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2021-09-20 18:20:01 +02:00
Copyright (C) 2014-2019 de4dot@gmail.com
This file is part of dnSpy
dnSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
dnSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with dnSpy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using DMD = dnlib.DotNet;
namespace dnSpy.Debugger.DotNet.Metadata.Impl {
sealed class CABlobParserException : Exception {
public CABlobParserException(string message) : base(message) { }
enum SerializationType : byte {
Undefined = 0,
Boolean = DMD.ElementType.Boolean,
Char = DMD.ElementType.Char,
I1 = DMD.ElementType.I1,
U1 = DMD.ElementType.U1,
I2 = DMD.ElementType.I2,
U2 = DMD.ElementType.U2,
I4 = DMD.ElementType.I4,
U4 = DMD.ElementType.U4,
I8 = DMD.ElementType.I8,
U8 = DMD.ElementType.U8,
R4 = DMD.ElementType.R4,
R8 = DMD.ElementType.R8,
String = DMD.ElementType.String,
SZArray = DMD.ElementType.SZArray,
Type = 0x50,
TaggedObject= 0x51,
Field = 0x53,
Property = 0x54,
Enum = 0x55,
struct DmdCustomAttributeReader : IDisposable {
readonly DmdModule module;
readonly DmdDataStream reader;
readonly DmdType ctorReflectedType;
readonly IList<DmdType>? genericTypeArguments;
readonly bool ownsReader;
const int MAX_RECURSION_COUNT = 100;
int recursionCounter;
public static DmdCustomAttributeData? Read(DmdModule module, DmdDataStream stream, DmdConstructorInfo ctor) {
using (var reader = new DmdCustomAttributeReader(module, stream, ctor.ReflectedType!, GetGenericArguments(ctor.ReflectedType!), ownsReader: true)) {
try {
return reader.Read(ctor);
catch (CABlobParserException) {
catch (ResolveException) {
catch (IOException) {
return null;
DmdCustomAttributeReader(DmdModule module, DmdDataStream reader, DmdType ctorReflectedType, IList<DmdType>? genericTypeArguments, bool ownsReader) {
this.module = module;
this.reader = reader;
this.ctorReflectedType = ctorReflectedType;
this.genericTypeArguments = genericTypeArguments;
this.ownsReader = ownsReader;
recursionCounter = 0;
bool IncrementRecursionCounter() {
if (recursionCounter >= MAX_RECURSION_COUNT)
return false;
return true;
void DecrementRecursionCounter() => recursionCounter--;
DmdCustomAttributeData Read(DmdConstructorInfo ctor) {
var ctorParams = ctor.GetMethodSignature().GetParameterTypes();
bool isEmpty = ctorParams.Count == 0 && reader.Position == reader.Length;
if (!isEmpty && reader.ReadUInt16() != 1)
throw new CABlobParserException("Invalid CA blob prolog");
var ctorArgs = new DmdCustomAttributeTypedArgument[ctorParams.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < ctorArgs.Length; i++)
ctorArgs[i] = ReadFixedArg(FixTypeSig(ctorParams[i]));
// Some tools don't write the next ushort if there are no named arguments.
int numNamedArgs = reader.Position == reader.Length ? 0 : reader.ReadUInt16();
var namedArgs = ReadNamedArguments(numNamedArgs);
// Match reflection named argument order: fields before properties,
// and order of fields/properties is identical to the order returned
// by GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic) and
// GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic).
Array.Sort(namedArgs, ReflectionNamedArgumentComparerDelegate);
return new DmdCustomAttributeData(ctor, ctorArgs, namedArgs, isPseudoCustomAttribute: false);
static readonly Comparison<DmdCustomAttributeNamedArgument> ReflectionNamedArgumentComparerDelegate = ReflectionNamedArgumentComparer;
static int ReflectionNamedArgumentComparer(DmdCustomAttributeNamedArgument x, DmdCustomAttributeNamedArgument y) {
bool xf = x.IsField;
bool yf = y.IsField;
if (xf != yf)
return xf ? -1 : 1;
// It's a good approximation of the order returned by GetFields()/GetProperties().
