OfferRequirement {
export interface IRagfairOfferUser {
id: string;
nickname: string;
rating: number;
nickname?: string;
rating?: number;
memberType: MemberCategory;
avatar: string;
isRatingGrowing: boolean;
avatar?: string;
isRatingGrowing?: boolean;
export interface SellResult {
sellTime: number;
@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
import { WindDirection } from "../../../models/enums/WindDirection";
export interface IWeatherData {
acceleration: number;
time: string;
date: string;
weather: IWeather;
weather?: IWeather;
export interface IWeather {
pressure: number;
temp: number;
fog: string;
fog: number;
rain_intensity: number;
rain: any;
rain: number;
wind_gustiness: number;
wind_direction: any;
wind_direction: WindDirection;
wind_speed: number;
cloud: number;
time: string;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
export declare enum BackendErrorCodes {
NONE = 0,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
export declare enum HideoutEventActions {
HIDEOUT_UPGRADE = "HideoutUpgrade",
HIDEOUT_UPGRADE_COMPLETE = "HideoutUpgradeComplete",
HIDEOUT_TOGGLE_AREA = "HideoutToggleArea",
HIDEOUT_SINGLE_PRODUCTION_START = "HideoutSingleProductionStart",
HIDEOUT_SCAV_CASE_PRODUCTION_START = "HideoutScavCaseProductionStart",
HIDEOUT_CONTINUOUS_PRODUCTION_START = "HideoutContinuousProductionStart",
HIDEOUT_TAKE_PRODUCTION = "HideoutTakeProduction"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
export declare enum ItemEventActions {
MOVE = "Move",
REMOVE = "Remove",
SPLIT = "Split",
MERGE = "Merge",
TRANSFER = "Transfer",
SWAP = "Swap",
FOLD = "Fold",
TOGGLE = "Toggle",
TAG = "Tag",
BIND = "Bind",
EXAMINE = "Examine",
READ_ENCYCLOPEDIA = "ReadEncyclopedia",
APPLY_INVENTORY_CHANGES = "ApplyInventoryChanges",
CREATE_MAP_MARKER = "CreateMapMarker",
DELETE_MAP_MARKER = "DeleteMapMarker",
EDIT_MAP_MARKER = "EditMapMarker",
OPEN_RANDOM_LOOT_CONTAINER = "OpenRandomLootContainer"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
export declare enum WeatherType {
FOG = 9,
RAIN = 12,
NONE = 0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
export declare enum WildSpawnTypeNumber {
PMCBOT = 512,
TEST = 262144,
BOSSTAGILLA = 4194304,
EXUSEC = 16777216,
GIFTER = 33554432,
BOSSKNIGHT = 67108864,
SPTUSEC = 536870912,
SPTBEAR = 1073741824
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
export declare enum WindDirection {
EAST = 1,
NORTH = 2,
WEST = 3,
SOUTH = 4,
SE = 5,
SW = 6,
NW = 7,
NE = 8
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
export interface BotGenerationDetails {
/** Should the bot be generated as a PMC */
isPmc: boolean;
/** assault/pmcBot etc */
role: string;
/** Active players current level */
playerLevel: number;
/** Delta of highest level of bot */
botRelativeLevelDeltaMax: number;
/** How many to create and store */
botCountToGenerate: number;
/** Desired difficulty of the bot */
botDifficulty: string;
/** Will the generated bot be a player scav */
isPlayerScav: boolean;
@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ export interface IBotConfig extends IBaseConfig {
maxBotCap: Record<string, number>;
/** How many stacks of secret ammo should a bot have in its bot secure container */
secureContainerAmmoStackCount: number;
/** Batch generation size when type not available in cache */
botGenerationBatchSizePerType: number;
export interface PresetBatch {
assault: number;
@ -64,10 +66,13 @@ export interface LootNvalue {
export interface EquipmentFilters {
weaponModLimits: ModLimits;
randomisedWeaponModSlots?: string[];
randomisedArmorSlots?: string[];
faceShieldIsActiveChancePercent?: number;
lightLaserIsActiveChancePercent?: number;
randomisation: RandomisationDetails[];
blacklist: EquipmentFilterDetails[];
whitelist: EquipmentFilterDetails[];
clothing: WeightingAdjustmentDetails[];
weightingAdjustments: WeightingAdjustmentDetails[];
export interface ModLimits {
/** How many scopes are allowed on a weapon - hard coded to work with OPTIC_SCOPE, ASSAULT_SCOPE, COLLIMATOR, COMPACT_COLLIMATOR */
@ -75,8 +80,27 @@ export interface ModLimits {
/** How many lasers or lights are allowed on a weapon - hard coded to work with TACTICAL_COMBO, and FLASHLIGHT */
lightLaserLimit?: number;
export interface RandomisationDetails {
levelRange: MinMax;
randomisedWeaponModSlots?: string[];
randomisedArmorSlots?: string[];
/** Equipment chances */
equipment?: Record<string, number>;
/** Modc chances */
mods?: Record<string, number>;
export interface EquipmentFilterDetails {
levelRange: MinMax;
equipment: Record<string, string[]>;
cartridge: Record<string, string[]>;
export interface WeightingAdjustmentDetails {
levelRange: MinMax;
ammo?: AdjustmentDetails;
equipment?: AdjustmentDetails;
clothing?: AdjustmentDetails;
