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503 lines
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Copyright (C) 2014-2019 de4dot@gmail.com
This file is part of dnSpy
dnSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
dnSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with dnSpy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using dnlib.DotNet.MD;
using dnlib.PE;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Debugger;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Debugger.CallStack;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Debugger.DotNet.Evaluation;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Debugger.DotNet.Evaluation.ExpressionCompiler;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Debugger.DotNet.Metadata.Internal;
using dnSpy.Debugger.DotNet.Metadata;
using dnSpy.Debugger.DotNet.Properties;
namespace dnSpy.Debugger.DotNet.Evaluation.Engine {
abstract class DbgModuleReferenceProvider {
/// <summary>
/// Gets the module references or an empty array if <paramref name="frame"/> is an unsupported frame with no .NET module
/// </summary>
/// <param name="runtime">Runtime</param>
/// <param name="frame">Frame</param>
/// <param name="typeReferences">Extra references</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public abstract GetModuleReferencesResult GetModuleReferences(DbgRuntime runtime, DbgStackFrame frame, DmdType[] typeReferences);
public abstract GetModuleReferencesResult GetModuleReferences(DbgRuntime runtime, DmdModule module, DmdType[] typeReferences);
readonly struct GetModuleReferencesResult {
public DbgModuleReference[]? ModuleReferences { get; }
public string? ErrorMessage { get; }
public GetModuleReferencesResult(string errorMessage) {
ModuleReferences = null;
ErrorMessage = errorMessage ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(errorMessage));
public GetModuleReferencesResult(DbgModuleReference[] moduleReferences) {
ModuleReferences = moduleReferences ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(moduleReferences));
ErrorMessage = null;
sealed class DbgModuleReferenceProviderImpl : DbgModuleReferenceProvider {
readonly DbgRawMetadataService dbgRawMetadataService;
DbgModuleReferenceProviderImpl(DbgRawMetadataService dbgRawMetadataService) => this.dbgRawMetadataService = dbgRawMetadataService;
sealed class RuntimeState : IDisposable {
public readonly struct Key : IEquatable<Key> {
public readonly bool IsFileLayout;
public readonly ulong Address;
public readonly uint Size;
public Key(bool isFileLayout, ulong address, uint size) {
IsFileLayout = isFileLayout;
Address = address;
Size = size;
public bool Equals(Key other) => Address == other.Address && Size == other.Size && IsFileLayout == other.IsFileLayout;
public override bool Equals(object? obj) => obj is Key other && Equals(other);
public override int GetHashCode() => Address.GetHashCode();
public readonly Dictionary<Key, DbgModuleReferenceImpl> ModuleReferences = new Dictionary<Key, DbgModuleReferenceImpl>();
public readonly List<DbgModuleReferenceImpl> OtherModuleReferences = new List<DbgModuleReferenceImpl>();
readonly DbgRuntime runtime;
RuntimeState(DbgRuntime runtime) => this.runtime = runtime;
public static RuntimeState GetRuntimeState(DbgRuntime runtime) {
if (runtime.TryGetData(out RuntimeState? state))
return state;
return CreateRuntimeState(runtime);
static RuntimeState CreateRuntimeState(DbgRuntime runtime) => runtime.GetOrCreateData(() => new RuntimeState(runtime));
public void Dispose() {
var refs = ModuleReferences.Values.ToArray();
refs = OtherModuleReferences.ToArray();
sealed class ModuleReferencesState {
public DbgModuleReference[]? ModuleReferences;
/// <summary>
/// Module reference of source module
/// </summary>
public DbgModuleReference? SourceModuleReference;
/// <summary>
/// Referenced assemblies that have been loaded, including all their current modules. If an
/// assembly gets unloaded or if it loads/unloads a module, we need to invalidate the cached data.
/// </summary>
public readonly List<AssemblyInfo> AssemblyInfos = new List<AssemblyInfo>();
/// <summary>
/// Referenced assemblies that haven't been loaded yet. If one of these get loaded,
/// we need to invalidate the cached data.
