using LootDumpProcessor.Logger;
using LootDumpProcessor.Model.Tarkov;
using LootDumpProcessor.Serializers.Json;

namespace LootDumpProcessor.Process;

public class TarkovItems(string items)
    private static readonly IJsonSerializer _jsonSerializer = JsonSerializerFactory.GetInstance();

    private readonly Dictionary<string, TemplateFileItem>? _items = _jsonSerializer.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, TemplateFileItem>>(File.ReadAllText(items));

    public virtual bool IsBaseClass(string tpl, string baseclass_id)
        if (_items == null)
            throw new Exception("The server items couldnt be found or loaded. Check server config is pointing to the correct place");
        if (!_items.TryGetValue(tpl, out var item_template))
            LoggerFactory.GetInstance().Log($"[IsBaseClass] Item template '{tpl}' with base class id '{baseclass_id}' was not found on the server items!", LogLevel.Error);
            return false;
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item_template.Parent))
            return false;

        return item_template.Parent == baseclass_id || IsBaseClass(item_template.Parent, baseclass_id);

    public virtual bool IsQuestItem(string tpl)
        if (_items == null)
            throw new Exception("The server items couldnt be found or loaded. Check server config is pointing to the correct place");
        if (!_items.TryGetValue(tpl, out var item_template))
            LoggerFactory.GetInstance().Log($"[IsQuestItem] Item template '{tpl}' was not found on the server items!", LogLevel.Error);
            return false;
        return item_template.Props.QuestItem;

    public virtual string? MaxDurability(string tpl)
        if (_items == null)
            throw new Exception("The server items couldnt be found or loaded. Check server config is pointing to the correct place");
        if (!_items.TryGetValue(tpl, out var item_template))
            LoggerFactory.GetInstance().Log($"[MaxDurability] Item template '{tpl}' was not found on the server items!", LogLevel.Error);
            return null;
        return item_template.Props.MaxDurability?.ToString() ?? "";

    public virtual string? AmmoCaliber(string tpl)
        if (_items == null)
            throw new Exception("The server items couldnt be found or loaded. Check server config is pointing to the correct place");
        if (!_items.TryGetValue(tpl, out var item_template))
            LoggerFactory.GetInstance().Log($"[AmmoCaliber] Item template '{tpl}' was not found on the server items!", LogLevel.Error);
            return null;
        return item_template.Props.Caliber;