export interface AdjustmentDetails {
add: Record<string, Record<string, number>>;
edit: Record<string, Record<string, number>>;
@ -2,4 +2,10 @@ import { IBaseConfig } from "./IBaseConfig";
export interface IInventoryConfig extends IBaseConfig {
kind: "aki-inventory";
newItemsMarkedFound: boolean;
randomLootContainers: Record<string, RewardDetails>;
export interface RewardDetails {
rewardCount: number;
foundInRaid: boolean;
rewardTplPool: Record<string, number>;
@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
import { IBaseConfig } from "./IBaseConfig";
export interface ILocaleConfig extends IBaseConfig {
kind: "aki-locale";
desiredLocale: string;
/** e.g. ru/en/cn/fr etc, or 'system', will take computer locale setting */
gameLocale: string;
/** e.g. ru/en/cn/fr etc, or 'system', will take computer locale setting */
serverLocale: string;
/** Languages server can be translated into */
serverSupportedLocales: string[];
@ -6,14 +6,17 @@ export interface IPmcConfig {
looseWeaponInBackpackChancePercent: number;
looseWeaponInBackpackLootMinMax: MinMax;
isUsec: number;
usecType: string;
bearType: string;
chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent: number;
/** key: location, value: type for usec/bear */
pmcType: Record<string, PmcTypes>;
pmcType: Record<string, Record<string, Record<string, number>>>;
maxBackpackLootTotalRub: number;
maxPocketLootTotalRub: number;
maxVestLootTotalRub: number;
convertIntoPmcChance: Record<string, MinMax>;
enemyTypes: string[];
botRelativeLevelDeltaMax: number;
export interface PmcTypes {
usec: string;
@ -28,12 +28,8 @@ export interface Reputation {
gain: number;
loss: number;
export declare class OfferAdjustment {
maxPriceDifferenceBelowHandbookPercent: number;
handbookPriceMultipier: number;
priceThreshholdRub: number;
export interface Dynamic {
barter: Barter;
offerAdjustment: OfferAdjustment;
expiredOfferThreshold: number;
offerItemCount: MinMax;
@ -49,6 +45,20 @@ export interface Dynamic {
showAsSingleStack: string[];
blacklist: Blacklist;
export declare class Barter {
enable: boolean;
chancePercent: number;
itemCountMin: number;
itemCountMax: number;
priceRangeVariancePercent: number;
minRoubleCostToBecomeBarter: number;
itemTypeBlacklist: string[];
export declare class OfferAdjustment {
maxPriceDifferenceBelowHandbookPercent: number;
handbookPriceMultipier: number;
priceThreshholdRub: number;
export interface Condition {
conditionChance: number;
min: number;
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
import { IBaseConfig } from "./IBaseConfig";
export interface ISeasonalEventConfig extends IBaseConfig {
kind: "aki-seasonalevents";
enableSeasonalEventDetection: boolean;
/** event / botType / equipSlot / itemid */
eventGear: Record<string, Record<string, Record<string, Record<string, number>>>>;
events: ISeasonalEvent[];
export interface ISeasonalEvent {
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import { WindDirection } from "../../../models/enums/WindDirection";
import { MinMax } from "../../common/MinMax";
import { IBaseConfig } from "./IBaseConfig";
export interface IWeatherConfig extends IBaseConfig {
@ -7,12 +8,16 @@ export interface IWeatherConfig extends IBaseConfig {
export interface Weather {
clouds: MinMax;
windSpeed: MinMax;
windDirection: MinMax;
windSpeed: WeatherSettings<number>;
windDirection: WeatherSettings<WindDirection>;
windGustiness: MinMax;
rain: MinMax;
rain: WeatherSettings<number>;
rainIntensity: MinMax;
fog: MinMax;
fog: WeatherSettings<string>;
temp: MinMax;
pressure: MinMax;
export interface WeatherSettings<T> {
values: T[];
weights: number[];
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { IPmcData } from "../../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IItemEventRouterResponse } from "../../models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterResponse";
import { HideoutCallbacks } from "../../callbacks/HideoutCallbacks";
import { HandledRoute, ItemEventRouterDefinition } from "../../di/Router";
import { IPmcData } from "../../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IItemEventRouterResponse } from "../../models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterResponse";
export declare class HideoutItemEventRouter extends ItemEventRouterDefinition {
protected hideoutCallbacks: HideoutCallbacks;
constructor(hideoutCallbacks: HideoutCallbacks);
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { IPmcData } from "../../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IItemEventRouterResponse } from "../../models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterResponse";
import { InventoryCallbacks } from "../../callbacks/InventoryCallbacks";
import { HandledRoute, ItemEventRouterDefinition } from "../../di/Router";
