/* Copyright (C) 2014-2019 de4dot@gmail.com This file is part of dnSpy dnSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. dnSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with dnSpy. If not, see . */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text; using dnlib.IO; using dnlib.PE; namespace dnSpy.Debugger.DotNet.CorDebug.AntiAntiDebug { sealed class ECallManager { /// /// true if we found the CLR module (mscorwks/clr.dll/coreclr.dll) /// public bool FoundClrModule { get; } readonly Dictionary classToFuncsDict = new Dictionary(StringComparer.Ordinal); ulong clrDllBaseAddress; /// /// Constructor that can be used to test this class on some random clr file /// /// public ECallManager(string filename) { FoundClrModule = true; Initialize(filename); } public ECallManager(int pid, string clrPath) { using (var process = Process.GetProcessById(pid)) { FoundClrModule = false; foreach (ProcessModule? mod in process.Modules) { if (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(clrPath, mod!.FileName)) { FoundClrModule = true; Initialize(mod.FileName); clrDllBaseAddress = (ulong)mod.BaseAddress.ToInt64(); break; } } } Debug.Assert(FoundClrModule, $"Couldn't find {clrPath}"); } void Initialize(string filename) { try { using (var reader = new ECallListReader(filename)) { foreach (var ecc in reader.List) { var fname = ecc.FullName; bool b = classToFuncsDict.ContainsKey(fname); Debug.Assert(!b); if (!b) classToFuncsDict[fname] = ecc.Functions; } } } catch { } } public bool FindFunc(string classFullName, string methodName, out ulong methodAddr) { methodAddr = 0; if (!classToFuncsDict.TryGetValue(classFullName, out var funcs)) return false; foreach (var func in funcs) { if (func.Name == methodName) { methodAddr = clrDllBaseAddress + func.FunctionRVA; return true; } } return false; } } enum FCFuncFlag : ushort { EndOfArray = 0x01, HasSignature = 0x02, Unreferenced = 0x04, // Suppress unused fcall check QCall = 0x08, // QCall - mscorlib.dll to mscorwks.dll transition implemented as PInvoke } [DebuggerDisplay("{FullName}")] readonly struct ECClass { public readonly string Namespace; public readonly string Name; public readonly ECFunc[] Functions; public string FullName => string.IsNullOrEmpty(Namespace) ? Name : Namespace + "." + Name; public ECClass(string ns, string name, ECFunc[] funcs) { Namespace = ns; Name = name; Functions = funcs; } } // Unfortunately this enum is different from sscli20's CorInfoIntrinsics enum CorInfoIntrinsics : byte { Illegal = byte.MaxValue, } enum DynamicID : byte { FastAllocateString, CtorCharArrayManaged, CtorCharArrayStartLengthManaged, CtorCharCountManaged, CtorCharPtrManaged, CtorCharPtrStartLengthManaged, InternalGetCurrentThread, InvalidDynamicFCallId = byte.MaxValue, } [DebuggerDisplay("{FunctionRVA} {Name}")] readonly struct ECFunc { public readonly uint RecordRVA; public readonly uint Flags; public readonly uint FunctionRVA; public readonly string Name; public readonly uint MethodSigRVA; public bool HasSignature => MethodSigRVA != 0; public bool IsUnreferenced => (Flags & (uint)FCFuncFlag.Unreferenced) != 0; public bool IsQCall => (Flags & (uint)FCFuncFlag.QCall) != 0; public CorInfoIntrinsics IntrinsicID => (CorInfoIntrinsics)(Flags >> 16); public DynamicID DynamicID => (DynamicID)(Flags >> 24); public ECFunc(uint recRva, uint flags, uint methRva, string name, uint sigRva) { RecordRVA = recRva; Flags = flags; FunctionRVA = methRva; Name = name; MethodSigRVA = sigRva; } } struct ECallListReader : IDisposable { readonly PEImage peImage; DataReader reader; readonly bool is32bit; readonly uint ptrSize; readonly uint endRva; readonly List list; TableFormat? tableFormat; public List List => list; enum TableFormat { // .NET 2.0 to ??? V1, // .NET 3.x and later V2, } public ECallListReader(string filename) { peImage = new PEImage(filename); reader = peImage.CreateReader(); is32bit = peImage.ImageNTHeaders.OptionalHeader.Magic == 0x010B; ptrSize = is32bit ? 