2021-09-20 18:20:01 +02:00

2321 lines
90 KiB

Copyright (C) 2014-2019 de4dot@gmail.com
This file is part of dnSpy
dnSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
dnSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with dnSpy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using dnlib.DotNet;
using dnlib.DotNet.Emit;
using dnlib.PE;
using dnSpy.AsmEditor.Event;
using dnSpy.AsmEditor.Field;
using dnSpy.AsmEditor.Method;
using dnSpy.AsmEditor.Properties;
using dnSpy.AsmEditor.Property;
using dnSpy.AsmEditor.Types;
using dnSpy.Contracts.AsmEditor.Compiler;
using dnSpy.Decompiler.Utils;
namespace dnSpy.AsmEditor.Compiler {
sealed class ModuleImporterAbortedException : Exception {
enum ModuleImporterOptions {
None = 0,
/// <summary>
/// Module and assembly attributes replace target module and assembly attributes
/// </summary>
ReplaceModuleAssemblyAttributes = 0x00000001,
/// <summary>
/// Assembly declared security attributes replace target assembly's declared security attributes
/// </summary>
ReplaceAssemblyDeclSecurities = 0x00000002,
/// <summary>
/// All exported types replace the target assembly's exported types
/// </summary>
ReplaceExportedTypes = 0x00000004,
sealed partial class ModuleImporter {
const string IM0001 = nameof(IM0001);
const string IM0002 = nameof(IM0002);
const string IM0003 = nameof(IM0003);
const string IM0004 = nameof(IM0004);
const string IM0005 = nameof(IM0005);
const string IM0006 = nameof(IM0006);
const string IM0007 = nameof(IM0007);
const string IM0008 = nameof(IM0008);
const string IM0009 = nameof(IM0009);
const string IM0010 = nameof(IM0010);
public CompilerDiagnostic[] Diagnostics => diagnostics.ToArray();
public NewImportedType[] NewNonNestedTypes => newNonNestedImportedTypes.ToArray();
public MergedImportedType[] MergedNonNestedTypes => nonNestedMergedImportedTypes.Where(a => !a.IsEmpty).ToArray();
public CustomAttribute[]? NewAssemblyCustomAttributes { get; private set; }
public DeclSecurity[]? NewAssemblyDeclSecurities { get; private set; }
public CustomAttribute[]? NewModuleCustomAttributes { get; private set; }
public ExportedType[]? NewExportedTypes { get; private set; }
public Version? NewAssemblyVersion { get; private set; }
public Resource[]? NewResources { get; private set; }
readonly ModuleDef targetModule;
readonly IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver;
readonly List<CompilerDiagnostic> diagnostics;
readonly List<NewImportedType> newNonNestedImportedTypes;
readonly List<MergedImportedType> nonNestedMergedImportedTypes;
readonly HashSet<TypeDef> newStateMachineTypes;
ModuleDef sourceModule;
readonly Dictionary<TypeDef, ImportedType> oldTypeToNewType;
readonly Dictionary<ITypeDefOrRef, ImportedType> oldTypeRefToNewType;
readonly Dictionary<MethodDef, MemberInfo<MethodDef>> oldMethodToNewMethod;
readonly Dictionary<FieldDef, MemberInfo<FieldDef>> oldFieldToNewField;
readonly Dictionary<PropertyDef, MemberInfo<PropertyDef>> oldPropertyToNewProperty;
readonly Dictionary<EventDef, MemberInfo<EventDef>> oldEventToNewEvent;
readonly Dictionary<object, object> bodyDict;
readonly Dictionary<ImportedType, ExtraImportedTypeData> toExtraData;
readonly Dictionary<MethodDef, MethodDef> editedMethodsToFix;
readonly Dictionary<FieldDef, FieldDef> editedFieldsToFix;
readonly Dictionary<PropertyDef, PropertyDef> editedPropertiesToFix;
readonly Dictionary<EventDef, EventDef> editedEventsToFix;
Dictionary<TypeDef, TypeDef>? originalTypes;
readonly HashSet<MethodDef> usedMethods;
readonly HashSet<object> isStub;
ImportSigComparerOptions? importSigComparerOptions;
Dictionary<TypeDef, TypeDef> OriginalTypes {
get {
if (originalTypes is null) {
originalTypes = new Dictionary<TypeDef, TypeDef>(new TypeEqualityComparer(SigComparerOptions.DontCompareTypeScope));
foreach (var t in targetModule.GetTypes())
originalTypes[t] = t;
return originalTypes;
readonly struct MemberInfo<T> where T : IMemberDef {
public T TargetMember { get; }
public T EditedMember { get; }
public MemberInfo(T targetMember, T editedMember) {
TargetMember = targetMember;
EditedMember = editedMember;
readonly struct ExtraImportedTypeData {
/// <summary>
/// New type in temporary module created by the compiler
/// </summary>
public TypeDef CompiledType { get; }
public ExtraImportedTypeData(TypeDef compiledType) => CompiledType = compiledType;
const SigComparerOptions SIG_COMPARER_BASE_OPTIONS = SigComparerOptions.IgnoreModifiers;
const SigComparerOptions SIG_COMPARER_OPTIONS = SIG_COMPARER_BASE_OPTIONS | SigComparerOptions.TypeRefCanReferenceGlobalType | SigComparerOptions.PrivateScopeIsComparable;
public ModuleImporter(ModuleDef targetModule, IAssemblyResolver assemblyResolver) {
sourceModule = null!;
this.targetModule = targetModule ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(targetModule));
this.assemblyResolver = assemblyResolver ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assemblyResolver));
diagnostics = new List<CompilerDiagnostic>();
newNonNestedImportedTypes = new List<NewImportedType>();
nonNestedMergedImportedTypes = new List<MergedImportedType>();
newStateMachineTypes = new HashSet<TypeDef>();
oldTypeToNewType = new Dictionary<TypeDef, ImportedType>();
oldTypeRefToNewType = new Dictionary<ITypeDefOrRef, ImportedType>(TypeEqualityComparer.Instance);
oldMethodToNewMethod = new Dictionary<MethodDef, MemberInfo<MethodDef>>();
oldFieldToNewField = new Dictionary<FieldDef, MemberInfo<FieldDef>>();
oldPropertyToNewProperty = new Dictionary<PropertyDef, MemberInfo<PropertyDef>>();
oldEventToNewEvent = new Dictionary<EventDef, MemberInfo<EventDef>>();
bodyDict = new Dictionary<object, object>();
toExtraData = new Dictionary<ImportedType, ExtraImportedTypeData>();
editedMethodsToFix = new Dictionary<MethodDef, MethodDef>();
editedFieldsToFix = new Dictionary<FieldDef, FieldDef>();
editedPropertiesToFix = new Dictionary<PropertyDef, PropertyDef>();
editedEventsToFix = new Dictionary<EventDef, EventDef>();
usedMethods = new HashSet<MethodDef>();
isStub = new HashSet<object>();
void AddError(string id, string msg) => diagnostics.Add(new CompilerDiagnostic(CompilerDiagnosticSeverity.Error, msg, id, null, null, null));
void AddErrorThrow(string id, string msg) {
AddError(id, msg);
throw new ModuleImporterAbortedException();
ModuleDefMD LoadModule(byte[] rawGeneratedModule, DebugFileResult debugFile) {
var opts = new ModuleCreationOptions();
opts.TryToLoadPdbFromDisk = false;
opts.Context = new ModuleContext(assemblyResolver, new Resolver(assemblyResolver));
switch (debugFile.Format) {
case DebugFileFormat.None:
case DebugFileFormat.Pdb:
case DebugFileFormat.PortablePdb:
opts.PdbFileOrData = debugFile.RawFile;
case DebugFileFormat.Embedded:
opts.TryToLoadPdbFromDisk = true;
Debug.Fail($"Unknown debug file format: {debugFile.Format}");
var module = ModuleDefMD.Load(rawGeneratedModule, opts);
if (module.Assembly is null && targetModule.Assembly is AssemblyDef targetAsm) {
var asm = new AssemblyDefUser(targetAsm.Name, targetAsm.Version, targetAsm.PublicKey, targetAsm.Culture);
asm.Attributes = targetAsm.Attributes;
asm.HashAlgorithm = targetAsm.HashAlgorithm;
return module;
static void RemoveDuplicates(List<CustomAttribute> attributes, string fullName) {
bool found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Count; i++) {
var ca = attributes[i];
if (ca.TypeFullName != fullName)
if (!found) {
found = true;
static void RemoveDuplicateSecurityPermissionAttributes(List<DeclSecurity> secAttrs) {
foreach (var declSec in secAttrs) {
if (declSec.Action != SecurityAction.RequestMinimum)
bool found = false;
var list = declSec.SecurityAttributes;
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) {
var ca = list[i];
if (ca.TypeFullName != "System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute")
if (!found) {
found = true;
void InitializeTypesAndMethods() {
// Step 1: Initialize all definitions
// Step 2: import the rest, which depend on defs having been initialized,
// eg. ca.Constructor could be a MethodDef
foreach (var kv in editedFieldsToFix) {
var importedType = (MergedImportedType)oldTypeToNewType[kv.Key.DeclaringType];
var info = oldFieldToNewField[kv.Key];
Debug.Assert(info.TargetMember.Module == targetModule);
importedType.EditedFields.Add(new EditedField(info.TargetMember, CreateFieldDefOptions(info.EditedMember, info.TargetMember)));
foreach (var kv in editedPropertiesToFix) {
var importedType = (MergedImportedType)oldTypeToNewType[kv.Key.DeclaringType];
var info = oldPropertyToNewProperty[kv.Key];
Debug.Assert(info.TargetMember.Module == targetModule);
importedType.EditedProperties.Add(new EditedProperty(info.TargetMember, CreatePropertyDefOptions(info.EditedMember)));
foreach (var kv in editedEventsToFix) {
var importedType = (MergedImportedType)oldTypeToNewType[kv.Key.DeclaringType];
var info = oldEventToNewEvent[kv.Key];
Debug.Assert(info.TargetMember.Module == targetModule);
importedType.EditedEvents.Add(new EditedEvent(info.TargetMember, CreateEventDefOptions(info.EditedMember)));
void ImportResources() {
var newResources = new List<Resource>(sourceModule.Resources.Count);
foreach (var resource in sourceModule.Resources) {
var newResource = Import(resource);
if (newResource is null)
//TODO: Need to rename some resources if the owner type has been renamed, this also
// requires fixing strings in method bodies.
