
67 lines
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import { ApplicationContext } from "../context/ApplicationContext";
import { GameEventHelper } from "../helpers/GameEventHelper";
import { HttpServerHelper } from "../helpers/HttpServerHelper";
import { ProfileHelper } from "../helpers/ProfileHelper";
import { IEmptyRequestData } from "../models/eft/common/IEmptyRequestData";
import { Config } from "../models/eft/common/IGlobals";
import { ICheckVersionResponse } from "../models/eft/game/ICheckVersionResponse";
import { IGameConfigResponse } from "../models/eft/game/IGameConfigResponse";
import { IServerDetails } from "../models/eft/game/IServerDetails";
import { IAkiProfile } from "../models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile";
import { ICoreConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ICoreConfig";
import { IHttpConfig } from "../models/spt/config/IHttpConfig";
import { ISeasonalEvent } from "../models/spt/config/ISeasonalEventConfig";
import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "../servers/DatabaseServer";
import { LocaleService } from "../services/LocaleService";
import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService";
import { ProfileFixerService } from "../services/ProfileFixerService";
import { Watermark } from "../utils/Watermark";
export declare class GameController {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer;
protected watermark: Watermark;
protected httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper;
protected localeService: LocaleService;
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
protected profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected gameEventHelper: GameEventHelper;
protected applicationContext: ApplicationContext;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected httpConfig: IHttpConfig;
protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, watermark: Watermark, httpServerHelper: HttpServerHelper, localeService: LocaleService, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, localisationService: LocalisationService, gameEventHelper: GameEventHelper, applicationContext: ApplicationContext, configServer: ConfigServer);
gameStart(_url: string, _info: IEmptyRequestData, sessionID: string, startTimeStampMS: number): void;
* Check if current date falls inside any of the seasons events pased in, if so, handle them
* @param seasonalEvents events to check for
protected checkForAndEnableSeasonalEvents(seasonalEvents: ISeasonalEvent[]): void;
* Make adjusted to server code based on the name of the event passed in
* @param globalConfig globals.json
* @param eventName Name of the event to enable. e.g. Christmas
protected updateGlobalEvents(globalConfig: Config, eventName: string): void;
* Read in data from seasonalEvents.json and add found equipment items to bots
* @param eventName Name of the event to read equipment in from config
protected addEventGearToScavs(eventName: string): void;
* Set Khorovod(dancing tree) chance to 100% on all maps that support it
protected enableDancingTree(): void;
* Make non-trigger-spawned raiders spawn earlier + always
protected adjustLabsRaiderSpawnRate(): void;
protected logProfileDetails(fullProfile: IAkiProfile): void;
getGameConfig(sessionID: string): IGameConfigResponse;
getServer(): IServerDetails[];
protected addPumpkinsToScavBackpacks(): void;
getValidGameVersion(): ICheckVersionResponse;