using Newtonsoft.Json; using SPT_AKI_Installer.Aki.Core.Model; using SPT_AKI_Installer.Aki.Helper; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; using CG.Web.MegaApiClient; namespace SPT_AKI_Installer.Aki.Core.Tasks { public class DownloadTask : LiveTableTask { private InternalData _data; public DownloadTask(InternalData data) : base("Download Files", false) { _data = data; } private async Task BuildMirrorList() { var mirrorListInfo = new FileInfo(Path.Join(_data.TargetInstallPath, "mirrors.json")); SetStatus("Downloading Mirror List", false); var progress = new Progress((d) => { Progress = (int)Math.Floor(d); }); var downloadResult = await DownloadHelper.DownloadFile(mirrorListInfo, _data.PatcherMirrorsLink, progress); if (!downloadResult.Succeeded) { return downloadResult; } var blah = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(File.ReadAllText(mirrorListInfo.FullName)); if (blah is List mirrors) { _data.PatcherReleaseMirrors = mirrors; return GenericResult.FromSuccess(); } return GenericResult.FromError("Failed to deserialize mirrors list"); } private async Task DownloadPatcherFromMirrors(IProgress progress) { foreach (string mirror in _data.PatcherReleaseMirrors) { SetStatus($"Downloading Patcher: {mirror}", false); // mega is a little weird since they use encryption, but thankfully there is a great library for their api :) if (mirror.StartsWith("https://mega")) { var megaClient = new MegaApiClient(); await megaClient.LoginAnonymousAsync(); // if mega fails to connect, try the next mirror if (!megaClient.IsLoggedIn) continue; try { using var megaDownloadStream = await megaClient.DownloadAsync(new Uri(mirror), progress); using var patcherFileStream = _data.PatcherZipInfo.Open(FileMode.Create); { await megaDownloadStream.CopyToAsync(patcherFileStream); } return GenericResult.FromSuccess(); } catch(Exception) { //most likely a 509 (Bandwidth limit exceeded) due to mega's user quotas. continue; } } var result = await DownloadHelper.DownloadFile(_data.PatcherZipInfo, mirror, progress); if(result.Succeeded) { return GenericResult.FromSuccess(); } } return GenericResult.FromError("Failed to download Patcher"); } public override async Task RunAsync() { _data.PatcherZipInfo = new FileInfo(Path.Join(_data.TargetInstallPath, "")); _data.AkiZipInfo= new FileInfo(Path.Join(_data.TargetInstallPath, "")); if (_data.PatchNeeded) { if (_data.PatcherZipInfo.Exists) _data.PatcherZipInfo.Delete(); var buildResult = await BuildMirrorList(); if (!buildResult.Succeeded) { return buildResult; } Progress = 0; var progress = new Progress((d) => { Progress = (int)Math.Floor(d); }); var patcherDownloadRresult = await DownloadPatcherFromMirrors(progress); if (!patcherDownloadRresult.Succeeded) { return patcherDownloadRresult; } } if (_data.AkiZipInfo.Exists) _data.AkiZipInfo.Delete(); SetStatus("Downloading SPT-AKI", false); Progress = 0; var akiProgress = new Progress((d) => { Progress = (int)Math.Floor(d); }); var releaseDownloadResult = await DownloadHelper.DownloadFile(_data.AkiZipInfo, _data.AkiReleaseDownloadLink, akiProgress); if (!releaseDownloadResult.Succeeded) { return releaseDownloadResult; } return GenericResult.FromSuccess(); } } }