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Copyright (C) 2014-2019 de4dot@gmail.com
This file is part of dnSpy
dnSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
dnSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with dnSpy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Debugger;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Debugger.Code;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Debugger.DotNet.Code;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Debugger.DotNet.Mono;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Debugger.Engine;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Debugger.Engine.CallStack;
using dnSpy.Debugger.DotNet.Mono.CallStack;
using dnSpy.Debugger.DotNet.Mono.Properties;
using Mono.Debugger.Soft;
using MDS = Mono.Debugger.Soft;
using ST = System.Threading;
namespace dnSpy.Debugger.DotNet.Mono.Impl {
sealed partial class DbgEngineImpl {
const string FinalizerName = "Finalizer";
const int CheckNewThreadNameDelayMilliseconds = 1000;
const int CheckNewManagedIdDelayMilliseconds = 100;
const int MaxCheckNewManagedId = 2;
sealed class DbgThreadData {
public ThreadMirror MonoThread { get; }
public ThreadProperties? Last { get; set; }
public bool HasNewName { get; set; }
public bool IsMainThread { get; }
public bool IsFinalizerThread { get; }
public DateTime LastNameUpdateTime;
public DateTime LastManagedIdUpdateTime;
public int GetManagedIdCounter;
public DbgThreadData(ThreadMirror monoThread, bool isMainThread, bool isFinalizerThread) {
MonoThread = monoThread ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(monoThread));
IsMainThread = isMainThread;
IsFinalizerThread = isFinalizerThread;
DbgThreadData? TryGetThreadData(DbgThread thread) {
if (thread is not null && thread.TryGetData(out DbgThreadData? data))
return data;
return null;
internal ThreadMirror GetThread(DbgThread thread) =>
TryGetThreadData(thread)?.MonoThread ?? throw new InvalidOperationException();
ThreadProperties GetThreadProperties_MonoDebug(ThreadMirror thread, DbgThreadData threadData, bool isCreateThread, bool forceReadName, bool isMainThread, bool isFinalizerThread, bool canFuncEval) {
var appDomain = TryGetEngineAppDomain(thread.Domain)?.AppDomain;
ulong id;
if (thread.VirtualMachine.Version.AtLeast(2, 3))
id = (uint)thread.TID;
else if (thread.VirtualMachine.Version.AtLeast(2, 1))
id = (ulong)thread.ThreadId;
id = 0;
if (isCreateThread)
forceReadName = true;
var time = DateTime.UtcNow;
var managedId = threadData.Last?.ManagedId;
if (managedId is null && canFuncEval) {
bool getManagedId = forceReadName;
if (!getManagedId && threadData.GetManagedIdCounter < MaxCheckNewManagedId)
getManagedId = time - threadData.LastManagedIdUpdateTime >= TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(CheckNewManagedIdDelayMilliseconds);
if (getManagedId) {
managedId = GetManagedId(thread);
threadData.LastManagedIdUpdateTime = time;
if (threadData.Last?.Name is null && time - threadData.LastNameUpdateTime >= TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(CheckNewThreadNameDelayMilliseconds))
forceReadName = true;
string? name;
if (forceReadName) {
name = GetThreadName(thread);
threadData.LastNameUpdateTime = time;
name = threadData.Last?.Name;
int suspendedCount = (thread.ThreadState & ST.ThreadState.Suspended) != 0 ? 1 : 0;
var threadState = thread.ThreadState;
var kind = GetThreadKind(thread, isMainThread, isFinalizerThread);
return new ThreadProperties(appDomain, kind, id, managedId, name, suspendedCount, threadState);
bool getManagedIdFuncEvalTimedOut;
sealed class GetManagedIdState {
public MethodMirror? ManagedIdGetter;
ulong? GetManagedId(ThreadMirror thread) {
// Too many problems with Unity, its Mono fork is old and buggy and sometimes crashes.
// The managed ID isn't that important so don't try to get it.
