Copyright (C) 2014-2019 de4dot@gmail.com
This file is part of dnSpy
dnSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
dnSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with dnSpy. If not, see .
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using dndbg.COM.CorDebug;
namespace dndbg.Engine {
class EvalException : Exception {
public int HR { get; }
public EvalException()
: this(-1, null, null) {
public EvalException(int hr)
: this(hr, null, null) {
public EvalException(int hr, string msg)
: this(hr, msg, null) {
public EvalException(int hr, string? msg, Exception? ex)
: base(msg, ex) {
HResult = hr;
HR = hr;
struct EvalResult {
public bool NormalResult => !WasException && !WasCustomNotification && !WasCancelled;
public bool WasException { get; }
public bool WasCustomNotification { get; }
public bool WasCancelled { get; }
public CorValue? ResultOrException { get; }
public EvalResult(bool wasException, bool wasCustomNotification, bool wasCancelled, CorValue? resultOrException) {
WasException = wasException;
WasCustomNotification = wasCustomNotification;
WasCancelled = wasCancelled;
ResultOrException = resultOrException;
class EvalEventArgs : EventArgs {
sealed class DnEval : IDisposable {
readonly DnDebugger debugger;
readonly IDebugMessageDispatcher debugMessageDispatcher;
readonly List<(DnModule module, CorClass cls)> customNotificationList;
readonly CancellationToken cancellationToken;
DnThread thread;
CorEval eval;
DateTime? startTime;
DateTime endTime;
TimeSpan initialTimeOut;
const int ABORT_TIMEOUT_MS = 3000;
const int RUDE_ABORT_TIMEOUT_MS = 1000;
public bool EvalTimedOut { get; private set; }
public bool SuspendOtherThreads { get; }
public event EventHandler? EvalEvent;
internal DnEval(DnDebugger debugger, IDebugMessageDispatcher debugMessageDispatcher, bool suspendOtherThreads, List<(DnModule module, CorClass cls)> customNotificationList, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
thread = null!;
eval = null!;
this.debugger = debugger;
this.debugMessageDispatcher = debugMessageDispatcher;
this.customNotificationList = customNotificationList;
SuspendOtherThreads = suspendOtherThreads;
useTotalTimeout = true;
initialTimeOut = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000);
this.cancellationToken = cancellationToken;
// This is only enabled during func-eval. If it's always enabled, everything gets slower.
// It took about 50% longer to start VS.
foreach (var info in customNotificationList)
info.module.Process.CorProcess.SetEnableCustomNotification(info.cls, enable: true);
public void SetNoTotalTimeout() => useTotalTimeout = false;
bool useTotalTimeout;
public void SetTimeout(TimeSpan timeout) => initialTimeOut = timeout;
public void SetThread(DnThread thread) {
if (thread is null)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
int hr = thread.CorThread.RawObject.CreateEval(out var ce);
if (hr < 0 || ce is null)
throw new EvalException(hr, $"Could not create an evaluator, HR=0x{hr:X8}");
this.thread = thread;
eval = new CorEval(ce);
public CorValue CreateNull() => eval.CreateValue(CorElementType.Class) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException();
public CorValue? Box(CorValue value, CorType? valueType = null) {
var et = valueType ?? value?.ExactType;
if (et is null)
return null;
if (value is null || !value.IsGeneric || value.IsBox || value.IsHeap)
return value;
var cls = et?.Class;
if (cls is null)
return null;
if (valueType is null)
return null;
var res = WaitForResult(eval.NewParameterizedObjectNoConstructor(cls, valueType.TypeParameters.ToArray()));
if (res is null || !res.Value.NormalResult) {
return null;
var newObj = res.Value.ResultOrException!;
var r = newObj.GetDereferencedValue(out int hr);
var vb = r?.GetBoxedValue(out hr);
if (vb is null) {
return null;
hr = vb.WriteGenericValue(value.ReadGenericValue(), thread.CorThread.Process);
if (hr < 0)
return null;
return newObj;
public EvalResult? CreateDontCallConstructor(CorType type, out int hr) {
if (!type.HasClass) {
hr = -1;
return null;
return WaitForResult(hr = eval.NewParameterizedObjectNoConstructor(type.Class!, type.TypeParameters.ToArray()));
public EvalResult? CallConstructor(CorFunction func, CorType[] typeArgs, CorValue[] args, out int hr) => WaitForResult(hr = eval.NewParameterizedObject(func, typeArgs, args));