/// </summary>
public readonly HashSet<IDmdAssemblyName> NonLoadedAssemblies = new HashSet<IDmdAssemblyName>(DmdMemberInfoEqualityComparer.DefaultMember);
/// <summary>
/// Extra type references (from object ids, $exception and other aliases)
/// </summary>
public DmdType[]? TypeReferences;
readonly struct AssemblyInfo {
public readonly DmdAssembly Assembly;
public readonly ModuleInfo[] Modules;
public AssemblyInfo(DmdAssembly assembly) {
Assembly = assembly;
var modules = assembly.GetModules();
var infos = new ModuleInfo[modules.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < infos.Length; i++)
infos[i] = new ModuleInfo(modules[i]);
Modules = infos;
readonly struct ModuleInfo {
public readonly DmdModule Module;
public readonly DbgModule? DebuggerModule;
public readonly int DynamicModuleVersion;
public readonly int DebuggerModuleVersion;
public ModuleInfo(DmdModule module) {
Module = module;
DebuggerModule = module.GetDebuggerModule();
DynamicModuleVersion = module.DynamicModuleVersion;
DebuggerModuleVersion = DebuggerModule?.RefreshedVersion ?? -1;
sealed class DbgModuleReferenceImpl : DbgModuleReference {
public override IntPtr MetadataAddress => dbgRawMetadata.MetadataAddress;
public override uint MetadataSize => (uint)dbgRawMetadata.MetadataSize;
public override Guid ModuleVersionId { get; }
public override Guid GenerationId => generationId;
readonly DbgRawMetadata dbgRawMetadata;
Guid generationId;
int refreshedVersion;
readonly string toStringValue;
public DbgModuleReferenceImpl(DbgRawMetadata dbgRawMetadata, Guid moduleVersionId, DmdModule moduleForToString, int refreshedVersion) {
this.dbgRawMetadata = dbgRawMetadata;
ModuleVersionId = moduleVersionId;
this.refreshedVersion = refreshedVersion;
toStringValue = $"{moduleForToString.Assembly.FullName} [{moduleForToString.FullyQualifiedName}]";
unsafe static void PatchMetadata(DbgRawMetadata rawMd) {
try {
using (var peImage = new PEImage(rawMd.Address, (uint)rawMd.Size, rawMd.IsFileLayout ? ImageLayout.File : ImageLayout.Memory, true)) {
using (var md = MetadataFactory.CreateMetadata(peImage))
new MetadataFixer(md, (void*)rawMd.Address).Fix();
catch (BadImageFormatException) {
catch (IOException) {
internal void Update(int version) {
if (refreshedVersion != version) {
refreshedVersion = version;
generationId = Guid.NewGuid();
protected override void CloseCore(DbgDispatcher dispatcher) => dbgRawMetadata.Release();
public override string ToString() => toStringValue;
public override GetModuleReferencesResult GetModuleReferences(DbgRuntime runtime, DbgStackFrame frame, DmdType[] typeReferences) {
var reflectionModule = frame.Module?.GetReflectionModule();
if (reflectionModule is null)
return new GetModuleReferencesResult(dnSpy_Debugger_DotNet_Resources.CantEvaluateWhenCurrentFrameIsNative);
return GetModuleReferences(runtime, reflectionModule, typeReferences);
public override GetModuleReferencesResult GetModuleReferences(DbgRuntime runtime, DmdModule module, DmdType[] typeReferences) {
// Not thread safe since all callers should call it on the correct engine thread
if (module.TryGetData(out ModuleReferencesState? state)) {
if (CanReuse(module.AppDomain, typeReferences, state))
return CreateGetModuleReferencesResult(state);
state = module.GetOrCreateData<ModuleReferencesState>();
InitializeState(runtime, module, typeReferences, state);
return CreateGetModuleReferencesResult(state);
GetModuleReferencesResult CreateGetModuleReferencesResult(ModuleReferencesState state) {
if (state.SourceModuleReference is null || state.SourceModuleReference.MetadataAddress == IntPtr.Zero || state.SourceModuleReference.MetadataSize == 0)