bool dontFuncEval = true;
if (dontFuncEval)
return null;
var appDomain = TryGetEngineAppDomain(thread.Domain)?.AppDomain;
if (appDomain is not null) {
try {
var state = appDomain.GetOrCreateData<GetManagedIdState>();
if (state.ManagedIdGetter is null) {
var threadType = thread.Domain.Corlib.GetType("System.Threading.Thread", false, false);
Debug2.Assert(threadType is not null);
state.ManagedIdGetter = threadType?.GetMethod("get_" + nameof(ST.Thread.ManagedThreadId));
if (state.ManagedIdGetter is not null) {
if (!TryGetManagedId(thread, thread, state.ManagedIdGetter, out ulong? managedId))
return null;
if (managedId is not null)
return managedId;
foreach (var t in thread.VirtualMachine.GetThreads()) {
if (t == thread)
if (!TryGetManagedId(t, thread, state.ManagedIdGetter, out managedId))
return null;
if (managedId is not null)
return managedId;
catch (VMDisconnectedException) {
catch (Exception ex) {
return null;
bool TryGetManagedId(ThreadMirror thread, ThreadMirror threadObj, MethodMirror managedIdGetter, out ulong? managedId) {
if (getManagedIdFuncEvalTimedOut || thread.Domain != threadObj.Domain) {
managedId = null;
return true;
try {
var res = TryInvokeMethod(thread, threadObj, managedIdGetter, Array.Empty<Value>(), out bool timedOut);
if (timedOut) {
getManagedIdFuncEvalTimedOut = true;
managedId = null;
return false;
if (res is PrimitiveValue pv && pv.Value is int) {
managedId = (uint)(int)pv.Value;
return true;
catch (CommandException ce) when (ce.ErrorCode == ErrorCode.ERR_NO_INVOCATION) {
catch (VMNotSuspendedException) {
// 1. The process is not suspended (should never be the case)
// 2. The thread is running native code (eg. it's the finalizer thread)
// 3. There's a pending invoke on this thread
managedId = null;
return true;
static string? GetThreadName(ThreadMirror thread) {
var name = thread.Name;
if (name == string.Empty)
return null;
return name;
string GetThreadKind(ThreadMirror thread, bool isMainThread, bool isFinalizerThread) {
if (isMainThread)
return PredefinedThreadKinds.Main;
if (isFinalizerThread)
return PredefinedThreadKinds.Finalizer;
if ((thread.ThreadState & ST.ThreadState.Stopped) != 0)
return PredefinedThreadKinds.Terminated;
if (thread.IsThreadPoolThread)
return PredefinedThreadKinds.ThreadPool;
return PredefinedThreadKinds.WorkerThread;
(DbgEngineThread engineThread, DbgEngineThread.UpdateOptions updateOptions, ThreadProperties props)? UpdateThreadProperties_MonoDebug(DbgEngineThread engineThread) {
var threadData = engineThread.Thread.GetData<DbgThreadData>();
var newProps = GetThreadProperties_MonoDebug(threadData.MonoThread, threadData, isCreateThread: false, forceReadName: threadData.HasNewName, isMainThread: threadData.IsMainThread, isFinalizerThread: threadData.IsFinalizerThread, canFuncEval: true);
threadData.HasNewName = false;
var updateOptions = newProps.Compare(threadData.Last);
if (updateOptions == DbgEngineThread.UpdateOptions.None)
return null;
threadData.Last = newProps;
return (engineThread, updateOptions, newProps);
void NotifyThreadPropertiesChanged_MonoDebug(DbgEngineThread engineThread, DbgEngineThread.UpdateOptions updateOptions, ThreadProperties props) {
ReadOnlyCollection<DbgStateInfo>? state = null;
if ((updateOptions & DbgEngineThread.UpdateOptions.State) != 0)
state = ThreadMirrorUtils.GetState(props.ThreadState);
engineThread.Update(updateOptions, appDomain: props.AppDomain, kind: props.Kind, id: props.Id, managedId: props.ManagedId, name: props.Name, suspendedCount: props.SuspendedCount, state: state);
void UpdateThreadProperties_MonoDebug() {
getManagedIdFuncEvalTimedOut = false;
List<(DbgEngineThread engineThread, DbgEngineThread.UpdateOptions updateOptions, ThreadProperties props)>? threadsToUpdate = null;
KeyValuePair<ThreadMirror, DbgEngineThread>[] infos;
lock (lockObj)
infos = toEngineThread.ToArray();
foreach (var kv in infos) {
var info = UpdateThreadProperties_MonoDebug(kv.Value);
if (info is null)
if (threadsToUpdate is null)
threadsToUpdate = new List<(DbgEngineThread, DbgEngineThread.UpdateOptions, ThreadProperties)>();
if (threadsToUpdate is not null) {
foreach (var info in threadsToUpdate)
NotifyThreadPropertiesChanged_MonoDebug(info.engineThread, info.updateOptions, info.props);
bool CreateThread(ThreadMirror monoThread) {
lock (lockObj) {
if (toEngineThread.ContainsKey(monoThread))
return false;
bool isMainThread = IsMainThread(monoThread);
bool isFinalizerThread = !isMainThread && IsFinalizerThread(monoThread);
var threadData = new DbgThreadData(monoThread, isMainThread, isFinalizerThread);
// Disable func-eval so this method isn't called recursively (we can get dupes)