public EvalResult? Call(CorFunction func, CorType[] typeArgs, CorValue[] args, out int hr) => WaitForResult(hr = eval.CallParameterizedFunction(func, typeArgs, args));
public EvalResult? CreateString(string s, out int hr) => WaitForResult(hr = eval.NewString(s));
public EvalResult? CreateSZArray(CorType type, int numElems, out int hr) => WaitForResult(hr = eval.NewParameterizedArray(type, new uint[1] { (uint)numElems }));
EvalResult? WaitForResult(int hr) {
if (hr < 0)
return null;
return SyncWait();
void InitializeStartTime() {
if (startTime is not null)
startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
endTime = startTime.Value + initialTimeOut;
struct ThreadInfo {
public readonly CorThread Thread;
public readonly CorDebugThreadState State;
public ThreadInfo(CorThread thread) {
Thread = thread;
State = thread.State;
struct ThreadInfos {
readonly CorThread thread;
readonly List list;
readonly bool suspendOtherThreads;
public ThreadInfos(CorThread thread, bool suspendOtherThreads) {
this.thread = thread;
list = GetThreadInfos(thread);
this.suspendOtherThreads = suspendOtherThreads;
static List GetThreadInfos(CorThread thread) {
var process = thread.Process;
var list = new List();
if (process is null) {
list.Add(new ThreadInfo(thread));
return list;
foreach (var t in process.Threads)
list.Add(new ThreadInfo(t));
return list;
public void EnableThread() {
foreach (var info in list) {
CorDebugThreadState newState;
if (info.Thread.Equals(thread))
newState = CorDebugThreadState.THREAD_RUN;
else if (suspendOtherThreads)
newState = CorDebugThreadState.THREAD_SUSPEND;
if (info.State != newState)
info.Thread.State = newState;
public void RestoreThreads() {
foreach (var info in list)
info.Thread.State = info.State;
EvalResult SyncWait() {
Debug2.Assert(startTime is not null);
var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (now >= endTime)
now = endTime;
var timeLeft = endTime - now;
if (!useTotalTimeout)
timeLeft = initialTimeOut;
var infos = new ThreadInfos(thread.CorThread, SuspendOtherThreads);
EvalResultKind dispResult;
debugger.DebugCallbackEvent += Debugger_DebugCallbackEvent;
try {
var res = debugMessageDispatcher.DispatchQueue(timeLeft, out bool timedOut);
if (timedOut) {
throw new TimeoutException();
Debug2.Assert(res is not null);
dispResult = (EvalResultKind)res;
if (dispResult == EvalResultKind.CustomNotification) {
if (!AbortEval(false))
throw new TimeoutException();
if (debugger.ProcessState != DebuggerProcessState.Paused)
finally {
debugger.DebugCallbackEvent -= Debugger_DebugCallbackEvent;
bool wasException = dispResult == EvalResultKind.Exception;
bool wasCustomNotification = dispResult == EvalResultKind.CustomNotification;
bool wasCancelled = dispResult == EvalResultKind.Cancelled;
return new EvalResult(wasException, wasCustomNotification, wasCancelled, wasCustomNotification ? null : eval.Result);
enum EvalResultKind {
bool AbortEval(bool forceBreakProcesses) {
bool timedOut = false;
int hr = eval.Abort();
if (hr >= 0) {
debugMessageDispatcher.DispatchQueue(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(ABORT_TIMEOUT_MS), out timedOut);
if (timedOut) {
hr = eval.RudeAbort();
if (hr >= 0)
debugMessageDispatcher.DispatchQueue(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(RUDE_ABORT_TIMEOUT_MS), out _);
if (timedOut || forceBreakProcesses) {
hr = debugger.TryBreakProcesses();
Debug.WriteLineIf(hr != 0, $"Eval timed out and TryBreakProcesses() failed: hr=0x{hr:X8}");
EvalTimedOut = true;
return !timedOut;
void Debugger_DebugCallbackEvent(DnDebugger dbg, DebugCallbackEventArgs e) {
switch (e.Kind) {
case DebugCallbackKind.EvalComplete:
case DebugCallbackKind.EvalException:
var ee = (EvalDebugCallbackEventArgs)e;
if (ee.Eval == eval.RawObject) {
debugger.DebugCallbackEvent -= Debugger_DebugCallbackEvent;
debugMessageDispatcher.CancelDispatchQueue(ee.WasException ? EvalResultKind.Exception : EvalResultKind.Normal);
case DebugCallbackKind.CustomNotification:
if (!SuspendOtherThreads)
var cne = (CustomNotificationDebugCallbackEventArgs)e;
var value = cne.CorThread?.GetCurrentCustomDebuggerNotification();
if (value is not null) {
if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
public void SignalEvalComplete() => EvalEvent?.Invoke(this, new EvalEventArgs());
public void Dispose() {
foreach (var info in customNotificationList)
info.module.Process.CorProcess.SetEnableCustomNotification(info.cls, enable: false);