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import { RepeatableQuestGenerator } from "@spt/generators/RepeatableQuestGenerator";
import { ProfileHelper } from "@spt/helpers/ProfileHelper";
import { QuestHelper } from "@spt/helpers/QuestHelper";
import { RepeatableQuestHelper } from "@spt/helpers/RepeatableQuestHelper";
import { IPmcData } from "@spt/models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IPmcDataRepeatableQuest, IRepeatableQuest } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/IRepeatableQuests";
import { IItemEventRouterResponse } from "@spt/models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterResponse";
import { ISptProfile } from "@spt/models/eft/profile/ISptProfile";
import { IRepeatableQuestChangeRequest } from "@spt/models/eft/quests/IRepeatableQuestChangeRequest";
import { ELocationName } from "@spt/models/enums/ELocationName";
import { IQuestConfig, IRepeatableQuestConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/IQuestConfig";
import { IGetRepeatableByIdResult } from "@spt/models/spt/quests/IGetRepeatableByIdResult";
import { IQuestTypePool } from "@spt/models/spt/repeatable/IQuestTypePool";
import { ILogger } from "@spt/models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { EventOutputHolder } from "@spt/routers/EventOutputHolder";
import { ConfigServer } from "@spt/servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseService } from "@spt/services/DatabaseService";
import { LocalisationService } from "@spt/services/LocalisationService";
import { PaymentService } from "@spt/services/PaymentService";
import { ProfileFixerService } from "@spt/services/ProfileFixerService";
import { ICloner } from "@spt/utils/cloners/ICloner";
import { HttpResponseUtil } from "@spt/utils/HttpResponseUtil";
import { ObjectId } from "@spt/utils/ObjectId";
import { RandomUtil } from "@spt/utils/RandomUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "@spt/utils/TimeUtil";
export declare class RepeatableQuestController {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected databaseService: DatabaseService;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil;
protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper;
protected profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder;
protected paymentService: PaymentService;
protected objectId: ObjectId;
protected repeatableQuestGenerator: RepeatableQuestGenerator;
protected repeatableQuestHelper: RepeatableQuestHelper;
protected questHelper: QuestHelper;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected cloner: ICloner;
protected questConfig: IQuestConfig;
constructor(logger: ILogger, databaseService: DatabaseService, timeUtil: TimeUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, profileHelper: ProfileHelper, profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService, localisationService: LocalisationService, eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder, paymentService: PaymentService, objectId: ObjectId, repeatableQuestGenerator: RepeatableQuestGenerator, repeatableQuestHelper: RepeatableQuestHelper, questHelper: QuestHelper, configServer: ConfigServer, cloner: ICloner);
* Handle client/repeatalbeQuests/activityPeriods
* Returns an array of objects in the format of repeatable quests to the client.
* repeatableQuestObject = {
* id: Unique Id,
* name: "Daily",
* endTime: the time when the quests expire
* activeQuests: currently available quests in an array. Each element of quest type format (see assets/database/templates/repeatableQuests.json).
* inactiveQuests: the quests which were previously active (required by client to fail them if they are not completed)
* }
* The method checks if the player level requirement for repeatable quests (e.g. daily lvl5, weekly lvl15) is met and if the previously active quests
* are still valid. This ischecked by endTime persisted in profile accordning to the resetTime configured for each repeatable kind (daily, weekly)
* in QuestCondig.js
* If the condition is met, new repeatableQuests are created, old quests (which are persisted in the profile.RepeatableQuests[i].activeQuests) are
* moved to profile.RepeatableQuests[i].inactiveQuests. This memory is required to get rid of old repeatable quest data in the profile, otherwise
* they'll litter the profile's Quests field.