NewResources = newResources.ToArray();
Resource? Import(Resource resource) {
if (resource is EmbeddedResource er)
return Import(er);
if (resource is AssemblyLinkedResource alr)
return Import(alr);
if (resource is LinkedResource lr)
return Import(lr);
Debug.Fail($"Unknown resource type: {resource?.GetType()}");
return null;
EmbeddedResource Import(EmbeddedResource resource) =>
new EmbeddedResource(resource.Name, resource.CreateReader().ToArray(), resource.Attributes);
AssemblyLinkedResource Import(AssemblyLinkedResource resource) =>
new AssemblyLinkedResource(resource.Name, resource.Assembly?.ToAssemblyRef(), resource.Attributes);
LinkedResource Import(LinkedResource resource) =>
new LinkedResource(resource.Name, Import(resource.File), resource.Attributes) { Hash = resource.Hash };
FileDef Import(FileDef file) {
var createdFile = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new FileDefUser(file.Name, file.Flags, file.HashValue));
ImportCustomAttributes(createdFile, file);
return createdFile;
void AddNewOrMergedNonNestedType(TypeDef sourceType) {
Debug2.Assert(sourceType.DeclaringType is null);
TypeDef? targetType;
bool merge = false;
bool hasTargetType = OriginalTypes.TryGetValue(sourceType, out targetType);
// VB embeds the used core types. Merge all of them
if (HasVBEmbeddedAttribute(sourceType))
merge |= hasTargetType && HasVBEmbeddedAttribute(targetType!);
// C# embeds some attributes if the target framework doesn't have them (Eg. IsByRefLikeAttribute, IsReadOnlyAttribute)
if (HasCodeAnalysisEmbeddedAttribute(sourceType))
merge |= hasTargetType && HasCodeAnalysisEmbeddedAttribute(targetType!);
// Merge all embedded COM types
if (TIAHelper.IsTypeDefEquivalent(sourceType) && hasTargetType)
merge |= new SigComparer().Equals(sourceType, targetType);
if (merge)
nonNestedMergedImportedTypes.Add(MergeEditedTypes(sourceType, targetType!));
newNonNestedImportedTypes.Add(CreateNewImportedType(sourceType, targetModule.Types));
static bool HasVBEmbeddedAttribute(TypeDef type) {
var ca = type.CustomAttributes.Find("Microsoft.VisualBasic.Embedded");
// The attribute should also be embedded, so make sure the ctor is a MethodDef
return ca?.Constructor is MethodDef;
static bool HasCodeAnalysisEmbeddedAttribute(TypeDef type) {
var ca = type.CustomAttributes.Find("Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EmbeddedAttribute");
// The attribute should also be embedded, so make sure the ctor is a MethodDef
return ca?.Constructor is MethodDef;
/// <summary>
/// Imports everything into the target module. All global members are merged and possibly renamed.
/// All non-nested types are renamed if a type with the same name exists in the target module.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rawGeneratedModule">Raw bytes of compiled assembly</param>
/// <param name="debugFile">Debug file</param>
/// <param name="options">Options</param>
public void Import(byte[] rawGeneratedModule, DebugFileResult debugFile, ModuleImporterOptions options) {
SetSourceModule(LoadModule(rawGeneratedModule, debugFile));
foreach (var type in sourceModule.Types) {
if (type.IsGlobalModuleType)
if ((options & ModuleImporterOptions.ReplaceModuleAssemblyAttributes) != 0) {
var attributes = new List<CustomAttribute>();
ImportCustomAttributes(attributes, sourceModule);
// The compiler adds [UnverifiableCode] causing a duplicate attribute
RemoveDuplicates(attributes, "System.Security.UnverifiableCodeAttribute");
NewModuleCustomAttributes = attributes.ToArray();
var asm = sourceModule.Assembly;
if (asm is not null) {
NewAssemblyVersion = asm.Version;
ImportCustomAttributes(attributes, asm);
NewAssemblyCustomAttributes = attributes.ToArray();
if ((options & ModuleImporterOptions.ReplaceAssemblyDeclSecurities) != 0) {
var asm = sourceModule.Assembly;
if (asm is not null) {
var declSecs = new List<DeclSecurity>();
ImportDeclSecurities(declSecs, asm);
// The C# compiler always adds this security attribute:
// SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)
NewAssemblyDeclSecurities = declSecs.ToArray();
if ((options & ModuleImporterOptions.ReplaceExportedTypes) != 0) {
var exportedTypes = new List<ExportedType>();
NewExportedTypes = exportedTypes.ToArray();
/// <summary>
/// Imports all new types and methods. Members that only exist in <paramref name="targetType"/>
/// are considered deleted. Members that exist in both types are merged.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rawGeneratedModule">Raw bytes of compiled assembly</param>
/// <param name="debugFile">Debug file</param>
/// <param name="targetType">Original type that was edited</param>
public void Import(byte[] rawGeneratedModule, DebugFileResult debugFile, TypeDef targetType) {
if (targetType.Module != targetModule)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
if (targetType.DeclaringType is not null)
throw new ArgumentException("Type must not be nested");
SetSourceModule(LoadModule(rawGeneratedModule, debugFile));
var newType = FindSourceType(targetType);
if (newType.DeclaringType is not null)
throw new ArgumentException("Type must not be nested");
RenamePropEventAccessors(newType, targetType);
if (!newType.IsGlobalModuleType)
foreach (var type in sourceModule.Types) {
if (type.IsGlobalModuleType)
if (type == newType)
nonNestedMergedImportedTypes.Add(MergeEditedTypes(newType, targetType));
TypeDef FindSourceType(TypeDef targetType) {
var newType = sourceModule.Find(targetType.Module.Import(targetType));
if (newType is not null)
return newType;
AddErrorThrow(IM0010, string.Format(dnSpy_AsmEditor_Resources.ERR_IM_CouldNotFindEditedType, targetType));
throw new InvalidOperationException();
/// <summary>
/// Imports all new types and members. Nothing is removed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rawGeneratedModule">Raw bytes of compiled assembly</param>
/// <param name="debugFile">Debug file</param>
/// <param name="targetType">Original type that was edited</param>
public void ImportNewMembers(byte[] rawGeneratedModule, DebugFileResult debugFile, TypeDef targetType) {
if (targetType.Module != targetModule)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
if (targetType.DeclaringType is not null)
throw new ArgumentException("Type must not be nested");
SetSourceModule(LoadModule(rawGeneratedModule, debugFile));
var newType = FindSourceType(targetType);
if (newType.DeclaringType is not null)
throw new ArgumentException("Type must not be nested");
RenamePropEventAccessors(newType, targetType);
if (!newType.IsGlobalModuleType)
foreach (var type in sourceModule.Types) {
if (type.IsGlobalModuleType)
if (type == newType)
nonNestedMergedImportedTypes.Add(AddMergedType(newType, targetType));
readonly struct ExistingMember<T> where T : IMemberDef {
/// <summary>Compiled member</summary>
public T CompiledMember { get; }
/// <summary>Original member that exists in the target module</summary>
public T TargetMember { get; }
public ExistingMember(T compiledMember, T targetMember) {
CompiledMember = compiledMember;
TargetMember = targetMember;
abstract class MemberDiff<T> : IEqualityComparer<T> where T : IMemberDef {
public List<T> Deleted { get; } = new List<T>();
public List<T> New { get; } = new List<T>();
public List<ExistingMember<T>> Existing { get; } = new List<ExistingMember<T>>();
public void Initialize(TypeDef newType, TypeDef targetType, MergedImportedType mergedImportedType) {
var newMembersDict = new Dictionary<T, T>(this);
var targetMembersDict = new Dictionary<T, T>(this);
foreach (var m in GetMembers(newType))
newMembersDict[m] = m;
foreach (var m in GetMembers(targetType))
targetMembersDict[m] = m;
if (newMembersDict.Count != GetMembers(newType).Count)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
if (targetMembersDict.Count != GetMembers(targetType).Count)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
foreach (var newMember in GetMembers(newType)) {
if (targetMembersDict.TryGetValue(newMember, out var targetMember))
Existing.Add(new ExistingMember<T>(newMember, targetMember));
Deleted.AddRange(targetMembersDict.Keys.Where(a => !newMembersDict.ContainsKey(a)));
protected abstract IList<T> GetMembers(TypeDef type);
public abstract bool Equals([AllowNull] T x, [AllowNull] T y);
public abstract int GetHashCode([DisallowNull] T obj);
sealed class FieldMemberDiff : MemberDiff<FieldDef> {
readonly ImportFieldEqualityComparer comparer;
public FieldMemberDiff(ImportSigComparerOptions importSigComparerOptions, ModuleDef targetModule) => comparer = new ImportFieldEqualityComparer(new ImportSigComparer(importSigComparerOptions, SIG_COMPARER_OPTIONS, targetModule));
protected override IList<FieldDef> GetMembers(TypeDef type) => type.Fields;
public override bool Equals([AllowNull] FieldDef x, [AllowNull] FieldDef y) => comparer.Equals(x, y);
public override int GetHashCode([DisallowNull] FieldDef obj) => comparer.GetHashCode(obj);
sealed class MethodMemberDiff : MemberDiff<MethodDef> {
readonly ImportMethodEqualityComparer comparer;
public MethodMemberDiff(ImportSigComparerOptions importSigComparerOptions, ModuleDef targetModule) => comparer = new ImportMethodEqualityComparer(new ImportSigComparer(importSigComparerOptions, SIG_COMPARER_OPTIONS, targetModule));
protected override IList<MethodDef> GetMembers(TypeDef type) => type.Methods;
public override bool Equals([AllowNull] MethodDef x, [AllowNull] MethodDef y) => comparer.Equals(x, y);
public override int GetHashCode([DisallowNull] MethodDef obj) => comparer.GetHashCode(obj);
sealed class PropertyMemberDiff : MemberDiff<PropertyDef> {
readonly ImportPropertyEqualityComparer comparer;
public PropertyMemberDiff(ImportSigComparerOptions importSigComparerOptions, ModuleDef targetModule) => comparer = new ImportPropertyEqualityComparer(new ImportSigComparer(importSigComparerOptions, SIG_COMPARER_OPTIONS, targetModule));
protected override IList<PropertyDef> GetMembers(TypeDef type) => type.Properties;
public override bool Equals([AllowNull] PropertyDef x, [AllowNull] PropertyDef y) => comparer.Equals(x, y);
public override int GetHashCode([DisallowNull] PropertyDef obj) => comparer.GetHashCode(obj);
sealed class EventMemberDiff : MemberDiff<EventDef> {
readonly ImportEventEqualityComparer comparer;
public EventMemberDiff(ImportSigComparerOptions importSigComparerOptions, ModuleDef targetModule) => comparer = new ImportEventEqualityComparer(new ImportSigComparer(importSigComparerOptions, SIG_COMPARER_OPTIONS, targetModule));
protected override IList<EventDef> GetMembers(TypeDef type) => type.Events;
public override bool Equals([AllowNull] EventDef x, [AllowNull] EventDef y) => comparer.Equals(x, y);
public override int GetHashCode([DisallowNull] EventDef obj) => comparer.GetHashCode(obj);
MergedImportedType MergeEditedTypes(TypeDef newType, TypeDef targetType) {
var mergedImportedType = AddMergedImportedType(newType, targetType, MergeKind.Edit);
Debug2.Assert(importSigComparerOptions is not null);
var fieldDiff = new FieldMemberDiff(importSigComparerOptions, targetModule);
fieldDiff.Initialize(newType, targetType, mergedImportedType);
var methodDiff = new MethodMemberDiff(importSigComparerOptions, targetModule);
methodDiff.Initialize(newType, targetType, mergedImportedType);
var propertyDiff = new PropertyMemberDiff(importSigComparerOptions, targetModule);
propertyDiff.Initialize(newType, targetType, mergedImportedType);
var eventDiff = new EventMemberDiff(importSigComparerOptions, targetModule);
eventDiff.Initialize(newType, targetType, mergedImportedType);
foreach (var info in fieldDiff.Existing)
editedFieldsToFix.Add(info.CompiledMember, info.TargetMember);
foreach (var info in methodDiff.Existing)
editedMethodsToFix.Add(info.CompiledMember, info.TargetMember);
foreach (var info in propertyDiff.Existing)
editedPropertiesToFix.Add(info.CompiledMember, info.TargetMember);
foreach (var info in eventDiff.Existing)
editedEventsToFix.Add(info.CompiledMember, info.TargetMember);
var typeComparer = new TypeEqualityComparer(SigComparerOptions.DontCompareTypeScope);
var newNestedTypesDict = new Dictionary<TypeDef, TypeDef>(typeComparer);
var targetTypesDict = new Dictionary<TypeDef, TypeDef>(typeComparer);
foreach (var t in newType.NestedTypes)
newNestedTypesDict[t] = t;
foreach (var t in targetType.NestedTypes)
targetTypesDict[t] = t;
if (newNestedTypesDict.Count != newType.NestedTypes.Count)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
if (targetTypesDict.Count != targetType.NestedTypes.Count)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
var existingTypes = new List<ExistingMember<TypeDef>>();
var newNestedTypes = new List<TypeDef>();
var stateMachineTypes = new List<TypeDef>();
foreach (var nestedType in newType.NestedTypes) {
bool canAdd = true;
// If it's a state machine type, always create a new one.
