151 lines
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151 lines
5.9 KiB
Copyright (C) 2014-2019 de4dot@gmail.com
This file is part of dnSpy
dnSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
dnSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using dnlib.DotNet.Pdb;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Debugger.DotNet.Code;
using dnSpy.Contracts.Decompiler;
namespace dnSpy.Debugger.DotNet.Code {
static class DbgMethodDebugInfoUtils {
public static DbgMethodDebugInfo ToDbgMethodDebugInfo(MethodDebugInfo debugInfo) =>
new DbgMethodDebugInfo(ToCompiler(debugInfo.CompilerName), debugInfo.DecompilerSettingsVersion, debugInfo.Method,
ToParameters(debugInfo.Parameters), ToSourceStatements(debugInfo.Statements),
ToScope(debugInfo.Scope), ToAsyncMethodDebugInfo(debugInfo.AsyncInfo));
static DbgCompilerKind ToCompiler(string? compilerName) {
if (compilerName is null)
return DbgCompilerKind.Unknown;
switch (compilerName) {
case PredefinedCompilerNames.MicrosoftCSharp: return DbgCompilerKind.MicrosoftCSharp;
case PredefinedCompilerNames.MicrosoftVisualBasic: return DbgCompilerKind.MicrosoftVisualBasic;
case PredefinedCompilerNames.MonoCSharp: return DbgCompilerKind.MonoCSharp;
Debug.Fail($"Unknown compiler name: {compilerName}");
return DbgCompilerKind.Unknown;
static DbgParameter[] ToParameters(SourceParameter[] parameters) {
if (parameters.Length == 0)
return Array.Empty<DbgParameter>();
var res = new DbgParameter[parameters.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < res.Length; i++) {
var p = parameters[i];
res[i] = new DbgParameter(p.Parameter.Index, p.Name ?? string.Empty);
return res;
static DbgSourceStatement[] ToSourceStatements(SourceStatement[] statements) {
if (statements.Length == 0)
return Array.Empty<DbgSourceStatement>();
var res = new DbgSourceStatement[statements.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < res.Length; i++) {
var s = statements[i];
res[i] = new DbgSourceStatement(new DbgILSpan(s.ILSpan.Start, s.ILSpan.Length), new DbgTextSpan(s.TextSpan.Start, s.TextSpan.Length));
return res;
static DbgMethodDebugScope ToScope(MethodDebugScope scope) {
var scopes = scope.Scopes;
var newScopes = scopes.Length == 0 ? Array.Empty<DbgMethodDebugScope>() : new DbgMethodDebugScope[scopes.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < scopes.Length; i++)
newScopes[i] = ToScope(scopes[i]);
return new DbgMethodDebugScope(new DbgILSpan(scope.Span.Start, scope.Span.Length), newScopes, ToLocals(scope.Locals), ToImportInfo(scope.Imports));
static DbgLocal[] ToLocals(SourceLocal[] locals) {
if (locals.Length == 0)
return Array.Empty<DbgLocal>();
var res = new DbgLocal[locals.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < res.Length; i++) {
var l = locals[i];
var flags = DbgLocalFlags.None;
if (l.IsDecompilerGenerated)
flags |= DbgLocalFlags.DecompilerGenerated;
int index;
var local = l.Local;
if (local is null)
index = -1;
else {
index = local.Index;
if ((local.Attributes & PdbLocalAttributes.DebuggerHidden) != 0)
flags |= DbgLocalFlags.DebuggerHidden;
res[i] = new DbgLocal(index, l.Name ?? string.Empty, l.HoistedField, flags);
return res;
static DbgImportInfo[] ToImportInfo(ImportInfo[] imports) {
if (imports.Length == 0)
return Array.Empty<DbgImportInfo>();
var res = new DbgImportInfo[imports.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < res.Length; i++) {
var imp = imports[i];
res[i] = new DbgImportInfo(ToDbgImportInfoKind(imp.TargetKind), imp.Target, imp.Alias, imp.ExternAlias, ToDbgVBImportScopeKind(imp.VBImportScopeKind));
return res;
static DbgImportInfoKind ToDbgImportInfoKind(ImportInfoKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case ImportInfoKind.Namespace: return DbgImportInfoKind.Namespace;
case ImportInfoKind.Type: return DbgImportInfoKind.Type;
case ImportInfoKind.NamespaceOrType: return DbgImportInfoKind.NamespaceOrType;
case ImportInfoKind.Assembly: return DbgImportInfoKind.Assembly;
case ImportInfoKind.XmlNamespace: return DbgImportInfoKind.XmlNamespace;
case ImportInfoKind.MethodToken: return DbgImportInfoKind.MethodToken;
case ImportInfoKind.CurrentNamespace: return DbgImportInfoKind.CurrentNamespace;
case ImportInfoKind.DefaultNamespace: return DbgImportInfoKind.DefaultNamespace;
Debug.Fail($"Unknown import: {kind}");
return (DbgImportInfoKind)(-1);
static DbgVBImportScopeKind ToDbgVBImportScopeKind(VBImportScopeKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case VBImportScopeKind.None: return DbgVBImportScopeKind.None;
case VBImportScopeKind.File: return DbgVBImportScopeKind.File;
case VBImportScopeKind.Project: return DbgVBImportScopeKind.Project;
Debug.Fail($"Unknown VB import: {kind}");
return DbgVBImportScopeKind.None;
static DbgAsyncMethodDebugInfo? ToAsyncMethodDebugInfo(AsyncMethodDebugInfo? asyncInfo) {
if (asyncInfo is null)
return null;
var stepInfos = asyncInfo.StepInfos;
var newStepInfos = stepInfos.Length == 0 ? Array.Empty<DbgAsyncStepInfo>() : new DbgAsyncStepInfo[stepInfos.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < stepInfos.Length; i++)
newStepInfos[i] = new DbgAsyncStepInfo(stepInfos[i].YieldOffset, stepInfos[i].ResumeMethod, stepInfos[i].ResumeOffset);
return new DbgAsyncMethodDebugInfo(newStepInfos, asyncInfo.BuilderField, asyncInfo.CatchHandlerOffset, asyncInfo.SetResultOffset);