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Copyright (C) 2014-2019 de4dot@gmail.com
This file is part of dnSpy
dnSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
dnSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with dnSpy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Debugger.DotNet.Evaluation;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Debugger.Engine.Evaluation;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Debugger.Evaluation;
using dnSpy.Debugger.DotNet.Metadata;
using Mono.Debugger.Soft;
namespace dnSpy.Debugger.DotNet.Mono.Impl.Evaluation {
readonly struct EvalArgumentResult {
public string? ErrorMessage { get; }
public Value? Value { get; }
public EvalArgumentResult(string errorMessage) {
ErrorMessage = errorMessage ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(errorMessage));
Value = null;
public EvalArgumentResult(Value value) {
ErrorMessage = null;
Value = value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
public static EvalArgumentResult Create(InvokeResult result) {
if (result.Result is null)
return new EvalArgumentResult(PredefinedEvaluationErrorMessages.InternalDebuggerError);
return new EvalArgumentResult(result.Result);
readonly struct EvalArgumentConverter {
readonly DbgEngineImpl engine;
readonly FuncEval funcEval;
readonly AppDomainMirror appDomain;
readonly DmdAppDomain reflectionAppDomain;
public EvalArgumentConverter(DbgEngineImpl engine, FuncEval funcEval, AppDomainMirror appDomain, DmdAppDomain reflectionAppDomain) {
this.engine = engine;
this.funcEval = funcEval;
this.appDomain = appDomain;
this.reflectionAppDomain = reflectionAppDomain;
TypeMirror GetType(DmdType type) => MonoDebugTypeCreator.GetType(engine, type, null);
public EvalArgumentResult Convert(object? value, DmdType defaultType, out DmdType type) {
var vm = engine.MonoVirtualMachine;
if (value is null)
return new EvalArgumentResult(CreateNullValue(defaultType, out type));
if (value is DbgValue dbgValue) {
value = dbgValue.InternalValue;
if (value is null)
return new EvalArgumentResult(CreateNullValue(defaultType, out type));
if (value is DbgDotNetValueImpl dnValueImpl) {
type = dnValueImpl.Type;
return new EvalArgumentResult(dnValueImpl.Value);
var origType = defaultType;
if (value is DbgDotNetValue dnValue) {
var rawValue = dnValue.GetRawValue();
if (rawValue.HasRawValue) {
value = rawValue.RawValue;
if (value is null)
return new EvalArgumentResult(CreateNullValue(defaultType, out type));
origType = dnValue.Type;
if (value is string s) {
type = reflectionAppDomain.System_String;
return new EvalArgumentResult(appDomain.CreateString(s));
var res = ConvertCore(value, origType, out type);
if (res.ErrorMessage is not null)
return res;
if (origType.IsEnum) {
type = origType;
return new EvalArgumentResult(vm.CreateEnumMirror(GetType(origType), (PrimitiveValue)res.Value!));
return res;
unsafe EvalArgumentResult ConvertCore(object value, DmdType defaultType, out DmdType type) {
var vm = engine.MonoVirtualMachine;
switch (Type.GetTypeCode(value.GetType())) {
case TypeCode.Boolean:
type = reflectionAppDomain.System_Boolean;
return new EvalArgumentResult(new PrimitiveValue(vm, ElementType.Boolean, value));
case TypeCode.Char:
type = reflectionAppDomain.System_Char;
return new EvalArgumentResult(new PrimitiveValue(vm, ElementType.Char, value));
case TypeCode.SByte:
type = reflectionAppDomain.System_SByte;
return new EvalArgumentResult(new PrimitiveValue(vm, ElementType.I1, value));
case TypeCode.Byte:
type = reflectionAppDomain.System_Byte;
return new EvalArgumentResult(new PrimitiveValue(vm, ElementType.U1, value));
case TypeCode.Int16:
type = reflectionAppDomain.System_Int16;
return new EvalArgumentResult(new PrimitiveValue(vm, ElementType.I2, value));
case TypeCode.UInt16:
type = reflectionAppDomain.System_UInt16;
return new EvalArgumentResult(new PrimitiveValue(vm, ElementType.U2, value));
case TypeCode.Int32:
type = reflectionAppDomain.System_Int32;
return new EvalArgumentResult(new PrimitiveValue(vm, ElementType.I4, value));
case TypeCode.UInt32:
if (defaultType.IsPointer || defaultType.IsFunctionPointer || defaultType == defaultType.AppDomain.System_IntPtr || defaultType == defaultType.AppDomain.System_UIntPtr)
return new EvalArgumentResult(CreatePointerLikeValue(defaultType, (uint)value, out type));
else {
type = reflectionAppDomain.System_UInt32;
return new EvalArgumentResult(new PrimitiveValue(vm, ElementType.U4, value));
