#!/usr/bin/env node /** * Build Script * * This script automates the build process for server-side SPT mod projects, facilitating the creation of distributable * mod packages. It performs a series of operations as outlined below: * - Loads the .buildignore file, which is used to list files that should be ignored during the build process. * - Loads the package.json to get project details so a descriptive name can be created for the mod package. * - Creates a distribution directory and a temporary working directory. * - Copies files to the temporary directory while respecting the .buildignore rules. * - Creates a zip archive of the project files. * - Moves the zip file to the root of the distribution directory. * - Cleans up the temporary directory. * * It's typical that this script be customized to suit the needs of each project. For example, the script can be updated * to perform additional operations, such as moving the mod package to a specific location or uploading it to a server. * This script is intended to be a starting point for developers to build upon. * * Usage: * - Run this script using npm: `npm run build` * - Use `npm run buildinfo` for detailed logging. * * Note: * - Ensure that all necessary Node.js modules are installed before running the script: `npm install` * - The script reads configurations from the `package.json` and `.buildignore` files; ensure they are correctly set up. * * @author Refringe * @version v1.0.0 */ import os from "node:os"; import path from "node:path"; import { fileURLToPath } from "node:url"; import fs from "fs-extra"; import ignore from "ignore"; import archiver from "archiver"; import winston from "winston"; // Get the command line arguments to determine whether to use verbose logging. const args = process.argv.slice(2); const verbose = args.includes("--verbose") || args.includes("-v"); // Configure the Winston logger to use colours. const logColors = { error: "red", warn: "yellow", info: "grey", success: "green", }; winston.addColors(logColors); // Create a logger instance to log build progress. Configure the logger levels to allow for different levels of logging // based on the verbosity flag, and set the console transport to log messages of the appropriate level. const logger = winston.createLogger({ levels: { error: 0, warn: 1, success: 2, info: 3, }, format: winston.format.combine( winston.format.colorize(), winston.format.printf(info => { return `${info.level}: ${info.message}`; }) ), transports: [ new winston.transports.Console({ level: verbose ? "info" : "success", }), ], }); /** * The main function orchestrates the build process for creating a distributable mod package. It leverages a series of * helper functions to perform various tasks such as loading configuration files, setting up directories, copying files * according to `.buildignore` rules, and creating a ZIP archive of the project files. * * Utilizes the Winston logger to provide information on the build status at different stages of the process. * * @returns {void} */ async function main() { // Get the current directory where the script is being executed const currentDir = getCurrentDirectory(); // Defining at this scope because we need to use it in the finally block. let projectDir; try { // Load the .buildignore file to set up an ignore handler for the build process. const buildIgnorePatterns = await loadBuildIgnoreFile(currentDir); // Load the package.json file to get project details. const packageJson = await loadPackageJson(currentDir); // Create a descriptive name for the mod package. const projectName = createProjectName(packageJson); logger.log("success", `Project name created: ${projectName}`); // Remove the old distribution directory and create a fresh one. const distDir = await removeOldDistDirectory(currentDir); logger.log("info", "Distribution directory successfully cleaned."); // Create a temporary working directory to perform the build operations. projectDir = await createTemporaryDirectoryWithProjectName(projectName); logger.log("success", "Temporary working directory successfully created."); logger.log("info", projectDir); // Copy files to the temporary directory while respecting the .buildignore rules. logger.log("info", "Beginning copy operation using .buildignore file..."); await copyFiles(currentDir, projectDir, buildIgnorePatterns); logger.log("success", "Files successfully copied to temporary directory."); // Create a zip archive of the project files. logger.log("info", "Beginning folder compression..."); const zipFilePath = path.join(path.dirname(projectDir), `${projectName}.zip`); await createZipFile(projectDir, zipFilePath, "user/mods/" + projectName); logger.log("success", "Archive successfully created."); logger.log("info", zipFilePath); // Move the zip file inside of the project directory, within the temporary working directory. const zipFileInProjectDir = path.join(projectDir, `${projectName}-${packageJson.version}.zip`); await fs.move(zipFilePath, zipFileInProjectDir); logger.log("success", "Archive successfully moved."); logger.log("info", zipFileInProjectDir); // Move the temporary directory into the distribution directory. await fs.move(projectDir, distDir); logger.log("success", "Temporary directory successfully moved into project distribution directory."); // Log the success message. Write out the path to the mod package. logger.log("success", "------------------------------------"); logger.log("success", "Build script completed successfully!"); logger.log("success", "Your mod package has been created in the 