import { Difficulty, IBotType } from "../models/eft/common/tables/IBotType"; import { IBotConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IBotConfig"; import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer"; import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer"; import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil"; import { RandomUtil } from "../utils/RandomUtil"; export declare class BotHelper { protected logger: ILogger; protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil; protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer; protected randomUtil: RandomUtil; protected configServer: ConfigServer; protected botConfig: IBotConfig; constructor(logger: ILogger, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, randomUtil: RandomUtil, configServer: ConfigServer); /** * Get difficulty settings for desired bot type, if not found use assault bot types * @param type bot type to retreive difficulty of * @param difficulty difficulty to get settings for (easy/normal etc) * @returns Difficulty object */ getBotDifficultySettings(type: string, difficulty: string): Difficulty; /** * Get a template object for the specified botRole from bots.types db * @param role botRole to get template for * @returns IBotType object */ getBotTemplate(role: string): IBotType; /** * Get difficulty settings for a PMC * @param type "usec" / "bear" * @param difficulty what difficulty to retrieve * @returns Difficulty object */ getPmcDifficultySettings(type: string, difficulty: string): Difficulty; /** * Translate chosen value from pre-raid difficulty dropdown into bot difficulty value * @param dropDownDifficulty Dropdown difficulty value to convert * @returns bot difficulty */ convertBotDifficultyDropdownToBotDifficulty(dropDownDifficulty: string): string; /** * Choose a random difficulty from - easy/normal/hard/impossible * @returns random difficulty */ chooseRandomDifficulty(): string; /** * Randomise the chance the PMC will attack their own side * Look up value in bot.json/chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent * @param difficultySettings pmc difficulty settings */ randomisePmcHostility(difficultySettings: Difficulty): void; isBotPmc(botRole: string): boolean; isBotBoss(botRole: string): boolean; isBotFollower(botRole: string): boolean; /** * Add a bot to the FRIENDLY_BOT_TYPES array * @param difficultySettings bot settings to alter * @param typeToAdd bot type to add to friendly list */ addBotToFriendlyList(difficultySettings: Difficulty, typeToAdd: string): void; /** * Add a bot to the ENEMY_BOT_TYPES array, do not add itself if its on the enemy list * @param difficultySettings bot settings to alter * @param typesToAdd bot type to add to enemy list */ addBotToEnemyList(difficultySettings: Difficulty, typesToAdd: string[], typeBeingEdited: string): void; /** * Add a bot to the REVENGE_BOT_TYPES array * @param difficultySettings bot settings to alter * @param typesToAdd bot type to add to revenge list */ addBotToRevengeList(difficultySettings: Difficulty, typesToAdd: string[]): void; /** * Choose if a bot should become a PMC by checking if bot type is allowed to become a Pmc in botConfig.convertFromChances and doing a random int check * @param botRole the bot role to check if should be a pmc * @returns true if should be a pmc */ shouldBotBePmc(botRole: string): boolean; }