4U : 8; var last = peImage.ImageSectionHeaders[peImage.ImageSectionHeaders.Count - 1]; endRva = (uint)last.VirtualAddress + last.VirtualSize; list = new List(); tableFormat = null; Read(); } ulong ReadPtr(long pos) { reader.Position = (uint)pos; return is32bit ? reader.ReadUInt32() : reader.ReadUInt64(); } uint? ReadRva(long pos) { ulong ptr = ReadPtr(pos); ulong b = peImage.ImageNTHeaders.OptionalHeader.ImageBase; if (ptr == 0) return 0; if (ptr < b) return null; ptr -= b; return ptr >= endRva ? (uint?)null : (uint)ptr; } ImageSectionHeader? FindSection(string name) { foreach (var sect in peImage.ImageSectionHeaders) { if (sect.DisplayName == name) return sect; } return null; } void Read() { // Refs: coreclr/src/vm/{ecalllist.h,mscorlib.cpp,ecall.h,ecall.cpp} long pos = 0; long end = reader.Length - (3 * ptrSize - 1); List eccList = new List(); for (; pos <= end; pos += ptrSize) { tableFormat = null; var ecc = ReadECClass(pos, true); if (ecc is null) continue; for (long pos2 = pos; pos2 <= end; pos2 += 3 * ptrSize) { ecc = ReadECClass(pos2, false); if (ecc is null) break; eccList.Add(ecc.Value); } if (eccList.Count >= 20) break; eccList.Clear(); } list.AddRange(eccList); } ECClass? ReadECClass(long pos, bool first) { if (pos + ptrSize * 3 > reader.Length) return null; var name = ReadAsciizIdPtr(pos); if (name is null) return null; var ns = ReadAsciizIdPtr(pos + ptrSize); if (ns is null) return null; var funcs = ReadECFuncs(ReadRva(pos + ptrSize * 2), first); if (funcs is null) return null; return new ECClass(ns, name, funcs); } ECFunc[]? ReadECFuncs(uint? rva, bool first) { if (rva is null || rva.Value == 0) return null; var funcs = new List(); var pos = (long)peImage.ToFileOffset((RVA)rva.Value); if (tableFormat is null) InitializeTableFormat(pos); if (tableFormat is null) return null; var tblSize = tableFormat == TableFormat.V1 ? 5 * ptrSize : 3 * ptrSize; for (;;) { if (pos + ptrSize > reader.Length) return null; ulong flags = ReadPtr(pos); if ((flags & (ulong)FCFuncFlag.EndOfArray) != 0) break; bool hasSig = (flags & (ulong)FCFuncFlag.HasSignature) != 0; uint size = tblSize + (hasSig ? ptrSize : 0); if (pos + size > reader.Length) return null; uint? methRva; string? name; if (tableFormat == TableFormat.V1) { methRva = ReadRva(pos + ptrSize * 1); ulong nullPtr1 = ReadPtr(pos + ptrSize * 2); ulong nullPtr2 = ReadPtr(pos + ptrSize * 3); name = ReadAsciizIdPtr(pos + ptrSize * 4); if (nullPtr1 != 0 || nullPtr2 != 0) return null; } else { Debug.Assert(tableFormat == TableFormat.V2); methRva = ReadRva(pos + ptrSize * 1); name = ReadAsciizIdPtr(pos + ptrSize * 2); } if (name is null || methRva is null) return null; if (methRva.Value != 0 && !IsCodeRva(methRva.Value)) return null; uint sigRva = 0; if (hasSig) { var srva = ReadRva(pos + tblSize); if (srva is null || srva.Value == 0) return null; sigRva = srva.Value; } uint recRva = (uint)peImage.ToRVA((FileOffset)pos); funcs.Add(new ECFunc(recRva, (uint)flags, methRva.Value, name, sigRva)); pos += size; } // A zero length array is allowed (eg. clr.dll so we can't return null if we find one return funcs.ToArray(); } void InitializeTableFormat(long pos) { if (pos + ptrSize > reader.Length) return; ulong flags = ReadPtr(pos); if ((flags & (ulong)FCFuncFlag.EndOfArray) != 0) return; bool hasSig = (flags & (ulong)FCFuncFlag.HasSignature) != 0; if (pos + ptrSize * (5 + (hasSig ? 1 : 0)) < reader.Length) { uint? methRva = ReadRva(pos + ptrSize * 1); ulong nullPtr1 = ReadPtr(pos + ptrSize * 2); ulong nullPtr2 = ReadPtr(pos + ptrSize * 3); var name = ReadAsciizIdPtr(pos + ptrSize * 4); if (nullPtr1 == 0 && nullPtr2 == 0 && name is not null && methRva is not null && (methRva.Value == 0 || IsCodeRva(methRva.Value))) { tableFormat = TableFormat.V1; return; } } if (pos + ptrSize * (3 + (hasSig ? 1 : 0)) < reader.Length) { uint? methRva = ReadRva(pos + ptrSize * 1); var name = ReadAsciizIdPtr(pos + ptrSize * 2); if (name is not null && methRva is not null && (methRva.Value == 0 || IsCodeRva(methRva.Value))) { tableFormat = TableFormat.V2; return; } } } bool IsCodeRva(uint rva) { if (rva == 0) return false; var textSect = FindSection(".text"); if (textSect is null) return false; return (uint)textSect.VirtualAddress <= rva && rva < (uint)textSect.VirtualAddress + Math.Max(textSect.VirtualSize, textSect.SizeOfRawData); } string? ReadAsciizIdPtr(long pos) => ReadAsciizId(ReadRva(pos)); string? ReadAsciizId(uint? rva) { if (rva is null || rva.Value == 0) return null; reader.Position = (uint)peImage.ToFileOffset((RVA)rva.Value); var bytes = reader.TryReadBytesUntil(0); const int MIN_ID_LEN = 2; const int MAX_ID_LEN = 256; if (bytes is null || bytes.Length < MIN_ID_LEN || bytes.Length > MAX_ID_LEN) return null; foreach (var b in bytes) { var ch = (char)b; if (!(('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') || ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z') || ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') || ch == '_' || ch == '.')) return null; } var s = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes); if (char.IsNumber(s[0])) return null; return s; } public void Dispose() => peImage?.Dispose(); } }