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2024-07-15 09:59:30 +02:00
import { HandbookHelper } from "@spt/helpers/HandbookHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "@spt/helpers/ItemHelper";
import { PresetHelper } from "@spt/helpers/PresetHelper";
import { IFenceLevel } from "@spt/models/eft/common/IGlobals";
import { IPmcData } from "@spt/models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { Item, Repairable } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { ITemplateItem, Slot } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem";
import { IBarterScheme, ITraderAssort } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/ITrader";
import { IItemDurabilityCurrentMax, ITraderConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/ITraderConfig";
import { ICreateFenceAssortsResult } from "@spt/models/spt/fence/ICreateFenceAssortsResult";
import { IFenceAssortGenerationValues, IGenerationAssortValues } from "@spt/models/spt/fence/IFenceAssortGenerationValues";
import { ILogger } from "@spt/models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "@spt/servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseService } from "@spt/services/DatabaseService";
import { LocalisationService } from "@spt/services/LocalisationService";
import { ICloner } from "@spt/utils/cloners/ICloner";
import { RandomUtil } from "@spt/utils/RandomUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "@spt/utils/TimeUtil";
* Handle actions surrounding Fence
* e.g. generating or refreshing assorts / get next refresh time
export declare class FenceService {
protected logger: ILogger;
protected timeUtil: TimeUtil;
protected randomUtil: RandomUtil;
protected databaseService: DatabaseService;
protected handbookHelper: HandbookHelper;
protected itemHelper: ItemHelper;
protected presetHelper: PresetHelper;
protected localisationService: LocalisationService;
protected configServer: ConfigServer;
protected cloner: ICloner;
protected traderConfig: ITraderConfig;
/** Time when some items in assort will be replaced */
protected nextPartialRefreshTimestamp: number;
/** Main assorts you see at all rep levels */
protected fenceAssort?: ITraderAssort;
/** Assorts shown on a separate tab when you max out fence rep */
protected fenceDiscountAssort?: ITraderAssort;
/** Desired baseline counts - Hydrated on initial assort generation as part of generateFenceAssorts() */
protected desiredAssortCounts: IFenceAssortGenerationValues;
protected fenceItemUpdCompareProperties: Set<string>;
constructor(logger: ILogger, timeUtil: TimeUtil, randomUtil: RandomUtil, databaseService: DatabaseService, handbookHelper: HandbookHelper, itemHelper: ItemHelper, presetHelper: PresetHelper, localisationService: LocalisationService, configServer: ConfigServer, cloner: ICloner);
* Replace main fence assort with new assort
* @param assort New assorts to replace old with
setFenceAssort(assort: ITraderAssort): void;
* Replace discount fence assort with new assort
* @param assort New assorts to replace old with
setDiscountFenceAssort(assort: ITraderAssort): void;
* Get main fence assort
* @return ITraderAssort
getMainFenceAssort(): ITraderAssort | undefined;
* Get discount fence assort
* @return ITraderAssort
getDiscountFenceAssort(): ITraderAssort | undefined;
* Replace high rep level fence assort with new assort
* @param discountAssort New assorts to replace old with
setFenceDiscountAssort(discountAssort: ITraderAssort): void;
* Get assorts player can purchase
* Adjust prices based on fence level of player
* @param pmcProfile Player profile
* @returns ITraderAssort
getFenceAssorts(pmcProfile: IPmcData): ITraderAssort;
* Adds to fence assort a single item (with its children)
* @param items the items to add with all its childrens
* @param mainItem the most parent item of the array
addItemsToFenceAssort(items: Item[], mainItem: Item): void;
* Calculates the overall price for an item (with all its children)
* @param itemTpl the item tpl to calculate the fence price for
* @param items the items (with its children) to calculate fence price for
* @returns the fence price of the item
getItemPrice(itemTpl: string, items: Item[]): number;
* Calculate the overall price for an ammo box, where only one item is
* the ammo box itself and every other items are the bullets in that box
* @param items the ammo box (and all its children ammo items)
* @returns the price of the ammo box
protected getAmmoBoxPrice(items: Item[]): number;
* Adjust all items contained inside an assort by a multiplier
* @param assort (clone)Assort that contains items with prices to adjust
* @param itemMultipler multipler to use on items