case TypeCode.Int64:
type = reflectionAppDomain.System_Int64;
return new EvalArgumentResult(new PrimitiveValue(vm, ElementType.I8, value));
case TypeCode.UInt64:
if (defaultType.IsPointer || defaultType.IsFunctionPointer || defaultType == defaultType.AppDomain.System_IntPtr || defaultType == defaultType.AppDomain.System_UIntPtr)
return new EvalArgumentResult(CreatePointerLikeValue(defaultType, (long)(ulong)value, out type));
else {
type = reflectionAppDomain.System_UInt64;
return new EvalArgumentResult(new PrimitiveValue(vm, ElementType.U8, value));
case TypeCode.Single:
type = reflectionAppDomain.System_Single;
return new EvalArgumentResult(new PrimitiveValue(vm, ElementType.R4, value));
case TypeCode.Double:
type = reflectionAppDomain.System_Double;
return new EvalArgumentResult(new PrimitiveValue(vm, ElementType.R8, value));
case TypeCode.Decimal:
type = reflectionAppDomain.System_Decimal;
return CreateDecimal((decimal)value);
if (value.GetType() == typeof(IntPtr))
return new EvalArgumentResult(CreatePointerLikeValue(defaultType, ((IntPtr)value).ToInt64(), out type));
if (value.GetType() == typeof(UIntPtr))
return new EvalArgumentResult(CreatePointerLikeValue(defaultType, (long)((UIntPtr)value).ToUInt64(), out type));
if (value is Array array && array.Rank == 1 && value.GetType().GetElementType()!.MakeArrayType() == value.GetType()) {
switch (Type.GetTypeCode(value.GetType().GetElementType())) {
case TypeCode.Boolean:
var ba = (bool[])value;
fixed (void* p = ba)
return ConvertSZArray(p, ba.Length, 1, reflectionAppDomain.System_Boolean, out type);
case TypeCode.Char:
var bc = (char[])value;
fixed (void* p = bc)
return ConvertSZArray(p, bc.Length, 2, reflectionAppDomain.System_Char, out type);
case TypeCode.SByte:
var bsb = (sbyte[])value;
fixed (void* p = bsb)
return ConvertSZArray(p, bsb.Length, 1, reflectionAppDomain.System_SByte, out type);
case TypeCode.Byte:
var bb = (byte[])value;
fixed (void* p = bb)
return ConvertSZArray(p, bb.Length, 1, reflectionAppDomain.System_Byte, out type);
case TypeCode.Int16:
var bi16 = (short[])value;
fixed (void* p = bi16)
return ConvertSZArray(p, bi16.Length, 2, reflectionAppDomain.System_Int16, out type);
case TypeCode.UInt16:
var bu16 = (ushort[])value;
fixed (void* p = bu16)
return ConvertSZArray(p, bu16.Length, 2, reflectionAppDomain.System_UInt16, out type);
case TypeCode.Int32:
var bi32 = (int[])value;
fixed (void* p = bi32)
return ConvertSZArray(p, bi32.Length, 4, reflectionAppDomain.System_Int32, out type);
case TypeCode.UInt32:
var bu32 = (uint[])value;
fixed (void* p = bu32)
return ConvertSZArray(p, bu32.Length, 4, reflectionAppDomain.System_UInt32, out type);
case TypeCode.Int64:
var bi64 = (long[])value;
fixed (void* p = bi64)
return ConvertSZArray(p, bi64.Length, 8, reflectionAppDomain.System_Int64, out type);
case TypeCode.UInt64:
var bu64 = (ulong[])value;
fixed (void* p = bu64)
return ConvertSZArray(p, bu64.Length, 8, reflectionAppDomain.System_UInt64, out type);
case TypeCode.Single:
var br4 = (float[])value;
fixed (void* p = br4)
return ConvertSZArray(p, br4.Length, 4, reflectionAppDomain.System_Single, out type);
case TypeCode.Double:
var br8 = (double[])value;
fixed (void* p = br8)
return ConvertSZArray(p, br8.Length, 8, reflectionAppDomain.System_Double, out type);
case TypeCode.String:
return ConvertSZArray((string[])value, out type);
type = defaultType;
return new EvalArgumentResult($"Func-eval: Can't convert type {value.GetType()} to a debugger value");
Value CreateNullValue(DmdType defaultType, out DmdType type) {
if (defaultType.IsPointer || defaultType.IsFunctionPointer || defaultType == defaultType.AppDomain.System_IntPtr || defaultType == defaultType.AppDomain.System_UIntPtr)
return CreatePointerLikeValue(defaultType, 0, out type);
else {
var vm = engine.MonoVirtualMachine;
type = defaultType;
return new PrimitiveValue(vm, ElementType.Object, null);
Value CreatePointerLikeValue(DmdType defaultType, long value, out DmdType type) {
var vm = engine.MonoVirtualMachine;
if (defaultType.IsPointer || defaultType.IsFunctionPointer) {
type = defaultType;
return new PrimitiveValue(vm, ElementType.Ptr, value);
else {
if (defaultType == defaultType.AppDomain.System_IntPtr || defaultType == defaultType.AppDomain.System_UIntPtr)
type = defaultType;
type = defaultType.AppDomain.System_IntPtr;
var monoType = GetType(type);
var monoValues = new Value[] { new PrimitiveValue(vm, ElementType.Ptr, value) };