if (newStateMachineTypes.Contains(nestedType)) {
canAdd = false;
if (targetTypesDict.TryGetValue(nestedType, out var targetNestedType)) {
existingTypes.Add(new ExistingMember<TypeDef>(nestedType, targetNestedType));
canAdd = false;
if (canAdd)
mergedImportedType.DeletedNestedTypes.AddRange(targetTypesDict.Keys.Where(a => !newNestedTypesDict.ContainsKey(a)));
var usedTypeNames = new UsedTypeNames();
foreach (var existing in existingTypes) {
if (!newStateMachineTypes.Contains(existing.CompiledMember))
mergedImportedType.NewOrExistingNestedTypes.Add(MergeEditedTypes(existing.CompiledMember, existing.TargetMember));
foreach (var newNestedType in newNestedTypes)
mergedImportedType.NewOrExistingNestedTypes.Add(CreateNewImportedType(newNestedType, usedTypeNames));
foreach (var smType in stateMachineTypes)
mergedImportedType.NewOrExistingNestedTypes.Add(CreateNewImportedType(smType, usedTypeNames));
return mergedImportedType;
void InitializeNewStateMachineTypes(TypeDef compiledType) {
foreach (var method in compiledType.Methods) {
var smType = StateMachineHelpers.GetStateMachineType(method);
if (smType is not null) {
Debug.Assert(!newStateMachineTypes.Contains(smType), "Two or more methods share the same state machine type");
/// <summary>
/// Imports all new types and methods (compiler generated or created by the user). All new types and members
/// in the global type are added to the target's global type. All duplicates are renamed.
/// All removed classes and members in the edited method's type or it's declaring type etc are kept. All
/// new types and members are added to the target module. Nothing needs to be renamed because a member that
/// exists in both modules is assumed to be the original member stub.
/// All the instructions in the edited method are imported, and its impl attributes. Nothing else is imported.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rawGeneratedModule">Raw bytes of compiled assembly</param>
/// <param name="debugFile">Debug file</param>
/// <param name="targetMethod">Original method that was edited</param>
public void Import(byte[] rawGeneratedModule, DebugFileResult debugFile, MethodDef targetMethod) {
if (targetMethod.Module != targetModule)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
SetSourceModule(LoadModule(rawGeneratedModule, debugFile));
var newMethod = FindSourceMethod(targetMethod);
var newMethodNonNestedDeclType = newMethod.DeclaringType;
while (newMethodNonNestedDeclType.DeclaringType is not null)
newMethodNonNestedDeclType = newMethodNonNestedDeclType.DeclaringType;
RenamePropEventAccessors(newMethod.DeclaringType, targetMethod.DeclaringType);
AddEditedMethod(newMethod, targetMethod);
if (!newMethodNonNestedDeclType.IsGlobalModuleType)
foreach (var type in sourceModule.Types) {
if (type.IsGlobalModuleType)
if (type == newMethodNonNestedDeclType)
// A getter in the original module could have a different name than usual, eg. prop='Prop' but getter = 'random_name'.
// The C# compiler will call get_Prop, so rename get_Prop to the original name ('random_name')
void RenamePropEventAccessors(TypeDef newType, TypeDef targetType) {
for (;;) {
if (newType.DeclaringType is null && targetType.DeclaringType is null)
newType = newType.DeclaringType ?? throw new InvalidOperationException();
targetType = targetType.DeclaringType ?? throw new InvalidOperationException();
var sigComparer = new ImportSigComparer(importSigComparerOptions!, SIG_COMPARER_OPTIONS | SigComparerOptions.CompareDeclaringTypes, targetModule);
var propComparer = new ImportPropertyEqualityComparer(sigComparer);
var eventComparer = new ImportEventEqualityComparer(sigComparer);
var targetProps = new Dictionary<PropertyDef, PropertyDef>(propComparer);
var targetEvents = new Dictionary<EventDef, EventDef>(eventComparer);
foreach (var t in GetTypes(targetType)) {
foreach (var p in t.Properties)
targetProps[p] = p;
foreach (var e in t.Events)
targetEvents[e] = e;
foreach (var t in GetTypes(newType)) {
foreach (var p in t.Properties) {
if (targetProps.TryGetValue(p, out var origProp)) {
Rename(p.GetMethod, origProp.GetMethod);
Rename(p.SetMethod, origProp.SetMethod);
foreach (var e in t.Events) {
if (targetEvents.TryGetValue(e, out var origEvent)) {
Rename(e.AddMethod, origEvent.AddMethod);
Rename(e.InvokeMethod, origEvent.InvokeMethod);
Rename(e.RemoveMethod, origEvent.RemoveMethod);
static void Rename(MethodDef newMethod, MethodDef targetMethod) {
if (newMethod is null || targetMethod is null)
newMethod.Name = targetMethod.Name;
static IEnumerable<TypeDef> GetTypes(TypeDef type) {
yield return type;
foreach (var t in type.GetTypes())
yield return t;
static UTF8String GetMethodName(MethodDef method) {
foreach (var p in method.DeclaringType.Properties) {
if (p.GetMethod == method)
return "get_" + p.Name;
if (p.SetMethod == method)
return "set_" + p.Name;
foreach (var e in method.DeclaringType.Events) {
if (e.AddMethod == method)
return "add_" + e.Name;
if (e.RemoveMethod == method)
return "remove_" + e.Name;
if (e.InvokeMethod == method)
return "raise_" + e.Name;
return method.Name;
MethodDef FindSourceMethod(MethodDef targetMethod) {
var newType = sourceModule.Find(targetMethod.Module.Import(targetMethod.DeclaringType));
if (newType is null)
AddErrorThrow(IM0001, string.Format(dnSpy_AsmEditor_Resources.ERR_IM_CouldNotFindMethodType, targetMethod.DeclaringType));
// Don't check type scopes or we won't be able to find methods with edited nested types.