import { IPmcData } from "../../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IItemEventRouterResponse } from "../../models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterResponse";
export declare class InventoryItemEventRouter extends ItemEventRouterDefinition {
protected inventoryCallbacks: InventoryCallbacks;
constructor(inventoryCallbacks: InventoryCallbacks);
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { ApplicationContext } from "../context/ApplicationContext";
import { HttpServerHelper } from "../helpers/HttpServerHelper";
import { IHttpConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IHttpConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { ConfigServer } from "./ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "./DatabaseServer";
import { IHttpListener } from "./http/IHttpListener";
@ -12,11 +13,12 @@ export declare class HttpServer {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected httpListeners: IHttpListener[];
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected applicationContext: ApplicationContext;
protected webSocketServer: WebSocketServer;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper, httpListeners: IHttpListener[], configServer: ConfigServer, applicationContext: ApplicationContext, webSocketServer: WebSocketServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, httpListeners: IHttpListener[], configServer: ConfigServer, applicationContext: ApplicationContext, webSocketServer: WebSocketServer);
protected httpConfig: IHttpConfig;
getCookies(req: http.IncomingMessage): any;
handleRequest(req: IncomingMessage, resp: ServerResponse): void;
@ -1,20 +1,22 @@
import { SaveLoadRouter } from "../di/Router";
import { IAkiProfile, Info } from "../models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { HashUtil } from "../utils/HashUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil";
import { VFS } from "../utils/VFS";
import { SaveLoadRouter } from "../di/Router";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
export declare class SaveServer {
protected vfs: VFS;
protected saveLoadRouters: SaveLoadRouter[];
protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil;
protected hashUtil: HashUtil;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected logger: ILogger;
protected profileFilepath: string;
protected profiles: {};
protected onSave: {};
protected saveMd5: {};
constructor(vfs: VFS, saveLoadRouters: SaveLoadRouter[], jsonUtil: JsonUtil, hashUtil: HashUtil, logger: ILogger);
constructor(vfs: VFS, saveLoadRouters: SaveLoadRouter[], jsonUtil: JsonUtil, hashUtil: HashUtil, localisationService: LocalisationService, logger: ILogger);
load(): void;
save(): void;
getProfile(sessionId: string): IAkiProfile;
@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
/// <reference types="node" />
import { HttpServerHelper } from "../helpers/HttpServerHelper";
import WebSocket from "ws";
import http, { IncomingMessage } from "http";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import WebSocket from "ws";
import { HttpServerHelper } from "../helpers/HttpServerHelper";
import { INotification } from "../models/eft/notifier/INotifier";
import { ConfigServer } from "./ConfigServer";
import { IHttpConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IHttpConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil";
import { ConfigServer } from "./ConfigServer";
export declare class WebSocketServer {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper;
constructor(logger: ILogger, randomUtil: RandomUtil, configServer: ConfigServer, httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper);
constructor(logger: ILogger, randomUtil: RandomUtil, configServer: ConfigServer, localisationService: LocalisationService, httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper);
protected httpConfig: IHttpConfig;
protected defaultNotification: INotification;
protected webSockets: Record<string, WebSocket.WebSocket>;
@ -1,22 +1,24 @@
/// <reference types="node" />
/// <reference types="node" />
import { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from "http";
import { IHttpListener } from "./IHttpListener";
import { Serializer } from "../../di/Serializer";
import { ILogger } from "../../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { HttpRouter } from "../../routers/HttpRouter";
import { LocalisationService } from "../../services/LocalisationService";
import { HttpResponseUtil } from "../../utils/HttpResponseUtil";
import { JsonUtil } from "../../utils/JsonUtil";
import { HttpBufferHandler } from "./HttpBufferHandler";
import { IHttpListener } from "./IHttpListener";
export declare class AkiHttpListener implements IHttpListener {
