Copyright (C) 2014-2019 de4dot@gmail.com
This file is part of dnSpy
dnSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
dnSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace dnSpy.Contracts.Hex {
/// Contains bytes and information about whether a byte exists in the stream
public readonly struct HexBytes {
/// Gets the empty instance
public static readonly HexBytes Empty = new HexBytes(Array.Empty());
/// true if this is a default instance that hasn't been initialized
public bool IsDefault => bytes is null;
/// Gets the length in bytes
public int Length => bytes.Length;
/// Returns true if all bytes are valid, false if all bytes are invalid, or null
/// if it's not known (use )
public bool? AllValid => validBytes is not null ? (bool?)null : allValid;
readonly byte[] bytes;
readonly bool allValid;// Only used if the bit array is null
readonly BitArray? validBytes;
/// Constructor
/// All bytes and all of them are valid
public HexBytes(byte[] bytes) {
this.bytes = bytes ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bytes));
validBytes = null;
allValid = true;
/// Constructor
/// All bytes
/// true if all bytes are valid, false if all bytes are invalid
public HexBytes(byte[] bytes, bool allValid) {
this.bytes = bytes ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bytes));
validBytes = null;
this.allValid = allValid;
/// Constructor
/// All bytes. All invalid bytes should be cleared
/// Valid bytes
public HexBytes(byte[] bytes, BitArray validBytes) {
if (bytes is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bytes));
if (validBytes is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(validBytes));
if (validBytes.Length != bytes.LongLength)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(bytes));
this.bytes = bytes;
allValid = false;// This field isn't used if the bit array is non-null
this.validBytes = validBytes;
/// Checks whether the byte at is valid
/// Index of byte
public bool IsValid(int index) {
if (validBytes is null)
return allValid;
return index < validBytes.Length && validBytes.Get(index);
/// Checks whether the byte at is valid
/// Index of byte
public bool IsValid(long index) {
if (validBytes is null)
return allValid;
return index <= int.MaxValue && (int)index < validBytes.Length ? validBytes.Get((int)index) : true;
/// Returns the byte at or a value less than 0 if the byte is invalid
public int TryReadByte(int index) {
if (!IsValid(index))
return -1;
return bytes[index];
/// Returns the at or a value less than 0 if the byte is invalid
public int TryReadByte(long index) {
if (!IsValid(index))
return -1;
return bytes[index];
/// Reads the byte at
/// Index of byte
public byte this[int index] => bytes[index];
/// Reads the byte at
/// Index of byte
public byte this[long index] => bytes[index];
/// Returns the at or null if the byte is invalid
public sbyte? TryReadSByte(long index) {
if (!IsValid(index))
return null;
return (sbyte)bytes[index];
/// Returns the at or null if all bytes are invalid
/// Index of value
public ushort? TryReadUInt16(long index) {
if (!IsValid(index) && !IsValid(index + 1))
return null;
var d = bytes;
if ((ulong)index + 1 >= (ulong)d.LongLength)
return null;
return (ushort)(d[index] | (d[index + 1] << 8));
/// Returns the at or null if all bytes are invalid
/// Index of value
public short? TryReadInt16(long index) {
if (!IsValid(index) && !IsValid(index + 1))
return null;
var d = bytes;
if ((ulong)index + 1 >= (ulong)d.LongLength)
return null;
return (short)(d[index] | (d[index + 1] << 8));
/// Returns the at or null if all bytes are invalid
/// Index of value
public uint? TryReadUInt32(long index) {
if (!IsValid(index) && !IsValid(index + 1) && !IsValid(index + 2) && !IsValid(index + 3))
return null;
var d = bytes;
if ((ulong)index + 3 >= (ulong)d.LongLength)
return null;
return (uint)(d[index] | (d[index + 1] << 8) | (d[index + 2] << 16) | (d[index + 3] << 24));
/// Returns the at or null if all bytes are invalid
/// Index of value
public int? TryReadInt32(long index) {
if (!IsValid(index) && !IsValid(index + 1) && !IsValid(index + 2) && !IsValid(index + 3))
return null;
var d = bytes;
if ((ulong)index + 3 >= (ulong)d.LongLength)
return null;
return d[index] | (d[index + 1] << 8) | (d[index + 2] << 16) | (d[index + 3] << 24);
/// Returns the at or null if all bytes are invalid
/// Index of value
public ulong? TryReadUInt64(long index) {
if (!IsValid(index) && !IsValid(index + 1) && !IsValid(index + 2) && !IsValid(index + 3) && !IsValid(index + 4) && !IsValid(index + 5) && !IsValid(index + 6) && !IsValid(index + 7))
return null;
var d = bytes;
if ((ulong)index + 7 >= (ulong)d.LongLength)
return null;
return d[index] |
((ulong)d[index + 1] << 8) |
((ulong)d[index + 2] << 16) |
((ulong)d[index + 3] << 24) |