const SigComparerOptions comparerFlags = SIG_COMPARER_OPTIONS | SigComparerOptions.DontCompareTypeScope;
var newMethod = newType!.FindMethod(GetMethodName(targetMethod), targetMethod.MethodSig, comparerFlags, targetMethod.Module);
if (newMethod is not null)
return newMethod;
if (targetMethod.Overrides.Count != 0) {
var targetOverriddenMethod = targetMethod.Overrides[0].MethodDeclaration;
var comparer = new SigComparer(comparerFlags, targetModule);
foreach (var method in newType.Methods) {
foreach (var o in method.Overrides) {
if (!comparer.Equals(o.MethodDeclaration, targetOverriddenMethod))
if (!comparer.Equals(o.MethodDeclaration.DeclaringType, targetOverriddenMethod.DeclaringType))
return method;
AddErrorThrow(IM0002, string.Format(dnSpy_AsmEditor_Resources.ERR_IM_CouldNotFindEditedMethod, targetMethod));
throw new InvalidOperationException();
void SetSourceModule(ModuleDef? newSourceModule) {
sourceModule = newSourceModule!;
importSigComparerOptions = newSourceModule is null ? null : new ImportSigComparerOptions(newSourceModule, targetModule);
FieldDefOptions CreateFieldDefOptions(FieldDef newField, FieldDef targetField) =>
new FieldDefOptions(newField);
PropertyDefOptions CreatePropertyDefOptions(PropertyDef newProperty) =>
new PropertyDefOptions(newProperty);
EventDefOptions CreateEventDefOptions(EventDef newEvent) =>
new EventDefOptions(newEvent);
MethodDefOptions CreateMethodDefOptions(MethodDef newMethod, MethodDef targetMethod) {
var options = new MethodDefOptions(newMethod);
options.ParamDefs.AddRange(newMethod.ParamDefs.Select(a => Clone(a)!));
options.GenericParameters.AddRange(newMethod.GenericParameters.Select(a => Clone(a)!));
return options;
ParamDef? Clone(ParamDef paramDef) {
if (paramDef is null)
return null;
var importedParamDef = new ParamDefUser(paramDef.Name, paramDef.Sequence, paramDef.Attributes);
importedParamDef.Rid = paramDef.Rid;
importedParamDef.MarshalType = paramDef.MarshalType;
importedParamDef.Constant = paramDef.Constant;
return importedParamDef;
GenericParam? Clone(GenericParam gp) {
if (gp is null)
return null;
var importedGenericParam = new GenericParamUser(gp.Number, gp.Flags, gp.Name);
importedGenericParam.Rid = gp.Rid;
importedGenericParam.Kind = gp.Kind;
foreach (var gpc in gp.GenericParamConstraints)
return importedGenericParam;
GenericParamConstraint? Clone(GenericParamConstraint gpc) {
if (gpc is null)
return null;
var importedGenericParamConstraint = new GenericParamConstraintUser(gpc.Constraint);
importedGenericParamConstraint.Rid = gpc.Rid;
return importedGenericParamConstraint;
void UpdateEditedMethods() {
foreach (var kv in editedMethodsToFix) {
var newMethod = kv.Key;
var info = oldMethodToNewMethod[newMethod];
Debug.Assert(info.TargetMember.Module == targetModule);
Debug.Assert(info.TargetMember == kv.Value);
var importedType = (MergedImportedType)oldTypeToNewType[newMethod.DeclaringType];
var methodDefOptions = CreateMethodDefOptions(info.EditedMember, info.TargetMember);
importedType.EditedMethods.Add(new EditedMethod(info.TargetMember, info.EditedMember.Body, methodDefOptions));
void AddEditedMethod(MethodDef newMethod, MethodDef targetMethod) {
var newBaseType = newMethod.DeclaringType;
var targetBaseType = targetMethod.DeclaringType;
while (newBaseType.DeclaringType is not null) {
if (targetBaseType is null)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
newBaseType = newBaseType.DeclaringType;
targetBaseType = targetBaseType.DeclaringType;
if (targetBaseType is null || targetBaseType.DeclaringType is not null)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
var newStateMachineType = StateMachineHelpers.GetStateMachineType(newMethod);
if (newStateMachineType is not null)
nonNestedMergedImportedTypes.Add(AddMergedType(newBaseType, targetBaseType));
editedMethodsToFix.Add(newMethod, targetMethod);
MergedImportedType AddMergedType(TypeDef newType, TypeDef targetType) {
var importedType = AddMergedImportedType(newType, targetType, MergeKind.Merge);
if (newType.NestedTypes.Count != 0 || targetType.NestedTypes.Count != 0) {
var typeComparer = new TypeEqualityComparer(SigComparerOptions.DontCompareTypeScope);
var newTypes = new Dictionary<TypeDef, TypeDef>(typeComparer);
var targetTypes = new Dictionary<TypeDef, TypeDef>(typeComparer);
foreach (var t in newType.NestedTypes)
newTypes[t] = t;
foreach (var t in targetType.NestedTypes)
targetTypes[t] = t;
if (newTypes.Count != newType.NestedTypes.Count)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
if (targetTypes.Count != targetType.NestedTypes.Count)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
foreach (var nestedTargetType in targetType.NestedTypes) {
if (newTypes.TryGetValue(nestedTargetType, out var nestedNewType)) {
// If it's a state machine type, it's a new type
if (!newStateMachineTypes.Contains(nestedNewType)) {
if (IsCompilerGenerated(nestedNewType)) {
var nestedImportedType = CreateNewImportedType(nestedNewType, targetType.NestedTypes);
else {
var nestedImportedType = AddMergedType(nestedNewType, nestedTargetType);
else {
// The user removed the type, or it was a compiler generated type that
// was never shown in the decompiled code.
// Whatever's left are types created by the user or the compiler
var usedTypeNames = new UsedTypeNames(targetTypes.Keys);
foreach (var newNestedType in newTypes.Values)
importedType.NewOrExistingNestedTypes.Add(CreateNewImportedType(newNestedType, usedTypeNames));
return importedType;
static bool IsCompilerGenerated(TypeDef type) {
if (!type.CustomAttributes.IsDefined("System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute"))
return false;
var name = type.Name.String;
if (name.Length == 0 || name[0] == '<')
return true;
if (name.StartsWith("_Closure$__"))
return true;
return false;
void AddGlobalTypeMembers(TypeDef newGlobalType) =>
nonNestedMergedImportedTypes.Add(MergeTypesRename(newGlobalType, targetModule.GlobalType));
// Adds every member as a new member. If a member exists in the target type, it's renamed.
// Nested types aren't merged with existing nested types, they're just renamed.
MergedImportedType MergeTypesRename(TypeDef newType, TypeDef targetType) {
var mergedImportedType = AddMergedImportedType(newType, targetType, MergeKind.Rename);
foreach (var nestedType in newType.NestedTypes) {
var nestedImportedType = CreateNewImportedType(nestedType, targetType.NestedTypes);
return mergedImportedType;
static bool IsVirtual(PropertyDef property) => property.GetMethod?.IsVirtual == true || property.SetMethod?.IsVirtual == true;
static bool IsVirtual(EventDef @event) => @event.AddMethod?.IsVirtual == true || @event.RemoveMethod?.IsVirtual == true || @event.InvokeMethod?.IsVirtual == true;
void RenameMergedMembers(MergedImportedType mergedType) {
if (mergedType.MergeKind != MergeKind.Rename)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
Debug2.Assert(importSigComparerOptions is not null);
var existingProps = new HashSet<PropertyDef>(new ImportPropertyEqualityComparer(new ImportSigComparer(importSigComparerOptions, SIG_COMPARER_OPTIONS | SigComparerOptions.DontCompareReturnType, targetModule)));
var existingMethods = new HashSet<MethodDef>(new ImportMethodEqualityComparer(new ImportSigComparer(importSigComparerOptions, SIG_COMPARER_OPTIONS | SigComparerOptions.DontCompareReturnType, targetModule)));
var existingEventsFields = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
var suggestedNames = new Dictionary<MethodDef, string>();
foreach (var p in mergedType.TargetType!.Properties)
foreach (var e in mergedType.TargetType.Events)
foreach (var m in mergedType.TargetType.Methods)
foreach (var f in mergedType.TargetType.Fields)
var compiledType = toExtraData[mergedType].CompiledType;
foreach (var compiledProp in compiledType.Properties) {
var newProp = oldPropertyToNewProperty[compiledProp].EditedMember;
if (!existingProps.Contains(newProp))
if (IsVirtual(compiledProp))
AddError(IM0006, string.Format(dnSpy_AsmEditor_Resources.ERR_IM_RenamingVirtualPropsIsNotSupported, compiledProp));
var origName = newProp.Name;
int counter = 0;
while (existingProps.Contains(newProp))
newProp.Name = origName + "_" + (counter++).ToString();
if (newProp.GetMethod is not null)
suggestedNames[newProp.GetMethod] = "get_" + newProp.Name;
if (newProp.SetMethod is not null)
suggestedNames[newProp.SetMethod] = "set_" + newProp.Name;
foreach (var compiledEvent in compiledType.Events) {
var newEvent = oldEventToNewEvent[compiledEvent].EditedMember;
if (!existingEventsFields.Contains(newEvent.Name))
if (IsVirtual(compiledEvent))
AddError(IM0007, string.Format(dnSpy_AsmEditor_Resources.ERR_IM_RenamingVirtualEventsIsNotSupported, compiledEvent));
var origName = newEvent.Name;
int counter = 0;
while (existingEventsFields.Contains(newEvent.Name))
newEvent.Name = origName + "_" + (counter++).ToString();
if (newEvent.AddMethod is not null)
suggestedNames[newEvent.AddMethod] = "add_" + newEvent.Name;
if (newEvent.RemoveMethod is not null)
suggestedNames[newEvent.RemoveMethod] = "remove_" + newEvent.Name;
if (newEvent.InvokeMethod is not null)
suggestedNames[newEvent.InvokeMethod] = "raise_" + newEvent.Name;
foreach (var compiledMethod in compiledType.Methods) {
var newMethod = oldMethodToNewMethod[compiledMethod].EditedMember;
string? suggestedName;
suggestedNames.TryGetValue(newMethod, out suggestedName);
if (suggestedName is null && !existingMethods.Contains(newMethod))
if (compiledMethod.IsVirtual)
AddError(IM0008, string.Format(dnSpy_AsmEditor_Resources.ERR_IM_RenamingVirtualMethodsIsNotSupported, compiledMethod));
string baseName = suggestedName ?? newMethod.Name;
int counter = 0;
newMethod.Name = baseName;
while (existingMethods.Contains(newMethod))
newMethod.Name = baseName + "_" + (counter++).ToString();
foreach (var compiledField in compiledType.Fields) {
var newField = oldFieldToNewField[compiledField].EditedMember;
if (!existingEventsFields.Contains(newField.Name))
var origName = newField.Name;
int counter = 0;
while (existingEventsFields.Contains(newField.Name))
newField.Name = origName + "_" + (counter++).ToString();
readonly struct TypeName : IEquatable<TypeName> {
readonly UTF8String ns;
readonly UTF8String name;
public TypeName(TypeDef type)
: this(type.Namespace, type.Name) {
public TypeName(UTF8String ns, UTF8String name) {
this.ns = ns ?? UTF8String.Empty;
this.name = name ?? UTF8String.Empty;
public bool Equals(TypeName other) =>
