import { DependencyContainer } from "tsyringe"; import { ICoreConfig } from "../models/spt/config/ICoreConfig"; import { IModLoader } from "../models/spt/mod/IModLoader"; import { IPackageJsonData } from "../models/spt/mod/IPackageJsonData"; import { ILogger } from "../models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { ConfigServer } from "../servers/ConfigServer"; import { LocalisationService } from "../services/LocalisationService"; import { ModCompilerService } from "../services/ModCompilerService"; import { JsonUtil } from "../utils/JsonUtil"; import { VFS } from "../utils/VFS"; import { BundleLoader } from "./BundleLoader"; import { ModTypeCheck } from "./ModTypeCheck"; export declare class PreAkiModLoader implements IModLoader { protected logger: ILogger; protected vfs: VFS; protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil; protected modCompilerService: ModCompilerService; protected bundleLoader: BundleLoader; protected localisationService: LocalisationService; protected configServer: ConfigServer; protected modTypeCheck: ModTypeCheck; protected static container: DependencyContainer; protected readonly basepath = "user/mods/"; protected readonly modOrderPath = "user/mods/order.json"; protected order: Record; protected imported: Record; protected akiConfig: ICoreConfig; protected serverDependencies: Record; protected skippedMods: string[]; constructor(logger: ILogger, vfs: VFS, jsonUtil: JsonUtil, modCompilerService: ModCompilerService, bundleLoader: BundleLoader, localisationService: LocalisationService, configServer: ConfigServer, modTypeCheck: ModTypeCheck); load(container: DependencyContainer): Promise; /** * Returns a list of mods with preserved load order * @returns Array of mod names in load order */ getImportedModsNames(): string[]; getImportedModDetails(): Record; getModPath(mod: string): string; protected importMods(): Promise; protected sortMods(prev: string, next: string, missingFromOrderJSON: Record): number; /** * Check for duplicate mods loaded, show error if any * @param modPackageData Dictionary of mod package.json data */ protected checkForDuplicateMods(modPackageData: Record): void; /** * Check for and return duplicate strings inside an array * @param stringArray Array to check for duplicates * @returns string array of duplicates, empty if none found */ protected getDuplicates(stringArray: string[]): string[]; /** * Get an array of mods with errors that prevent them from working with SPT * @param mods mods to validate * @returns Mod names as array */ protected getBrokenMods(mods: string[]): string[]; /** * Get packageJson data for mods * @param mods mods to get packageJson for * @returns dictionary */ protected getModsPackageData(mods: string[]): Record; protected isModCombatibleWithAki(mod: IPackageJsonData): boolean; protected executeMods(container: DependencyContainer): Promise; sortModsLoadOrder(): string[]; protected addMod(mod: string): Promise; protected autoInstallDependencies(modPath: string, pkg: IPackageJsonData): void; protected areModDependenciesFulfilled(pkg: IPackageJsonData, loadedMods: Record): boolean; protected isModCompatible(mod: IPackageJsonData, loadedMods: Record): boolean; /** * Validate a mod passes a number of checks * @param modName name of mod in /mods/ to validate * @returns true if valid */ protected validMod(modName: string): boolean; protected getLoadOrderRecursive(mod: string, result: Record, visited: Record): void; protected getLoadOrder(mods: Record): Record; getContainer(): DependencyContainer; }