Copyright (C) 2014-2019 de4dot@gmail.com
This file is part of dnSpy
dnSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Markup;
using dnSpy.Contracts.DnSpy.Text.WPF;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Formatting;
using DOC = System.Windows.Documents;
namespace dnSpy.Contracts.Text.Classification {
/// Creates a
static class TextBlockFactory {
/// Flags
public enum Flags {
/// Nothing is set
/// Don't set the 's font
DisableSetTextBlockFontFamily = 1,
/// If set, the text won't word wrap
DisableWordWrap = 2,
/// If set, don't set font size
DisableFontSize = 4,
/// Filter out newlines by replacing them with spaces
FilterOutNewlines = 8,
static string ToString(string s, bool filterOutNewLines) {
if (!filterOutNewLines)
return s;
if (s.IndexOfAny(LineConstants.newLineChars) < 0)
return s;
var sb = new StringBuilder(s.Length);
foreach (var c in s) {
if (Array.IndexOf(LineConstants.newLineChars, c) >= 0)
sb.Append(' ');
return sb.ToString();
/// Creates a
/// Full text
/// Default text run properties
/// Ordered enumerable of spans and text run properties
/// Flags
public static TextBlock Create(string text, TextFormattingRunProperties defaultProperties, IEnumerable orderedPropsAndSpans, Flags flags = Flags.None) {
if (text is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(text));
if (defaultProperties is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(defaultProperties));
if (orderedPropsAndSpans is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(orderedPropsAndSpans));
text = WpfUnicodeUtils.ReplaceBadChars(text);
var textBlock = new TextBlock();
bool filterOutNewlines = (flags & Flags.FilterOutNewlines) != 0;
if (!defaultProperties.BackgroundBrushEmpty)
textBlock.Background = defaultProperties.BackgroundBrush;
if (!defaultProperties.ForegroundBrushEmpty)
textBlock.Foreground = defaultProperties.ForegroundBrush;
if (!defaultProperties.BoldEmpty)
textBlock.FontWeight = defaultProperties.Bold ? FontWeights.Bold : FontWeights.Normal;
if (!defaultProperties.ItalicEmpty)
textBlock.FontStyle = defaultProperties.Italic ? FontStyles.Italic : FontStyles.Normal;
if (!defaultProperties.FontRenderingEmSizeEmpty && (flags & Flags.DisableFontSize) == 0)
textBlock.FontSize = defaultProperties.FontRenderingEmSize;
if (!defaultProperties.TextDecorationsEmpty)
textBlock.TextDecorations = defaultProperties.TextDecorations;
if (!defaultProperties.TextEffectsEmpty)
textBlock.TextEffects = defaultProperties.TextEffects;
if ((flags & Flags.DisableSetTextBlockFontFamily) == 0 && !defaultProperties.TypefaceEmpty)
textBlock.FontFamily = defaultProperties.Typeface.FontFamily;
if ((flags & Flags.DisableWordWrap) == 0)
textBlock.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap;
if (propsAndSpansList.Count == 0)
textBlock.Text = text;
else if (CanUseOnlyTextBlock(propsAndSpansList, text)) {
var properties = propsAndSpansList[0].Properties;
if (!properties.BackgroundBrushEmpty)
textBlock.Background = properties.BackgroundBrush;
if (!properties.ForegroundBrushEmpty)
textBlock.Foreground = properties.ForegroundBrush;
if (!properties.BoldEmpty)
textBlock.FontWeight = properties.Bold ? FontWeights.Bold : FontWeights.Normal;
if (!properties.ItalicEmpty)
textBlock.FontStyle = properties.Italic ? FontStyles.Italic : FontStyles.Normal;
if (!properties.FontRenderingEmSizeEmpty && (flags & Flags.DisableFontSize) == 0)
textBlock.FontSize = properties.FontRenderingEmSize;
if (!properties.TextDecorationsEmpty)
textBlock.TextDecorations = properties.TextDecorations;
if (!properties.TextEffectsEmpty)
textBlock.TextEffects = properties.TextEffects;
if (!properties.TypefaceEmpty && !IsSameTypeFace(defaultProperties, properties))
textBlock.FontFamily = properties.Typeface.FontFamily;
textBlock.Text = ToString(text, filterOutNewlines);
else {
int textOffset = 0;
foreach (var tag in propsAndSpansList) {
if (textOffset < tag.Span.Start)
textBlock.Inlines.Add(CreateRun(ToString(text.Substring(textOffset, tag.Span.Start - textOffset), filterOutNewlines), defaultProperties, null, flags));
textBlock.Inlines.Add(CreateRun(ToString(text.Substring(tag.Span.Start, tag.Span.Length), filterOutNewlines), defaultProperties, tag.Properties, flags));
textOffset = tag.Span.End;
if (textOffset < text.Length)
textBlock.Inlines.Add(CreateRun(ToString(text.Substring(textOffset), filterOutNewlines), defaultProperties, null, flags));
return textBlock;
static readonly List propsAndSpansList = new List();
static bool CanUseOnlyTextBlock(List list, string text) {
if (list.Count != 1)
return false;
var ps = list[0];
if (ps.Span != new Span(0, text.Length))
return false;
var props = ps.Properties;
// Don't use just a TextBlock if bg is used since the bg applies to the whole TextBlock,
// not the text shown in the TextBlock.
return props.BackgroundBrushEmpty;
static DOC.Run CreateRun(string text, TextFormattingRunProperties defaultProperties, TextFormattingRunProperties? properties, Flags flags) {
var run = new DOC.Run(text);
if (properties is null)
return run;
if (!properties.BackgroundBrushEmpty)
run.Background = properties.BackgroundBrush;
if (!properties.ForegroundBrushEmpty)
run.Foreground = properties.ForegroundBrush;
if (!properties.BoldEmpty)
run.FontWeight = properties.Bold ? FontWeights.Bold : FontWeights.Normal;
if (!properties.ItalicEmpty)
run.FontStyle = properties.Italic ? FontStyles.Italic : FontStyles.Normal;
if (!properties.FontRenderingEmSizeEmpty && (flags & Flags.DisableFontSize) == 0)
run.FontSize = properties.FontRenderingEmSize;
if (!properties.TextDecorationsEmpty)
run.TextDecorations = properties.TextDecorations;
if (!properties.TextEffectsEmpty)
run.TextEffects = properties.TextEffects;
if (!properties.TypefaceEmpty && !IsSameTypeFace(defaultProperties, properties))
run.FontFamily = properties.Typeface.FontFamily;
return run;
static bool IsSameTypeFace(TextFormattingRunProperties a, TextFormattingRunProperties b) {
if (a.TypefaceEmpty != b.TypefaceEmpty)
return false;
if (a.Typeface == b.Typeface)
return true;
return GetFontName(a) == GetFontName(b);
static string? GetFontName(TextFormattingRunProperties props) {
if (props.TypefaceEmpty)
return string.Empty;
if (!props.Typeface.FontFamily.FamilyNames.TryGetValue(language, out string? name))
name = null;
return name ?? string.Empty;
static readonly XmlLanguage language = XmlLanguage.GetLanguage("en-US");
/// Text properties and span
internal readonly struct TextRunPropertiesAndSpan {
/// Span
public Span Span { get; }
/// Text properties
public TextFormattingRunProperties Properties { get; }
/// Constructor
/// Span
/// Text properties
public TextRunPropertiesAndSpan(Span span, TextFormattingRunProperties properties) {
Span = span;
Properties = properties ?? throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(properties));