'dist' directory:"); logger.log("success", `/${path.relative(process.cwd(), path.join(distDir, `${projectName}-${packageJson.version}.zip`))}`); logger.log("success", "------------------------------------"); if (!verbose) { logger.log("success", "To see a detailed build log, use `npm run buildinfo`."); logger.log("success", "------------------------------------"); } } catch (err) { // If any of the file operations fail, log the error. logger.log("error", "An error occurred: " + err); } finally { // Clean up the temporary directory, even if the build fails. if (projectDir) { try { await fs.promises.rm(projectDir, { force: true, recursive: true }); logger.log("info", "Cleaned temporary directory."); } catch (err) { logger.log("error", "Failed to clean temporary directory: " + err); } } } } /** * Retrieves the current working directory where the script is being executed. This directory is used as a reference * point for various file operations throughout the build process, ensuring that paths are resolved correctly regardless * of the location from which the script is invoked. * * @returns {string} The absolute path of the current working directory. */ function getCurrentDirectory() { return path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)); } /** * Loads the `.buildignore` file and sets up an ignore handler using the `ignore` module. The `.buildignore` file * contains a list of patterns describing files and directories that should be ignored during the build process. The * ignore handler created by this method is used to filter files and directories when copying them to the temporary * directory, ensuring that only necessary files are included in the final mod package. * * @param {string} currentDirectory - The absolute path of the current working directory. * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to an ignore handler. */ async function loadBuildIgnoreFile(currentDir) { const buildIgnorePath = path.join(currentDir, ".buildignore"); try { // Attempt to read the contents of the .buildignore file asynchronously. const fileContent = await fs.promises.readFile(buildIgnorePath, "utf-8"); // Return a new ignore instance and add the rules from the .buildignore file (split by newlines). return ignore().add(fileContent.split("\n")); } catch (err) { logger.log("warn", "Failed to read .buildignore file. No files or directories will be ignored."); // Return an empty ignore instance, ensuring the build process can continue. return ignore(); } } /** * Loads the `package.json` file and returns its content as a JSON object. The `package.json` file contains important * project details such as the name and version, which are used in later stages of the build process to create a * descriptive name for the mod package. The method reads the file from the current working directory, ensuring that it * accurately reflects the current state of the project. * * @param {string} currentDirectory - The absolute path of the current working directory. * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to a JSON object containing the contents of the `package.json`. */ async function loadPackageJson(currentDir) { const packageJsonPath = path.join(currentDir, "package.json"); // Read the contents of the package.json file asynchronously as a UTF-8 string. const packageJsonContent = await fs.promises.readFile(packageJsonPath, "utf-8"); return JSON.parse(packageJsonContent); } /** * Constructs a descriptive name for the mod package using details from the `package.json` file. The name is created by * concatenating the project name, version, and a timestamp, resulting in a unique and descriptive file name for each * build. This name is used as the base name for the temporary working directory and the final ZIP archive, helping to * identify different versions of the mod package easily. * * @param {Object} packageJson - A JSON object containing the contents of the `package.json` file. * @returns {string} A string representing the constructed project name. */ function createProjectName(packageJson) { // Remove any non-alphanumeric characters from the author and name. const author = packageJson.author.replace(/\W/g, ""); const name = packageJson.name.replace(/\W/g, ""); // Ensure the name is lowercase, as per the package.json specification. return `${author}-${name}`.toLowerCase(); } /** * Defines the location of the distribution directory where the final mod package will be stored and deletes any * existing distribution directory to ensure a clean slate for the build process. * * @param {string} currentDirectory - The absolute path of the current working directory. * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to the absolute path to the distribution directory. */ async function removeOldDistDirectory(projectDir) { const distPath = path.join(projectDir, "dist"); await fs.remove(distPath); return distPath; } /** * Creates a temporary working directory using the project name. This directory serves as a staging area where project * files are gathered before being archived into the final mod package. The method constructs a unique directory path * by appending the project name to a base temporary directory path, ensuring that each build has its own isolated * working space. This approach facilitates clean and organized build processes, avoiding potential conflicts with other * builds. * * @param {string} currentDirectory - The absolute path of the current working directory. * @param {string} projectName - The constructed project name, used to create a unique path for the temporary directory. * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to