2024-07-15 19:48:43 +02:00

256 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2023 Platinum
// This file is part of spt-the-blacklist.
// spt-the-blacklist is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// spt-the-blacklist is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with spt-the-blacklist. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import { DependencyContainer } from "tsyringe";
import { jsonc } from "jsonc";
import path from "path";
import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt/servers/DatabaseServer";
import { IPostDBLoadModAsync } from "@spt/models/external/IPostDBLoadModAsync";
import { ILogger } from "@spt/models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ITemplateItem } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem";
import { ConfigServer } from "@spt/servers/ConfigServer";
import { IRagfairConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/IRagfairConfig";
import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt/models/enums/ConfigTypes";
import { HandbookItem } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/IHandbookBase";
import { isBulletOrShotgunShell } from "./helpers";
import { IGlobals } from "@spt/models/eft/common/IGlobals";
class TheBlacklistMod implements IPostDBLoadModAsync {
private logger: ILogger;
private modName = "[The Blacklist]";
// We to adjust for pricing using a baseline when mods like SPT Realism are used
private baselineBullet: ITemplateItem;
private blacklistedItemsUpdatedCount = 0;
private nonBlacklistedItemsUpdatedCount = 0;
private ammoPricesUpdatedCount = 0;
private config;
private advancedConfig;
public async postDBLoadAsync(container: DependencyContainer) {
this.logger = container.resolve<ILogger>("WinstonLogger");
this.config = await jsonc.read(path.resolve(__dirname, "../config.jsonc"));
this.advancedConfig = await jsonc.read(path.resolve(__dirname, "../advancedConfig.jsonc"));
const databaseServer = container.resolve<DatabaseServer>("DatabaseServer");
const tables = databaseServer.getTables();
const configServer = container.resolve<ConfigServer>("ConfigServer");
const ragfairConfig = configServer.getConfig<IRagfairConfig>(ConfigTypes.RAGFAIR);
const itemTable = tables.templates.items;
const handbookItems = tables.templates.handbook.Items;
const prices = tables.templates.prices;
const globals = tables.globals;
this.baselineBullet = itemTable[this.advancedConfig.baselineBulletId];
// Find all items to update by looping through handbook which is a better indicator of useable items.
handbookItems.forEach(handbookItem => {
const item = itemTable[handbookItem.Id];
const originalPrice = prices[item._id];
const customItemConfig = this.config.customItemConfigs.find(conf => conf.itemId === item._id);
// We found a custom item config override to use. That's all we care about for this item. Move on to the next item.
if (customItemConfig && this.updateItemUsingCustomItemConfig(customItemConfig, item, prices, originalPrice, ragfairConfig)) {
const itemProps = item._props;
if (isBulletOrShotgunShell(item)) {
this.updateAmmoPrice(item, prices);
if (!itemProps.CanSellOnRagfair) {
// Some blacklisted items are hard to balance or just shouldn't be allowed so we will keep them blacklisted.
if (this.advancedConfig.excludedCategories.some(category => category === handbookItem.ParentId)) {
this.debug(`Ignored item ${item._id} - ${item._name} because we are excluding handbook category ${handbookItem.ParentId}.`);
prices[item._id] = this.getUpdatedPrice(handbookItem, item, prices);
if (!prices[item._id]) {
this.debug(`There are no flea prices for ${item._id} - ${item._name}!`);
if (!isNaN(customItemConfig?.priceMultiplier)) {
prices[item._id] *= customItemConfig.priceMultiplier;
this.debug(`Updated ${item._id} - ${item._name} flea price from ${originalPrice} to ${prices[item._id]}.`);
this.logger.success(`${this.modName}: Success! Found ${this.blacklistedItemsUpdatedCount} blacklisted & ${this.nonBlacklistedItemsUpdatedCount} non-blacklisted items to update.`);
if (this.config.useBalancedPricingForAllAmmo) {
this.logger.success(`${this.modName}: config.useBalancedPricingForAllAmmo is enabled! Updated ${this.ammoPricesUpdatedCount} ammo prices.`);
private updateRagfairConfig(ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig) {
ragfairConfig.dynamic.blacklist.enableBsgList = !this.config.disableBsgBlacklist;
if (this.advancedConfig.useTraderPriceForOffersIfHigher != null) {
ragfairConfig.dynamic.useTraderPriceForOffersIfHigher = !!this.advancedConfig.useTraderPriceForOffersIfHigher;
if (!this.config.enableSlowerSales && this.config.enableFasterSales && !isNaN(this.advancedConfig.runIntervalSecondsOverride)) {
ragfairConfig.runIntervalValues.outOfRaid = this.advancedConfig.runIntervalSecondsOverride;
if (this.config.enableSlowerSales && this.advancedConfig.slowerSalesTime) {
ragfairConfig.sell.time = this.advancedConfig.slowerSalesTime;
if (this.config.enableScarceOffers) {
private updateRagfairConfigToHaveScarceOffers(ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig) {
const minMaxPropertiesToOverride = ["offerItemCount", "stackablePercent", "nonStackableCount"];
for (const propertyToOverride of minMaxPropertiesToOverride) {
ragfairConfig.dynamic[propertyToOverride].max = this.advancedConfig[`${propertyToOverride}Override`].max;
ragfairConfig.dynamic[propertyToOverride].min = this.advancedConfig[`${propertyToOverride}Override`].min;
ragfairConfig.dynamic.barter.chancePercent = 0;
ragfairConfig.dynamic.pack.chancePercent = 0;
private updateGlobals(globals: IGlobals) {
const ragfairConfig = globals.config.RagFair;
if (this.config.addExtraOfferSlot) {
for (const settingForBracket of ragfairConfig.maxActiveOfferCount) {
settingForBracket.count += this.advancedConfig.extraOfferSlotsToAdd;
// Returns true if we updated something using the customItemConfig so we can skip to the next handbook item.
