using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Serilog;
namespace SPTInstaller.Helpers;
public static class DownloadCacheHelper
private static HttpClient _httpClient = new() { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15) };
public static TimeSpan SuggestedTtl = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
public static string CachePath = Path.Join(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData),
public static string ReleaseMirrorUrl = "";
public static string PatchMirrorUrl = "";
public static string InstallerUrl = "";
public static string InstallerInfoUrl = "";
public static string GetCacheSizeText()
if (!Directory.Exists(CachePath))
var message = "No cache folder";
return message;
var cacheDir = new DirectoryInfo(CachePath);
var cacheSize = DirectorySizeHelper.GetSizeOfDirectory(cacheDir);
if (cacheSize == -1)
var message = "An error occurred while getting the cache size :(";
return message;
if (cacheSize == 0)
return "Empty";
return DirectorySizeHelper.SizeSuffix(cacheSize);
/// Check if a file in the cache already exists
/// The name of the file to check for
/// The expected hash of the file in the cache
/// The file found in the cache; null if no file is found
/// True if the file is in the cache and its hash matches the expected hash, otherwise false
public static bool CheckCacheHash(string fileName, string expectedHash, out FileInfo cachedFile)
=> CheckCacheHash(new FileInfo(Path.Join(CachePath, fileName)), expectedHash, out cachedFile);
private static bool CheckCacheHash(FileInfo cacheFile, string expectedHash, out FileInfo fileInCache)
fileInCache = cacheFile;
if (!cacheFile.Exists || expectedHash == null)
Log.Information($"{cacheFile.Name} {(cacheFile.Exists ? "is in cache" : "NOT in cache")}");
Log.Information($"Expected hash: {(expectedHash == null ? "not provided" : expectedHash)}");
return false;
if (FileHashHelper.CheckHash(cacheFile, expectedHash))
fileInCache = cacheFile;
Log.Information("Hashes MATCH");
return true;
Log.Warning("Hashes DO NOT MATCH");
return false;
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error(ex, "Something went wrong during hashing");
return false;
/// Gets a file in the cache based on a time-to-live from its last modified time
/// The name of the file to look for in the cache
/// The time-to-live to check against
/// The file found in the cache if it exists
/// Returns true if the file was found in the cache, otherwise false
public static bool CheckCacheTTL(string fileName, TimeSpan ttl, out FileInfo cachedFile) =>
CheckCacheTTL(new FileInfo(Path.Join(CachePath, fileName)), ttl, out cachedFile);
private static bool CheckCacheTTL(FileInfo cacheFile, TimeSpan ttl, out FileInfo fileInCache)
fileInCache = cacheFile;
if (!cacheFile.Exists)
Log.Information($"{cacheFile.Name} {(cacheFile.Exists ? "is in cache" : "NOT in cache")}");
return false;
var validTimeToLive = cacheFile.LastWriteTime.Add(ttl) > DateTime.Now;
Log.Information($"{cacheFile.Name} TTL is {(validTimeToLive ? "OK" : "INVALID")}");
return validTimeToLive;
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error(ex, "Something went wrong during hashing");
return false;
/// Download a file to the cache folder
/// The file name to save the file as
/// The url to download the file from
/// A provider for progress updates
/// A object of the cached file
/// If the file exists, it is deleted before downloading
public static async Task DownloadFileAsync(string outputFileName, string targetLink,
IProgress progress)
var outputFile = new FileInfo(Path.Join(CachePath, outputFileName));
if (outputFile.Exists)
// Use the provided extension method
using (var file = new FileStream(outputFile.FullName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None))
if (!await _httpClient.DownloadDataAsync(targetLink, file, progress))
Log.Error($"Download failed: {targetLink}");
if (outputFile.Exists)
return null;
if (!outputFile.Exists)
Log.Error("Failed to download file from url: {name} :: {url}", outputFileName, targetLink);
return null;
return outputFile;
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error(ex, "Failed to download file from url: {name} :: {url}", outputFileName, targetLink);
return null;
/// Download a file to the cache folder
/// The file name to save the file as
/// The stream the download the file from
/// A object of the cached file
/// If the file exists, it is deleted before downloading
public static async Task DownloadFileAsync(string outputFileName, Stream downloadStream)
var outputFile = new FileInfo(Path.Join(CachePath, outputFileName));
if (outputFile.Exists)
using var patcherFileStream = outputFile.Open(FileMode.Create);
await downloadStream.CopyToAsync(patcherFileStream);
if (!outputFile.Exists)
Log.Error("Failed to download file from stream: {name}", outputFileName);
return null;
return outputFile;
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error(ex, "Failed to download file from stream: {fileName}", outputFileName);
return null;
/// Get or download a file using a time to live
/// The file to get from cache
/// The link to use for the download
/// A progress object for reporting download progress
/// The time-to-live to check against in the cache
public static async Task GetOrDownloadFileAsync(string fileName, string targetLink,
IProgress progress, TimeSpan timeToLive)
if (CheckCacheTTL(fileName, timeToLive, out FileInfo cachedFile))
return cachedFile;
Log.Information($"Downloading File: {targetLink}");
return await DownloadFileAsync(fileName, targetLink, progress);
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error(ex, $"Error while getting file: {fileName}");
return null;
/// Get the file from cache or download it
/// The name of the file to check for in the cache
/// The url to download from if the file doesn't exist in the cache
/// A provider for progress updates
/// The expected hash of the cached file
/// A object of the cached file
/// Use if you don't have an expected cache file hash
public static async Task GetOrDownloadFileAsync(string fileName, string targetLink,
IProgress progress, string expectedHash)
if (CheckCacheHash(fileName, expectedHash, out var cacheFile))
return cacheFile;
Log.Information($"Downloading File: {targetLink}");
return await DownloadFileAsync(fileName, targetLink, progress);
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error(ex, $"Error while getting file: {fileName}");
return null;
/// Get the file from cache or download it
/// The name of the file to check for in the cache
/// The stream to download from if the file doesn't exist in the cache
/// The expected hash of the cached file
/// A object of the cached file
/// Use if you don't have an expected cache file hash
public static async Task GetOrDownloadFileAsync(string fileName, Stream fileDownloadStream,
string expectedHash)
if (CheckCacheHash(fileName, expectedHash, out var cacheFile))
return cacheFile;
return await DownloadFileAsync(fileName, fileDownloadStream);
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error(ex, $"Error while getting file: {fileName}");
return null;