((ulong)d[index + 4] << 32) |
((ulong)d[index + 5] << 40) |
((ulong)d[index + 6] << 48) |
((ulong)d[index + 7] << 56);
/// Returns the at or null if all bytes are invalid
/// Index of value
public long? TryReadInt64(long index) {
if (!IsValid(index) && !IsValid(index + 1) && !IsValid(index + 2) && !IsValid(index + 3) && !IsValid(index + 4) && !IsValid(index + 5) && !IsValid(index + 6) && !IsValid(index + 7))
return null;
var d = bytes;
if ((ulong)index + 7 >= (ulong)d.LongLength)
return null;
return d[index] |
((long)d[index + 1] << 8) |
((long)d[index + 2] << 16) |
((long)d[index + 3] << 24) |
((long)d[index + 4] << 32) |
((long)d[index + 5] << 40) |
((long)d[index + 6] << 48) |
((long)d[index + 7] << 56);
/// Returns the at or null if all bytes are invalid
/// Index of value
public unsafe float? TryReadSingle(long index) {
var v = TryReadInt32(index);
if (v is null)
return null;
int v2 = v.Value;
return *(float*)&v2;
/// Returns the at or null if all bytes are invalid
/// Index of value
public unsafe double? TryReadDouble(long index) {
var v = TryReadInt64(index);
if (v is null)
return null;
long v2 = v.Value;
return *(double*)&v2;
/// Returns the at or null if all bytes are invalid
/// Index of value
public ushort? TryReadUInt16BigEndian(long index) {
if (!IsValid(index) && !IsValid(index + 1))
return null;
var d = bytes;
if ((ulong)index + 1 >= (ulong)d.LongLength)
return null;
return (ushort)(d[index + 1] | (d[index] << 8));
/// Returns the at or null if all bytes are invalid
/// Index of value
public short? TryReadInt16BigEndian(long index) {
if (!IsValid(index) && !IsValid(index + 1))
return null;
var d = bytes;
if ((ulong)index + 1 >= (ulong)d.LongLength)
return null;
return (short)(d[index + 1] | (d[index] << 8));
/// Returns the at or null if all bytes are invalid
/// Index of value
public uint? TryReadUInt32BigEndian(long index) {
if (!IsValid(index) && !IsValid(index + 1) && !IsValid(index + 2) && !IsValid(index + 3))
return null;
var d = bytes;
if ((ulong)index + 3 >= (ulong)d.LongLength)
return null;
return (uint)(d[index + 3] | (d[index + 2] << 8) | (d[index + 1] << 16) | (d[index] << 24));
/// Returns the at or null if all bytes are invalid
/// Index of value
public int? TryReadInt32BigEndian(long index) {
if (!IsValid(index) && !IsValid(index + 1) && !IsValid(index + 2) && !IsValid(index + 3))
return null;
var d = bytes;
if ((ulong)index + 3 >= (ulong)d.LongLength)
return null;
return d[index + 3] | (d[index + 2] << 8) | (d[index + 1] << 16) | (d[index] << 24);
/// Returns the at or null if all bytes are invalid
/// Index of value
public ulong? TryReadUInt64BigEndian(long index) {
if (!IsValid(index) && !IsValid(index + 1) && !IsValid(index + 2) && !IsValid(index + 3) && !IsValid(index + 4) && !IsValid(index + 5) && !IsValid(index + 6) && !IsValid(index + 7))
return null;
var d = bytes;
if ((ulong)index + 7 >= (ulong)d.LongLength)
return null;
return d[index + 7] |
((ulong)d[index + 6] << 8) |
((ulong)d[index + 5] << 16) |
((ulong)d[index + 4] << 24) |
((ulong)d[index + 3] << 32) |
((ulong)d[index + 2] << 40) |
((ulong)d[index + 1] << 48) |
((ulong)d[index] << 56);
/// Returns the at or null if all bytes are invalid
/// Index of value
public long? TryReadInt64BigEndian(long index) {
if (!IsValid(index) && !IsValid(index + 1) && !IsValid(index + 2) && !IsValid(index + 3) && !IsValid(index + 4) && !IsValid(index + 5) && !IsValid(index + 6) && !IsValid(index + 7))
return null;
var d = bytes;
if ((ulong)index + 7 >= (ulong)d.LongLength)
return null;
return d[index + 7] |
((long)d[index + 6] << 8) |
((long)d[index + 5] << 16) |
((long)d[index + 4] << 24) |
((long)d[index + 3] << 32) |
((long)d[index + 2] << 40) |
((long)d[index + 1] << 48) |
((long)d[index] << 56);
/// Returns the at or null if all bytes are invalid
/// Index of value
public unsafe float? TryReadSingleBigEndian(long index) {
var v = TryReadInt32BigEndian(index);
if (v is null)
return null;
int v2 = v.Value;
return *(float*)&v2;
/// Returns the at or null if all bytes are invalid
/// Index of value
public unsafe double? TryReadDoubleBigEndian(long index) {
var v = TryReadInt64BigEndian(index);
if (v is null)
return null;
long v2 = v.Value;
return *(double*)&v2;
/// Reads bytes
/// Index of data
/// Destination array
/// Index in
/// Number of bytes to copy
public void ReadBytes(long index, byte[] destination, long destinationIndex, long length) {
if (index >= bytes.LongLength)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index));
long bytesToRead = length;
if (index + bytesToRead > bytes.LongLength)
bytesToRead = bytes.LongLength - index;
Array.Copy(bytes, index, destination, destinationIndex, bytesToRead);
while (bytesToRead < length)
destination[bytesToRead++] = 0;