import { IEliminationConfig, IQuestConfig, IRepeatableQuestConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/IQuestConfig"; import { ConfigServer } from "@spt/servers/ConfigServer"; import { ICloner } from "@spt/utils/cloners/ICloner"; import { MathUtil } from "@spt/utils/MathUtil"; import { ProbabilityObject, ProbabilityObjectArray } from "@spt/utils/RandomUtil"; export declare class RepeatableQuestHelper { protected mathUtil: MathUtil; protected configServer: ConfigServer; protected cloner: ICloner; protected questConfig: IQuestConfig; constructor(mathUtil: MathUtil, configServer: ConfigServer, cloner: ICloner); /** * Get the relevant elimination config based on the current players PMC level * @param pmcLevel Level of PMC character * @param repeatableConfig Main repeatable config * @returns IEliminationConfig */ getEliminationConfigByPmcLevel(pmcLevel: number, repeatableConfig: IRepeatableQuestConfig): IEliminationConfig; probabilityObjectArray<K, V>(configArrayInput: ProbabilityObject<K, V>[]): ProbabilityObjectArray<K, V>; }