var props = GetThreadProperties_MonoDebug(monoThread, threadData, isCreateThread: true, forceReadName: false, isMainThread: isMainThread, isFinalizerThread: isFinalizerThread, canFuncEval: false);
threadData.Last = props;
var state = ThreadMirrorUtils.GetState(props.ThreadState);
var engineThread = objectFactory!.CreateThread(props.AppDomain, props.Kind, props.Id, props.ManagedId, props.Name, props.SuspendedCount, state, GetMessageFlags(), data: threadData);
lock (lockObj)
toEngineThread.Add(monoThread, engineThread);
return true;
void DestroyThread(ThreadMirror? monoThread) {
if (monoThread is null)
DbgEngineThread? engineThread;
lock (lockObj) {
if (toEngineThread.TryGetValue(monoThread, out engineThread))
if (engineThread is not null)
engineThread.Remove(GetMessageFlags() | DbgEngineMessageFlags.Running);
bool IsMainThread(ThreadMirror thread) {
if (alreadyKnowsMainThread)
return false;
// Don't try to guess the main thread if it's Unity since any thread could be the main thread
if (monoDebugRuntimeKind == MonoDebugRuntimeKind.Unity)
return false;
if (IsNotMainThread(thread))
return false;
alreadyKnowsMainThread = true;
return true;
bool alreadyKnowsMainThread;
bool IsFinalizerThread(ThreadMirror thread) {
if (seenFinalizer)
return false;
if (thread.IsThreadPoolThread)
return false;
if (thread.Name != FinalizerName)
return false;
seenFinalizer = true;
return true;
bool seenFinalizer;
bool IsNotMainThread(ThreadMirror thread) {
if (thread.IsThreadPoolThread)
return true;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(thread.Name))
return true;
return false;
DbgEngineThread? TryGetEngineThread(ThreadMirror? thread) {
if (thread is null)
return null;
DbgEngineThread? engineThread;
bool b;
lock (lockObj)
b = toEngineThread.TryGetValue(thread, out engineThread);
return engineThread;
public override void Freeze(DbgThread thread) {
public override void Thaw(DbgThread thread) {
public override DbgEngineStackWalker CreateStackWalker(DbgThread thread) {
var threadData = TryGetThreadData(thread);
var engineThread = TryGetEngineThread(threadData?.MonoThread);
if (engineThread is null)
return new NullDbgEngineStackWalker();
return new DbgEngineStackWalkerImpl(dbgDotNetCodeLocationFactory, this, threadData!.MonoThread, thread);
public override void SetIP(DbgThread thread, DbgCodeLocation location) =>
MonoDebugThread(() => SetIP_MonoDebug(thread, location));
void SetIP_MonoDebug(DbgThread thread, DbgCodeLocation location) {
if (!vm!.Version.AtLeast(2, 29)) {
SendMessage(new DbgMessageSetIPComplete(thread, false, dnSpy_Debugger_DotNet_Mono_Resources.Error_RuntimeDoesNotSupportSettingNewStatement, GetMessageFlags()));
var threadData = TryGetThreadData(thread);
if (isUnhandledException || threadData is null || !(location is IDbgDotNetCodeLocation loc)) {
SendMessage(new DbgMessageSetIPComplete(thread, false, dnSpy_Debugger_DotNet_Mono_Resources.Error_CouldNotSetNextStatement, GetMessageFlags()));
Debug.Assert(CanSetIP(thread, location));
try {
var error = SetIPCore_MonoDebug(threadData, loc, out bool framesInvalidated);
SendMessage(new DbgMessageSetIPComplete(thread, framesInvalidated, error, GetMessageFlags()));
catch (Exception ex) when (ExceptionUtils.IsInternalDebuggerError(ex)) {
SendMessage(new DbgMessageSetIPComplete(thread, true, dnSpy_Debugger_DotNet_Mono_Resources.Error_CouldNotSetNextStatement, GetMessageFlags()));
string? SetIPCore_MonoDebug(DbgThreadData threadData, IDbgDotNetCodeLocation location, out bool framesInvalidated) {
framesInvalidated = false;
if (!VerifySetIPLocation(threadData, location, out var monoMethod, out var frame))
return dnSpy_Debugger_DotNet_Mono_Resources.Error_CouldNotSetNextStatement;
framesInvalidated = true;
threadData.MonoThread.SetIP(monoMethod, location.Offset);
return null;
bool VerifySetIPLocation(DbgThreadData threadData, IDbgDotNetCodeLocation location, [NotNullWhen(true)] out MethodMirror? monoMethod, [NotNullWhen(true)] out MDS.StackFrame? frame) {
monoMethod = null;
frame = null;
var frames = threadData.MonoThread.GetFrames();
if (frames.Length == 0)
return false;
frame = frames[0];
monoMethod = frame.Method;
if (monoMethod.MetadataToken != (int)location.Token)
return false;
var module = TryGetModule(monoMethod.DeclaringType.Module);
if (module is null)
return false;
if (location.DbgModule is not null) {
if (location.DbgModule != module)
return false;
else {
if (TryGetModuleId(module) != location.Module)
return false;
return true;
public override bool CanSetIP(DbgThread thread, DbgCodeLocation location) =>
!isUnhandledException && location is IDbgDotNetCodeLocation && vm!.Version.AtLeast(2, 29);