using SPTInstaller.Helpers; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using Avalonia; using Avalonia.Controls; using Serilog; namespace SPTInstaller.CustomControls.Dialogs; public partial class WhyCacheThoughDialog : UserControl { private int _movePatcherState = 0; private FileInfo? _foundPatcher; public WhyCacheThoughDialog() { InitializeComponent(); } public static readonly StyledProperty<string> AdditionalInfoProperty = AvaloniaProperty.Register<WhyCacheThoughDialog, string>(nameof(AdditionalInfo)); public string AdditionalInfo { get => GetValue(AdditionalInfoProperty); set => SetValue(AdditionalInfoProperty, value); } public static readonly StyledProperty<string> AdditionalInfoColorProperty = AvaloniaProperty.Register<WhyCacheThoughDialog, string>(nameof(AdditionalInfoColor)); public string AdditionalInfoColor { get => GetValue(AdditionalInfoColorProperty); set => SetValue(AdditionalInfoColorProperty, value); } public bool CacheExists => Directory.Exists(DownloadCacheHelper.CachePath); public void OpenCacheFolder() { if (!CacheExists) return; Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = Path.EndsInDirectorySeparator(DownloadCacheHelper.CachePath) ? DownloadCacheHelper.CachePath : DownloadCacheHelper.CachePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, UseShellExecute = true, Verb = "open" }); } public void MoveDownloadsPatcherToCache() { switch (_movePatcherState) { case 0: var downloadsPath = Path.Join(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile), "Downloads"); var downloadsFolder = new DirectoryInfo(downloadsPath); if (!downloadsFolder.Exists) { var message = "Could not get downloads folder :("; Log.Error($"[MV_0] {message}"); AdditionalInfo = message; AdditionalInfoColor = "red"; _movePatcherState = -1; return; } _foundPatcher = downloadsFolder.GetFiles("Patcher_*").OrderByDescending(p => p.CreationTime) .FirstOrDefault(); if (_foundPatcher == null || !_foundPatcher.Exists) { var message = "Could not find a patcher file in your downloads folder"; Log.Warning($"[MV_0] {message}"); AdditionalInfo = message; AdditionalInfoColor = "red"; return; } Log.Information($"[MV_0] Found patcher for move: {_foundPatcher.Name}"); AdditionalInfo = $"Click again to move the below patcher file to the cache folder\n{_foundPatcher?.Name ?? "-SOMETHING WENT WRONG-"}"; AdditionalInfoColor = "#FFC107"; _movePatcherState = 1; break; case 1: try { var cacheFilePath = Path.Join(DownloadCacheHelper.CachePath, "patcher"); _foundPatcher?.MoveTo(cacheFilePath, true); var message = "Patcher was moved into cache :D"; Log.Information($"[MV_1] {message}"); AdditionalInfo = message; AdditionalInfoColor = "ForestGreen"; } catch (Exception ex) { AdditionalInfo = "Something went wrong :("; AdditionalInfoColor = "red"; Log.Error(ex, "Failed to move downloaded patcher file into cache"); } break; default: Log.Error("[MV_ ] Move state is broken :("); break; } } }