* @param presetMultiplier preset multipler to use on presets
protected adjustAssortItemPricesByConfigMultiplier(assort: ITraderAssort, itemMultipler: number, presetMultiplier: number): void;
* Merge two trader assort files together
* @param firstAssort assort 1#
* @param secondAssort assort #2
* @returns merged assort
protected mergeAssorts(firstAssort: ITraderAssort, secondAssort: ITraderAssort): ITraderAssort;
* Adjust assorts price by a modifier
* @param item assort item details
* @param assort assort to be modified
* @param modifier value to multiply item price by
* @param presetModifier value to multiply preset price by
protected adjustItemPriceByModifier(item: Item, assort: ITraderAssort, modifier: number, presetModifier: number): void;
* Get fence assorts with no price adjustments based on fence rep
* @returns ITraderAssort
getRawFenceAssorts(): ITraderAssort;
* Does fence need to perform a partial refresh because its passed the refresh timer defined in trader.json
* @returns true if it needs a partial refresh
needsPartialRefresh(): boolean;
* Replace a percentage of fence assorts with freshly generated items
performPartialRefresh(): void;
* Handle the process of folding new assorts into existing assorts, when a new assort exists already, increment its StackObjectsCount instead
* @param newFenceAssorts Assorts to fold into existing fence assorts
* @param existingFenceAssorts Current fence assorts new assorts will be added to
protected updateFenceAssorts(newFenceAssorts: ICreateFenceAssortsResult, existingFenceAssorts: ITraderAssort): void;
* Increment fence next refresh timestamp by current timestamp + partialRefreshTimeSeconds from config
protected incrementPartialRefreshTime(): void;
* Get values that will hydrate the passed in assorts back to the desired counts
* @param assortItems Current assorts after items have been removed
* @param generationValues Base counts assorts should be adjusted to
* @returns IGenerationAssortValues object with adjustments needed to reach desired state
protected getItemCountsToGenerate(assortItems: Item[], generationValues: IGenerationAssortValues): IGenerationAssortValues;
* Delete desired number of items from assort (including children)
* @param itemCountToReplace
* @param discountItemCountToReplace
protected deleteRandomAssorts(itemCountToReplace: number, assort: ITraderAssort): void;
* Choose an item at random and remove it + mods from assorts
* @param assort Trader assort to remove item from
* @param rootItems Pool of root items to pick from to remove
protected removeRandomItemFromAssorts(assort: ITraderAssort, rootItems: Item[]): void;
* Get an integer rounded count of items to replace based on percentrage from traderConfig value
* @param totalItemCount total item count
* @returns rounded int of items to replace
protected getCountOfItemsToReplace(totalItemCount: number): number;
* Get the count of items fence offers
* @returns number
getOfferCount(): number;
* Create trader assorts for fence and store in fenceService cache
* Uses fence base cache generatedon server start as a base
generateFenceAssorts(): void;
* Convert the intermediary assort data generated into format client can process
* @param intermediaryAssorts Generated assorts that will be converted
* @returns ITraderAssort
protected convertIntoFenceAssort(intermediaryAssorts: ICreateFenceAssortsResult): ITraderAssort;
* Create object that contains calculated fence assort item values to make based on config
* Stored in this.desiredAssortCounts
protected createInitialFenceAssortGenerationValues(): void;
* Create skeleton to hold assort items
* @returns ITraderAssort object
protected createFenceAssortSkeleton(): ITraderAssort;
* Hydrate assorts parameter object with generated assorts
* @param assortCount Number of assorts to generate
* @param assorts object to add created assorts to
protected createAssorts(itemCounts: IGenerationAssortValues, loyaltyLevel: number): ICreateFenceAssortsResult;
* Add item assorts to existing assort data
* @param assortCount Number to add
* @param assorts Assorts data to add to
* @param baseFenceAssortClone Base data to draw from
* @param itemTypeLimits
* @param loyaltyLevel Loyalty level to set new item to
protected addItemAssorts(assortCount: number, assorts: ICreateFenceAssortsResult, baseFenceAssortClone: ITraderAssort, itemTypeLimits: Record<string, {
current: number;
max: number;
}>, loyaltyLevel: number): void;
* Find an assort item that matches the first parameter, also matches based on upd properties
* e.g. salewa hp resource units left
* @param rootItemBeingAdded item to look for a match against
* @param itemDbDetails Db details of matching item
