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2021-09-20 18:20:01 +02:00
Copyright (C) 2014-2019 de4dot@gmail.com
This file is part of dnSpy
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using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using dnlib.DotNet;
using dnlib.DotNet.Emit;
namespace dnSpy.Decompiler.Utils {
public static class StateMachineHelpers {
static readonly UTF8String System_Runtime_CompilerServices = new UTF8String("System.Runtime.CompilerServices");
static readonly UTF8String IAsyncStateMachine = new UTF8String("IAsyncStateMachine");
static readonly UTF8String AsyncStateMachineAttribute = new UTF8String("AsyncStateMachineAttribute");
static readonly UTF8String IteratorStateMachineAttribute = new UTF8String("IteratorStateMachineAttribute");
static readonly UTF8String stringSystem = new UTF8String("System");
static readonly UTF8String stringType = new UTF8String("Type");
static readonly UTF8String stringIDisposable = new UTF8String("IDisposable");
static readonly UTF8String stringDispose = new UTF8String("Dispose");
static readonly UTF8String System_Collections = new UTF8String("System.Collections");
static readonly UTF8String System_Collections_Generic = new UTF8String("System.Collections.Generic");
static readonly UTF8String IEnumerable = new UTF8String("IEnumerable");
static readonly UTF8String IEnumerator = new UTF8String("IEnumerator");
static readonly UTF8String IEnumerable_1 = new UTF8String("IEnumerable`1");
static readonly UTF8String IEnumerator_1 = new UTF8String("IEnumerator`1");
static bool EqualsName(ITypeDefOrRef tdr, UTF8String @namespace, UTF8String name) {
if (tdr is TypeRef tr)
return tr.Name == name && tr.Namespace == @namespace;
if (tdr is TypeDef td)
return td.Name == name && td.Namespace == @namespace;
return false;
public static TypeDef? GetStateMachineType(MethodDef method) {
var stateMachineType = GetStateMachineTypeCore(method);
if (stateMachineType is null)
return null;
var body = method.Body;
if (body is null)
return null;
foreach (var instr in body.Instructions) {
var def = instr.Operand as IMemberDef;
if (def?.DeclaringType == stateMachineType)
return stateMachineType;
return null;
static TypeDef? GetStateMachineTypeCore(MethodDef method) =>
GetStateMachineTypeFromCustomAttributesCore(method) ??
GetAsyncStateMachineTypeFromInstructionsCore(method) ??
static TypeDef? GetStateMachineTypeFromCustomAttributesCore(MethodDef method) {
foreach (var ca in method.CustomAttributes) {
if (ca.ConstructorArguments.Count != 1)
if (ca.Constructor?.MethodSig?.Params.Count != 1)
var typeType = (ca.Constructor.MethodSig.Params[0] as ClassOrValueTypeSig)?.TypeDefOrRef;
if (typeType is null || !EqualsName(typeType, stringSystem, stringType))
if (!IsStateMachineTypeAttribute(ca.AttributeType))
var caArg = ca.ConstructorArguments[0];
var tdr = (caArg.Value as ClassOrValueTypeSig)?.TypeDefOrRef;
if (tdr is null)
var td = tdr.Module.Find(tdr);
if (td?.DeclaringType == method.DeclaringType)
return td;
return null;
static bool IsStateMachineTypeAttribute(ITypeDefOrRef tdr) =>
EqualsName(tdr, System_Runtime_CompilerServices, AsyncStateMachineAttribute) ||
EqualsName(tdr, System_Runtime_CompilerServices, IteratorStateMachineAttribute);
static TypeDef? GetAsyncStateMachineTypeFromInstructionsCore(MethodDef method) {
var body = method.Body;
if (body is null)
return null;
foreach (var local in body.Variables) {
var type = local.Type.RemovePinnedAndModifiers() as ClassOrValueTypeSig;
if (type is null)
var nested = type.TypeDef;
if (nested is null || nested.DeclaringType != method.DeclaringType)
if (!ImplementsInterface(nested, System_Runtime_CompilerServices, IAsyncStateMachine))
return nested;
return null;
static TypeDef? GetIteratorStateMachineTypeFromInstructionsCore(MethodDef method) {
if (!IsIteratorReturnType(method.MethodSig.GetRetType().RemovePinnedAndModifiers()))
return null;
var instrs = method.Body?.Instructions;
if (instrs is null)
return null;