protected httpRouter: HttpRouter;
protected serializers: Serializer[];
protected logger: ILogger;
protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil;
protected httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected httpBufferHandler: HttpBufferHandler;
constructor(httpRouter: HttpRouter, // TODO: delay required
serializers: Serializer[], logger: ILogger, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, httpBufferHandler: HttpBufferHandler);
serializers: Serializer[], logger: ILogger, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, localisationService: LocalisationService, httpBufferHandler: HttpBufferHandler);
canHandle(_: string, req: IncomingMessage): boolean;
handle(sessionId: string, req: IncomingMessage, resp: ServerResponse): void;
sendResponse(sessionID: string, req: IncomingMessage, resp: ServerResponse, body: Buffer, output: string): void;
@ -1,21 +1,29 @@
import { IBotType } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotType";
import { EquipmentFilters, EquipmentFilterDetails, IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { BotHelper } from "../helpers/BotHelper";
import { EquipmentChances, IBotType, ModsChances } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotType";
import { BotGenerationDetails } from "../models/spt/bots/BotGenerationDetails";
import { AdjustmentDetails, EquipmentFilterDetails, EquipmentFilters, IBotConfig, WeightingAdjustmentDetails } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
export declare class BotEquipmentFilterService {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected botHelper: BotHelper;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
protected botEquipmentFilterlists: Record<string, EquipmentFilters>;
constructor(logger: ILogger, configServer: ConfigServer);
protected botEquipmentConfig: Record<string, EquipmentFilters>;
constructor(logger: ILogger, botHelper: BotHelper, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Filter a bots data to exclude equipment and cartridges defines in the botConfig
* @param baseBotNode bots json data to filter
* @param playerLevel Level of the currently playing player
* @param isPmc Is the bot we're filtering a PMC
* @param role Role of the bot we're filtering
* @param botLevel Level of the bot
* @param botGenerationDetails details on how to generate a bot
filterBotEquipment(baseBotNode: IBotType, playerLevel: number, isPmc: boolean, role: string): void;
filterBotEquipment(baseBotNode: IBotType, botLevel: number, botGenerationDetails: BotGenerationDetails): void;
* Iterate over the changes passed in and alter data in baseValues
* @param equipmentChanges Changes to apply
* @param baseValues Values to update
protected adjustChances(equipmentChanges: Record<string, number>, baseValues: EquipmentChances | ModsChances): void;
* Get an object that contains equipment and cartridge blacklists for a specified bot type
* @param botRole Role of the bot we want the blacklist for
@ -30,6 +38,20 @@ export declare class BotEquipmentFilterService {
* @returns EquipmentFilterDetails object
protected getBotEquipmentWhitelist(botRole: string, playerLevel: number): EquipmentFilterDetails;
* Retreive clothing weighting adjustments from bot.json config
* @param botRole Bot type to get adjustments for
* @param playerLevel level of player
* @returns Weighting adjustments for bots clothing
protected getBotClothingAdjustments(botRole: string, playerLevel: number): WeightingAdjustmentDetails;
* Retreive item weighting adjustments from bot.json config
* @param botRole Bot type to get adjustments for
* @param playerLevel level of player
* @returns Weighting adjustments for bot items
protected getBotWeightingAdjustments(botRole: string, playerLevel: number): WeightingAdjustmentDetails;
* Filter bot equipment based on blacklist and whitelist from config/bot.json
* Prioritises whitelist first, if one is found blacklist is ignored
@ -47,4 +69,10 @@ export declare class BotEquipmentFilterService {
* @returns Filtered bot file
protected filterCartridges(baseBotNode: IBotType, blacklist: EquipmentFilterDetails, whitelist: EquipmentFilterDetails): void;
* Add/Edit weighting changes to bot items using values from config/bot.json/equipment
* @param weightingAdjustments Weighting change to apply to bot
* @param botItemPool Bot item dictionary to adjust
protected adjustWeighting(weightingAdjustments: AdjustmentDetails, botItemPool: Record<string, any>, showEditWarnings?: boolean): void;
@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ export declare class BotGenerationCacheService {
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil;
protected botHelper: BotHelper;
protected storedBots: IBotBase[];
protected storedBots: Map<string, IBotBase[]>;