// It will fail if it uses two fields/props from different classes, eg. a declared
// field and a field in a base class.
return x.MemberInfo.MetadataToken - y.MemberInfo.MetadataToken;
internal static DmdCustomAttributeNamedArgument[]? ReadNamedArguments(DmdModule module, DmdDataStream stream, DmdType ctorReflectedType, int numNamedArgs, IList<DmdType>? genericTypeArguments) {
using (var reader = new DmdCustomAttributeReader(module, stream, ctorReflectedType, genericTypeArguments, ownsReader: false)) {
try {
return reader.ReadNamedArguments(numNamedArgs);
catch (CABlobParserException) {
catch (ResolveException) {
catch (IOException) {
return null;
DmdCustomAttributeNamedArgument[] ReadNamedArguments(int numNamedArgs) {
var namedArgs = new List<DmdCustomAttributeNamedArgument>(numNamedArgs);
for (int i = 0; i < numNamedArgs; i++) {
if (reader.Position == reader.Length)
return namedArgs.ToArray();
DmdType FixTypeSig(DmdType type) => type.WithoutCustomModifiers();
DmdCustomAttributeTypedArgument ReadFixedArg(DmdType argType) {
if (!IncrementRecursionCounter())
throw new CABlobParserException("Stack overflow");
if (argType is null)
throw new CABlobParserException("null argType");
DmdCustomAttributeTypedArgument result;
if (argType.IsSZArray)
result = ReadArrayArgument(argType);
result = ReadElem(argType);
return result;
DmdCustomAttributeTypedArgument ReadElem(DmdType argType) {
if (argType is null)
throw new CABlobParserException("null argType");
var value = ReadValue(ToSerializationType(argType), argType, out var realArgType);
if (realArgType is null)
throw new CABlobParserException("Invalid arg type");
// One example when this is true is when prop/field type is object and
// value type is string[]
if (value is DmdCustomAttributeTypedArgument arg)
return arg;
return new DmdCustomAttributeTypedArgument(realArgType, value);
object? ReadValue(SerializationType etype, DmdType argType, out DmdType realArgType) {
if (!IncrementRecursionCounter())
throw new CABlobParserException("Stack overflow");
object? result;
switch (etype) {
case SerializationType.Boolean:
realArgType = module.AppDomain.System_Boolean;
result = reader.ReadByte() != 0;
case SerializationType.Char:
realArgType = module.AppDomain.System_Char;
result = (char)reader.ReadUInt16();
case SerializationType.I1:
realArgType = module.AppDomain.System_SByte;
result = reader.ReadSByte();
case SerializationType.U1:
realArgType = module.AppDomain.System_Byte;
result = reader.ReadByte();
case SerializationType.I2:
realArgType = module.AppDomain.System_Int16;
result = reader.ReadInt16();
case SerializationType.U2:
realArgType = module.AppDomain.System_UInt16;
result = reader.ReadUInt16();
case SerializationType.I4:
realArgType = module.AppDomain.System_Int32;
result = reader.ReadInt32();
case SerializationType.U4:
realArgType = module.AppDomain.System_UInt32;
result = reader.ReadUInt32();
case SerializationType.I8:
realArgType = module.AppDomain.System_Int64;
result = reader.ReadInt64();
case SerializationType.U8:
realArgType = module.AppDomain.System_UInt64;
result = reader.ReadUInt64();
case SerializationType.R4:
realArgType = module.AppDomain.System_Single;
result = reader.ReadSingle();
case SerializationType.R8:
realArgType = module.AppDomain.System_Double;
result = reader.ReadDouble();
case SerializationType.String:
realArgType = module.AppDomain.System_String;
result = ReadUTF8String();
// It's ET.ValueType if it's eg. a ctor enum arg type
case (SerializationType)DMD.ElementType.ValueType:
if (argType is null)
throw new CABlobParserException("Invalid element type");
realArgType = argType;
result = ReadEnumValue(GetEnumUnderlyingType(argType));