the absolute path of the newly created temporary directory. */ async function createTemporaryDirectoryWithProjectName(projectName) { // Create a new directory in the system's temporary folder to hold the project files. const tempDir = await fs.promises.mkdtemp(path.join(os.tmpdir(), "spt-mod-build-")); // Create a subdirectory within the temporary directory using the project name for this specific build. const projectDir = path.join(tempDir, projectName); await fs.ensureDir(projectDir); return projectDir; } /** * Copies the project files to the temporary directory while respecting the rules defined in the `.buildignore` file. * The method is recursive, iterating over all files and directories in the source directory and using the ignore * handler to filter out files and directories that match the patterns defined in the `.buildignore` file. This ensures * that only the necessary files are included in the final mod package, adhering to the specifications defined by the * developer in the `.buildignore` file. * * The copy operations are delayed and executed in parallel to improve efficiency and reduce the build time. This is * achieved by creating an array of copy promises and awaiting them all at the end of the function. * * @param {string} sourceDirectory - The absolute path of the current working directory. * @param {string} destinationDirectory - The absolute path of the temporary directory where the files will be copied. * @param {Ignore} ignoreHandler - The ignore handler created from the `.buildignore` file. * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when all copy operations are completed successfully. */ async function copyFiles(srcDir, destDir, ignoreHandler) { try { // Read the contents of the source directory to get a list of entries (files and directories). const entries = await fs.promises.readdir(srcDir, { withFileTypes: true }); // Initialize an array to hold the promises returned by recursive calls to copyFiles and copyFile operations. const copyOperations = []; for (const entry of entries) { // Define the source and destination paths for each entry. const srcPath = path.join(srcDir, entry.name); const destPath = path.join(destDir, entry.name); // Get the relative path of the source file to check against the ignore handler. const relativePath = path.relative(process.cwd(), srcPath); // If the ignore handler dictates that this file should be ignored, skip to the next iteration. if (ignoreHandler.ignores(relativePath)) { logger.log("info", `Ignored: /${path.relative(process.cwd(), srcPath)}`); continue; } if (entry.isDirectory()) { // If the entry is a directory, create the corresponding temporary directory and make a recursive call // to copyFiles to handle copying the contents of the directory. await fs.ensureDir(destPath); copyOperations.push(copyFiles(srcPath, destPath, ignoreHandler)); } else { // If the entry is a file, add a copyFile operation to the copyOperations array and log the event when // the operation is successful. copyOperations.push( fs.copy(srcPath, destPath).then(() => { logger.log("info", `Copied: /${path.relative(process.cwd(), srcPath)}`); }) ); } } // Await all copy operations to ensure all files and directories are copied before exiting the function. await Promise.all(copyOperations); } catch (err) { // Log an error message if any error occurs during the copy process. logger.log("error", "Error copying files: " + err); } } /** * Creates a ZIP archive of the project files located in the temporary directory. The method uses the `archiver` module * to create a ZIP file, which includes all the files that have been copied to the temporary directory during the build * process. The ZIP file is named using the project name, helping to identify the contents of the archive easily. * * @param {string} directoryPath - The absolute path of the temporary directory containing the project files. * @param {string} projectName - The constructed project name, used to name the ZIP file. * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to the absolute path of the created ZIP file. */ async function createZipFile(directoryToZip, zipFilePath, containerDirName) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Create a write stream to the specified ZIP file path. const output = fs.createWriteStream(zipFilePath); // Create a new archiver instance with ZIP format and maximum compression level. const archive = archiver("zip", { zlib: { level: 9 }, }); // Set up an event listener for the 'close' event to resolve the promise when the archiver has finalized. output.on("close", function () { logger.log("info", "Archiver has finalized. The output and the file descriptor have closed."); resolve(); }); // Set up an event listener for the 'warning' event to handle warnings appropriately, logging them or rejecting // the promise based on the error code. archive.on("warning", function (err) { if (err.code === "ENOENT") { logger.log("warn", `Archiver issued a warning: ${err.code} - ${err.message}`); } else { reject(err); } }); // Set up an event listener for the 'error' event to reject the promise if any error occurs during archiving. archive.on("error", function (err) { reject(err); }); // Pipe archive data to the file. archive.pipe(output); // Add the directory to the archive, under the provided directory name. archive.directory(directoryToZip, containerDirName); // Finalize the archive, indicating that no more files will be added and triggering the 'close' event once all // data has been written. archive.finalize(); }); } // Engage! main();