356 lines
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356 lines
16 KiB
import { __read, __spread, __values } from "tslib";
import { isClassProvider, isFactoryProvider, isNormalToken, isTokenProvider, isValueProvider } from "./providers";
import { isProvider } from "./providers/provider";
import { isConstructorToken, isTokenDescriptor, isTransformDescriptor } from "./providers/injection-token";
import Registry from "./registry";
import Lifecycle from "./types/lifecycle";
import ResolutionContext from "./resolution-context";
import { formatErrorCtor } from "./error-helpers";
import { DelayedConstructor } from "./lazy-helpers";
import Interceptors from "./interceptors";
export var typeInfo = new Map();
var InternalDependencyContainer = (function () {
function InternalDependencyContainer(parent) {
this.parent = parent;
this._registry = new Registry();
this.interceptors = new Interceptors();
InternalDependencyContainer.prototype.register = function (token, providerOrConstructor, options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = { lifecycle: Lifecycle.Transient }; }
var provider;
if (!isProvider(providerOrConstructor)) {
provider = { useClass: providerOrConstructor };
else {
provider = providerOrConstructor;
if (isTokenProvider(provider)) {
var path = [token];
var tokenProvider = provider;
while (tokenProvider != null) {
var currentToken = tokenProvider.useToken;
if (path.includes(currentToken)) {
throw new Error("Token registration cycle detected! " + __spread(path, [currentToken]).join(" -> "));
var registration = this._registry.get(currentToken);
if (registration && isTokenProvider(registration.provider)) {
tokenProvider = registration.provider;
else {
tokenProvider = null;
if (options.lifecycle === Lifecycle.Singleton ||
options.lifecycle == Lifecycle.ContainerScoped ||
options.lifecycle == Lifecycle.ResolutionScoped) {
if (isValueProvider(provider) || isFactoryProvider(provider)) {
throw new Error("Cannot use lifecycle \"" + Lifecycle[options.lifecycle] + "\" with ValueProviders or FactoryProviders");
this._registry.set(token, { provider: provider, options: options });
return this;
InternalDependencyContainer.prototype.registerType = function (from, to) {
if (isNormalToken(to)) {
return this.register(from, {
useToken: to
return this.register(from, {
useClass: to
InternalDependencyContainer.prototype.registerInstance = function (token, instance) {
return this.register(token, {
useValue: instance
InternalDependencyContainer.prototype.registerSingleton = function (from, to) {
if (isNormalToken(from)) {
if (isNormalToken(to)) {
return this.register(from, {
useToken: to
}, { lifecycle: Lifecycle.Singleton });
else if (to) {
return this.register(from, {
useClass: to
}, { lifecycle: Lifecycle.Singleton });
throw new Error('Cannot register a type name as a singleton without a "to" token');
var useClass = from;
if (to && !isNormalToken(to)) {
useClass = to;
return this.register(from, {
useClass: useClass
}, { lifecycle: Lifecycle.Singleton });
InternalDependencyContainer.prototype.resolve = function (token, context) {
if (context === void 0) { context = new ResolutionContext(); }
var registration = this.getRegistration(token);
if (!registration && isNormalToken(token)) {
throw new Error("Attempted to resolve unregistered dependency token: \"" + token.toString() + "\"");
this.executePreResolutionInterceptor(token, "Single");
if (registration) {
var result = this.resolveRegistration(registration, context);
this.executePostResolutionInterceptor(token, result, "Single");
return result;
if (isConstructorToken(token)) {
var result = this.construct(token, context);
this.executePostResolutionInterceptor(token, result, "Single");
return result;
throw new Error("Attempted to construct an undefined constructor. Could mean a circular dependency problem. Try using `delay` function.");
InternalDependencyContainer.prototype.executePreResolutionInterceptor = function (token, resolutionType) {
var e_1, _a;
if (this.interceptors.preResolution.has(token)) {
var remainingInterceptors = [];
try {
for (var _b = __values(this.interceptors.preResolution.getAll(token)), _c = _b.next(); !_c.done; _c = _b.next()) {
var interceptor = _c.value;
if (interceptor.options.frequency != "Once") {
interceptor.callback(token, resolutionType);
catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)) _a.call(_b);
finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
this.interceptors.preResolution.setAll(token, remainingInterceptors);
InternalDependencyContainer.prototype.executePostResolutionInterceptor = function (token, result, resolutionType) {
var e_2, _a;
if (this.interceptors.postResolution.has(token)) {
var remainingInterceptors = [];
try {
for (var _b = __values(this.interceptors.postResolution.getAll(token)), _c = _b.next(); !_c.done; _c = _b.next()) {
var interceptor = _c.value;
if (interceptor.options.frequency != "Once") {
interceptor.callback(token, result, resolutionType);
catch (e_2_1) { e_2 = { error: e_2_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)) _a.call(_b);
finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; }
this.interceptors.postResolution.setAll(token, remainingInterceptors);
InternalDependencyContainer.prototype.resolveRegistration = function (registration, context) {
if (registration.options.lifecycle === Lifecycle.ResolutionScoped &&
context.scopedResolutions.has(registration)) {
return context.scopedResolutions.get(registration);
var isSingleton = registration.options.lifecycle === Lifecycle.Singleton;
var isContainerScoped = registration.options.lifecycle === Lifecycle.ContainerScoped;
var returnInstance = isSingleton || isContainerScoped;
var resolved;
if (isValueProvider(registration.provider)) {
resolved = registration.provider.useValue;