constructor(logger: ILogger, randomUtil: RandomUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, botHelper: BotHelper);
* Store array of bots in cache, shuffle results before storage
* @param botsToStore
* @param botsToStore Bots we want to store in the cache
storeBots(botsToStore: IBotBase[]): void;
@ -21,25 +21,7 @@ export declare class BotGenerationCacheService {
* @param role role to retreive (assault/bossTagilla etc)
* @returns IBotBase object
getBot(role: string): IBotBase[];
* Find a bot by its index from cache
* @param indexOfBotToReturn index to find bot by
* @returns bot profile
protected getBotFromCache(indexOfBotToReturn: number): IBotBase;
* Remove bot profile by index from cache
* @param indexOfBotToReturn Index of bot profile to remove
protected removeBotFromCache(indexOfBotToReturn: number): void;
* Get index of bot profile that matches criteria
* @param role Role of bot wanted
* @param getPmc Requested bot a pmc
* @returns index of found bot, -1 if not found
protected getIndexOfBotToReturn(role: string, getPmc: boolean): number;
getBot(role: string): IBotBase;
* Remove all cached bot profiles
@ -48,5 +30,5 @@ export declare class BotGenerationCacheService {
* Does cache have bots
* @returns true if empty
cacheIsEmpty(): boolean;
cacheHasBotOfRole(role: string): boolean;
@ -1,14 +1,42 @@
import { ILocaleConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocaleConfig";
import { ILocaleGlobalBase } from "../models/spt/server/ILocaleBase";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
* Handles getting locales from config or users machine
export declare class LocaleService {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected localeConfig: ILocaleConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Gets the locale key from the locale.json file
* Get the eft globals db file based on the configured locale in config/locale.json, if not found, fall back to 'en'
* @returns ILocaleGlobalBase
getLocaleDb(): ILocaleGlobalBase;
* Gets the game locale key from the locale.json file,
* if value is 'system' get system locale
* @returns locale e.g en/ge/cz/cn
getDesiredLocale(): string;
getDesiredGameLocale(): string;
* Gets the game locale key from the locale.json file,
* if value is 'system' get system locale
* @returns locale e.g en/ge/cz/cn
getDesiredServerLocale(): string;
* Get array of languages supported for localisation
* @returns array of locales e.g. en/fr/cn
getServerSupportedLocales(): string[];
* Get the locale of the computer running the server
* @returns langage part of locale e.g. 'en' part of 'en-US'
protected getPlatformLocale(): string;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import { I18n } from "i18n";
import { ILocaleConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ILocaleConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { LocaleService } from "./LocaleService";
* Handles translating server text into different langauges
export declare class LocalisationService {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected localeService: LocaleService;
protected localeConfig: ILocaleConfig;
protected i18n: I18n;
constructor(logger: ILogger, localeService: LocaleService);
* Get a localised value using the passed in key
* @param key Key to loop up locale for
* @param args optional arguments
* @returns Localised string
getText(key: string, args?: any): string;
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import { IProcessSellTradeRequestData } from "../models/eft/trade/IProcessSellTr
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { HttpResponseUtil } from "../utils/HttpResponseUtil";
import { LocalisationService } from "./LocalisationService";
export declare class PaymentService {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil;
@ -19,8 +20,9 @@ export declare class PaymentService {
protected traderHelper: TraderHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected paymentHelper: PaymentHelper;
constructor(logger: ILogger, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, handbookHelper: HandbookHelper, traderHelper: TraderHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, paymentHelper: PaymentHelper);
constructor(logger: ILogger, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, handbookHelper: HandbookHelper, traderHelper: TraderHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, paymentHelper: PaymentHelper);
* Take money and insert items into return to server request
* @param {Object} pmcData
@ -50,7 +52,7 @@ export declare class PaymentService {
* @param pmcData Player profile to find and remove currency from
* @param currencyTpl Type of currency to pay
* @param amountToPay money value to pay
* @param sessionID Sessino id