UTF8String.Equals(ns, other.ns) &&
UTF8String.Equals(name, other.name);
public override bool Equals(object? obj) => obj is TypeName && Equals((TypeName)obj);
public override int GetHashCode() =>
UTF8String.GetHashCode(ns) ^
public override string ToString() {
if (UTF8String.IsNullOrEmpty(ns))
return name;
return ns + "." + name;
sealed class TypeNames {
readonly HashSet<TypeName> names;
public TypeNames() => names = new HashSet<TypeName>();
public TypeNames(IEnumerable<TypeDef> existingTypes) {
names = new HashSet<TypeName>();
foreach (var t in existingTypes)
names.Add(new TypeName(t.Namespace, t.Name));
public bool Contains(UTF8String ns, UTF8String name) =>
names.Contains(new TypeName(ns, name));
public bool Contains(TypeDef type) =>
names.Contains(new TypeName(type.Namespace, type.Name));
public void Add(UTF8String ns, UTF8String name) =>
names.Add(new TypeName(ns, name));
public void Add(TypeDef type) =>
names.Add(new TypeName(type.Namespace, type.Name));
sealed class UsedTypeNames {
readonly TypeNames typeNames;
public UsedTypeNames() => typeNames = new TypeNames();
public UsedTypeNames(IEnumerable<TypeDef> existingTypes) => typeNames = new TypeNames(existingTypes);
public UTF8String GetNewName(TypeDef type) {
var ns = type.Namespace;
var name = type.Name;
for (int counter = 0; ; counter++) {
if (!typeNames.Contains(ns, name))
var typeName = type.Name.String;
int index = typeName.LastIndexOf('`');
if (index < 0)
index = typeName.Length;
name = typeName.Substring(0, index) + "__" + counter.ToString() + typeName.Substring(index);
typeNames.Add(ns, name);
return name;
public void Add(TypeDef type) =>
NewImportedType CreateNewImportedType(TypeDef newType, IList<TypeDef> existingTypes) =>
CreateNewImportedType(newType, new UsedTypeNames(existingTypes));
NewImportedType CreateNewImportedType(TypeDef newType, UsedTypeNames usedTypeNames) {
var name = usedTypeNames.GetNewName(newType);
var importedType = AddNewImportedType(newType, name);
return importedType;
void AddNewNestedTypes(TypeDef newType) {
if (newType.NestedTypes.Count == 0)
var stack = new Stack<TypeDef>();
foreach (var t in newType.NestedTypes)
while (stack.Count > 0) {
var newNestedType = stack.Pop();
var importedNewNestedType = AddNewImportedType(newNestedType, newNestedType.Name);
foreach (var t in newNestedType.NestedTypes)
MergedImportedType AddMergedImportedType(TypeDef compiledType, TypeDef targetType, MergeKind mergeKind) {
var importedType = new MergedImportedType(targetType, mergeKind);
toExtraData.Add(importedType, new ExtraImportedTypeData(compiledType));
oldTypeToNewType.Add(compiledType, importedType);
if (!compiledType.IsGlobalModuleType)
oldTypeRefToNewType.Add(compiledType, importedType);
return importedType;
NewImportedType AddNewImportedType(TypeDef type, UTF8String name) {
var createdType = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new TypeDefUser(type.Namespace, name) { Attributes = type.Attributes });
var importedType = new NewImportedType(createdType);
toExtraData.Add(importedType, new ExtraImportedTypeData(type));
oldTypeToNewType.Add(type, importedType);
oldTypeRefToNewType.Add(type, importedType);
return importedType;
void InitializeTypesStep1(IEnumerable<NewImportedType> importedTypes) {
foreach (var importedType in importedTypes) {
var compiledType = toExtraData[importedType].CompiledType;
foreach (var field in compiledType.Fields)
foreach (var method in compiledType.Methods)
foreach (var prop in compiledType.Properties)
foreach (var evt in compiledType.Events)
void InitializeTypesStep2(IEnumerable<NewImportedType> importedTypes) {
foreach (var importedType in importedTypes) {
var compiledType = toExtraData[importedType].CompiledType;
importedType.TargetType!.BaseType = Import(compiledType.BaseType);
ImportCustomAttributes(importedType.TargetType, compiledType);
ImportDeclSecurities(importedType.TargetType, compiledType);
importedType.TargetType.ClassLayout = Import(compiledType.ClassLayout);
foreach (var genericParam in compiledType.GenericParameters)
foreach (var iface in compiledType.Interfaces)
foreach (var nestedType in compiledType.NestedTypes)
foreach (var field in compiledType.Fields)
foreach (var method in compiledType.Methods)
foreach (var prop in compiledType.Properties)
foreach (var evt in compiledType.Events)
// Adds all methods of existing properties and events of a merged type to make sure
// the methods aren't accidentally used twice. Could happen if the compiler (eg. mcs)
// doesn't set the PropertyDef.Type's HasThis flag even if it's an instance property.
// Roslyn will set this flag, so our comparison would fail to match the two (now different)
// properties. This comparison has since been fixed.
void AddUsedMethods(ImportedType importedType) {
foreach (var p in importedType.TargetType!.Properties) {
foreach (var m in p.GetMethods)
foreach (var m in p.SetMethods)
foreach (var m in p.OtherMethods)
foreach (var p in importedType.TargetType.Events) {
if (p.AddMethod is not null)
if (p.InvokeMethod is not null)
if (p.RemoveMethod is not null)
foreach (var m in p.OtherMethods)
void InitializeTypesStep1(IEnumerable<MergedImportedType> importedTypes) {
Debug2.Assert(importSigComparerOptions is not null);
var memberDict = new MemberLookup(new ImportSigComparer(importSigComparerOptions, SIG_COMPARER_BASE_OPTIONS, targetModule));
foreach (var importedType in importedTypes) {
var compiledType = toExtraData[importedType].CompiledType;
if (importedType.MergeKind == MergeKind.Rename) {
// All dupes are assumed to be new members and they're all renamed
foreach (var field in compiledType.Fields)
foreach (var method in compiledType.Methods)
foreach (var prop in compiledType.Properties)
foreach (var evt in compiledType.Events)
else if (importedType.MergeKind == MergeKind.Merge) {
// Duplicate members are assumed to be original members (stubs) and
// we should just redirect refs to them to the original members.
foreach (var compiledField in compiledType.Fields) {
FieldDef? targetField;
if ((targetField = memberDict.FindField(compiledField)) is not null) {
var editedField = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new FieldDefUser(targetField.Name));
oldFieldToNewField.Add(compiledField, new MemberInfo<FieldDef>(targetField, editedField));
foreach (var compiledMethod in compiledType.Methods) {
MethodDef? targetMethod;
if ((targetMethod = memberDict.FindMethod(compiledMethod)) is not null || editedMethodsToFix.TryGetValue(compiledMethod, out targetMethod)) {
var editedMethod = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new MethodDefUser(targetMethod.Name));
oldMethodToNewMethod.Add(compiledMethod, new MemberInfo<MethodDef>(targetMethod, editedMethod));
foreach (var compiledProperty in compiledType.Properties) {
PropertyDef? targetProperty;
if ((targetProperty = memberDict.FindProperty(compiledProperty)) is not null) {
var editedProperty = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new PropertyDefUser(targetProperty.Name));
oldPropertyToNewProperty.Add(compiledProperty, new MemberInfo<PropertyDef>(targetProperty, editedProperty));
foreach (var compiledEvent in compiledType.Events) {
EventDef? targetEvent;
if ((targetEvent = memberDict.FindEvent(compiledEvent)) is not null) {
var editedEvent = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new EventDefUser(targetEvent.Name));
oldEventToNewEvent.Add(compiledEvent, new MemberInfo<EventDef>(targetEvent, editedEvent));
else if (importedType.MergeKind == MergeKind.Edit) {
foreach (var compiledField in compiledType.Fields) {
if (editedFieldsToFix.TryGetValue(compiledField, out var targetField)) {
var editedField = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new FieldDefUser(targetField.Name));
oldFieldToNewField.Add(compiledField, new MemberInfo<FieldDef>(targetField, editedField));
foreach (var compiledMethod in compiledType.Methods) {
if (editedMethodsToFix.TryGetValue(compiledMethod, out var targetMethod)) {
var editedMethod = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new MethodDefUser(targetMethod.Name));
oldMethodToNewMethod.Add(compiledMethod, new MemberInfo<MethodDef>(targetMethod, editedMethod));
foreach (var compiledProperty in compiledType.Properties) {
if (editedPropertiesToFix.TryGetValue(compiledProperty, out var targetProperty)) {
var editedProperty = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new PropertyDefUser(targetProperty.Name));
oldPropertyToNewProperty.Add(compiledProperty, new MemberInfo<PropertyDef>(targetProperty, editedProperty));
foreach (var compiledEvent in compiledType.Events) {
if (editedEventsToFix.TryGetValue(compiledEvent, out var targetEvent)) {
var editedEvent = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new EventDefUser(targetEvent.Name));
oldEventToNewEvent.Add(compiledEvent, new MemberInfo<EventDef>(targetEvent, editedEvent));
throw new InvalidOperationException();
void Initialize(TypeDef compiledType, TypeDef targetType, TypeDefOptions options) {
options.Attributes = compiledType.Attributes;
options.Namespace = compiledType.Namespace;
options.Name = compiledType.Name;
options.PackingSize = compiledType.ClassLayout?.PackingSize;
options.ClassSize = compiledType.ClassLayout?.ClassSize;
options.BaseType = Import(compiledType.BaseType);
ImportCustomAttributes(options.CustomAttributes, compiledType);
ImportDeclSecurities(options.DeclSecurities, compiledType);
foreach (var genericParam in compiledType.GenericParameters)
foreach (var ifaceImpl in compiledType.Interfaces)
void InitializeTypesStep2(IEnumerable<MergedImportedType> importedTypes) {
Debug2.Assert(importSigComparerOptions is not null);
var memberDict = new MemberLookup(new ImportSigComparer(importSigComparerOptions, SIG_COMPARER_BASE_OPTIONS, targetModule));
foreach (var importedType in importedTypes) {
var compiledType = toExtraData[importedType].CompiledType;
Initialize(compiledType, importedType.TargetType!, importedType.NewTypeDefOptions);
if (importedType.MergeKind == MergeKind.Rename) {
// All dupes are assumed to be new members and they're all renamed
foreach (var field in compiledType.Fields)
foreach (var method in compiledType.Methods)
foreach (var prop in compiledType.Properties)
foreach (var evt in compiledType.Events)
else if (importedType.MergeKind == MergeKind.Merge) {
// Duplicate members are assumed to be original members (stubs) and
// we should just redirect refs to them to the original members.
