using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading; using System; namespace SPT_AKI_Installer.Aki.Helper { public class ProcessHelper { private Process _process; private string _exeDir; private string _workingDir; public void StartProcess(string exeDir, string workingDir) { _exeDir = exeDir; _workingDir = workingDir; _process = new Process(); _process.StartInfo.FileName = exeDir; _process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = workingDir; _process.EnableRaisingEvents = true; _process.StartInfo.Arguments = "autoclose"; _process.Start(); _process.WaitForExit(); ExitCodeCheck(_process.ExitCode); } public void ExitCodeCheck(int exitCode) { /* public enum PatcherExitCode { ProgramClosed = 0, Success = 10, EftExeNotFound = 11, NoPatchFolder = 12, MissingFile = 13, MissingDir = 14 } */ switch (exitCode) { case 0: LogHelper.Warning("Patcher was closed before completing!"); LogHelper.Warning("If you need to start the patcher again, type RETRY"); LogHelper.Warning("If you want to close the installer, type CLOSE"); var response = Console.ReadLine(); while (!string.Equals(response, "retry", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || !string.Equals(response, "close", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { LogHelper.Warning("answer needs to be retry or close"); LogHelper.Warning("Try Again!"); } if (string.Equals(response, "retry", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { StartProcess(_exeDir, _workingDir); break; } if (string.Equals(response, "close", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { Environment.Exit(0); break; } break; case 10: LogHelper.User("Patcher Finished Successfully, extracting Aki"); break; case 11: LogHelper.Error("EscapeFromTarkov.exe is missing from the install Path"); LogHelper.Warning("Check your game files in their original location are complete!"); LogHelper.Warning("Closing the installer in 20 seconds"); Thread.Sleep(20000); Environment.Exit(0); break; case 12: LogHelper.Error("Patchers Folder called 'Aki_Patches' missing"); LogHelper.Warning("Closing the installer in 20 seconds"); Thread.Sleep(20000); Environment.Exit(0); break; case 13: LogHelper.Error("EFT files was missing a Vital file to continue"); LogHelper.Warning("please reinstall EFT through the BSG launcher"); LogHelper.Warning("Closing the installer in 20 seconds"); Thread.Sleep(20000); Environment.Exit(0); break; case 14: LogHelper.Error("Patcher Reported Missing Folder"); // check with Waffle what this one is LogHelper.Warning("Closing the installer in 20 seconds"); Thread.Sleep(20000); Environment.Exit(0); break; } } } }