else if (isTokenProvider(registration.provider)) {
resolved = returnInstance
? registration.instance ||
(registration.instance = this.resolve(registration.provider.useToken, context))
: this.resolve(registration.provider.useToken, context);
else if (isClassProvider(registration.provider)) {
resolved = returnInstance
? registration.instance ||
(registration.instance = this.construct(registration.provider.useClass, context))
: this.construct(registration.provider.useClass, context);
else if (isFactoryProvider(registration.provider)) {
resolved = registration.provider.useFactory(this);
else {
resolved = this.construct(registration.provider, context);
if (registration.options.lifecycle === Lifecycle.ResolutionScoped) {
context.scopedResolutions.set(registration, resolved);
return resolved;
InternalDependencyContainer.prototype.resolveAll = function (token, context) {
var _this = this;
if (context === void 0) { context = new ResolutionContext(); }
var registrations = this.getAllRegistrations(token);
if (!registrations && isNormalToken(token)) {
throw new Error("Attempted to resolve unregistered dependency token: \"" + token.toString() + "\"");
this.executePreResolutionInterceptor(token, "All");
if (registrations) {
var result_1 = registrations.map(function (item) {
return _this.resolveRegistration(item, context);
this.executePostResolutionInterceptor(token, result_1, "All");
return result_1;
var result = [this.construct(token, context)];
this.executePostResolutionInterceptor(token, result, "All");
return result;
InternalDependencyContainer.prototype.isRegistered = function (token, recursive) {
if (recursive === void 0) { recursive = false; }
return (this._registry.has(token) ||
(recursive &&
(this.parent || false) &&
this.parent.isRegistered(token, true)));
InternalDependencyContainer.prototype.reset = function () {
InternalDependencyContainer.prototype.clearInstances = function () {
var e_3, _a;
try {
for (var _b = __values(this._registry.entries()), _c = _b.next(); !_c.done; _c = _b.next()) {
var _d = __read(_c.value, 2), token = _d[0], registrations = _d[1];
this._registry.setAll(token, registrations
.filter(function (registration) { return !isValueProvider(registration.provider); })
.map(function (registration) {
registration.instance = undefined;
return registration;
catch (e_3_1) { e_3 = { error: e_3_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)) _a.call(_b);
finally { if (e_3) throw e_3.error; }
InternalDependencyContainer.prototype.createChildContainer = function () {
var e_4, _a;
var childContainer = new InternalDependencyContainer(this);
try {
for (var _b = __values(this._registry.entries()), _c = _b.next(); !_c.done; _c = _b.next()) {
var _d = __read(_c.value, 2), token = _d[0], registrations = _d[1];
if (registrations.some(function (_a) {
var options = _a.options;
return options.lifecycle === Lifecycle.ContainerScoped;
})) {
childContainer._registry.setAll(token, registrations.map(function (registration) {
if (registration.options.lifecycle === Lifecycle.ContainerScoped) {
return {
provider: registration.provider,
options: registration.options
return registration;
catch (e_4_1) { e_4 = { error: e_4_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)) _a.call(_b);
finally { if (e_4) throw e_4.error; }
return childContainer;
InternalDependencyContainer.prototype.beforeResolution = function (token, callback, options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = { frequency: "Always" }; }
this.interceptors.preResolution.set(token, {
callback: callback,
options: options
InternalDependencyContainer.prototype.afterResolution = function (token, callback, options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = { frequency: "Always" }; }
this.interceptors.postResolution.set(token, {
callback: callback,
options: options
InternalDependencyContainer.prototype.getRegistration = function (token) {
if (this.isRegistered(token)) {
return this._registry.get(token);
if (this.parent) {
return this.parent.getRegistration(token);
return null;
InternalDependencyContainer.prototype.getAllRegistrations = function (token) {
if (this.isRegistered(token)) {
return this._registry.getAll(token);
if (this.parent) {
return this.parent.getAllRegistrations(token);
return null;
InternalDependencyContainer.prototype.construct = function (ctor, context) {
var _this = this;
if (ctor instanceof DelayedConstructor) {
return ctor.createProxy(function (target) {
return _this.resolve(target, context);
var paramInfo = typeInfo.get(ctor);
if (!paramInfo || paramInfo.length === 0) {
if (ctor.length === 0) {
return new ctor();
else {
throw new Error("TypeInfo not known for \"" + ctor.name + "\"");
var params = paramInfo.map(this.resolveParams(context, ctor));
return new (ctor.bind.apply(ctor, __spread([void 0], params)))();
InternalDependencyContainer.prototype.resolveParams = function (context, ctor) {
var _this = this;
return function (param, idx) {
var _a, _b, _c;
try {
if (isTokenDescriptor(param)) {
if (isTransformDescriptor(param)) {
return param.multiple
? (_a = _this.resolve(param.transform)).transform.apply(_a, __spread([_this.resolveAll(param.token)], param.transformArgs)) : (_b = _this.resolve(param.transform)).transform.apply(_b, __spread([_this.resolve(param.token, context)], param.transformArgs));
else {
return param.multiple
? _this.resolveAll(param.token)
: _this.resolve(param.token, context);
else if (isTransformDescriptor(param)) {
return (_c = _this.resolve(param.transform, context)).transform.apply(_c, __spread([_this.resolve(param.token, context)], param.transformArgs));
return _this.resolve(param, context);
catch (e) {
throw new Error(formatErrorCtor(ctor, idx, e));
return InternalDependencyContainer;
export var instance = new InternalDependencyContainer();
export default instance;