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// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting.Rules;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServices;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Options;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
namespace dnSpy.Roslyn.Internal.SmartIndent
internal abstract partial class AbstractIndentationService
internal abstract class AbstractIndenter
protected readonly OptionSet OptionSet;
protected readonly TextLine LineToBeIndented;
protected readonly int TabSize;
protected readonly CancellationToken CancellationToken;
protected readonly SyntaxTree Tree;
protected readonly IEnumerable<IFormattingRule> Rules;
protected readonly BottomUpBaseIndentationFinder Finder;
private static readonly Func<SyntaxToken, bool> s_tokenHasDirective = tk => tk.ContainsDirectives &&
(tk.LeadingTrivia.Any(tr => tr.IsDirective) || tk.TrailingTrivia.Any(tr => tr.IsDirective));
private readonly ISyntaxFactsService _syntaxFacts;
public AbstractIndenter(
ISyntaxFactsService syntaxFacts,
SyntaxTree syntaxTree,
IEnumerable<IFormattingRule> rules,
OptionSet optionSet,
TextLine lineToBeIndented,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var syntaxRoot = syntaxTree.GetRoot(cancellationToken);
this._syntaxFacts = syntaxFacts;
this.OptionSet = optionSet;
this.Tree = syntaxTree;
this.LineToBeIndented = lineToBeIndented;
this.TabSize = this.OptionSet.GetOption(FormattingOptions.TabSize, syntaxRoot.Language);
this.CancellationToken = cancellationToken;
this.Rules = rules;
this.Finder = new BottomUpBaseIndentationFinder(
new ChainedFormattingRules(this.Rules, OptionSet),
this.OptionSet.GetOption(FormattingOptions.IndentationSize, syntaxRoot.Language),
tokenStream: null,
lastToken: default);
public IndentationResult? GetDesiredIndentation(Document document)
var indentStyle = OptionSet.GetOption(FormattingOptions.SmartIndent, document.Project.Language);
if (indentStyle == FormattingOptions.IndentStyle.None)
// If there is no indent style, then do nothing.
return null;
// find previous line that is not blank. this will skip over things like preprocessor
// regions and inactive code.
var previousLineOpt = GetPreviousNonBlankOrPreprocessorLine();
// it is beginning of the file, there is no previous line exists.
// in that case, indentation 0 is our base indentation.
if (previousLineOpt == null)
return IndentFromStartOfLine(0);
var previousNonWhitespaceOrPreprocessorLine = previousLineOpt.Value;
// If the user wants block indentation, then we just return the indentation
// of the last piece of real code.
// TODO(cyrusn): It's not clear to me that this is correct. Block indentation
// should probably follow the indentation of hte last non-blank line *regardless
// if it is inactive/preprocessor region. By skipping over thse, we are essentially
// being 'smart', and that seems to be overriding the user desire to have Block
// indentation.
if (indentStyle == FormattingOptions.IndentStyle.Block)
// If it's block indentation, then just base
return GetIndentationOfLine(previousNonWhitespaceOrPreprocessorLine);
Debug.Assert(indentStyle == FormattingOptions.IndentStyle.Smart);
// Because we know that previousLine is not-whitespace, we know that we should be
// able to get the last non-whitespace position.
var lastNonWhitespacePosition = previousNonWhitespaceOrPreprocessorLine.GetLastNonWhitespacePosition().Value;
var token = Tree.GetRoot(CancellationToken).FindToken(lastNonWhitespacePosition);
Debug.Assert(token.RawKind != 0, "FindToken should always return a valid token");
return GetDesiredIndentationWorker(
token, previousNonWhitespaceOrPreprocessorLine, lastNonWhitespacePosition);
protected abstract IndentationResult? GetDesiredIndentationWorker(
SyntaxToken token, TextLine previousLine, int lastNonWhitespacePosition);
protected IndentationResult IndentFromStartOfLine(int addedSpaces)
=> new IndentationResult(this.LineToBeIndented.Start, addedSpaces);
protected IndentationResult GetIndentationOfToken(SyntaxToken token)
=> GetIndentationOfToken(token, addedSpaces: 0);
protected IndentationResult GetIndentationOfToken(SyntaxToken token, int addedSpaces)
=> GetIndentationOfPosition(token.SpanStart, addedSpaces);
protected IndentationResult GetIndentationOfLine(TextLine lineToMatch)
=> GetIndentationOfLine(lineToMatch, addedSpaces: 0);
protected IndentationResult GetIndentationOfLine(TextLine lineToMatch, int addedSpaces)
var firstNonWhitespace = lineToMatch.GetFirstNonWhitespacePosition();
firstNonWhitespace = firstNonWhitespace ?? lineToMatch.End;
return GetIndentationOfPosition(firstNonWhitespace.Value, addedSpaces);
protected IndentationResult GetIndentationOfPosition(int position, int addedSpaces)
if (this.Tree.OverlapsHiddenPosition(GetNormalizedSpan(position), CancellationToken))
// Oops, the line we want to line up to is either hidden, or is in a different
// visible region.
var root = this.Tree.GetRoot(CancellationToken.None);
var token = root.FindTokenFromEnd(LineToBeIndented.Start);
var indentation = Finder.GetIndentationOfCurrentPosition(this.Tree, token, LineToBeIndented.Start, CancellationToken.None);
return new IndentationResult(LineToBeIndented.Start, indentation);
return new IndentationResult(position, addedSpaces);
private TextSpan GetNormalizedSpan(int position)
if (LineToBeIndented.Start < position)
return TextSpan.FromBounds(LineToBeIndented.Start, position);
return TextSpan.FromBounds(position, LineToBeIndented.Start);
protected TextLine? GetPreviousNonBlankOrPreprocessorLine()
if (LineToBeIndented.LineNumber <= 0)
return null;
var sourceText = this.LineToBeIndented.Text;
var lineNumber = this.LineToBeIndented.LineNumber - 1;
while (lineNumber >= 0)
var actualLine = sourceText.Lines[lineNumber];
// Empty line, no indentation to match.
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(actualLine.ToString()))
// No preprocessors in the entire tree, so this
// line definitely doesn't have one
var root = Tree.GetRoot(CancellationToken);
if (!root.ContainsDirectives)
return sourceText.Lines[lineNumber];
// This line is inside an inactive region. Examine the
// first preceding line not in an inactive region.
var disabledSpan = _syntaxFacts.GetInactiveRegionSpanAroundPosition(this.Tree, actualLine.Span.Start, CancellationToken);
if (disabledSpan != default)
var targetLine = sourceText.Lines.GetLineFromPosition(disabledSpan.Start).LineNumber;
lineNumber = targetLine - 1;
// A preprocessor directive starts on this line.
if (HasPreprocessorCharacter(actualLine) &&
root.DescendantTokens(actualLine.Span, tk => tk.FullWidth() > 0).Any(s_tokenHasDirective))
return sourceText.Lines[lineNumber];
return null;
protected int GetCurrentPositionNotBelongToEndOfFileToken(int position)
var compilationUnit = Tree.GetRoot(CancellationToken) as ICompilationUnitSyntax;
if (compilationUnit == null)
return position;
return Math.Min(compilationUnit.EndOfFileToken.FullSpan.Start, position);
protected bool HasPreprocessorCharacter(TextLine currentLine)
var text = currentLine.ToString();
var trimmedText = text.Trim();
return trimmedText[0] == '#';