return new GetModuleReferencesResult(dnSpy_Debugger_DotNet_Resources.ModuleMetadataNotFoundOrInvalid);
return new GetModuleReferencesResult(state.ModuleReferences!);
sealed class IntrinsicsAssemblyState {
public readonly DbgModuleReference ModuleReference;
public readonly DmdAssembly Assembly;
public IntrinsicsAssemblyState(DbgModuleReference moduleReference, DmdAssembly assembly) {
ModuleReference = moduleReference ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(moduleReference));
Assembly = assembly ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assembly));
IntrinsicsAssemblyState GetIntrinsicsAssemblyState(DbgRuntime runtime, DmdAppDomain appDomain) {
if (appDomain.TryGetData(out IntrinsicsAssemblyState? state))
return state;
return GetOrCreateIntrinsicsAssemblyState(runtime, appDomain);
IntrinsicsAssemblyState GetOrCreateIntrinsicsAssemblyState(DbgRuntime runtime, DmdAppDomain appDomain) {
var info = new IntrinsicsAssemblyBuilder(appDomain.CorLib!.GetName().FullName, appDomain.CorLib.ImageRuntimeVersion).Create();
const bool isFileLayout = true;
const bool isInMemory = false;
const bool isDynamic = false;
var assembly = appDomain.CreateSyntheticAssembly(() => new DmdLazyMetadataBytesArray(info.assemblyBytes, isFileLayout), isInMemory, isDynamic, DmdModule.GetFullyQualifiedName(isInMemory, isDynamic, null), string.Empty, info.assemblySimpleName);
var rawMD = dbgRawMetadataService.Create(runtime, isFileLayout, info.assemblyBytes);
var modRef = new DbgModuleReferenceImpl(rawMD, assembly.ManifestModule.ModuleVersionId, assembly.ManifestModule, -1);
var state = new IntrinsicsAssemblyState(modRef, assembly);
return appDomain.GetOrCreateData(() => {
return state;
void InitializeState(DbgRuntime runtime, DmdModule sourceModule, DmdType[] typeReferences, ModuleReferencesState state) {
state.SourceModuleReference = null;
state.TypeReferences = typeReferences;
var assembly = sourceModule.Assembly;
var appDomain = assembly.AppDomain;
var intrinsicsState = GetIntrinsicsAssemblyState(runtime, appDomain);
var hash = new HashSet<DmdAssembly>();
var stack = new List<AssemblyInfo>();
if (typeReferences.Length != 0) {
var finder = ModuleRefFinder.Create();
foreach (var type in typeReferences)
foreach (var module in finder.GetModules())
stack.Add(new AssemblyInfo(module.Assembly));
stack.Add(new AssemblyInfo(assembly));
stack.Add(new AssemblyInfo(intrinsicsState.Assembly));
stack.Add(new AssemblyInfo(appDomain.CorLib!));
while (stack.Count > 0) {
var info = stack[stack.Count - 1];
stack.RemoveAt(stack.Count - 1);
if (!hash.Add(info.Assembly))
foreach (var modInfo in info.Modules) {
foreach (var asmRef in modInfo.Module.GetReferencedAssemblies()) {
var asm = appDomain.GetAssembly(asmRef);
if (asm is not null) {
if (!hash.Contains(asm))
stack.Add(new AssemblyInfo(asm));
var rtState = RuntimeState.GetRuntimeState(runtime);
var modRefs = new List<DbgModuleReference>();
var dnRuntime = runtime.GetDotNetRuntime();
foreach (var asmInfo in state.AssemblyInfos) {
foreach (var modInfo in asmInfo.Modules) {
DbgModuleReference? modRef;
if (modInfo.Module.Assembly == intrinsicsState.Assembly)
modRef = intrinsicsState.ModuleReference;
modRef = GetOrCreateModuleReference(rtState, runtime, modInfo);
if (modRef is null)
if (modInfo.Module == sourceModule) {
Debug2.Assert(state.SourceModuleReference is null);
state.SourceModuleReference = modRef;
// One of the extra type references might not have added a new module reference.
// If so, re-use the same array. Callers compare it by reference to see if
// module references have changed.
