using CG.Web.MegaApiClient; using Newtonsoft.Json; using SPTInstaller.Interfaces; using SPTInstaller.Models; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using SPTInstaller.Helpers; using SPTInstaller.Models.Mirrors; using SPTInstaller.Models.Mirrors.Downloaders; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax; using Serilog; namespace SPTInstaller.Installer_Tasks; public class DownloadTask : InstallerTaskBase { private InternalData _data; private List _mirrors = new List(); private string _expectedPatcherHash = ""; public DownloadTask(InternalData data) : base("Download Files") { _data = data; } private async Task BuildMirrorList() { var progress = new Progress((d) => { SetStatus("Downloading Mirror List", "", (int)Math.Floor(d), ProgressStyle.Shown);}); var file = await DownloadCacheHelper.DownloadFileAsync("mirrors.json", _data.PatcherMirrorsLink, progress); if (file == null) { return Result.FromError("Failed to download mirror list"); } var mirrorsList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(File.ReadAllText(file.FullName)); if (mirrorsList == null) return Result.FromError("Failed to deserialize mirrors list"); foreach (var mirror in mirrorsList) { switch (mirror.Link) { case string l when l.StartsWith("https://mega"): _mirrors.Add(new MegaMirrorDownloader(mirror)); break; default: _mirrors.Add(new HttpMirrorDownloader(mirror)); break; } } return Result.FromSuccess("Mirrors list ready"); } private async Task DownloadPatcherFromMirrors(IProgress progress) { SetStatus("Downloading Patcher", "Checking cache ...", progressStyle: ProgressStyle.Indeterminate); if (DownloadCacheHelper.CheckCache("", _expectedPatcherHash, out var cacheFile)) { _data.PatcherZipInfo = cacheFile; Log.Information("Using cached file {fileName} - Hash: {hash}", _data.PatcherZipInfo.Name, _expectedPatcherHash); return Result.FromSuccess(); } foreach (var mirror in _mirrors) { SetStatus("Downloading Patcher", mirror.MirrorInfo.Link, progressStyle: ProgressStyle.Indeterminate); _data.PatcherZipInfo = await mirror.Download(progress); if (_data.PatcherZipInfo != null) { return Result.FromSuccess(); } } return Result.FromError("Failed to download Patcher"); } public override async Task TaskOperation() { var progress = new Progress((d) => { SetStatus(null, null, (int)Math.Floor(d)); }); if (_data.PatchNeeded) { var buildResult = await BuildMirrorList(); if (!buildResult.Succeeded) { return buildResult; } SetStatus(null, null, 0); var patcherDownloadRresult = await DownloadPatcherFromMirrors(progress); if (!patcherDownloadRresult.Succeeded) { return patcherDownloadRresult; } } SetStatus("Downloading SPT-AKI", _data.AkiReleaseDownloadLink, 0); _data.AkiZipInfo = await DownloadCacheHelper.GetOrDownloadFileAsync("", _data.AkiReleaseDownloadLink, progress, _data.AkiReleaseHash); if (_data.AkiZipInfo == null) { return Result.FromError("Failed to download spt-aki"); } return Result.FromSuccess(); } }