* @param sessionID Session id
* @param output output object to send to client
* @returns IItemEventRouterResponse
@ -2,10 +2,12 @@ import { IPmcData } from "../models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IPlayerIncrementSkillLevelRequestData } from "../models/eft/player/IPlayerIncrementSkillLevelRequestData";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { LocalisationService } from "./LocalisationService";
export declare class PlayerService {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, localisationService: LocalisationService, databaseServer: DatabaseServer);
* increases the profile skill and updates any output
* @param {Object} pmcData
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
import { IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
/** Storing/retreving pmcRoles set at the start of a raid - its done at that point as we know what location the player is heading to */
export declare class PmcAiService {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected botConfig: IBotConfig;
protected usecRole: string;
protected bearRole: string;
constructor(logger: ILogger, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Convert from pmc side (usec/bear) to the side as defined in the bot config (usecType/bearType)
* @param pmcSide eft side (usec/bear)
* @returns pmc side as defined in config
getPmcRole(pmcSide: "usec" | "bear" | string): string;
* Set the roles for pmcs
* @param location map location to look up and use as pmc types
setPmcRolesByLocation(location: string): void;
* Clear the saved role from usec/bear PMCs
clearPmcRoles(): void;
@ -8,12 +8,14 @@ import { HideoutAreas } from "../models/enums/HideoutAreas";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { Watermark } from "../utils/Watermark";
import { LocalisationService } from "./LocalisationService";
export declare class ProfileFixerService {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected watermark: Watermark;
protected hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
constructor(logger: ILogger, watermark: Watermark, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, databaseServer: DatabaseServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, watermark: Watermark, hideoutHelper: HideoutHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, databaseServer: DatabaseServer);
* Find issues in the pmc profile data that may cause issues and fix them
* @param pmcProfile profile to check and fix
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { SaveServer } from "../servers/SaveServer";
import { HttpResponseUtil } from "../utils/HttpResponseUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "../utils/TimeUtil";
import { LocalisationService } from "./LocalisationService";
import { RagfairCategoriesService } from "./RagfairCategoriesService";
export declare class RagfairOfferService {
protected logger: ILogger;
@ -22,12 +23,14 @@ export declare class RagfairOfferService {
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
protected eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder;
protected httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected playerOffersLoaded: boolean;
protected expiredOffers: Item[];
protected offers: IRagfairOffer[];
/** offerId, offer */
protected offers: Record<string, IRagfairOffer>;
protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, saveServer: SaveServer, ragfairServerHelper: RagfairServerHelper, ragfairCategoriesService: RagfairCategoriesService, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, configServer: ConfigServer);
constructor(logger: ILogger, timeUtil: TimeUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, saveServer: SaveServer, ragfairServerHelper: RagfairServerHelper, ragfairCategoriesService: RagfairCategoriesService, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, localisationService: LocalisationService, configServer: ConfigServer);
* Get all offers
* @returns IRagfairOffer array
@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
import { TimeUtil } from "./TimeUtil";
import { OnLoad } from "../di/OnLoad";
import { OnUpdate } from "../di/OnUpdate";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { TimeUtil } from "./TimeUtil";
export declare class App {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected onLoadComponents: OnLoad[];
protected onUpdateComponents: OnUpdate[];
protected onUpdateLastRun: {};
constructor(logger: ILogger, timeUtil: TimeUtil, onLoadComponents: OnLoad[], onUpdateComponents: OnUpdate[]);
constructor(logger: ILogger, timeUtil: TimeUtil, localisationService: LocalisationService, onLoadComponents: OnLoad[], onUpdateComponents: OnUpdate[]);
load(): void;
protected update(onUpdateComponents: OnUpdate[]): void;
