using System.Net.Http; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Serilog; using SPTInstaller.Models; namespace SPTInstaller.Helpers; public static class DownloadCacheHelper { private static HttpClient _httpClient = new() { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromHours(1) }; private static string _cachePath = Path.Join(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "spt-installer/cache"); private static bool CheckCache(FileInfo cacheFile, string expectedHash = null) { try { cacheFile.Refresh(); Directory.CreateDirectory(_cachePath); if (cacheFile.Exists) { if (expectedHash != null && FileHashHelper.CheckHash(cacheFile, expectedHash)) { Log.Information($"Using cached file: {cacheFile.Name} - Hash: {expectedHash}"); return true; } cacheFile.Delete(); cacheFile.Refresh(); } return false; } catch { return false; } } private static async Task<Result> DownloadFile(FileInfo outputFile, string targetLink, IProgress<double> progress, string expectedHash = null) { try { // Use the provided extension method using (var file = new FileStream(outputFile.FullName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)) await _httpClient.DownloadDataAsync(targetLink, file, progress); outputFile.Refresh(); if (!outputFile.Exists) { return Result.FromError($"Failed to download {outputFile.Name}"); } if (expectedHash != null && !FileHashHelper.CheckHash(outputFile, expectedHash)) { return Result.FromError("Hash mismatch"); } return Result.FromSuccess(); } catch (Exception ex) { return Result.FromError(ex.Message); } } private static async Task<Result> ProcessInboundStreamAsync(FileInfo cacheFile, Stream downloadStream, string expectedHash = null) { try { if (CheckCache(cacheFile, expectedHash)) return Result.FromSuccess(); using var patcherFileStream = cacheFile.Open(FileMode.Create); { await downloadStream.CopyToAsync(patcherFileStream); } patcherFileStream.Close(); if (expectedHash != null && !FileHashHelper.CheckHash(cacheFile, expectedHash)) { return Result.FromError("Hash mismatch"); } return Result.FromSuccess(); } catch(Exception ex) { return Result.FromError(ex.Message); } } private static async Task<Result> ProcessInboundFileAsync(FileInfo cacheFile, string targetLink, IProgress<double> progress, string expectedHash = null) { try { if (CheckCache(cacheFile, expectedHash)) return Result.FromSuccess(); return await DownloadFile(cacheFile, targetLink, progress, expectedHash); } catch(Exception ex) { return Result.FromError(ex.Message); } } public static async Task<FileInfo?> GetOrDownloadFileAsync(string fileName, string targetLink, IProgress<double> progress, string expectedHash = null) { var cacheFile = new FileInfo(Path.Join(_cachePath, fileName)); try { var result = await ProcessInboundFileAsync(cacheFile, targetLink, progress, expectedHash); return result.Succeeded ? cacheFile : null; } catch(Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, $"Error while getting file: {fileName}"); return null; } } public static async Task<FileInfo?> GetOrDownloadFileAsync(string fileName, Stream fileDownloadStream, string expectedHash = null) { var cacheFile = new FileInfo(Path.Join(_cachePath, fileName)); try { var result = await ProcessInboundStreamAsync(cacheFile, fileDownloadStream, expectedHash); return result.Succeeded ? cacheFile : null; } catch(Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, $"Error while getting file: {fileName}"); return null; } } }