foreach (var compiledField in compiledType.Fields) {
FieldDef? targetField;
if ((targetField = memberDict.FindField(compiledField)) is not null) {
foreach (var compiledMethod in compiledType.Methods) {
MethodDef? targetMethod;
if ((targetMethod = memberDict.FindMethod(compiledMethod)!) is not null || editedMethodsToFix.TryGetValue(compiledMethod, out targetMethod)) {
foreach (var compiledProperty in compiledType.Properties) {
PropertyDef? targetProperty;
if ((targetProperty = memberDict.FindProperty(compiledProperty)) is not null) {
foreach (var compiledEvent in compiledType.Events) {
EventDef? targetEvent;
if ((targetEvent = memberDict.FindEvent(compiledEvent)) is not null) {
else if (importedType.MergeKind == MergeKind.Edit) {
foreach (var compiledField in compiledType.Fields) {
if (editedFieldsToFix.TryGetValue(compiledField, out var targetField))
foreach (var compiledMethod in compiledType.Methods) {
if (editedMethodsToFix.TryGetValue(compiledMethod, out var targetMethod))
foreach (var compiledProperty in compiledType.Properties) {
if (editedPropertiesToFix.TryGetValue(compiledProperty, out var targetProperty))
foreach (var compiledEvent in compiledType.Events) {
if (editedEventsToFix.TryGetValue(compiledEvent, out var targetEvent))
throw new InvalidOperationException();
void InitializeTypesMethods(IEnumerable<NewImportedType> importedTypes) {
foreach (var importedType in importedTypes) {
foreach (var compiledMethod in toExtraData[importedType].CompiledType.Methods) {
var targetMethod = oldMethodToNewMethod[compiledMethod].EditedMember;
targetMethod.Body = CreateBody(targetMethod, compiledMethod);
void InitializeTypesMethods(IEnumerable<MergedImportedType> importedTypes) {
foreach (var importedType in importedTypes) {
foreach (var compiledMethod in toExtraData[importedType].CompiledType.Methods) {
var targetInfo = oldMethodToNewMethod[compiledMethod];
if (editedMethodsToFix.TryGetValue(compiledMethod, out var targetMethod2)) {
if (targetInfo.TargetMember != targetMethod2)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
if (compiledMethod.IsStatic != targetInfo.TargetMember.IsStatic)
AddError(IM0009, string.Format(dnSpy_AsmEditor_Resources.ERR_IM_AddingRemovingStaticFromEditedMethodNotSupported, targetInfo.TargetMember));
targetInfo.EditedMember.Body = CreateBody(targetInfo.EditedMember, compiledMethod);
else if (!isStub.Contains(targetInfo.TargetMember))
targetInfo.EditedMember.Body = CreateBody(targetInfo.EditedMember, compiledMethod);
IMethodDefOrRef? Import(IMethodDefOrRef method) => (IMethodDefOrRef?)Import((IMethod)method);
ITypeDefOrRef? Import(ITypeDefOrRef type) {
if (type is null)
return null;
var res = TryGetTypeInTargetModule(type, out var importedType);
if (res is not null)
return res;
if (type is TypeRef tr)
return ImportTypeRefNoModuleChecks(tr, 0);
if (type is TypeSpec ts)
return ImportTypeSpec(ts);
// TypeDefs are already handled elsewhere
throw new InvalidOperationException();
TypeRef? ImportTypeRefNoModuleChecks(TypeRef tr, int recurseCount) {
const int MAX_RECURSE_COUNT = 500;
if (recurseCount >= MAX_RECURSE_COUNT)
return null;
var scope = tr.ResolutionScope;
IResolutionScope? importedScope;
if (scope is TypeRef scopeTypeRef)
importedScope = ImportTypeRefNoModuleChecks(scopeTypeRef, recurseCount + 1);
else if (scope is AssemblyRef)
importedScope = Import((AssemblyRef)scope);
else if (scope is ModuleRef)
importedScope = Import((ModuleRef)scope, true);
else if (scope is ModuleDef) {
if (scope == targetModule || scope == sourceModule)
importedScope = targetModule;
throw new InvalidOperationException();
throw new InvalidOperationException();
var importedTypeRef = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new TypeRefUser(targetModule, tr.Namespace, tr.Name, importedScope));
ImportCustomAttributes(importedTypeRef, tr);
return importedTypeRef;
AssemblyRef? Import(AssemblyRef asmRef) {
if (asmRef is null)
return null;
var importedAssemblyRef = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new AssemblyRefUser(asmRef.Name, asmRef.Version, asmRef.PublicKeyOrToken, asmRef.Culture));
ImportCustomAttributes(importedAssemblyRef, asmRef);
importedAssemblyRef.Attributes = asmRef.Attributes;
importedAssemblyRef.Hash = asmRef.Hash;
return importedAssemblyRef;
TypeSpec? ImportTypeSpec(TypeSpec ts) {
if (ts is null)
return null;
var importedTypeSpec = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new TypeSpecUser(Import(ts.TypeSig)));
ImportCustomAttributes(importedTypeSpec, ts);
importedTypeSpec.ExtraData = ts.ExtraData;
return importedTypeSpec;
TypeDef? TryGetTypeInTargetModule(ITypeDefOrRef? tdr, out ImportedType? importedType) {
if (tdr is null) {
importedType = null;
return null;
if (tdr is TypeDef td)
return (importedType = oldTypeToNewType[td]).TargetType;
if (tdr is TypeRef tr) {
if (oldTypeRefToNewType.TryGetValue(tr, out var importedTypeTmp))
return (importedType = importedTypeTmp).TargetType;
var tr2 = (TypeRef)tr.GetNonNestedTypeRefScope();
if (IsTarget(tr2.ResolutionScope)) {
td = targetModule.Find(tr);
if (td is not null) {
importedType = null;
return td;
AddError(IM0003, string.Format(dnSpy_AsmEditor_Resources.ERR_IM_CouldNotFindType, tr));
importedType = null;
return null;
if (IsSource(tr2.ResolutionScope))
throw new InvalidOperationException();
importedType = null;
return null;
bool IsSource(IResolutionScope scope) {
if (scope is AssemblyRef asmRef)
return IsSource(asmRef);
if (scope is ModuleRef modRef)
return IsSource(modRef);
return scope == sourceModule;
bool IsTarget(IResolutionScope scope) {
if (scope is AssemblyRef asmRef)
return IsTarget(asmRef);
if (scope is ModuleRef modRef)
return IsTarget(modRef);
return scope == targetModule;
bool IsSource(AssemblyRef asmRef) => AssemblyNameComparer.CompareAll.Equals(asmRef, sourceModule.Assembly);
bool IsTarget(AssemblyRef asmRef) => AssemblyNameComparer.CompareAll.Equals(asmRef, targetModule.Assembly);
bool IsSourceOrTarget(ModuleRef modRef) => IsSource(modRef) || IsTarget(modRef);
bool IsSource(ModuleRef modRef) => StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(modRef?.Name, sourceModule.Name);
bool IsTarget(ModuleRef modRef) => StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(modRef?.Name, targetModule.Name);
// The type/method could be in some external assembly, eg. System.Private.CoreLib, don't return those defs.
TypeDef? TryImportTypeDef(TypeDef? type) => type is not null && oldTypeToNewType.TryGetValue(type, out var importedType) ? importedType.TargetType : null;
MethodDef? TryImportMethodDef(MethodDef? method) => method is not null && oldMethodToNewMethod.TryGetValue(method, out var importedMethod) ? importedMethod.TargetMember : null;
TypeSig? Import(TypeSig type) {
if (type is null)
return null;
TypeSig? result;
switch (type.ElementType) {
case ElementType.Void: result = targetModule.CorLibTypes.Void; break;
case ElementType.Boolean: result = targetModule.CorLibTypes.Boolean; break;
case ElementType.Char: result = targetModule.CorLibTypes.Char; break;
case ElementType.I1: result = targetModule.CorLibTypes.SByte; break;
case ElementType.U1: result = targetModule.CorLibTypes.Byte; break;
case ElementType.I2: result = targetModule.CorLibTypes.Int16; break;
case ElementType.U2: result = targetModule.CorLibTypes.UInt16; break;
case ElementType.I4: result = targetModule.CorLibTypes.Int32; break;
case ElementType.U4: result = targetModule.CorLibTypes.UInt32; break;
case ElementType.I8: result = targetModule.CorLibTypes.Int64; break;
case ElementType.U8: result = targetModule.CorLibTypes.UInt64; break;
case ElementType.R4: result = targetModule.CorLibTypes.Single; break;
case ElementType.R8: result = targetModule.CorLibTypes.Double; break;
case ElementType.String: result = targetModule.CorLibTypes.String; break;
case ElementType.TypedByRef:result = targetModule.CorLibTypes.TypedReference; break;
case ElementType.I: result = targetModule.CorLibTypes.IntPtr; break;
case ElementType.U: result = targetModule.CorLibTypes.UIntPtr; break;
case ElementType.Object: result = targetModule.CorLibTypes.Object; break;
case ElementType.Ptr: result = new PtrSig(Import(type.Next)); break;
case ElementType.ByRef: result = new ByRefSig(Import(type.Next)); break;
case ElementType.ValueType: result = CreateClassOrValueType(((ClassOrValueTypeSig)type).TypeDefOrRef, true); break;
case ElementType.Class: result = CreateClassOrValueType(((ClassOrValueTypeSig)type).TypeDefOrRef, false); break;
case ElementType.Var: result = new GenericVar(((GenericVar)type).Number, TryImportTypeDef(((GenericVar)type).OwnerType)); break;
case ElementType.ValueArray:result = new ValueArraySig(Import(type.Next), ((ValueArraySig)type).Size); break;
case ElementType.FnPtr: result = new FnPtrSig(Import(((FnPtrSig)type).Signature)); break;
case ElementType.SZArray: result = new SZArraySig(Import(type.Next)); break;
case ElementType.MVar: result = new GenericMVar(((GenericMVar)type).Number, TryImportMethodDef(((GenericMVar)type).OwnerMethod)); break;
case ElementType.CModReqd: result = new CModReqdSig(Import(((ModifierSig)type).Modifier), Import(type.Next)); break;
case ElementType.CModOpt: result = new CModOptSig(Import(((ModifierSig)type).Modifier), Import(type.Next)); break;
case ElementType.Module: result = new ModuleSig(((ModuleSig)type).Index, Import(type.Next)); break;
case ElementType.Sentinel: result = new SentinelSig(); break;
case ElementType.Pinned: result = new PinnedSig(Import(type.Next)); break;
case ElementType.Array:
var arraySig = (ArraySig)type;
var sizes = new List<uint>(arraySig.Sizes);
var lbounds = new List<int>(arraySig.LowerBounds);
