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149 lines
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Copyright (C) 2014-2019 de4dot@gmail.com
This file is part of dnSpy
dnSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
dnSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with dnSpy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Resources;
using dnlib.DotNet;
using dnSpy.Decompiler.Properties;
namespace dnSpy.Decompiler.MSBuild {
sealed class ResXProjectFile : ProjectFile {
static ResXProjectFile() {
// Mono doesn't support the constructors that we need
Type[] paramTypes;
ConstructorInfo? ctorInfo;
paramTypes = new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(Func<Type, string>) };
ctorInfo = typeof(ResXResourceWriter).GetConstructor(paramTypes);
if (ctorInfo is not null) {
var dynMethod = new DynamicMethod("ResXResourceWriter-ctor", typeof(ResXResourceWriter), paramTypes);
var ilg = dynMethod.GetILGenerator();
ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, ctorInfo);
delegateResXResourceWriterConstructor = (Func<string, Func<Type, string>, ResXResourceWriter>)dynMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<string, Func<Type, string>, ResXResourceWriter>));
paramTypes = new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(object), typeof(Func<Type, string>) };
ctorInfo = typeof(ResXDataNode).GetConstructor(paramTypes);
if (ctorInfo is not null) {
var dynMethod = new DynamicMethod("ResXDataNode-ctor", typeof(ResXDataNode), paramTypes);
var ilg = dynMethod.GetILGenerator();
ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, ctorInfo);
delegateResXDataNodeConstructor = (Func<string, object?, Func<Type, string>, ResXDataNode>)dynMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<string, object?, Func<Type, string>, ResXDataNode>));
static readonly Func<string, Func<Type, string>, ResXResourceWriter>? delegateResXResourceWriterConstructor;
static readonly Func<string, object?, Func<Type, string>, ResXDataNode>? delegateResXDataNodeConstructor;
public override string Description => dnSpy_Decompiler_Resources.MSBuild_CreateResXFile;
public override BuildAction BuildAction => BuildAction.EmbeddedResource;
public override string Filename => filename;
readonly string filename;
public string TypeFullName { get; }
public bool IsSatelliteFile { get; set; }
readonly EmbeddedResource embeddedResource;
readonly Dictionary<IAssembly, IAssembly> newToOldAsm;
public ResXProjectFile(ModuleDef module, string filename, string typeFullName, EmbeddedResource er) {
this.filename = filename;
TypeFullName = typeFullName;
embeddedResource = er;
newToOldAsm = new Dictionary<IAssembly, IAssembly>(new AssemblyNameComparer(AssemblyNameComparerFlags.All & ~AssemblyNameComparerFlags.Version));
foreach (var asmRef in module.GetAssemblyRefs())
newToOldAsm[asmRef] = asmRef;
public override void Create(DecompileContext ctx) {
var list = ReadResourceEntries(ctx);
using (var writer = delegateResXResourceWriterConstructor?.Invoke(Filename, TypeNameConverter) ?? new ResXResourceWriter(Filename)) {
foreach (var t in list) {
string TypeNameConverter(Type type) {
var newAsm = new AssemblyNameInfo(type.Assembly.GetName());
if (!newToOldAsm.TryGetValue(newAsm, out var oldAsm))
return type.AssemblyQualifiedName ?? throw new ArgumentException();
if (type.IsGenericType)
return type.AssemblyQualifiedName ?? throw new ArgumentException();
if (AssemblyNameComparer.CompareAll.Equals(oldAsm, newAsm))
return type.AssemblyQualifiedName ?? throw new ArgumentException();
return $"{type.FullName}, {oldAsm.FullName}";
List<ResXDataNode> ReadResourceEntries(DecompileContext ctx) {
var list = new List<ResXDataNode>();
int errors = 0;
try {
using (var reader = new ResourceReader(embeddedResource.CreateReader().AsStream())) {
var iter = reader.GetEnumerator();
while (iter.MoveNext()) {
string? key = null;
try {
key = iter.Key as string;
if (key is null)
var value = iter.Value;
// ResXDataNode ctor checks if the input is serializable, which this stream isn't.
// We have no choice but to create a new stream.
if (value is Stream && !value.GetType().IsSerializable) {
var stream = (Stream)value;
var data = new byte[stream.Length];
if (stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length) != data.Length)
throw new IOException("Could not read all bytes");
value = new MemoryStream(data);
//TODO: Some resources, like images, should be saved as separate files. Use ResXFileRef.
// Don't do it if it's a satellite assembly.
list.Add(delegateResXDataNodeConstructor?.Invoke(key, value, TypeNameConverter) ?? new ResXDataNode(key, value));
catch (Exception ex) {
if (errors++ < 30)
ctx.Logger.Error($"Could not add resource '{key}', Message: {ex.Message}");
catch (Exception ex) {
ctx.Logger.Error($"Could not read resources from {embeddedResource.Name}, Message: {ex.Message}");
return list;