// It's ET.Object if it's a ctor object arg type
case (SerializationType)DMD.ElementType.Object:
case SerializationType.TaggedObject:
realArgType = ReadFieldOrPropType();
if (realArgType.IsSZArray)
result = ReadArrayArgument(realArgType);
result = ReadValue(ToSerializationType(realArgType), realArgType, out var tmpType);
// It's ET.Class if it's eg. a ctor System.Type arg type
case (SerializationType)DMD.ElementType.Class:
if (argType == module.AppDomain.System_Type) {
result = ReadValue(SerializationType.Type, argType, out realArgType);
else if (argType == module.AppDomain.System_String) {
result = ReadValue(SerializationType.String, argType, out realArgType);
else if (argType == module.AppDomain.System_Object) {
result = ReadValue(SerializationType.TaggedObject, argType, out realArgType);
// Assume it's an enum that couldn't be resolved
realArgType = argType;
result = ReadEnumValue(null);
case SerializationType.Type:
realArgType = argType;
result = ReadType(true);
case SerializationType.Enum:
realArgType = ReadType(false)!;
result = ReadEnumValue(GetEnumUnderlyingType(realArgType));
throw new CABlobParserException("Invalid element type");
return result;
static SerializationType ToSerializationType(DmdType type) {
if (type is null)
return SerializationType.Undefined;
if (type.IsSZArray)
return SerializationType.SZArray;
if (type.IsEnum)
return (SerializationType)DMD.ElementType.ValueType;
var typeCode = DmdType.GetTypeCode(type);
if (typeCode == TypeCode.Object)
return type.IsValueType ? (SerializationType)DMD.ElementType.ValueType : (SerializationType)DMD.ElementType.Class;
return ToSerializationType(typeCode);
static SerializationType ToSerializationType(TypeCode typeCode) {
switch (typeCode) {
case TypeCode.Boolean: return SerializationType.Boolean;
case TypeCode.Char: return SerializationType.Char;
case TypeCode.SByte: return SerializationType.I1;
case TypeCode.Byte: return SerializationType.U1;
case TypeCode.Int16: return SerializationType.I2;
case TypeCode.UInt16: return SerializationType.U2;
case TypeCode.Int32: return SerializationType.I4;
case TypeCode.UInt32: return SerializationType.U4;
case TypeCode.Int64: return SerializationType.I8;
case TypeCode.UInt64: return SerializationType.U8;
case TypeCode.Single: return SerializationType.R4;
case TypeCode.Double: return SerializationType.R8;
case TypeCode.String: return SerializationType.String;
default: return SerializationType.Undefined;
object? ReadEnumValue(DmdType? underlyingType) {
if (underlyingType is not null) {
var typeCode = DmdType.GetTypeCode(underlyingType);
if (typeCode < TypeCode.Boolean || typeCode > TypeCode.UInt64)
throw new CABlobParserException("Invalid enum underlying type");
return ReadValue(ToSerializationType(typeCode), underlyingType, out var realArgType);
throw new CABlobParserException("Couldn't resolve enum type");
static ReadOnlyCollection<DmdType> GetGenericArguments(DmdType type) {
if (!type.IsMetadataReference)
return type.GetGenericArguments();
var resolvedType = type.ResolveNoThrow();
if (resolvedType is not null)
return resolvedType.GetGenericArguments();
return ReadOnlyCollectionHelpers.Empty<DmdType>();
DmdType? ReadType(bool canReturnNull) {
var name = ReadUTF8String();
if (canReturnNull && name is null)
return null;
var type = DmdTypeNameParser.Parse(module, name ?? string.Empty, genericTypeArguments);
if (type is null)
throw new CABlobParserException("Could not parse type");
return type;
static DmdType? GetEnumUnderlyingType(DmdType type) {
if (type is null)
throw new CABlobParserException("null enum type");
var td = type.ResolveNoThrow();
if (td is null)
return null;
if (!td.IsEnum)
throw new CABlobParserException("Not an enum");