return vm.CreateStructMirror(monoType, monoValues);
EvalArgumentResult CreateDecimal(decimal value) {
var type = reflectionAppDomain.System_Decimal;
var monoType = GetType(type);
var fields = GetFields(monoType, 4);
if (fields is null)
return new EvalArgumentResult(PredefinedEvaluationErrorMessages.InternalDebuggerError);
if (fields[0].Name != KnownMemberNames.Decimal_Flags_FieldName || fields[1].Name != KnownMemberNames.Decimal_Hi_FieldName || fields[2].Name != KnownMemberNames.Decimal_Lo_FieldName || fields[3].Name != KnownMemberNames.Decimal_Mid_FieldName)
return new EvalArgumentResult(PredefinedEvaluationErrorMessages.InternalDebuggerError);
var bits = Decimal.GetBits(value);
var lo = bits[0];
var mid = bits[1];
var hi = bits[2];
var flags = bits[3];
Value[] values;
var vm = engine.MonoVirtualMachine;
if (fields[0].FieldType.FullName == "System.Int32") {
values = new Value[4] {
new PrimitiveValue(vm, ElementType.I4, flags),
new PrimitiveValue(vm, ElementType.I4, hi),
new PrimitiveValue(vm, ElementType.I4, lo),
new PrimitiveValue(vm, ElementType.I4, mid),
else if (fields[0].FieldType.FullName == "System.UInt32") {
values = new Value[4] {
new PrimitiveValue(vm, ElementType.U4, (uint)flags),
new PrimitiveValue(vm, ElementType.U4, (uint)hi),
new PrimitiveValue(vm, ElementType.U4, (uint)lo),
new PrimitiveValue(vm, ElementType.U4, (uint)mid),
return new EvalArgumentResult(PredefinedEvaluationErrorMessages.InternalDebuggerError);
return new EvalArgumentResult(vm.CreateStructMirror(monoType, values));
static FieldInfoMirror[]? GetFields(TypeMirror monoType, int length) {
var fields = new FieldInfoMirror[length];
int w = 0;
foreach (var f in monoType.GetFields()) {
if (f.IsStatic || f.IsLiteral)
if (w >= fields.Length)
return null;
fields[w++] = f;
if (w != length)
return null;
return fields;
static bool IsInitialized<T>(T[] array) where T : class {
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) {
if (array[i] is not null)
return true;
return false;
static unsafe bool IsInitialized(void* array, int length) {
if (IntPtr.Size == 4) {
var p = (uint*)array;
while (length >= 4) {
if (*p != 0)
return true;
length -= 4;
var pb = (byte*)p;
while (length > 0) {
if (*pb != 0)
return true;
else {
var p = (ulong*)array;
while (length >= 8) {
if (*p != 0)
return true;
length -= 8;
var pb = (byte*)p;
while (length > 0) {
if (*pb != 0)
return true;
return false;
EvalArgumentResult CreateSZArray(DmdType elementType, int length) {
var monoElementType = GetType(elementType);
var methodCreateInstance = reflectionAppDomain.System_Array.GetMethod(nameof(Array.CreateInstance),
DmdSignatureCallingConvention.Default, 0, reflectionAppDomain.System_Array,
new DmdType[2] { reflectionAppDomain.System_Type, reflectionAppDomain.System_Int32 },
throwOnError: true)!;
var args = new Value[2] {
new PrimitiveValue(engine.MonoVirtualMachine, ElementType.I4, length),
var result = funcEval.CallMethod(MethodCache.GetMethod(methodCreateInstance, null), null, args, FuncEvalOptions.None);
return EvalArgumentResult.Create(result);
EvalArgumentResult ConvertSZArray(string[] array, out DmdType type) {
var elementType = reflectionAppDomain.System_String;
type = elementType.MakeArrayType();
var res = CreateSZArray(elementType, array.Length);
if (res.ErrorMessage is not null)
return res;
if (!IsInitialized(array))
return res;
Debug.Assert(array.Length > 0);
var arrayValue = (ArrayMirror)res.Value!;
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) {
var s = array[i];
if (s is null)
var stringValueRes = Convert(s, elementType, out var type2);
if (stringValueRes.ErrorMessage is not null)
return stringValueRes;
arrayValue[i] = stringValueRes.Value;
return new EvalArgumentResult(arrayValue);
unsafe EvalArgumentResult ConvertSZArray(void* array, int length, int elementSize, DmdType elementType, out DmdType type) {
type = elementType.MakeArrayType();
var res = CreateSZArray(elementType, length);
if (res.ErrorMessage is not null)
return res;
if (!IsInitialized(array, length * elementSize))
return res;
Debug.Assert(length > 0);
var arrayValue = (ArrayMirror)res.Value!;
var addr = DbgDotNetValueImpl.GetArrayAddress(arrayValue, elementType, engine);
if (addr is null)
return new EvalArgumentResult(PredefinedEvaluationErrorMessages.InternalDebuggerError);
engine.DbgRuntime.Process.WriteMemory(addr.Value.Address, array, length * elementSize);
return new EvalArgumentResult(arrayValue);