using Microsoft.Win32; using Serilog; using SPTInstaller.Models; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace SPTInstaller.Installer_Tasks.PreChecks; public class NetFramework472PreCheck : PreCheckBase { public NetFramework472PreCheck() : base(".Net Framework 4.7.2", true) { } public override async Task<PreCheckResult> CheckOperation() { try { var minRequiredVersion = new Version("4.7.2"); var key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v4\\Full"); var failedButtonText = "Download .Net Framework 4.7.2"; var failedButtonAction = () => { Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "cmd.exe", UseShellExecute = true, WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, ArgumentList = { "/C", "start", "" } }); }; if (key == null) { return PreCheckResult.FromError("Could not find .Net Framework on system.\n\nThis is required to play SPT, but you can install it later and shouldn't affect the SPT install process.", failedButtonText, failedButtonAction); } var value = key.GetValue("Version"); if (value == null || value is not string versionString) { return PreCheckResult.FromError("Something went wrong. This precheck failed for an unknown reason. :("); } var installedVersion = new Version(versionString); if (installedVersion < minRequiredVersion) { return PreCheckResult.FromError($".Net Framework {versionString} is installed, but {minRequiredVersion} or higher is required.\n\nYou can install it later and shouldn't affect the SPT install process.", failedButtonText, failedButtonAction); } return PreCheckResult.FromSuccess($".Net Framework {minRequiredVersion} or higher is installed.\n\nInstalled Version: {installedVersion}"); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, $"PreCheck::{Name}::Exception"); return PreCheckResult.FromException(ex); } } }