* (if the are on "Succeed" but not "Completed" we keep them, to allow the player to complete them and get the rewards)
* The new quests generated are again persisted in profile.RepeatableQuests
* @param {string} sessionID Player's session id
* @returns {array} Array of "repeatableQuestObjects" as described above
getClientRepeatableQuests(sessionID: string): IPmcDataRepeatableQuest[];
* Expire quests and replace expired quests with ready-to-hand-in quests inside generatedRepeatables.activeQuests
* @param generatedRepeatables Repeatables to process (daily/weekly)
* @param pmcData Player profile
protected processExpiredQuests(generatedRepeatables: IPmcDataRepeatableQuest, pmcData: IPmcData): void;
* Check if a repeatable quest type (daily/weekly) is active for the given profile
* @param repeatableConfig Repeatable quest config
* @param pmcData Player profile
* @returns True if profile is allowed to access dailies
protected canProfileAccessRepeatableQuests(repeatableConfig: IRepeatableQuestConfig, pmcData: IPmcData): boolean;
* Does player have daily scav quests unlocked
* @param pmcData Player profile to check
* @returns True if unlocked
protected playerHasDailyScavQuestsUnlocked(pmcData: IPmcData): boolean;
* Does player have daily pmc quests unlocked
* @param pmcData Player profile to check
* @param repeatableConfig Config of daily type to check
* @returns True if unlocked
protected playerHasDailyPmcQuestsUnlocked(pmcData: IPmcData, repeatableConfig: IRepeatableQuestConfig): boolean;
* Get the number of quests to generate - takes into account charisma state of player
* @param repeatableConfig Config
* @param pmcData Player profile
* @returns Quest count
protected getQuestCount(repeatableConfig: IRepeatableQuestConfig, pmcData: IPmcData): number;
* Get repeatable quest data from profile from name (daily/weekly), creates base repeatable quest object if none exists
* @param repeatableConfig daily/weekly config
* @param pmcData Profile to search
* @returns IPmcDataRepeatableQuest
protected getRepeatableQuestSubTypeFromProfile(repeatableConfig: IRepeatableQuestConfig, pmcData: IPmcData): IPmcDataRepeatableQuest;
* Just for debug reasons. Draws dailies a random assort of dailies extracted from dumps
generateDebugDailies(dailiesPool: any, factory: any, number: number): any;
* Used to create a quest pool during each cycle of repeatable quest generation. The pool will be subsequently
* narrowed down during quest generation to avoid duplicate quests. Like duplicate extractions or elimination quests
* where you have to e.g. kill scavs in same locations.
* @param repeatableConfig main repeatable quest config
* @param pmcLevel level of pmc generating quest pool
* @returns IQuestTypePool
protected generateQuestPool(repeatableConfig: IRepeatableQuestConfig, pmcLevel: number): IQuestTypePool;
protected createBaseQuestPool(repeatableConfig: IRepeatableQuestConfig): IQuestTypePool;
* Return the locations this PMC is allowed to get daily quests for based on their level
* @param locations The original list of locations
* @param pmcLevel The players level
* @returns A filtered list of locations that allow the player PMC level to access it
protected getAllowedLocationsForPmcLevel(locations: Record<ELocationName, string[]>, pmcLevel: number): Partial<Record<ELocationName, string[]>>;
* Return true if the given pmcLevel is allowed on the given location
* @param location The location name to check
* @param pmcLevel The level of the pmc
* @returns True if the given pmc level is allowed to access the given location
protected isPmcLevelAllowedOnLocation(location: string, pmcLevel: number): boolean;
debugLogRepeatableQuestIds(pmcData: IPmcData): void;
* Handle RepeatableQuestChange event
* Replace a players repeatable quest
* @param pmcData Player profile
* @param changeRequest Request object
* @param sessionID Session id
* @returns IItemEventRouterResponse
changeRepeatableQuest(pmcData: IPmcData, changeRequest: IRepeatableQuestChangeRequest, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse;
* Find a repeatable (daily/weekly/scav) from a players profile by its id
* @param questId Id of quest to find
* @param pmcData Profile that contains quests to look through
* @returns IGetRepeatableByIdResult
protected getRepeatableById(questId: string, pmcData: IPmcData): IGetRepeatableByIdResult;
protected attemptToGenerateRepeatableQuest(pmcData: IPmcData, questTypePool: IQuestTypePool, repeatableConfig: IRepeatableQuestConfig): IRepeatableQuest;
* Some accounts have access to free repeatable quest refreshes
* Track the usage of them inside players profile
* @param fullProfile Player profile
* @param repeatableSubType Can be daily / weekly / scav repeatable
* @param repeatableTypeName Subtype of repeatable quest: daily / weekly / scav
* @returns Is the repeatable being replaced for free
protected useFreeRefreshIfAvailable(fullProfile: ISptProfile, repeatableSubType: IPmcDataRepeatableQuest, repeatableTypeName: string): boolean;