* @param itemsWithChildren Items to search through
* @returns Matching assort item
protected getMatchingItem(rootItemBeingAdded: Item, itemDbDetails: ITemplateItem, itemsWithChildren: Item[][]): Item | undefined;
* Should this item be forced into only 1 stack on fence
* @param existingItem Existing item from fence assort
* @param itemDbDetails Item we want to add db details
* @returns True item should be force stacked
protected itemShouldBeForceStacked(existingItem: Item, itemDbDetails: ITemplateItem): boolean;
protected itemInPreventDupeCategoryList(tpl: string): boolean;
* Adjust price of item based on what is left to buy (resource/uses left)
* @param barterSchemes All barter scheme for item having price adjusted
* @param itemRoot Root item having price adjusted
* @param itemTemplate Db template of item
protected adjustItemPriceByQuality(barterSchemes: Record<string, IBarterScheme[][]>, itemRoot: Item, itemTemplate: ITemplateItem): void;
protected getMatchingItemLimit(itemTypeLimits: Record<string, {
current: number;
max: number;
}>, itemTpl: string): {
current: number;
max: number;
} | undefined;
* Find presets in base fence assort and add desired number to 'assorts' parameter
* @param desiredWeaponPresetsCount
* @param assorts Assorts to add preset to
* @param baseFenceAssort Base data to draw from
* @param loyaltyLevel Which loyalty level is required to see/buy item
protected addPresetsToAssort(desiredWeaponPresetsCount: number, desiredEquipmentPresetsCount: number, assorts: ICreateFenceAssortsResult, baseFenceAssort: ITraderAssort, loyaltyLevel: number): void;
* Adjust plate / soft insert durability values
* @param armor Armor item array to add mods into
* @param itemDbDetails Armor items db template
protected randomiseArmorModDurability(armor: Item[], itemDbDetails: ITemplateItem): void;
* Randomise the durability values of items on armor with a passed in slot
* @param softInsertSlots Slots of items to randomise
* @param armorItemAndMods Array of armor + inserts to get items from
protected randomiseArmorSoftInsertDurabilities(softInsertSlots: Slot[], armorItemAndMods: Item[]): void;
* Randomise the durability values of plate items in armor
* Has chance to remove plate
* @param plateSlots Slots of items to randomise
* @param armorItemAndMods Array of armor + inserts to get items from
protected randomiseArmorInsertsDurabilities(plateSlots: Slot[], armorItemAndMods: Item[]): void;
* Get stack size of a singular item (no mods)
* @param itemDbDetails item being added to fence
* @returns Stack size
protected getSingleItemStackCount(itemDbDetails: ITemplateItem): number;
* Remove parts of a weapon prior to being listed on flea
* @param itemAndMods Weapon to remove parts from
protected removeRandomModsOfItem(itemAndMods: Item[]): void;
* Roll % chance check to see if item should be removed
* @param weaponMod Weapon mod being checked
* @param itemsBeingDeleted Current list of items on weapon being deleted
* @returns True if item will be removed
protected presetModItemWillBeRemoved(weaponMod: Item, itemsBeingDeleted: string[]): boolean;
* Randomise items' upd properties e.g. med packs/weapons/armor
* @param itemDetails Item being randomised
* @param itemToAdjust Item being edited
protected randomiseItemUpdProperties(itemDetails: ITemplateItem, itemToAdjust: Item): void;
* Generate a randomised current and max durabiltiy value for an armor item
* @param itemDetails Item to create values for
* @param equipmentDurabilityLimits Max durabiltiy percent min/max values
* @returns Durability + MaxDurability values
protected getRandomisedArmorDurabilityValues(itemDetails: ITemplateItem, equipmentDurabilityLimits: IItemDurabilityCurrentMax): Repairable;
* Construct item limit record to hold max and current item count
* @param limits limits as defined in config
* @returns record, key: item tplId, value: current/max item count allowed
protected initItemLimitCounter(limits: Record<string, number>): Record<string, {
current: number;
max: number;
* Get the next update timestamp for fence
* @returns future timestamp
getNextFenceUpdateTimestamp(): number;
* Get fence refresh time in seconds
* @returns Refresh time in seconds
protected getFenceRefreshTime(): number;
* Get fence level the passed in profile has
* @param pmcData Player profile
* @returns FenceLevel object
getFenceInfo(pmcData: IPmcData): IFenceLevel;
* Remove or lower stack size of an assort from fence by id
* @param assortId assort id to adjust
* @param buyCount Count of items bought
amendOrRemoveFenceOffer(assortId: string, buyCount: number): void;
protected deleteOffer(assortId: string, assorts: Item[]): void;