result = new ArraySig(Import(type.Next), arraySig.Rank, sizes, lbounds);
case ElementType.GenericInst:
var gis = (GenericInstSig)type;
var genArgs = new List<TypeSig>(gis.GenericArguments.Count);
foreach (var ga in gis.GenericArguments)
result = new GenericInstSig(Import(gis.GenericType) as ClassOrValueTypeSig, genArgs);
case ElementType.End:
case ElementType.R:
case ElementType.Internal:
result = null;
return result;
TypeSig CreateClassOrValueType(ITypeDefOrRef type, bool isValueType) {
var corLibType = targetModule.CorLibTypes.GetCorLibTypeSig(type);
if (corLibType is not null)
return corLibType;
if (isValueType)
return new ValueTypeSig(Import(type));
return new ClassSig(Import(type));
void ImportCustomAttributes(IHasCustomAttribute target, IHasCustomAttribute source) =>
ImportCustomAttributes(target.CustomAttributes, source);
void ImportCustomAttributes(IList<CustomAttribute> targetList, IHasCustomAttribute source) {
foreach (var ca in source.CustomAttributes)
ICustomAttributeType? Import(ICustomAttributeType caType) {
if (caType is MemberRef mr) {
if (mr.IsMethodRef)
return (ICustomAttributeType?)Import((IMethod)mr);
return (ICustomAttributeType?)Import((IField)mr);
if (caType is MethodDef md)
return oldMethodToNewMethod[md].TargetMember;
return null;
CustomAttribute? Import(CustomAttribute ca) {
if (ca is null)
return null;
if (ca.IsRawBlob)
return new CustomAttribute(Import(ca.Constructor), ca.RawData);
var importedCustomAttribute = new CustomAttribute(Import(ca.Constructor));
foreach (var arg in ca.ConstructorArguments)
foreach (var namedArg in ca.NamedArguments)
return importedCustomAttribute;
CAArgument Import(CAArgument arg) => new CAArgument(Import(arg.Type), ImportCAValue(arg.Value));
object? ImportCAValue(object? value) {
if (value is CAArgument)
return Import((CAArgument)value);
if (value is IList<CAArgument> args) {
var newArgs = new List<CAArgument>(args.Count);
foreach (var arg in args)
return newArgs;
if (value is TypeSig)
return Import((TypeSig)value);
return value;
CANamedArgument Import(CANamedArgument namedArg) =>
new CANamedArgument(namedArg.IsField, Import(namedArg.Type), namedArg.Name, Import(namedArg.Argument));
void ImportDeclSecurities(IHasDeclSecurity target, IHasDeclSecurity source) =>
ImportDeclSecurities(target.DeclSecurities, source);
void ImportDeclSecurities(IList<DeclSecurity> targetList, IHasDeclSecurity source) {
foreach (var ds in source.DeclSecurities)
DeclSecurity? Import(DeclSecurity ds) {
if (ds is null)
return null;
var importedDeclSecurity = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new DeclSecurityUser());
ImportCustomAttributes(importedDeclSecurity, ds);
importedDeclSecurity.Action = ds.Action;
foreach (var sa in ds.SecurityAttributes)
return importedDeclSecurity;
SecurityAttribute? Import(SecurityAttribute sa) {
if (sa is null)
return null;
var importedSecurityAttribute = new SecurityAttribute(Import(sa.AttributeType));
foreach (var namedArg in sa.NamedArguments)
return importedSecurityAttribute;
Constant? Import(Constant constant) {
if (constant is null)
return null;
return targetModule.UpdateRowId(new ConstantUser(constant.Value, constant.Type));
MarshalType? Import(MarshalType marshalType) {
if (marshalType is null)
return null;
if (marshalType is RawMarshalType) {
var mt = (RawMarshalType)marshalType;
return new RawMarshalType(mt.Data);
if (marshalType is FixedSysStringMarshalType) {
var mt = (FixedSysStringMarshalType)marshalType;
return new FixedSysStringMarshalType(mt.Size);
if (marshalType is SafeArrayMarshalType) {
var mt = (SafeArrayMarshalType)marshalType;
return new SafeArrayMarshalType(mt.VariantType, Import(mt.UserDefinedSubType));
if (marshalType is FixedArrayMarshalType) {
var mt = (FixedArrayMarshalType)marshalType;
return new FixedArrayMarshalType(mt.Size, mt.ElementType);
if (marshalType is ArrayMarshalType) {
var mt = (ArrayMarshalType)marshalType;
return new ArrayMarshalType(mt.ElementType, mt.ParamNumber, mt.Size, mt.Flags);
if (marshalType is CustomMarshalType) {
var mt = (CustomMarshalType)marshalType;
return new CustomMarshalType(mt.Guid, mt.NativeTypeName, Import(mt.CustomMarshaler), mt.Cookie);
if (marshalType is InterfaceMarshalType) {
var mt = (InterfaceMarshalType)marshalType;
return new InterfaceMarshalType(mt.NativeType, mt.IidParamIndex);
Debug.Assert(marshalType.GetType() == typeof(MarshalType));
return new MarshalType(marshalType.NativeType);
ImplMap? Import(ImplMap implMap) {
if (implMap is null)
return null;
return targetModule.UpdateRowId(new ImplMapUser(Import(implMap.Module, false), implMap.Name, implMap.Attributes));
ModuleRef Import(ModuleRef module, bool canConvertToTargetModule) {
var name = canConvertToTargetModule && IsSourceOrTarget(module) ? targetModule.Name : module.Name;
var importedModuleRef = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new ModuleRefUser(targetModule, name));
ImportCustomAttributes(importedModuleRef, module);
return importedModuleRef;
ClassLayout? Import(ClassLayout classLayout) {
if (classLayout is null)
return null;
return targetModule.UpdateRowId(new ClassLayoutUser(classLayout.PackingSize, classLayout.ClassSize));
CallingConventionSig? Import(CallingConventionSig signature) {
if (signature is null)
return null;
if (signature is MethodSig)
return Import((MethodSig)signature);
if (signature is FieldSig)
return Import((FieldSig)signature);
if (signature is GenericInstMethodSig)
return Import((GenericInstMethodSig)signature);
if (signature is PropertySig)
return Import((PropertySig)signature);
if (signature is LocalSig)
return Import((LocalSig)signature);
return null;
MethodSig? Import(MethodSig sig) {
if (sig is null)
return null;
return Import(new MethodSig(sig.GetCallingConvention()), sig);
PropertySig? Import(PropertySig sig) {
if (sig is null)
return null;
return Import(new PropertySig(sig.HasThis), sig);
T Import<T>(T sig, T old) where T : MethodBaseSig {
sig.RetType = Import(old.RetType);
foreach (var p in old.Params)
sig.GenParamCount = old.GenParamCount;
var paramsAfterSentinel = sig.ParamsAfterSentinel;
if (paramsAfterSentinel is not null) {
foreach (var p in old.ParamsAfterSentinel)
return sig;
FieldSig? Import(FieldSig sig) {
if (sig is null)
return null;
return new FieldSig(Import(sig.Type));
GenericInstMethodSig? Import(GenericInstMethodSig sig) {
if (sig is null)
return null;
var result = new GenericInstMethodSig();
foreach (var l in sig.GenericArguments)
return result;
LocalSig? Import(LocalSig sig) {
if (sig is null)
return null;
var result = new LocalSig();
foreach (var l in sig.Locals)
return result;
static readonly bool keepImportedRva = false;
RVA GetRVA(RVA rva) => keepImportedRva ? rva : 0;
void Create(FieldDef field) {
var importedField = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new FieldDefUser(field.Name));
oldFieldToNewField.Add(field, new MemberInfo<FieldDef>(importedField, importedField));
void Create(MethodDef method) {
var importedMethodDef = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new MethodDefUser(method.Name));
oldMethodToNewMethod.Add(method, new MemberInfo<MethodDef>(importedMethodDef, importedMethodDef));
void Create(PropertyDef propDef) {
var importedPropertyDef = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new PropertyDefUser(propDef.Name));
oldPropertyToNewProperty.Add(propDef, new MemberInfo<PropertyDef>(importedPropertyDef, importedPropertyDef));
void Create(EventDef eventDef) {
var importedEventDef = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new EventDefUser(eventDef.Name));
oldEventToNewEvent.Add(eventDef, new MemberInfo<EventDef>(importedEventDef, importedEventDef));
FieldDef? Initialize(FieldDef field) {
if (field is null)
return null;
var importedField = oldFieldToNewField[field].EditedMember;
ImportCustomAttributes(importedField, field);
importedField.Signature = Import(field.Signature);
importedField.Attributes = field.Attributes;
importedField.RVA = GetRVA(field.RVA);
importedField.InitialValue = field.InitialValue;
importedField.Constant = Import(field.Constant);
importedField.FieldOffset = field.FieldOffset;
importedField.MarshalType = Import(field.MarshalType);
importedField.ImplMap = Import(field.ImplMap);
return importedField;
MethodDef? Initialize(MethodDef method) {
if (method is null)
return null;
var importedMethodDef = oldMethodToNewMethod[method].EditedMember;
ImportCustomAttributes(importedMethodDef, method);
ImportDeclSecurities(importedMethodDef, method);
importedMethodDef.RVA = GetRVA(method.RVA);
importedMethodDef.ImplAttributes = method.ImplAttributes;
importedMethodDef.Attributes = method.Attributes;
importedMethodDef.Signature = Import(method.Signature);
importedMethodDef.SemanticsAttributes = method.SemanticsAttributes;
importedMethodDef.ImplMap = Import(method.ImplMap);
foreach (var paramDef in method.ParamDefs)
foreach (var genericParam in method.GenericParameters)
foreach (var ovr in method.Overrides)
importedMethodDef.Overrides.Add(new MethodOverride(Import(ovr.MethodBody), Import(ovr.MethodDeclaration)));
return importedMethodDef;
GenericParam? Import(GenericParam gp) {
if (gp is null)
return null;
var importedGenericParam = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new GenericParamUser(gp.Number, gp.Flags, gp.Name));
ImportCustomAttributes(importedGenericParam, gp);
importedGenericParam.Kind = Import(gp.Kind);
foreach (var gpc in gp.GenericParamConstraints)
return importedGenericParam;
GenericParamConstraint? Import(GenericParamConstraint gpc) {
if (gpc is null)
return null;
var importedGenericParamConstraint = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new GenericParamConstraintUser(Import(gpc.Constraint)));
