text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 A_rguments _Break at _Host Host Ar_guments _Working Directory CreateProcess Don't Break Entry Point Couldn't find .NET Core host '{0}' Could not start the debugger. {0} Could not start the debugger. Make sure you have access to the file '{0}' Error: {1} Could not start the debugger. The debugged program requires admin privileges. Restart dnSpy with admin rights and try again. The file doesn't exist Missing filename Debugger ({0}) Background Stopped StopRequested Suspended SuspendRequested ThreadPool UnsafePoint Unstarted WaitSleepJoin Use 32-bit dnSpy to debug 32-bit applications. Use 64-bit dnSpy to debug 64-bit applications. "<no exception message>" Could not start debugger. Error: {0} Could not attach to process {0} Some other process is already debugging process {0} Native Frame {0} Appdomain Transition Class Init Exception Function Evaluation Internal Call Internal Frame ({0}) JIT Compilation Lightweight Function Managed to Native Transition Native to Managed Transition Security IL offset {0} line {0} character {1} address {0} Could not set the next statement. Could not break process. Error: 0x{0:X8} Internal debugger error A CLR debugger error occurred. Terminate the debugged process and try again. HR: 0x{0:X8} Error: 0x{1:X8} Use host executable E_xecutable