using SPTInstaller.Interfaces; using SPTInstaller.Models; using System.Threading.Tasks; using SPTInstaller.Helpers; using Newtonsoft.Json; using SPTInstaller.Models.Mirrors; using SPTInstaller.Models.ReleaseInfo; namespace SPTInstaller.Installer_Tasks; public class ReleaseCheckTask : InstallerTaskBase { private InternalData _data; public ReleaseCheckTask(InternalData data) : base("Release Checks") { _data = data; } public override async Task TaskOperation() { try { SetStatus("Checking SPT Releases", "", null, ProgressStyle.Indeterminate); var progress = new Progress((d) => { SetStatus(null, null, (int)Math.Floor(d)); }); var akiReleaseInfoFile = await DownloadCacheHelper.DownloadFileAsync("release.json", DownloadCacheHelper.ReleaseMirrorUrl, progress); if (akiReleaseInfoFile == null) { return Result.FromError("Failed to download release metadata"); } var akiReleaseInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(File.ReadAllText(akiReleaseInfoFile.FullName)); SetStatus("Checking for Patches", "", null, ProgressStyle.Indeterminate); var akiPatchMirrorsFile = await DownloadCacheHelper.DownloadFileAsync("mirrors.json", DownloadCacheHelper.PatchMirrorUrl, progress); if (akiPatchMirrorsFile == null) { return Result.FromError("Failed to download patch mirror data"); } var patchMirrorInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(File.ReadAllText(akiPatchMirrorsFile.FullName)); if (akiReleaseInfo == null || patchMirrorInfo == null) { return Result.FromError("An error occurred while deserializing aki or patch data"); } _data.ReleaseInfo = akiReleaseInfo; _data.PatchInfo = patchMirrorInfo; int intAkiVersion = int.Parse(akiReleaseInfo.ClientVersion); int intGameVersion = int.Parse(_data.OriginalGameVersion); // note: it's possible the game version could be lower than the aki version and still need a patch if the major version numbers change // : it's probably a low chance though bool patchNeedCheck = intGameVersion > intAkiVersion; if (intGameVersion < intAkiVersion) { return Result.FromError("Your client is outdated. Please update EFT"); } if (intGameVersion == intAkiVersion) { patchNeedCheck = false; } if ((intGameVersion != patchMirrorInfo.SourceClientVersion || intAkiVersion != patchMirrorInfo.TargetClientVersion) && patchNeedCheck) { return Result.FromError("No patcher available for your version.\nA patcher is usually created within 24 hours of an EFT update."); } _data.PatchNeeded = patchNeedCheck; string status = $"Current Release: {akiReleaseInfo.ClientVersion} - {(_data.PatchNeeded ? "Patch Available" : "No Patch Needed")}"; SetStatus(null, status); return Result.FromSuccess(status); } catch (Exception ex) { //request failed return Result.FromError($"Request Failed:\n{ex.Message}"); } } }