{ "startDelayInSeconds": 7, "disableBsgBlacklist": true, "blacklistedItemPriceMultiplier": 1, "blacklistedAmmoAdditionalPriceMultiplier": 1, "blacklistedArmourAdditionalPriceMultiplier": 1, "customItemConfigs": [ { "itemIdHint": "Just a human friendly description that isn't used in code to help you remember. This item is the .338 AP round", "itemId": "5fc382a9d724d907e2077dab", "priceMultiplier": 1.3 }, { "itemIdHint": "MK-18 .338 rifle", "itemId": "5fc22d7c187fea44d52eda44", "fleaPriceOverride": 400000 }, { "itemIdHint": "AXMC .338 rifle. This gun has no flea price by default. We can use the price override to avoid any issues", "itemId": "627e14b21713922ded6f2c15", "fleaPriceOverride": 300000 }, { "itemIdHint": "RSASS 7.62 rifle. 300k+ default seems too high for me", "itemId": "5a367e5dc4a282000e49738f", "fleaPriceOverride": 150000 }, { "itemIdHint": "Thicc Items Case", "itemId": "5c0a840b86f7742ffa4f2482", "fleaPriceOverride": 12000000 } ] }