Copyright (C) 2014-2019 de4dot@gmail.com
This file is part of dnSpy
dnSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
dnSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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using System.Diagnostics;
using dndbg.COM.CorDebug;
using dndbg.DotNet;
namespace dndbg.Engine {
sealed class DnModule {
/// Gets the created module or null if none has been created
public CorModuleDef? CorModuleDef { get; internal set; }
/// Returns the created module or creates one if none has been created
public CorModuleDef GetOrCreateCorModuleDef() {
if (CorModuleDef is not null)
return CorModuleDef;
Debug2.Assert(CorModuleDef is not null);
return CorModuleDef;
public CorModule CorModule { get; }
/// Unique id per debugger
public int UniqueId { get; }
/// Unique id per process
public int UniqueIdProcess { get; }
/// Unique id per AppDomain
public int UniqueIdAppDomain { get; }
/// For on-disk modules this is a full path. For dynamic modules this is just the filename
/// if one was provided. Otherwise, and for other in-memory modules, this is just the simple
/// name stored in the module's metadata.
public string Name => CorModule.Name;
public bool HasUnloaded { get; private set; }
public ulong Address => CorModule.Address;
public uint Size => CorModule.Size;
public bool IsDynamic => CorModule.IsDynamic;
public bool IsInMemory => CorModule.IsInMemory;
public DnDebugger Debugger => Assembly.Debugger;
public DnProcess Process => Assembly.Process;
public DnAppDomain AppDomain => Assembly.AppDomain;
public DnAssembly Assembly { get; }
public DnModuleId DnModuleId { get; }
public CorDebugJITCompilerFlags CachedJITCompilerFlags { get; private set; }
internal DnModule(DnAssembly ownerAssembly, ICorDebugModule module, int uniqueId, int uniqueIdProcess, int uniqueIdAppDomain) {
Assembly = ownerAssembly;
CorModule = new CorModule(module);
UniqueId = uniqueId;
UniqueIdProcess = uniqueIdProcess;
UniqueIdAppDomain = uniqueIdAppDomain;
DnModuleId = CorModule.GetModuleId((uint)UniqueId);
internal void InitializeCachedValues() =>
// Cache the value so it's possible to read it even when the process is running
CachedJITCompilerFlags = CorModule.JITCompilerFlags;
internal void SetHasUnloaded() => HasUnloaded = true;
public override string ToString() => $"{UniqueId} DYN={(IsDynamic ? 1 : 0)} MEM={(IsInMemory ? 1 : 0)} A={Address:X8} S={Size:X8} {Name}";