ImportCustomAttributes(importedGenericParamConstraint, gpc);
return importedGenericParamConstraint;
InterfaceImpl? Import(InterfaceImpl ifaceImpl) {
if (ifaceImpl is null)
return null;
var importedInterfaceImpl = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new InterfaceImplUser(Import(ifaceImpl.Interface)));
ImportCustomAttributes(importedInterfaceImpl, ifaceImpl);
return importedInterfaceImpl;
ParamDef? Import(ParamDef paramDef) {
if (paramDef is null)
return null;
var importedParamDef = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new ParamDefUser(paramDef.Name, paramDef.Sequence, paramDef.Attributes));
ImportCustomAttributes(importedParamDef, paramDef);
importedParamDef.MarshalType = Import(paramDef.MarshalType);
importedParamDef.Constant = Import(paramDef.Constant);
return importedParamDef;
PropertyDef? Initialize(PropertyDef propDef) {
if (propDef is null)
return null;
var importedPropertyDef = oldPropertyToNewProperty[propDef].EditedMember;
ImportCustomAttributes(importedPropertyDef, propDef);
importedPropertyDef.Attributes = propDef.Attributes;
importedPropertyDef.Type = Import(propDef.Type);
importedPropertyDef.Constant = Import(propDef.Constant);
foreach (var m in propDef.GetMethods) {
var newMethod = TryGetMethod(m);
if (newMethod is not null)
foreach (var m in propDef.SetMethods) {
var newMethod = TryGetMethod(m);
if (newMethod is not null)
foreach (var m in propDef.OtherMethods) {
var newMethod = TryGetMethod(m);
if (newMethod is not null)
return importedPropertyDef;
MethodDef? TryGetMethod(MethodDef method) {
if (method is null)
return null;
var m = oldMethodToNewMethod[method].TargetMember;
if (usedMethods.Contains(m))
return null;
return m;
EventDef? Initialize(EventDef eventDef) {
if (eventDef is null)
return null;
var importedEventDef = oldEventToNewEvent[eventDef].EditedMember;
importedEventDef.EventType = Import(eventDef.EventType);
importedEventDef.Attributes = eventDef.Attributes;
ImportCustomAttributes(importedEventDef, eventDef);
if (eventDef.AddMethod is not null) {
var newMethod = TryGetMethod(eventDef.AddMethod);
if (newMethod is not null)
importedEventDef.AddMethod = newMethod;
if (eventDef.InvokeMethod is not null) {
var newMethod = TryGetMethod(eventDef.InvokeMethod);
if (newMethod is not null)
importedEventDef.InvokeMethod = newMethod;
if (eventDef.RemoveMethod is not null) {
var newMethod = TryGetMethod(eventDef.RemoveMethod);
if (newMethod is not null)
importedEventDef.RemoveMethod = newMethod;
foreach (var m in eventDef.OtherMethods) {
var newMethod = TryGetMethod(m);
if (newMethod is not null)
return importedEventDef;
CilBody? CreateBody(MethodDef paramsSourceMethod, MethodDef sourceMethod) {
// NOTE: Both methods can be identical: targetMethod == sourceMethod
var sourceBody = sourceMethod.Body;
if (sourceBody is null)
return null;
var targetBody = new CilBody();
targetBody.KeepOldMaxStack = sourceBody.KeepOldMaxStack;
targetBody.InitLocals = sourceBody.InitLocals;
targetBody.HeaderSize = sourceBody.HeaderSize;
targetBody.MaxStack = sourceBody.MaxStack;
targetBody.LocalVarSigTok = sourceBody.LocalVarSigTok;
foreach (var local in sourceBody.Variables) {
var newLocal = new Local(Import(local.Type), local.Name);
bodyDict[local] = newLocal;
newLocal.Attributes = local.Attributes;
int si = sourceMethod.IsStatic ? 0 : 1;
int ti = paramsSourceMethod.IsStatic ? 0 : 1;
if (sourceMethod.Parameters.Count - si != paramsSourceMethod.Parameters.Count - ti)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
for (; si < sourceMethod.Parameters.Count && ti < paramsSourceMethod.Parameters.Count; si++, ti++)
bodyDict[sourceMethod.Parameters[si]] = paramsSourceMethod.Parameters[ti];
foreach (var instr in sourceBody.Instructions) {
var newInstr = new Instruction(instr.OpCode, instr.Operand);
newInstr.Offset = instr.Offset;
newInstr.SequencePoint = instr.SequencePoint?.Clone();
bodyDict[instr] = newInstr;
foreach (var eh in sourceBody.ExceptionHandlers) {
var newEh = new ExceptionHandler(eh.HandlerType);
newEh.TryStart = GetInstruction(bodyDict, eh.TryStart);
newEh.TryEnd = GetInstruction(bodyDict, eh.TryEnd);
newEh.FilterStart = GetInstruction(bodyDict, eh.FilterStart);
newEh.HandlerStart = GetInstruction(bodyDict, eh.HandlerStart);
newEh.HandlerEnd = GetInstruction(bodyDict, eh.HandlerEnd);
newEh.CatchType = Import(eh.CatchType);
foreach (var newInstr in targetBody.Instructions) {
var op = newInstr.Operand;
if (op is null)
if (bodyDict.TryGetValue(op, out var obj)) {
newInstr.Operand = obj;
if (op is IList<Instruction> oldList) {
var targets = new Instruction?[oldList.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < oldList.Count; i++)
targets[i] = GetInstruction(bodyDict, oldList[i]);
newInstr.Operand = targets;
if (op is ITypeDefOrRef tdr) {
newInstr.Operand = Import(tdr);
if (op is IMethod method && method.IsMethod) {
newInstr.Operand = Import(method);
if (op is IField field) {
newInstr.Operand = Import(field);
if (op is MethodSig msig) {
newInstr.Operand = Import(msig);
Debug.Assert(op is sbyte || op is byte || op is int || op is long || op is float || op is double || op is string);
return targetBody;
static Instruction? GetInstruction(Dictionary<object, object> dict, Instruction instr) {
if (instr is null || !dict.TryGetValue(instr, out var obj))
return null;
return (Instruction)obj;
IMethod? Import(IMethod method) {
if (method is null)
return null;
if (method is MethodDef md)
return oldMethodToNewMethod[md].TargetMember;
if (method is MethodSpec ms) {
var importedMethodSpec = new MethodSpecUser(Import(ms.Method), Import(ms.GenericInstMethodSig));
ImportCustomAttributes(importedMethodSpec, ms);
return importedMethodSpec;
var mr = (MemberRef)method;
var td = TryGetTypeInTargetModule(mr.Class as ITypeDefOrRef, out var importedType);
if (td is not null) {
var targetMethod = FindMethod(td, mr);
if (targetMethod is not null)
return targetMethod;
if (importedType is not null) {
var compiledMethod = FindMethod(toExtraData[importedType].CompiledType, mr);
if (compiledMethod is not null)
return oldMethodToNewMethod[compiledMethod].TargetMember;
AddError(IM0004, string.Format(dnSpy_AsmEditor_Resources.ERR_IM_CouldNotFindMethod, mr));
return null;
return ImportNoCheckForDefs(mr);
MethodDef? FindMethod(TypeDef targetType, MemberRef mr) {
Debug2.Assert(importSigComparerOptions is not null);
var comparer = new ImportSigComparer(importSigComparerOptions, SIG_COMPARER_OPTIONS, targetModule);
foreach (var method in targetType.Methods) {
if (!UTF8String.Equals(method.Name, mr.Name))
if (comparer.Equals(method.MethodSig, mr.MethodSig))
return method;
return null;
IField? Import(IField field) {
if (field is null)
return null;
if (field is FieldDef fd)
return oldFieldToNewField[fd].TargetMember;
var mr = (MemberRef)field;
var td = TryGetTypeInTargetModule(mr.Class as ITypeDefOrRef, out var importedType);
if (td is not null) {
var targetField = FindField(td, mr);
if (targetField is not null)
return targetField;
if (importedType is not null) {
var compiledField = FindField(toExtraData[importedType].CompiledType, mr);
if (compiledField is not null)
return oldFieldToNewField[compiledField].TargetMember;
AddError(IM0005, string.Format(dnSpy_AsmEditor_Resources.ERR_IM_CouldNotFindField, mr));
return null;
return ImportNoCheckForDefs(mr);
FieldDef? FindField(TypeDef targetType, MemberRef mr) {
Debug2.Assert(importSigComparerOptions is not null);
var comparer = new ImportSigComparer(importSigComparerOptions, SIG_COMPARER_OPTIONS, targetModule);
foreach (var field in targetType.Fields) {
if (!UTF8String.Equals(field.Name, mr.Name))
if (comparer.Equals(field.FieldSig, mr.FieldSig))
return field;
return null;
MemberRef ImportNoCheckForDefs(MemberRef mr) {
var importedMemberRef = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new MemberRefUser(targetModule, mr.Name));
ImportCustomAttributes(importedMemberRef, mr);
importedMemberRef.Signature = Import(mr.Signature);
importedMemberRef.Class = Import(mr.Class);
return importedMemberRef;
IMemberRefParent? Import(IMemberRefParent cls) {
if (cls is null)
return null;
if (cls is ITypeDefOrRef tdr)
return Import(tdr);
if (cls is MethodDef md)
return oldMethodToNewMethod[md].TargetMember;
if (cls is ModuleRef modRef)
return Import(modRef, true);
throw new InvalidOperationException();
void ImportExportedTypes(List<ExportedType> exportedTypes) {
var toNewExportedType = new Dictionary<ExportedType, ExportedType>(sourceModule.ExportedTypes.Count);
var toNewImpl = new Dictionary<IImplementation, IImplementation>();
foreach (var et in sourceModule.ExportedTypes) {
var newEt = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new ExportedTypeUser(targetModule, et.TypeDefId, et.TypeNamespace, et.Name, et.Attributes, null));
toNewExportedType.Add(et, newEt);
toNewImpl.Add(et, newEt);
foreach (var kv in toNewExportedType) {
var et = kv.Key;
var newEt = kv.Value;
var origImpl = et.Implementation;
if (origImpl is null)
if (!toNewImpl.TryGetValue(origImpl, out var newImpl)) {
switch (origImpl) {
case FileDef file:
newImpl = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new FileDefUser(file.Name, file.Flags, file.HashValue));
case AssemblyRef asmRef:
newImpl = targetModule.UpdateRowId(new AssemblyRefUser(asmRef.Name, asmRef.Version, asmRef.PublicKeyOrToken, asmRef.Culture));
case ExportedType declType:
// Should never happen since it should only reference an ExportedType that exists in ExportedTypes property
throw new InvalidOperationException();
throw new InvalidOperationException();
toNewImpl.Add(origImpl, newImpl);
newEt.Implementation = newImpl;