if (!Equals(state.ModuleReferences, modRefs))
state.ModuleReferences = modRefs.ToArray();
static bool Equals(DbgModuleReference[]? a, List<DbgModuleReference> b) {
if (a is null)
return false;
if (a.Length != b.Count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) {
if (a[i] != b[i])
return false;
return true;
DbgModuleReference? GetOrCreateModuleReference(RuntimeState rtState, DbgRuntime runtime, in ModuleInfo modInfo) {
DbgModuleReferenceImpl? modRef;
var module = modInfo.DebuggerModule ?? modInfo.Module.GetDebuggerModule();
if (module?.HasAddress == true) {
var key = new RuntimeState.Key(module.ImageLayout == DbgImageLayout.File, module.Address, module.Size);
if (!rtState.ModuleReferences.TryGetValue(key, out modRef)) {
var rawMd = dbgRawMetadataService.Create(runtime, key.IsFileLayout, key.Address, (int)key.Size);
if (rawMd.MetadataAddress == IntPtr.Zero) {
modRef = null;
else {
try {
modRef = new DbgModuleReferenceImpl(rawMd, modInfo.Module.ModuleVersionId, modInfo.Module, module.RefreshedVersion);
rtState.ModuleReferences.Add(key, modRef);
catch {
if (modRef is not null) {
return modRef;
if (module is not null && !module.IsDynamic && !module.IsInMemory && File.Exists(module.Filename)) {
modRef = GetOrCreateFileModuleReference(rtState, runtime, modInfo, module);
if (modRef is not null)
return modRef;
if (module is not null) {
var info = runtime.GetDotNetRuntime().GetRawModuleBytes(module);
if (info.RawBytes is not null) {
var state = module.GetOrCreateData<RawModuleBytesModuleState>();
if (state.Equals(info))
return state.ModuleReference;
var rawMd = dbgRawMetadataService.Create(runtime, info.IsFileLayout, info.RawBytes);
if (rawMd.MetadataAddress == IntPtr.Zero)
else {
try {
modRef = new DbgModuleReferenceImpl(rawMd, modInfo.Module.ModuleVersionId, modInfo.Module, module.RefreshedVersion);
state.RawModuleBytes = info;
state.ModuleReference = modRef;
return modRef;
catch {
return null;
sealed class RawModuleBytesModuleState {
public DbgDotNetRawModuleBytes RawModuleBytes;
public DbgModuleReferenceImpl? ModuleReference;
public bool Equals(in DbgDotNetRawModuleBytes other) =>
RawModuleBytes.RawBytes == other.RawBytes &&
RawModuleBytes.IsFileLayout == other.IsFileLayout;
sealed class FileModuleReferenceState {
public readonly DbgModuleReferenceImpl ModuleReference;
public FileModuleReferenceState(DbgModuleReferenceImpl moduleReference) =>
ModuleReference = moduleReference ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(moduleReference));
DbgModuleReferenceImpl? GetOrCreateFileModuleReference(RuntimeState rtState, DbgRuntime runtime, in ModuleInfo modInfo, DbgModule module) {
Debug.Assert(!module.IsInMemory && File.Exists(module.Filename));
if (module.TryGetData<FileModuleReferenceState>(out var state))
return state.ModuleReference;
DbgModuleReferenceImpl modRef;
try {
var moduleBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(module.Filename);
var rawMd = dbgRawMetadataService.Create(runtime, isFileLayout: true, moduleBytes: moduleBytes);
if (rawMd.MetadataAddress == IntPtr.Zero) {
return null;
else {
try {
modRef = new DbgModuleReferenceImpl(rawMd, modInfo.Module.ModuleVersionId, modInfo.Module, module.RefreshedVersion);
state = module.GetOrCreateData(() => new FileModuleReferenceState(modRef));
return state.ModuleReference;
catch {
catch {
return null;
bool CanReuse(DmdAppDomain appDomain, DmdType[] typeReferences, ModuleReferencesState state) {
if (state.TypeReferences!.Length != typeReferences.Length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < typeReferences.Length; i++) {
if ((object)typeReferences[i] != state.TypeReferences[i])
return false;
foreach (var asmRef in state.NonLoadedAssemblies) {
if (appDomain.GetAssembly(asmRef) is not null)
return false;
foreach (var info in state.AssemblyInfos) {
if (!info.Assembly.IsLoaded)
return false;
var modules = info.Assembly.GetModules();
if (!Equals(modules, info.Modules))
return false;
return true;
static bool Equals(DmdModule[] a, ModuleInfo[] b) {
if (a.Length != b.Length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) {
ref readonly var info = ref b[i];
var am = a[i];
if (am != info.Module || am.DynamicModuleVersion != info.DynamicModuleVersion)
return false;
var dm = info.DebuggerModule ?? am.GetDebuggerModule();
if (dm is not null && dm.RefreshedVersion != info.DebuggerModuleVersion)
return false;
return true;