return td.GetEnumUnderlyingType().WithoutCustomModifiers();
DmdCustomAttributeTypedArgument ReadArrayArgument(DmdType arrayType) {
if (!arrayType.IsSZArray)
throw new ArgumentException();
if (!IncrementRecursionCounter())
throw new CABlobParserException("Stack overflow");
object? argValue;
int arrayCount = reader.ReadInt32();
if (arrayCount == -1)// -1 if it's null
argValue = null;
else if (arrayCount < 0)
throw new CABlobParserException("Array is too big");
else {
var array = new DmdCustomAttributeTypedArgument[arrayCount];
var elemType = FixTypeSig(arrayType.GetElementType()!);
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
array[i] = ReadFixedArg(elemType);
argValue = ReadOnlyCollectionHelpers.Create(array);
return new DmdCustomAttributeTypedArgument(arrayType, argValue);
DmdCustomAttributeNamedArgument ReadNamedArgument() {
bool isField;
switch ((SerializationType)reader.ReadByte()) {
case SerializationType.Property:isField = false; break;
case SerializationType.Field: isField = true; break;
default: throw new CABlobParserException("Named argument is not a field/property");
var fieldPropType = ReadFieldOrPropType();
var name = ReadUTF8String() ?? string.Empty;
var argument = ReadFixedArg(fieldPropType);
DmdMemberInfo? memberInfo;
if (isField) {
var field = ctorReflectedType.GetField(name);
if (field is null || !DmdMemberInfoEqualityComparer.DefaultMember.Equals(field.FieldType, fieldPropType))
memberInfo = null;
memberInfo = field;
else {
var property = ctorReflectedType.GetProperty(name);
if (property is null || !DmdMemberInfoEqualityComparer.DefaultMember.Equals(property.PropertyType, fieldPropType))
memberInfo = null;
memberInfo = property;
if (memberInfo is null)
throw new ResolveException($"Couldn't resolve CA {(isField ? "field" : "property")}: {name}");
return new DmdCustomAttributeNamedArgument(memberInfo, argument);
DmdType ReadFieldOrPropType() {
if (!IncrementRecursionCounter())
throw new CABlobParserException("Stack overflow");
DmdType result;
switch ((SerializationType)reader.ReadByte()) {
case SerializationType.Boolean: result = module.AppDomain.System_Boolean; break;
case SerializationType.Char: result = module.AppDomain.System_Char; break;
case SerializationType.I1: result = module.AppDomain.System_SByte; break;
case SerializationType.U1: result = module.AppDomain.System_Byte; break;
case SerializationType.I2: result = module.AppDomain.System_Int16; break;
case SerializationType.U2: result = module.AppDomain.System_UInt16; break;
case SerializationType.I4: result = module.AppDomain.System_Int32; break;
case SerializationType.U4: result = module.AppDomain.System_UInt32; break;
case SerializationType.I8: result = module.AppDomain.System_Int64; break;
case SerializationType.U8: result = module.AppDomain.System_UInt64; break;
case SerializationType.R4: result = module.AppDomain.System_Single; break;
case SerializationType.R8: result = module.AppDomain.System_Double; break;
case SerializationType.String: result = module.AppDomain.System_String; break;
case SerializationType.SZArray: result = ReadFieldOrPropType().MakeArrayType(); break;
case SerializationType.Type: result = module.AppDomain.System_Type; break;
case SerializationType.TaggedObject: result = module.AppDomain.System_Object; break;
case SerializationType.Enum: result = ReadType(false)!; break;
default: throw new CABlobParserException("Invalid type");
return result;
string? ReadUTF8String() {
byte b = reader.ReadByte();
if (b == 0xFF)
return null;
uint len = reader.ReadCompressedUInt32(b);
if (len == 0)
return string.Empty;
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(reader.ReadBytes((int)len));
public void Dispose() {
if (ownsReader)