for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count; i++) {
var instr = instrs[i];
if (instr.OpCode.Code != Code.Newobj)
var ctor = instr.Operand as MethodDef;
if (ctor is null || ctor.DeclaringType.DeclaringType != method.DeclaringType)
if (!ImplementsInterface(ctor.DeclaringType, stringSystem, stringIDisposable))
var disposeMethod = FindDispose(ctor.DeclaringType);
if (disposeMethod is null)
if (!disposeMethod.CustomAttributes.IsDefined("System.Diagnostics.DebuggerHiddenAttribute")) {
// This attribute isn't always present. Make sure the type has a compiler generated name
var name = ctor.DeclaringType.Name.String;
if (!name.StartsWith("<") && !name.StartsWith("VB$StateMachine_"))
return ctor.DeclaringType;
return null;
static bool IsIteratorReturnType(TypeSig typeSig) {
var tdr = (typeSig as ClassSig)?.TypeDefOrRef;
if (tdr is null)
tdr = (typeSig as GenericInstSig)?.GenericType.TypeDefOrRef;
if (tdr is null)
return false;
return EqualsName(tdr, System_Collections, IEnumerable) ||
EqualsName(tdr, System_Collections, IEnumerator) ||
EqualsName(tdr, System_Collections_Generic, IEnumerable_1) ||
EqualsName(tdr, System_Collections_Generic, IEnumerator_1);
static bool ImplementsInterface(TypeDef type, UTF8String @namespace, UTF8String name) {
var ifaces = type.Interfaces;
for (int i = 0; i < ifaces.Count; i++) {
var iface = ifaces[i].Interface;
if (iface is not null && EqualsName(iface, @namespace, name))
return true;
return false;
static MethodDef? FindDispose(TypeDef type) {
foreach (var method in type.Methods) {
foreach (var o in method.Overrides) {
if (o.MethodDeclaration.Name != stringDispose)
if (!IsDisposeSig(o.MethodDeclaration.MethodSig))
return method;
foreach (var method in type.Methods) {
if (method.Name != stringDispose)
if (!IsDisposeSig(method.MethodSig))
return method;
return null;
static bool IsDisposeSig(MethodSig sig) {
if (sig.GenParamCount != 0)
return false;
if (sig.ParamsAfterSentinel is not null)
return false;
if (sig.Params.Count != 0)
return false;
if (sig.RetType.GetElementType() != ElementType.Void)
return false;
if (sig.CallingConvention != CallingConvention.HasThis)
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the state machine kickoff method. It's the original async/iterator method that the compiler moves to the MoveNext method
/// </summary>
/// <param name="method">A possible state machine MoveNext method</param>
/// <param name="kickoffMethod">Updated with kickoff method on success</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool TryGetKickoffMethod(MethodDef method, [NotNullWhen(true)] out MethodDef? kickoffMethod) {
kickoffMethod = null;
var declType = method.DeclaringType;
// Assume all state machine types are nested types
if (!declType.IsNested)
return false;
if (ImplementsInterface(declType, System_Runtime_CompilerServices, IAsyncStateMachine)) {
// async method
if (TryGetKickoffMethodFromAttributes(declType, out kickoffMethod))
return true;
foreach (var possibleKickoffMethod in declType.DeclaringType.Methods) {
if (GetAsyncStateMachineTypeFromInstructionsCore(possibleKickoffMethod) == declType) {
kickoffMethod = possibleKickoffMethod;
return true;
else if (ImplementsInterface(declType, System_Collections, IEnumerator)) {
// IEnumerable, IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerator, IEnumerator<T>
if (TryGetKickoffMethodFromAttributes(declType, out kickoffMethod))
return true;
foreach (var possibleKickoffMethod in declType.DeclaringType.Methods) {
if (GetIteratorStateMachineTypeFromInstructionsCore(possibleKickoffMethod) == declType) {
kickoffMethod = possibleKickoffMethod;
return true;
return false;
static bool TryGetKickoffMethodFromAttributes(TypeDef smType, [NotNullWhen(true)] out MethodDef? kickoffMethod) {
foreach (var possibleKickoffMethod in smType.DeclaringType.Methods) {
if (GetStateMachineTypeFromCustomAttributesCore(possibleKickoffMethod) == smType) {
kickoffMethod = possibleKickoffMethod;
return true;
kickoffMethod = null;
return false;