import { BossLocationSpawn, Wave } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/ILocationBase"; import { ILocationConfig } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/ILocationConfig"; import { ILogger } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { ConfigServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/ConfigServer"; import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer"; import { JsonUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/JsonUtil"; import { RandomUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/RandomUtil"; export declare class CustomLocationWaveService { protected logger: ILogger; protected randomUtil: RandomUtil; protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil; protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer; protected configServer: ConfigServer; protected locationConfig: ILocationConfig; constructor(logger: ILogger, randomUtil: RandomUtil, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, databaseServer: DatabaseServer, configServer: ConfigServer); /** * Add a boss wave to a map * @param locationId e.g. factory4_day, bigmap * @param waveToAdd Boss wave to add to map */ addBossWaveToMap(locationId: string, waveToAdd: BossLocationSpawn): void; /** * Add a normal bot wave to a map * @param locationId e.g. factory4_day, bigmap * @param waveToAdd Wave to add to map */ addNormalWaveToMap(locationId: string, waveToAdd: Wave): void; /** * Clear all custom boss waves from a map * @param locationId e.g. factory4_day, bigmap */ clearBossWavesForMap(locationId: string): void; /** * Clear all custom normal waves from a map * @param locationId e.g. factory4_day, bigmap */ clearNormalWavesForMap(locationId: string): void; /** * Add custom boss and normal waves to maps found in config/location.json to db */ applyWaveChangesToAllMaps(): void; }