private updateItemUsingCustomItemConfig(customItemConfig, item: ITemplateItem , prices: Record<string, number>, originalPrice: number, ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig): boolean {
if (customItemConfig?.blacklisted) {
this.debug(`Blacklisted item ${item._id} - ${item._name} due to its customItemConfig.`);
if (item._props.CanSellOnRagfair) {
return true;
if (customItemConfig?.fleaPriceOverride) {
prices[item._id] = customItemConfig.fleaPriceOverride;
this.debug(`Updated ${item._id} - ${item._name} flea price from ${originalPrice} to ${prices[item._id]} (price override).`);
if (item._props.CanSellOnRagfair) {
return true;
return false;
private updateAmmoPrice(item: ITemplateItem, prices: Record<string, number>) {
const itemProps = item._props;
// We don't care about this standard ammo item if we haven't enabled useBalancedPricingForAllAmmo
if (itemProps.CanSellOnRagfair && !this.config.useBalancedPricingForAllAmmo) {
const newPrice = this.getUpdatedAmmoPrice(item);
prices[item._id] = newPrice;
if (!itemProps.CanSellOnRagfair) {
} else {
private getUpdatedAmmoPrice(item: ITemplateItem): number {
const baselinePen = this.baselineBullet._props.PenetrationPower;
const baselineDamage = this.baselineBullet._props.Damage;
const basePenetrationMultiplier = item._props.PenetrationPower / baselinePen;
const baseDamageMultiplier = item._props.Damage / baselineDamage;
let penetrationMultiplier: number;
// We are checking for > 0.99 because we want the baseline bullet (mult of 1) to be close to its baseline price.
if (basePenetrationMultiplier > 0.99) {
// A good gradient to make higher power rounds more expensive
penetrationMultiplier = 3 * basePenetrationMultiplier - 2;
} else {
// The baseline ammo is mid tier with a reasonable 1000 rouble each. Ammo weaker than this tend to be pretty crap so we'll make it much cheaper
const newMultiplier = basePenetrationMultiplier * 0.7;
penetrationMultiplier = newMultiplier < 0.1 ? 0.1 : newMultiplier;
// Reduces the effect of the damage multiplier so high DMG rounds aren't super expensive.
// Eg. let baseDamageMultiplier = 2 & bulletDamageMultiplierRedutionFactor = 0.7. Instead of a 2x price when a bullet is 2x damage, we instead get:
// 2 + (1 - 2) * 0.7 = 2 - 0.7 = 1.3x the price.
const damageMultiplier = baseDamageMultiplier + (1 - baseDamageMultiplier) * this.advancedConfig.bulletDamageMultiplierRedutionFactor;
return this.advancedConfig.baselineBulletPrice * penetrationMultiplier * damageMultiplier * this.config.blacklistedAmmoAdditionalPriceMultiplier;
private getUpdatedPrice(handbookItem: HandbookItem, item: ITemplateItem, prices: Record<string, number>): number | undefined {
// If a flea price doesn't exist for an item, we can multiply its handbook price which usually exists.
if (prices[item._id] == null) {
const handbookPrice = handbookItem.Price;
return handbookPrice * this.advancedConfig.handbookPriceMultiplier;
return prices[item._id] * this.config.blacklistedItemPriceMultiplier;
private debug(message: string) {
if (this.advancedConfig.enableDebug) {
this.logger.debug(`${this.modName}: ${message}`);
module.exports = { mod: new TheBlacklistMod() };