This extension shows how to do more advanced stuff. It: - Adds a tool window (ToolWindowContent.cs) - Adds new tree nodes (TreeNodeDataProvider.cs) - Adds custom tab content for the new AssemblyChildNode tree node (AssemblyChildNodeTabContent.cs). ModuleChildNode implements IDecompileSelf to decompile itself. - Shows tooltips when hovering over custom references added to the text editor (DocumentViewerToolTipProvider.cs) - Adds a new IDsDocument instance and DsDocumentNode node (NewDsDocument.cs). It opens .txt files and shows the output in the text editor. - Colorizes text in text editors (Colorizer.cs) - Colorizes text in hex editors (HexColorizer.cs) - Colorizes Assembly Explorer treeview nodes (TreeViewNodeColorizer.cs) - Adds a new Output window text pane (OutputTextPane.cs)