using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Serilog; using SPTInstaller.Models; namespace SPTInstaller.Helpers; public static class FileHelper { public static string GetRedactedPath(string path) { var nameMatched = Regex.Match(path, @".:\\[uU]sers\\(?<NAME>[^\\]+)"); if (nameMatched.Success) { var name = nameMatched.Groups["NAME"].Value; return path.Replace(name, "-REDACTED-"); } return path; } public static Result CopyDirectoryWithProgress(DirectoryInfo sourceDir, DirectoryInfo targetDir, IProgress<double> progress = null, string[] exclusions = null) => CopyDirectoryWithProgress(sourceDir, targetDir, (msg, prog) => progress?.Report(prog), exclusions); public static Result CopyDirectoryWithProgress(DirectoryInfo sourceDir, DirectoryInfo targetDir, Action<string, int> updateCallback = null, string[] exclusions = null) { try { var allFiles = sourceDir.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); var fileCopies = new List<CopyInfo>(); int count = 0; // filter files before starting copy foreach (var file in allFiles) { count++; updateCallback?.Invoke("getting list of files to copy", (int)Math.Floor((double)count / allFiles.Length * 100)); var currentFileRelativePath = file.FullName.Replace(sourceDir.FullName, ""); if (exclusions != null) { // check exclusions foreach (var exclusion in exclusions) { if (currentFileRelativePath.StartsWith(exclusion) || currentFileRelativePath == exclusion) { Log.Debug( $"EXCLUSION FOUND :: FILE\nExclusion: '{exclusion}'\nPath: '{currentFileRelativePath}'"); break; } } } // don't copy .bak files if (currentFileRelativePath.EndsWith(".bak")) { Log.Debug($"EXCLUDING BAK FILE :: {currentFileRelativePath}"); break; } fileCopies.Add(new CopyInfo(file.FullName, file.FullName.Replace(sourceDir.FullName, targetDir.FullName))); } count = 0; // process copy info for files that need to be copied foreach (var copyInfo in fileCopies) { count++; updateCallback?.Invoke(copyInfo.FileName, (int)Math.Floor((double)count / fileCopies.Count * 100)); var result = copyInfo.Copy(); if (!result.Succeeded) { return result; } } return Result.FromSuccess(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, "Error during directory copy"); return Result.FromError(ex.Message); } } public static bool StreamAssemblyResourceOut(string resourceName, string outputFilePath) { try { var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); FileInfo outputFile = new FileInfo(outputFilePath); if (outputFile.Exists) { outputFile.Delete(); } if (!outputFile.Directory.Exists) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outputFile.Directory.FullName); } var resName = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames().First(x => x.EndsWith(resourceName)); using (FileStream fs = File.Create(outputFilePath)) using (Stream s = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resName)) { s.CopyTo(fs); } outputFile.Refresh(); return outputFile.Exists; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Fatal(ex, $"Failed to stream resource out: {resourceName}"); return false; } } public static bool CheckPathForProblemLocations(string path, out PathCheck failedCheck) { failedCheck = new(); var problemPaths = new List<PathCheck>() { new("Documents", PathCheckType.EndsWith, PathCheckAction.Warn), new("Desktop", PathCheckType.EndsWith, PathCheckAction.Deny), new("Battlestate Games", PathCheckType.Contains, PathCheckAction.Deny), new("Desktop", PathCheckType.Contains, PathCheckAction.Warn), new("scoped_dir", PathCheckType.Contains, PathCheckAction.Deny), new("Downloads", PathCheckType.Contains, PathCheckAction.Deny), new("OneDrive", PathCheckType.Contains, PathCheckAction.Deny), new("NextCloud", PathCheckType.Contains, PathCheckAction.Deny), new("DropBox", PathCheckType.Contains, PathCheckAction.Deny), new("Google", PathCheckType.Contains, PathCheckAction.Deny), new("Program Files", PathCheckType.Contains, PathCheckAction.Deny), new("Program Files (x86", PathCheckType.Contains, PathCheckAction.Deny), new(Path.Join("spt-installer", "cache"), PathCheckType.Contains, PathCheckAction.Deny), new("Drive Root", PathCheckType.DriveRoot, PathCheckAction.Deny) }; foreach (var check in problemPaths) { switch (check.CheckType) { case PathCheckType.EndsWith: if (path.ToLower().EndsWith(check.Target.ToLower())) { failedCheck = check; return true; } break; case PathCheckType.Contains: if (path.ToLower().Contains(check.Target.ToLower())) { failedCheck = check; return true; } break; case PathCheckType.DriveRoot: if (Regex.Match(path.ToLower(), @"^\w:(\\|\/)$").Success) { failedCheck = check; return true; } break; } } return false; } }