328 lines
11 KiB
328 lines
11 KiB
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Input;
using Avalonia.Threading;
using DialogHostAvalonia;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using ReactiveUI;
using Serilog;
using SPTInstaller.Controllers;
using SPTInstaller.CustomControls;
using SPTInstaller.CustomControls.Dialogs;
using SPTInstaller.Helpers;
using SPTInstaller.Models;
using SPTInstaller.Models.ReleaseInfo;
namespace SPTInstaller.ViewModels;
public class PreChecksViewModel : ViewModelBase
private bool _hasPreCheckSelected;
public bool HasPreCheckSelected
get => _hasPreCheckSelected;
set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _hasPreCheckSelected, value);
public ObservableCollection<PreCheckBase> PreChecks { get; set; } = new(ServiceHelper.GetAll<PreCheckBase>());
public ICommand SelectPreCheckCommand { get; set; }
public ICommand StartInstallCommand { get; set; }
public ICommand UpdateInstallerCommand { get; set; }
public ICommand DismissUpdateCommand { get; set; }
public ICommand WhatsNewCommand { get; set; }
public ICommand LaunchWithDebug { get; set; }
public InstallerUpdateInfo UpdateInfo { get; set; } = new();
private bool _debugging;
public bool Debugging
get => _debugging;
set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _debugging, value);
private string _installPath;
public string InstallPath
get => _installPath;
set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _installPath, value);
private string _installButtonText;
public string InstallButtonText
get => _installButtonText;
set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _installButtonText, value);
private bool _allowInstall;
public bool AllowInstall
get => _allowInstall;
set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _allowInstall, value);
private bool _allowDetailsButton = false;
public bool AllowDetailsButton
get => _allowDetailsButton;
set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _allowDetailsButton, value);
private string _cacheInfoText;
public string CacheInfoText
get => _cacheInfoText;
set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _cacheInfoText, value);
private StatusSpinner.SpinnerState _cacheCheckState;
public StatusSpinner.SpinnerState CacheCheckState
get => _cacheCheckState;
set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _cacheCheckState, value);
private StatusSpinner.SpinnerState _installButtonCheckState;
public StatusSpinner.SpinnerState InstallButtonCheckState
get => _installButtonCheckState;
set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _installButtonCheckState, value);
private void ReCheckRequested(object? sender, EventArgs e)
Task.Run(async () =>
if (sender is InstallController installer)
var result = await installer.RunPreChecks();
AllowInstall = result.Succeeded;
public PreChecksViewModel(IScreen host, bool debugging) : base(host)
Debugging = debugging;
var data = ServiceHelper.Get<InternalData?>();
var installer = ServiceHelper.Get<InstallController?>();
installer.RecheckRequested += ReCheckRequested;
InstallButtonText = "Please wait ...";
InstallButtonCheckState = StatusSpinner.SpinnerState.Pending;
if (data == null || installer == null)
NavigateTo(new MessageViewModel(HostScreen,
Result.FromError("Failed to get required service for prechecks")));
data.OriginalGamePath = PreCheckHelper.DetectOriginalGamePath();
data.TargetInstallPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
InstallPath = data.TargetInstallPath;
Log.Information($"Install Path: {FileHelper.GetRedactedPath(InstallPath)}");
#if !TEST
if (data.OriginalGamePath == null)
NavigateTo(new MessageViewModel(HostScreen,
Result.FromError("Could not find where you installed EFT.\n\nDo you own and have the game installed?")));
if (data.OriginalGamePath == data.TargetInstallPath)
var logFiles = Directory.GetFiles(InstallPath, "spt-installer_*.log");
// remove log file from original game path if they exist
foreach (var file in logFiles)
NavigateTo(new MessageViewModel(HostScreen,
"You have placed the installer in the same folder as EFT. Please move the installer to a seperate folder. Refer to the install guide on where best to place the installer before running it."),
noLog: true));
Task.Run(async () =>
if (FileHelper.CheckPathForProblemLocations(InstallPath, out var failedCheck))
switch (failedCheck.CheckAction)
case PathCheckAction.Warn:
await Dispatcher.UIThread.InvokeAsync(async () =>
Log.Warning("Problem path detected, confirming install path ...");
var confirmation = await DialogHost.Show(new ConfirmationDialog(
$"It appears you are installing into a folder known to cause problems: {failedCheck.Target}." +
$"\nPlease consider installing SPT somewhere else to avoid issues later on." +
$"\n\nAre you sure you want to install to this path?\n{InstallPath}"));
if (confirmation == null || !bool.TryParse(confirmation.ToString(), out var confirm) ||
Log.Information("User declined install path, exiting");
case PathCheckAction.Deny:
Log.Error("Problem path detected, install denied");
NavigateTo(new MessageViewModel(HostScreen,
$"We suspect you may be installing into a problematic folder: {failedCheck.Target}.\nWe won't be letting you install here. Please move the installer to another folder.\nSuggestion: a folder under your drive root, such as 'C:\\spt\\'\nDenied Path: {InstallPath}")));
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
Log.Information("User accepted install path");
LaunchWithDebug = ReactiveCommand.Create(async () =>
var installerPath = Path.Join(_installPath, "SPTInstaller.exe");
Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo()
FileName = installerPath,
Arguments = "debug"
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error(ex, "Failed to enter debug mode");
SelectPreCheckCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(async (PreCheckBase check) =>
foreach (var precheck in PreChecks)
if (check.Id == precheck.Id)
precheck.IsSelected = true;
HasPreCheckSelected = true;
precheck.IsSelected = false;
StartInstallCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(async () =>
UpdateInfo.Show = false;
NavigateTo(new InstallViewModel(HostScreen));
UpdateInstallerCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(async () =>
AllowDetailsButton = false;
AllowInstall = false;
await UpdateInfo.UpdateInstaller();
DismissUpdateCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => { UpdateInfo.Show = false; });
WhatsNewCommand =
ReactiveCommand.Create(async () => await DialogHost.Show(new ChangeLogDialog(UpdateInfo.NewVersion.ToString(), UpdateInfo.ChangeLog)));
Task.Run(async () =>
// run prechecks
var result = await installer.RunPreChecks();
// check for updates
await UpdateInfo.CheckForUpdates(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName()?.Version);
// get latest spt version
InstallButtonText = "Getting latest release ...";
InstallButtonCheckState = StatusSpinner.SpinnerState.Running;
var progress = new Progress<double>((d) => { });
var SPTReleaseInfoFile =
await DownloadCacheHelper.GetOrDownloadFileAsync("release.json", DownloadCacheHelper.ReleaseMirrorUrl,
progress, DownloadCacheHelper.SuggestedTtl);
if (SPTReleaseInfoFile == null)
InstallButtonText = "Could not get SPT release metadata";
InstallButtonCheckState = StatusSpinner.SpinnerState.Error;
var SPTReleaseInfo =
if (SPTReleaseInfo == null)
InstallButtonText = "Could not parse latest SPT release";
InstallButtonCheckState = StatusSpinner.SpinnerState.Error;
InstallButtonText = $"Start Install: SPT v{SPTReleaseInfo.SPTVersion}";
InstallButtonCheckState = StatusSpinner.SpinnerState.OK;
AllowDetailsButton = true;
AllowInstall = result.Succeeded;
Task.Run(() =>
CacheInfoText = "Getting cache size ...";
CacheCheckState = StatusSpinner.SpinnerState.Running;
CacheInfoText = $"Cache Size: {DownloadCacheHelper.GetCacheSizeText()}";
CacheCheckState = StatusSpinner.SpinnerState.OK;
} |