protected logUpdateException(err: any, updateable: OnUpdate): void;
@ -3,15 +3,17 @@ import { IDatabaseTables } from "../models/spt/server/IDatabaseTables";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ImageRouter } from "../routers/ImageRouter";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { JsonUtil } from "./JsonUtil";
import { VFS } from "./VFS";
export declare class DatabaseImporter extends OnLoad {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected vfs: VFS;
protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected imageRouter: ImageRouter;
constructor(logger: ILogger, vfs: VFS, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, imageRouter: ImageRouter);
constructor(logger: ILogger, vfs: VFS, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, localisationService: LocalisationService, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, imageRouter: ImageRouter);
onLoad(): void;
* Read all json files in database folder and map into a json object
@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
import { JsonUtil } from "./JsonUtil";
import { IGetBodyResponseData } from "../models/eft/httpResponse/IGetBodyResponseData";
import { INullResponseData } from "../models/eft/httpResponse/INullResponseData";
import { IItemEventRouterResponse } from "../models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterResponse";
import { BackendErrorCodes } from "../models/enums/BackendErrorCodes";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { JsonUtil } from "./JsonUtil";
export declare class HttpResponseUtil {
protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil;
constructor(jsonUtil: JsonUtil);
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
constructor(jsonUtil: JsonUtil, localisationService: LocalisationService);
protected clearString(s: string): any;
noBody(data: any): any;
getBody<T>(data: T, err?: number, errmsg?: any): IGetBodyResponseData<T>;
@ -12,5 +15,5 @@ export declare class HttpResponseUtil {
emptyResponse(): IGetBodyResponseData<string>;
nullResponse(): INullResponseData;
emptyArrayResponse(): IGetBodyResponseData<any[]>;
appendErrorToOutput(output: IItemEventRouterResponse, message?: string, title?: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
appendErrorToOutput(output: IItemEventRouterResponse, message?: string, errorCode?: BackendErrorCodes): IItemEventRouterResponse;
@ -53,6 +53,12 @@ export declare class WinstonLogger implements ILogger {
warning(data: string | Record<string, unknown>): Promise<void>;
success(data: string | Record<string, unknown>): Promise<void>;
info(data: string | Record<string, unknown>): Promise<void>;
* Log to console text with a customisable text and background color. Background defaults to black
* @param data text to log
* @param textColor color of text
* @param backgroundColor color of background
logWithColor(data: string | Record<string, unknown>, textColor: LogTextColor, backgroundColor?: LogBackgroundColor): Promise<void>;
debug(data: string | Record<string, unknown>, onlyShowInConsole?: boolean): Promise<void>;
@ -110,6 +110,12 @@ export declare class RandomUtil {
getIntEx(max: number): number;
getFloat(min: number, max: number): number;
getBool(): boolean;
* Check if number passes a check out of 100
* @param chancePercent value check needs to be above
* @returns true if value passes check
getChance100(chancePercent: number): boolean;
getStringArrayValue(arr: string[]): string;
getArrayValue<T>(arr: T[]): T;
getKey(node: any): string;
@ -1,20 +1,15 @@
import { ICoreConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ICoreConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
export declare class WatermarkLocale {
protected locales: {
"en-US": {
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
constructor(localisationService: LocalisationService);
protected watermark: {
description: string[];
warning: string[];
modding: string[];
"zh-CN": {
description: string[];
warning: string[];
modding: string[];
getLocale(): string;
getDescription(): string[];
getWarning(): string[];
getModding(): string[];
@ -22,9 +17,10 @@ export declare class WatermarkLocale {
export declare class Watermark {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected watermarkLocale?: WatermarkLocale;
protected akiConfig: ICoreConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, configServer: ConfigServer, watermarkLocale?: WatermarkLocale);
constructor(logger: ILogger, configServer: ConfigServer, localisationService: LocalisationService, watermarkLocale?: WatermarkLocale);
protected text: string[];
protected versionLabel: string;
initialize(): void;
Binary file not shown.
Reference in New Issue
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